Charles Yaacoub, Joumana Farah and Chadi Jabroun
Faculty of Engineering, Holy-Spirit University of Kaslik, Jounieh, Lebanon
Keywords: Distributed video coding, Frame interpolation, Genetic algorithms, Side information, Wyner-Ziv coding.
Abstract: This work tackles the problem of side information generation for the case of large-duration GOPs in
distributed video coding. Based on a previously developed technique for side-information enhancement, we
develop a genetic algorithm particularly designed for large GOPs, taking into account the GOP size, the
additional bitrate incurred by encoding hash information, as well as the decoding complexity. The proposed
algorithm makes use of different interpolation methods available in the literature in a fusion-based
approach. A significant gain in the average PSNR that can reach 2 dB is observed with respect to the best
performing interpolation technique, while the algorithm is run for no more than 18% of the total number of
blocks in a given video sequence. On the other hand, while the encoding complexity is a main concern in
distributed video coding, the proposed solution incurs no additional complexity at the encoder side in the
case of hash-based Wyner-Ziv video coding.
Distributed video coding (DVC), or Wyner-Ziv
(WZ) video coding (Aaron et al, 2002), is a video
compression technique that has occupied the interest
of the research community for the last decade. Based
on the Slepian-Wolf theorem (Slepian, Wolf, 1973)
for distributed source compression that was later
extended by Wyner and Ziv (Wyner, Ziv, 1976) for
the case of lossy source coding, DVC consists of
first compressing a subset of frames, called Key
frames, using traditional intra-coding techniques.
One or more frames following each key frame,
called WZ frames, are then compressed by
appropriate puncturing of the parity bits at the output
of a channel coder. At the receiver side, previously
decoded (key or WZ) frames are used to interpolate
the necessary side information (SI) for the decoding
process. The interpolated SI is fed to the channel
decoder as a noisy version of the missing WZ frame,
where the received parity bits are used to correct
estimation errors and reconstruct the output video.
Different techniques for generating accurate side
information have been presented in the literature.
Aaron et al. first proposed average interpolation and
motion-compensated interpolation in (Aaron et al,
2002). In (Ascenso et al., 2005), Ascenso et al.
presented an improved motion-compensated
interpolation using spatial motion smoothing. In
hash-based DVC (Aaron et al., 2004, Ascenso et al.,
2007), hash bits were used to improve the quality of
the side information. Multiple hypothesis techniques
were developed in (Misra et al., 2005) and (Kubasov
et al., 2007), where two different frames were used
as side information for the decoding of a single WZ
frame. Each of these methods outperforms some of
the others in particular situations (e.g. background
motion, moving objects, etc…).
In (Yaacoub et al., 2009b and 2009c, and
Yaacoub, 2009), Yaacoub et al. developed a novel
genetic-based frame-fusion algorithm that relies on
previously developed interpolation techniques to
select the best SI candidate for each region within a
frame. Preliminary results showed that the proposed
genetic algorithm (GA) offers exceptional
performance in complex motion scenes. However,
the rate cost due to sending hash information was
not taken into consideration, complexity issues were
not considered, and the size of a Group of Pictures
(GOP) was limited to 2. In (Maugey et al., 2010),
authors tackle the problems of complexity and hash
rate reduction by selectively running the fusion
algorithm, only for the blocks where known
interpolation techniques fail to yield a good
estimation. In this paper, in contrast with the work in
Yaacoub C., Farah J. and Jabroun C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003526300970103
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2011), pages 97-103
ISBN: 978-989-8425-72-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Maugey et al., 2010) where the GOP size if fixed to
2, and the amount of hash information is constant
throughout the sequence (fixed number of hash
words and fixed quantization matrix), the bitrate
associated with hash information is adaptively
varied according to the GOP size and the quality of
the available side information. If high-quality SI is
obtained without the need for hash bits, no hash
information is sent. Otherwise, the system
dynamically determines the need for either running
the genetic-based fusion algorithm, or simply relying
on the received hash words to optimize the SI
quality without running the GA, thus further
reducing the decoding complexity.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2, the initially proposed GA-
based frame fusion algorithm is briefly reviewed and
modifications are proposed to take into account
different GOP sizes. In Section 3, an improved
algorithm is proposed taking into account the
quantization of hash information, the additional
complexity incurred at the decoder, and the
increased GOP size. Simulation results are shown
and discussed in Section 4 and finally, conclusions
are drawn in Section 5.
Based on the principles of evolution and natural
genetics, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) (Goldberg,
1989) are well suited for optimization problems. In
this paper, the use of a GA in a fusion-based
approach aims at improving the quality of the side
information relying on several initial estimations. In
the following, the GA will be briefly reviewed for
The GA operates at the block level. Initially, for
a given block in the WZ frame, each of the co-
located blocks in the available SI candidate frames
represents a possible solution (referred to as a
chromosome) which consists of a set of pixels
(genes). A population is a set of chromosomes in the
solution space. The similarity between a given
chromosome and the corresponding block in the WZ
frame represents its fitness, evaluated as the inverse
of the mean-square-error (MSE) between a received
hash word and a local hash word extracted from the
candidate block.
An initial population is first generated by
duplicating each candidate block a number of times
proportional to its fitness, until the desired
population size is reached. The chromosomes are
then randomly shuffled and arranged into pairs.
Each pair (parent chromosomes) undergoes a
vertical crossover followed by a horizontal crossover
(Yaacoub et al., 2009b and 2009c, and Yaacoub,
2009) to yield a couple of child chromosomes
(called offsprings). In order to extend the solution
space and reduce the possibility of falling into local
optima, a mutation is performed on offsprings by
randomly selecting a gene and inverting one of its
bits. The fitness of the resulting chromosomes is
then evaluated and a subset of the fittest
chromosomes is selected, while the others are
deleted to make room for new ones. The surviving
chromosomes are then duplicated a number of times
proportional to their fitness and the whole procedure
is repeated until the maximum allowed number of
iterations is reached. Finally, the fittest chromosome
is selected and its fitness compared to a threshold
. This allows determining whether the GA
converged enough to yield improved side
information or not. In the former case, the GA
output is considered as the best candidate block to be
used as side information for decoding the co-located
block in the WZ frame. In the latter case, simply
computing the inverse DCT of the received hash
word often yields a better result.
This algorithm was first developed in (Yaacoub
et al., 2009b and 2009c, and Yaacoub, 2009) and
evaluated for GOPs of size 2. In the following, we
consider the same algorithm for larger GOPs. In this
case, the order of WZ-frame decoding within a GOP
is the same as in (Yaacoub et al., 2009a). GA is
initialized with the nearest previously decoded WZ
frame (within the same GOP) if it exists, the key
frames of the current GOP, and the different
interpolated frames obtained by Average
Interpolation (AVI) (Aaron et al., 2002), Motion
Compensated Interpolation (MCI) (Aaron et al.,
2002), and hash-based MCI (HMCI) (Aaron et al.,
2004). It is essential at this point to mention that any
existing interpolation technique can be used for
initializing the GA; having a diversity of candidates
extends the solution space of the algorithm.
Therefore, advanced techniques such as in (Ascenco
et al., 2005) can be used to improve the output
quality. However, in this study, we limit our
initialization phase to the three simple interpolations
mentioned earlier.
As an example, let us consider a GOP of size 4
consisting of a key frame F
and WZ frames F
, F
and F
. Denote F
the key frame of the next GOP.
Starting from WZ frame F
, its initial candidates are
, F
), MCI(F
), and HMCI(F
For WZ frame F
, the initial candidates are F
, F
the reconstructed version of F
), AVI(F
), MCI(F
), MCI(F
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
and HMCI(F
). Finally, for WZ frame F
, frames
used as initial candidates are F
, F
, F
, AVI (F
), MCI(F
), MCI(F
and HMCI(F
In Figure 1, we show the result of running the
algorithm with GOP sizes going from 2 to 5, for
Carphone and News QCIF video sequences. The
curves shown present the average PSNR of the side
information obtained with AVI, MCI, HMCI, the
GA, and inverse DCT of received hash (IDCT). The
IDCT PSNR in News sequence is nearly constant at
28 dB, but the figure has been cropped for clarity. It
can be observed that, as expected, the quality of the
side information is degraded when the GOP size
increases. The gap in PSNR between the GA and the
hash-based motion-compensated interpolation
(HMCI) increases from 1.3 dB to 2.7 dB in
Carphone, and from 2 dB to 2.5 dB in News. Not
only the best performance is always obtained with
GA, but the GA also shows the best robustness
against the increase in GOP size.
These preliminary results motivate further research
in optimizing GA-based fusion for WZ video coding
with GOP sizes greater than 2. For this reason, in the
following, an enhanced GA-based fusion algorithm
will be presented, taking into account decoding
complexity, rate control, and non-perfectly
recovered hash information.
In (Yaacoub et al., 2009b), authors construct the
hash word for a given macroblock (16 x 16 pixel
using a subset of DCT coefficients having the
highest energy levels. In practice, this requires
transmitting a binary map indicating the positions of
the transmitted coefficients in order for the decoder
to be able to decode the received data. As a result, in
addition to the bitrate required for the transmission
of hash DCT coefficients, a rate excess is required to
transmit the binary map. After intensive simulations
and tests, we have noticed that when the DCT
coefficients are quantized, increasing the number of
coefficients in a hash word allows to overcome the
performance degradation due to sending quantized
DCT coefficients at fixed positions (instead of
choosing those with the highest energy levels), at a
rate cost better than encoding a binary map.
A flowchart diagram of the proposed fusion
technique is shown in Figure 2. At the decoder side,
for each macroblock in the current WZ frame,
motion estimation is first performed in order to
interpolate the corresponding side information
Figure 1: Side information PSNR for Carphone (left) and
News (right).
(MCI). At this point, the decoder determines the
motion level (estimated by the MSE) between the
blocks involved in the interpolation process as in
(Maugey et al., 2010). If the MSE does not exceed a
threshold T
, the system assumes that MCI would
yield a high-quality SI and therefore, there is no
need to transmit additional hash information and
perform other interpolation techniques. In the other
case, MCI is assumed to fail and the decoder
requests a hash word from the encoder.
On the other hand, we know that in some
situations (e.g. high motion), the interpolation
techniques (whether hash-based or non-hash-based)
used to initialize the GA often fail, which also
degrades the performance of the GA. In this case,
simply computing the IDCT using the received hash
word (by first substituting the missing coefficients
with zeros) often yields a better result, provided that
a sufficient number of coefficients was transmitted.
Therefore, in contrast with (Maugey et al., 2010), if
the motion level (i.e. the MSE between the forward
and backward motion-estimated macroblocks)
exceeds a threshold T
> T
, no interpolation is
performed and the IDCT macroblock is taken as side
information. If neither MCI nor IDCT were selected
as side information, a fusion of different
interpolation techniques is assumed to yield a better
SI and the genetic-based fusion algorithm presented
in Section 3 is run. As explained in the previous
section, the fitness of the GA output is finally
compared to a threshold T
in order to determine
whether the GA converged to a better SI and select
the GA-generated output as side information, or
otherwise, select the IDCT.
Figure 2: Flowchart diagram of the enhanced genetic-
based fusion algorithm.
The Wyner-Ziv video codec and the GA parameters
used in our simulations are the same as in (Yaacoub
et al., 2009b), with the exception that the side
information is generated as described in Sections 2
and 3. We consider different QCIF video sequences
encoded at a rate of 30 frames per second (fps) and
the key frames are encoded using baseline H.264
Intra coding (ITU-T, 2003).
Macroblocks (16x16) are considered in this
study, which allows reducing the number of times
the GA is run compared to 4x4 blocks, and thus
reduce the overall decoding complexity. Besides,
quantization matrices were designed taking into
account the block dimensions and the GOP size, as
well as the following constraints:
- The number of DCT coefficients in a hash word
must be large enough in order for the fitness
function to provide accurate information about
the quality of the candidate blocks.
- The amount of hash information transmitted for
the generation of SI frames belonging to long-
duration GOPs must be varied according to their
position within the GOP.
- The rate required for the coding of hash words
must not be too large in order for the rate cost
not to overcome the gain in PSNR. This allows
the overall RD performance to be improved.
- The rate assigned for low-frequency coefficients
should obviously be greater than the one
assigned for high-frequency coefficients.
Further quantization matrix design details are not
presented in this paper due to space limitations.
Thresholds T
, T
, and T
are varied to adapt to the
quantization matrix.
Figures 3 to 6 show the RD curves for News
sequence with GOP sizes 2, 4, 6 and 8, respectively.
The performance of the WZ codec with GA-based
fusion is compared with the cases where either MCI,
HMCI, or IDCT is used as side information. It can
be observed that the gain in PSNR obtained by using
HMCI with respect to MCI is compensated by a
greater rate cost that degrades the overall RD
performance for GOPs of size 2 and 4. Additionally,
simply using the IDCT may yield a better
performance compared to MCI and HMCI if the
Figure 3: RD curves for News sequence with a GOP size =
Figure 4: RD curves for News sequence with a GOP size =
Figure 5: RD curves for News sequence with a GOP size =
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 6: RD curves for News sequence with a GOP size =
proposed fusion algorithm is not run. However, for
larger GOPs, HMCI yields slightly better
performance than MCI, and IDCT yields the worst
performance at high bitrates.
The proposed technique for generating the side
information allows the system not only to converge
towards the best performing SI generation but rather
to improve the overall performance compared to the
best case among non GA-based techniques. For
example, without fusion, the best performing SI is
either MCI or HMCI at high bitrates, and IDCT for
large GOPs at low bitrates. In the former case, the
gain obtained with the GA with respect to either
MCI or HMCI reaches 2 dB. In the latter case, the
gain reaches 1.5 dB with respect to IDCT. Besides,
for the News video sequence, the GA-based codec
always outperforms a standard H.264-Intra codec,
where the gain in average PSNR can reach 4.5 dB.
Figures 7 to 10 show the RD curves for Trevor
with GOP sizes of 2, 4, 6 and 8, respectively. It can
be noticed that for a GOP of size 6, the GA gain
obtained with respect to IDCT can reach 1 dB at low
rates. As for the smaller GOPs, the GA outperforms
MCI by 0.8 dB (GOP size = 4) and 0.3 dB (GOP
size = 2) at low rates, whereas both RD curves (GA
and MCI) nearly overlap at high rates. This is due to
the fact that the proposed adaptive algorithm
determined that most of the time, the MCI would
yield the best result and therefore, it was often
chosen as the final SI. On the other hand, it can be
noticed that with Trevor, the H.264-Intra codec
outperforms the WZ codec, regardless of the SI
generation method used. This is due to the particular
nature of this video. In fact, in the first part of the
sequence, we can observe six different sub-windows
each showing a different play with different motion
levels, whereas in the second part, one play occupies
the whole screen. Having a sudden scene change
with completely different content creates a burst of
WZ frames with very low PSNR, which
significantly reduces the average PSNR of the
sequence. As the GOP size increases, the burst
length (i.e. the number of WZ frames) with
erroneous content increases, which yields a greater
performance degradation as it can be noticed in
figures 7 to 10. However, the GA-based fusion
reduces the performance GAP between WZ and
H.264-Intra codecs to a large extent.
Similar results were observed with different
video sequences. An estimation of the computational
load incurred by running the initial GA (Section 2)
can be found in (Yaacoub, 2009), where the GA was
run for every block within a WZ frame. With the
enhanced GA (Section 3), we observed that the
percentage of blocks where the GA was run is 4%
with Trevor and 6% with news, when the GOP size
is 2. These percentages become 5% and 6.5% for
Trevor and News, respectively, when the GOP size
is 4. For larger GOPs, GA was run for no more than
18% of the blocks. Consequently, the overall
complexity is reduced to a large extent, compared to
the initial GA-based fusion.
Figure 7: RD curves for Trevor sequence with a GOP size
= 2.
Figure 8: RD curves for Trevor sequence with a GOP size
= 4.
Figure 9: RD curves for Trevor sequence with a GOP size
= 6.
Figure 10: RD curves for Trevor sequence with a GOP
size = 8.
This paper presents an enhanced genetic algorithm
for improving the side information in Wyner-Ziv
video coding with large GOP size. The algorithm
makes use of the different interpolation techniques
available in the literature in a fusion-based approach
in order to improve the overall RD performance.
Particularly designed for long-duration GOPs, the
proposed algorithm also takes into consideration the
rate cost needed to encode hash information as well
as the additional complexity incurred at the decoder.
Simulation results show that a PSNR gain of 2
dB can be reached with the proposed fusion
algorithm without any additional complexity at the
encoder side. In our future work, GA-based fusion
will be considered in the context of multiview DVC,
where multiple views can provide crucial
information for initializing the GA. Additionally,
methods for reducing the overall complexity as well
as optimizing the quantization matrices will be
developed, with the aim of further improving the RD
performance, particularly for large GOPs.
This work was partly supported by a research grant
from the Franco-Lebanese CEDRE program.
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