In this paper we have outlined our simulation ap-
proach based on stochastic graph transformation. We
used it to model and simulate some aspects of P2P
VoIP network protocols, and we have performed our
experiments with the GraSS/VIATRA tool (Torrini
et al., 2010). We have compared three client promo-
tion to exteded role protocols. The dynamic proto-
col does not seem to be performing better as com-
pared to the need based and static protocols in terms
of happy peers, especially when the number of clients
in the network increases over 400. The results fur-
ther confirmed that increased in super peer does not
mean that network may also result in good number of
happy clients. We further observed that need based
protocol is most suited when there are greater number
of clients, as super peer promotion costs in terms of
bandwidth use.
As future work, we are planning to extend the
model and include spatial information regarding no-
tions of jitter, packet loss and echo, along the lines
of (Khan et al., 2009), and to compare a number of
different design solutions to problems such as rout-
ing, load balancing, selfish exit, and cooperative exit
from the network, in order to investigate their trade-
offs and benefits.
This research is supported by Universityof Malakand,
Pakistan through faculty development programme of
HEC, Govt. of Pakistan.
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