Ya-Li Hou and Grantham K. H. Pang
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Keywords: Crowd segmentation, Human detection, Occlusions, Coherent motion.
Abstract: With a rough foreground region, crowd segmentation is an efficient way for human detection in dense
scenarios. However, most previous work on crowd segmentation considers shape and motion cues
independently. In this paper, a method to use both shape and motion cues simultaneously for crowd
segmentation in dense scenarios is introduced. Some results have been shown to illustrate the improvements
when multi-cue is considered. The contribution of the paper is two-fold. First, coherent motion in each
individual is combined with shape cues to help segment the foreground area into individuals. Secondly, the
rigid body motion in human upper-parts is observed and also used for more accurate human detection.
Human shape is an important feature for human
detection. However, shape cues may get less reliable
when the background is cluttered or the crowd
density is high. Motion features are usually
examined in two categories. Some methods analyze
the motion difference between two consecutive
frames. Others find some motion characteristics
based on multiple consecutive frames, like periodic
motion, coherent moving trajectories. Our target in
this paper is to develop an efficient method for
crowd segmentation using cues from both shape and
motion simultaneously.
People counting and human detection has become a
hot topic in these years. All the methods based on
shape cues can be classified into two categories.
Their extension with motion features will also be
The first category exhaustively searches an
image with a sliding window. Each window is
classified as human or non-human with an advanced
classifier based on shape, color or texture features
(Dalal and Triggs, 2005, Zhu et al., 2006, Tuzel et
al., 2007, Wang et al., 2009). These methods are
usually extended by considering motion between
two consecutive frames, as (Viola et al., 2003, Dalal
et al., 2006 ). However, the methods in this category
are computationally expensive. Lin et al. (Lin et al.,
2007) use a template matching method to detect
individuals in the crowd. A hierarchy of templates is
established to include as many postures as possible
since accurate template model are necessary in
template matching-based methods. This method has
faster computation speed. However, it is not
straightforward to extend the method with motion
The other category assumes that a foreground
area for the crowd has been obtained. People
counting and detection are achieved by segmenting
the foreground into individuals, like (Zhao and
Nevatia, 2004, Zhao et al., 2008, Rittscher et al.,
2005, Hou and Pang, 2009). Zhao and Nevatia (Zhao
and Nevatia, 2004) locate the individuals in the
foreground area by head detection. Head candidates
are detected by checking local peaks on the
foreground contour. A detected individual is
removed from the foreground and the next
individuals are detected in the remaining foreground
region. Rittscher et al. (Rittscher et al., 2005) tried to
reduce the requirements for an accurate foreground
contour by only sampling some informative feature
points on the contour. A variant of EM (Expectation-
Maximization) algorithm is used to find the best
grouping of the points with rectangles. Except for
the background subtraction, the methods do not
consider the motion features explicitly.
Recently, Hou and Pang (Hou and Pang, 2010)
proposed a method for crowd segmentation in a
Hou Y. and K. H. Pang G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003528901730178
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2011), pages 173-178
ISBN: 978-989-8425-75-1
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
dense crowd. They used the B-ISM (Block-based
Implicit Shape Model) to explore the shape cues in
the crowd, which can handle the ambiguity inside
the dense area and reduce the requirements for
accurate foreground contour. In this method, crowd
segmentation is formulated as a feature point
clustering process, which provides a nice framework
to combine the shape cues with multi-frame motion
features as mentioned in (Brostow and Cipolla,
2006, Rabaud and Belongie, 2006). In Brostow and
Cipolla (Brostow and Cipolla, 2006), Rabaud and
Belongie (Rabaud and Belongie, 2006), the motion
characteristics of a person in multiple consecutive
frames are observed. It is shown that interest points
from an individual would display consistent
trajectories while points from different persons
usually have different trajectories. Their results in
very crowded scenarios have shown the potential use
of this idea for crowd segmentation. However, false
alarms are quite likely to occur in the method when
pedestrian exhibit sustained articulations. Also, very
little shape information has been explored in these
methods. As far as we know, there has been little
work on combining multi-frame motion features
with a shape-based method.
The method includes two stages: training stage and
testing stage. Our focus is on the combination of the
motion and shape cues for crowd segmentation in
this paper. The details of the method will be
described in this section.
3.1 Training Stage
In the training images, selected persons are
annotated with a rectangle and the foreground region
for training images is available.
First, interest points are detected on the training
images and most points from the background are
removed with the foreground mask. Since our target
is to consider both shape and motion feature
simultaneously, KLT interest point detector is
applied due to its good performance for tracking
(Shi and Tomasi, 1994).
After that, small image patches are extracted
around the points. An agglomerative clustering
algorithm is used to cluster all the patches into
several clusters based on a shape descriptor. HOG
has been used as the shape descriptor since it is an
effective shape descriptor (Dalal and Triggs, 2005).
In our evaluations, a cell of 8*8 pixels, a block of
2*2 cells and 9 orientation bins are used for HOG.
Hence, the patch size is 16*16 pixels and the final
HOG will be a 36 dimensional vector. Euclidean
distance is used as the distance measure between
two patches.
The spatial occurrence information for each
cluster are collected based on a 3*3 blocks as shown
in Fig. 1. Each image patch casts a weighted vote for
all the clusters based on its location in the training
persons. The weights are related to the distance
between the patch and the cluster centre. The
clusters with small distance will get a higher vote
from the image patch.
Figure 1: The rectangle is divided into 3*3 blocks, which
is used to indicate the patch locations.
Finally, a 3*3 B-ISM (Block-based Implicit
Shape Model) is established for a human being. A
codebook is formed to save the cluster centres and
the spatial occurrence of each cluster. This step is
similar as (Hou and Pang, 2010), which gives more
3.2 Testing Stage
The details of the method will be introduced in the
following three parts: Patch extraction, Shape
evidence collection and crowd segmentation.
3.2.1 Patch Extraction
Similar to the training stage, a KLT detector is
performed on the testing images. Test patches are
extracted around the KLT points in the foreground
region. Parameters for HOG descriptor are the same
as the training stage.
3.2.2 Evidence Collection
This step would collect spatial information for all
the patches in the test image based on the B-ISM
established in the training stage.
For each patch, all the codebook entries are
searched. The matched entries (the Euclidean
distance between the codebook entry and the patch
is below a threshold, th) will cast a weighted vote
based on their similarity. We use
(, ) exp( (, ))
nlln ln
wqc distqc
as the voting
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
weights, where
(, )
dist q c is the Euclidean distance
between codebook entry
c and image patch
q .
Finally, the probability of patch
q in each block
will be obtained with (1).
p is the probability of the
code entry,
c , in the ith block, which has been
saved in the B-ISM. L is the number of patches
extracted from the test image. In this way, a 3*3
location table can be obtained for each test patch.
(, )*
(, )
nl l n ni
dist q c th
nl l n
dist q c th
wqc p
, 1,...,lL=
3.2.3 Crowd Segmentation
In our evaluations, a simple rectangle is used as the
human model. A set of initial human candidates are
nominated based on the points with a sufficiently
high occurrence probability in block 1, 4 or 7. A
rectangle candidate is proposed with those points as
the centre of the top border. Denote the set of
nominated rectangles as
{ , 1,..., }
Rrk K
= , K is the
number of rectangles. The parameters for
r are the
locations and size of the rectangle. Initially, the
average human size is used based on its location in
the scene. Each initial candidate should have a
sufficiently large overlap with the foreground area.
Given a specific configuration, a 2D
m= , is used to indicate the
assignments of the KLT points to the candidate
rectangles, where
. If the
interest point l is within the un-occluded region of
rectangle k, then
m = , otherwise, 0
m = .
Based on its location in the associated rectangles,
each KLT point gets a score with (2).
p is the
probability of point l in block i, which has been
obtained in step-1.
(, , )ikl
=1 when point l falls
inside block i of rectangle k. Otherwise,
(, , )ikl
The evaluation for the entire crowd configuration,
{ , 1,..., }
Rrk K== , is based on the summation of
all the point scores where
1: 1:9
kK i
Starting from the initial set of candidate
rectangles, the best configuration is obtained by
repeatedly adjusting the candidate size and removing
the redundant candidates based on both shape and
motion cues. The details are as follows.
Size Adjustment. For each initial candidate,
different scales are tested and the one which can get
the highest score for the crowd is used. For
simplicity, only the height, h, is adjusted in our
evaluations. The best size is picked among 0.8*h,
0.9*h and h.
Removal based on Shape Cues. Two conditions are
used for the redundant candidate removal. First, if
the entire score can be increased after the candidate
removal, then the candidate is removed. Higher
score indicates that KLT feature points have been
assigned to better locations of the rectangles.
Second, candidates with insufficient number of
supporting points are removed due to the lack of
evidences from the image. Supporting points are
defined as those with a decreased score after the
candidate removal. In the first loop, any candidate
with less than two supporting points is removed. In
later stages, a stricter constraint is imposed. A
minimal number of supporting points is set for the
fully-visible person and candidates have to get
enough supporting points to stay on.
Removal based on Coherent Motion. As shown in
(Brostow and Cipolla, 2006, Rabaud and Belongie,
2006), for the general case, points that appear to
move together are more likely to be from the same
individual. The standard deviation in distance
between two KLT points along several consecutive
frames can be a measure of the points moving
together. Ideally, the distance between two points
moving on a rigid object remain the same and the
deviation is almost zero.
However, not all the points from the same
individual have a low distance deviation. Points on
head, torso parts usually show more coherent motion
while points on feet or arms often show different
trajectories from others. To help the crowd
segmentation, a low average standard deviation is
expected within each individual and a high average
deviation if multiple individuals are considered.
Hence, it would be better to use the points with rigid
motion only within an individual.
Figure 2: Left: sample points from head, most of which
show rigid motion. Right: sample points from feet/arms,
most of which show non-rigid motion.
(a) Left: Tracking status, 1: tracked, 0: lost; Middle: optical flow magnitude; Right: optical flow orientation of head points.
(b) Left: Tracking status, 1: tracked, 0: lost; Middle: optical flow magnitude; Right: optical flow orientation of feet/arm points.
Figure 3: Examples of points with rigid motion and non-rigid motion.
Fig. 2 has shown some example points from head
and feet/arms. Their tracking status, optical flow
magnitude and orientation within +/-15 frames are
shown in Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b respectively. Based on
the observations, four features are proposed to help
distinguish the points with rigid motion: the number
of tracked frames within +/-15 frames, the maximal
optical flow magnitude, the variation of the optical
flow magnitude and the average change of optical
flow orientation. Usually, points with rigid motion
on a human being can be tracked for a long period.
Their optical flow magnitude has small fluctuation
and optical flow orientation is almost continuous.
For each feature, a threshold is given to define the
points with rigid motion. The thresholds are set
based on the examination of some sample points.
Conservative thresholds are preferred to exclude
most points with non-rigid motion, which will lead
to a higher credibility of the motion cues. In our
evaluations, a point with rigid motion needs to be
tracked in more than 24 frames. The maximal optical
flow magnitude should be below 5, the variation is
below 2.5 and the average optical flow orientation
difference is below 0.2.
When only the points with rigid motion are
considered, the average deviation should be low for
a valid candidate. As we know, the points within a
candidate would be assigned to the others after its
removal. If the average deviation gets much higher
in newly-assigned rectangles, then the candidate
must be kept; otherwise, it can be removed in the
final results. A margin is set to allow the small
fluctuation of the average distance deviation within
an individual.
Removal based on Upper-body Rigid Motion. On
the human body, most points in the upper body tend
to move together, which result in a low average
trajectory variation. Hence, a valid candidate should
have a low average distance variation in the upper
part. A candidate with a large variation is less likely
to be a reasonable human person.
With the 3*3 blocks used in Section 3.2, step-1,
the average distance deviation of all the points in the
top two rows will be examined. The candidate with a
very large variation in the upper body will be
removed. The threshold is set as a conservative one
such that no miss-detection will be caused.
‘USC-Campus Plaza’ and CAVIAR dataset
( have
been used for the evaluation of the method.
The USC-Campus Plaza sequence was captured
from a camera with a 40 degree tilt angle. The frame
size is 360*240 pixels and the frame rate is 30fps. It
contains 900 frames in total. The training images
were extracted from the first 300 frames. 20 training
images with 79 persons were used for collecting the
training patches. The test images are randomly
picked from different periods in the remaining 600
frames and they have different occlusion situations.
Most people are different from those in the training
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
(a) Initial set of candidates. Human is modelled with a rectangle. Red points are the detected KLT points in the foreground.
(b) Rough foreground regions used in the evaluations
(c) Results based on shape only. False alarms are indicated in green color, which will be removed using motion features.
(d) Results based on shape and coherent motion. The size of rectangles in cyan colour can be adjusted using upper-body rigid motion.
(e) Results based on shape, coherent motion and upper-body rigid motion.
Figure 4: Selected frames of detection results. Each frame is shown in one column.
Most frames get good enough results based on
shape cues only. Three selected sample frames from
USC-Campus Plaza and CAVIAR dataset are shown
in Fig. 4 to illustrate the improvements after using
Fig. 4a shows the proposed initial candidates.
Most persons have got more than one initial
rectangle candidates. To show the low requirements
for an accurate foreground contour, a manually
obtained rough foreground region is used for each
frame in the evaluations, as shown in Fig. 4b.
Obviously, it is difficult to get accurate individual
detections based on the foreground area only.
The third row is the results based on shape cues
only. Most individuals can be located well based on
shape cues. However, cues based on shape may be
less reliable when the crowd is dense, the
background is complicated or other human shape-
like region appears. Hence, some false detections
may stay in the shape-based results, which are
indicated in green colour in Fig. 4c. The fourth row
is the results when motion consistency is also
considered. It can be seen that the false detections
indicated with the green colour in the third row have
been removed based on the coherent motion rule in
Fig. 4d. In the left column, three close persons have
got better detection results based on their different
trajectories. Similarly, in the middle column, a false
candidate covering two close persons has been
removed. Finally, the bottom row shows the results
when the upper-body rigid motion is also
considered. In the left column of Fig. 4e, a false
candidate with high trajectory variations in the upper
part has been removed. In addition, better human
size has been obtained for the persons indicated in
cyan colour in Fig. 4d.
In this paper, a method based on both shape and
motion features for crowd segmentation is presented.
The shape-based method has formulated the problem
into a feature point clustering process. Multi-frame
coherent motion of the feature points on a person is
used to enhance the segmentation performance.
Most feature points on the human upper-body are
moving together, which are used to get more
reasonable detections.
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ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics