A Comparitive Study using Feature Selection
Mlungisi Duma, Bhekisipho Twala, Tshilidzi Marwala
Department of Electrical Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg APK
Corner Kingsway and University Road, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, South Africa
Fulufhelo V. Nelwamondo
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: Ripper, Principal component analysis, Automatic relevance determination, Artificial neural network,
Missing data.
Abstract: The Ripper algorithm is designed to generate rule sets for large datasets with many features. However, it
was shown that the algorithm struggles with classification performance in the presence of missing data. The
algorithm struggles to classify instances when the quality of the data deteriorates as a result of increasing
missing data. In this paper, feature selection technique is used to help improve the classification
performance of the Ripper algorithm. Principal component analysis and evidence automatic relevance
determination techniques are chosen to improve the performance of the Ripper. A comparison is done to see
which technique helps the algorithm improve the most. Training datasets with completely observable data
were used to construct the algorithm, and testing datasets with missing values were used for measuring
accuracy. The results showed that principal component analysis is a better feature selection for the Ripper.
The results show that with principal component analysis, the classification performance improves
significantly as well as increase in resilience in the presence of escalating missing data.
Since the inception of the insurance industry in the
late 17
hundred century, Insurance companies have
played vital role in carrying risks on behalf of
clients. These include the risk of covering the cost of
a motor vehicle in case a client gets involved in a car
accident. Another includes the risk of covering the
hospital costs. However, a large number of people
today are still without an insurance cover. There are
a number of reasons: the first well-known reason is
affordability (Howe, 2010). The premiums for a
cover may be expensive, therefore a client is left
with a choice of cancelling. The second well-known
reason is termination by an insurer. Numerous
claims or committing fraud by a client may result in
their policy being ended by the insurer. The third
reason is refusing to get an insurance cover (Howe,
2010, Crump, 2009). Some people may feel that they
can save enough money to cover the risk if
something serious happens to them (Crump, 2009).
In this paper, we present a solution to improve
the Ripper algorithm as a predictive modelling
technique in the insurance domain. The solution
improves the way it predicts customer behaviour
using past data. The algorithm learns using past data
about customers who are likely to have insurance
cover (the data consists of a large number of
attributes). This information is then used to predict
the future behaviour of a different customer. A
different customer data in this case has attributes
with missing data. This is due to it either not being
supplied by the customer, or processing error by the
system handling the data (Duma et al., 2010).
In comparison with other supervised learning
algorithms, the Ripper algorithm struggles with
classification performance if new data contains
attributes with missing data (Duma et al., 2010). The
main reason is over-fitting. The algorithm learns too
Duma M., Twala B., Marwala T. and V. Nelwamondo F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003531902030210
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2011), pages 203-210
ISBN: 978-989-8425-74-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
much detail about the attributes of the customer data.
The consequence of this was incorrect predictions of
new customer data. The accuracy is further impacted
when the quality of the new data decreases as a
result of increasing missing data. The algorithm also
showed less resilience in the presence of increasing
missing data. This resulted in poor classification
performance compared to other supervised
algorithms such as the naïve Bayes, k-Nearest
Neighbour, support vector machines and the logical
discriminant analysis algorithm(Duma et al., 2010).
We propose feature selection as a technique to
improve the classification performance of the Ripper
algorithm. Feature selection technique removes
those attribute that are irrelevant. There are two
feature selection techniques used in this paper,
namely the principal component analysis and
automatic relevance determination techniques. These
techniques were selected primarily because they are
effective data analysis and reduction techniques with
data with high dimensions.
Principal component analysis has been used in
conjunction with classification algorithms to
successfully identify cancer molecular patterns in
micro-array data (Han, 2010). It has also been used
as a feature selection technique in automatic
classification of ultra-sound liver images
(Balasubramanian et al., 2007) and in fault
identification and analysis of vibration data
(Marwala, 2001). Automatic relevance
determination technique has been applied
successfully in selecting the most relevant features
for classifying ovarian tumors (van Calster et al.,
2006). It has also been utilised successfully in the
classification of myo-cardinal ischaema (a heart
problem that occurs when there is lack of oxygen
and nutrients, which results in arrhythmias and
myocardial infractions) events (Smyrnakis et al.,
In this paper, feature selection technique
removes those attribute that are irrelevant for
classification. The remaining attributes are passed on
to the Ripper algorithm to learn. This reduces over-
fitting and increases generalization because it has
less attributes to learn from. The result is increase in
resilience and in improved accuracy.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows:
Section 2 discusses the theoretical background on
the Ripper, principal component analysis, automatic
relevance determination and a discussion on missing
data mechanisms. Section 3 is a discussion on the
dataset and pre-processing, the PCA-Rip structure,
as well as the ARD-Rip structure. Section 4 is a
discussion on the experimental results. Section 5
gives a conclusion to the paper.
2.1 Ripper Algorithm
The Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error
Reduction (Ripper) is a classification algorithm
designed to generate rules set directly from the
training dataset. The name is drawn from the fact
that the rules are learned incrementally. A new rule
associated with a class value will cover various
attributes of that class .The algorithm was designed
to be fast and effective when dealing with large and
noisy datasets compared to decision trees (Cohen,
Algorithm 1: Ripper Algorithm.
Input : Training dataset S with n instances and m attributes
Output :Ruleset
sort classes in the order of least prevalent class to the most
prevalent class.
create a new rule set
while iterating from the prevalent class to the most prevalent
split S into intoS
and S
is not empty
split S
Pos and
into G
and G
subsets and P
and P
create and prune a new rule
if the error rate of the new rule is very large then
end while
add new rule to rule set
the total description length l is computed
if l >d then
end while
end while
end while
The Ripper algorithm is illustrated by Algorithm
1 (adapted from (Cohen, 1995)):
1. S = {X, C} represents the training set, where
X = {x
, x
represents the
instances and C = {c1,c2,…,ck}∈ ℤ
represents the class-label associated with each
2. The classes c
are sorted in the order of
least prevalent class to the most frequent class.
This is done by counting the number instances
associated with each class. The instances
associated with the least prevalent class are
separated into S
subset whilst the remaining
instances are grouped into S
3. IREP is invoked (with S
Pos and
passed as parameters) to find the rule set that
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
splits least prevalent class from the other
4. An empty rule set R is initialized.
5. S
Pos and
are split into growing positive G
and growing negative G
subsets as well as
pruning positive P
and negative P
Growing positive subsets contains instances
that are associated with the least prevalent
class. Growing negative subset contains
instances associated with the remaining
classes. This is similar to the P
and P
6. A new rule is created by growing G
. This is done by iteratively adding
conditions that maximize the information gain
criterion until the rule cannot cover any
negative instances from the growing dataset.
7. The new rule is pruned for optimization of the
 =
using P
and P
subsets. p is number of
rules to prune and n is the total number of
8. Check if the error rate of the new rule is very
large, and then return the rule set. Otherwise,
the new rule is added to the rule set and the
total description length is computed. If the
lengths exceeds a certain number d, then the
algorithm stops, otherwise repeat from step 5.
9. Iterate to the next least prevalent class and
then repeat from step 3.
During the growing phase of the algorithm, a
greedy approach of learning is applied, i.e. each rule
is learned one at a time. In datasets with very large
dimensions, this causes over-fitting of the data. This
in turn increases the classification error rate
significantly if the algorithm is tested with data with
missing values.
The Ripper model is not as popular as the
decision trees in the insurance domain, but it has
been applied in financial risk analysis. It has been
used in financial institutes to help find the best
policy for credit products, increase revenue as well
as decrease losses (Peng, 2008).
2.2 Principal Component Analysis
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a feature
selection technique used for pattern recognition in
data with high dimensions (Marwala, 2009). The
data can be represented in ways that can be used to
express similarities and differences. Furthermore,
data can be compressed into lower dimensional
In majority of cases, the objective of the
principal component analysis is to reduce the
dimensions of the data whilst preserving as much as
possible the representation of the original data. To
achieve this, the initial step is to calculate the mean
of each dimension and then subtract from the data.
Thereafter, the covariance matrix of the data set is
calculated. The eigenvalues as well as the
eigenvectors are calculated using the covariance
matrix as a basis. At this point, any vector dimension
or its mean can be expressed as a linear combination
of the eigenvectors. The final step is to choose the
highest eigenvalues that corresponds to the largest
eigenvectors, known as the principal components.
This step is where the idea of data compression
comes into effect. The chosen eigenvalues along
with their corresponding eigenvectors are used to
reduce the dimensions without much loss of
information (Marwala, 2009). This reduction can be
expressed as
[T] = [A] x [B] (2)
where [T] is the transformed data set, [A] is the
given data set and [B] is the principal component
matrix. [T] represents a dataset that expresses the
relationships between the data regardless of whether
the data has equal or lower dimension. The original
data set can be calculated using the following
[A’] = [T] x [B
] (3)
where [A’] is the re-transformed data set and [A’]
[A] if all the data from [B
] is used from the
covariance matrix.
2.3 Bayesian Artificial Neural Network
Bayesian artificial neural network is a classifier that
combines artificial neural network and Bayes
theorem using probability distribution (Bishop,
1995). Suppose we have a two-layered artificial
neural network with x ∈ℝ
as input vectors in the
input layer, n hidden layers, and a target value t
{0,1} in the output layer. The network can be
expressed in the form
where y
is the output of the artificial neural
network, f is the activation function from the hidden
layer to the output layer, w
are the weights from the
hidden input connected to the k
output unit. The
Study using Feature Selection
function is the sigmoid activation from the input
layer to the output layer, w
are weights from the i
input unit connected to the j
hidden unit. The
output y
is expressed as the posterior probability P(y
=1| x) and P(y =0| x) = 1 - y
The artificial neural network is trained using a
dataset D={x, t} by iteratively adjusting the weights
so as to minimize the log-likelihood error function
(or the objective function)
().The minimization
is based on the continuous re-evaluation of the
gradient of E
using the back-propagation
technique. If a weight decay function
is added to
(), the objective function changes to
where is the alpha hyper-parameter. The term
regularizes the weight vector by penalizing
weights with larger values to keep the neural
network from over-fitting. The evidence approach to
Bayesian modeling is to find the optimal (or most
probable) values for =
rather than
integrating over them. This can be obtained from the
equation, (MacKay, 1995)
where = (
), is the total number of
parameters and
isthe variance - covariance
matrix that defines the error bars on parameters.
Using the hyper-parameter
, the optimal
are determined by approximating the
by a Gaussian density
expressed in the form
where is the cross-entropy function and Ζ
is the
normalization constant.
2.4 Automatic Relevance
Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD) is a
technique that uses Bayes inference to identify and
remove attributes that are not relevant to the
prediction of the output variable (Mackay, 1995).
This is achieved by assigning the hyper-parameter
to a group of weights that connect from the i
input variable. In a two-layered artificial neural
network, each hyper-parameter is assigned to a
group of weights connecting i
input to the hidden
outputs, and from the j
hidden unit to the output
The hyper-parameter becomes large if the inputs
are irrelevant, preventing them from causing
major over-fitting. Using a Gaussian expression, the
prior probability for each weight given
for each
class, can be expressed as
Once the artificial neural network has been
trained, the hyper-parameters are optimized using
the evidence framework. The evidence finds the
most probable value
>0 which must satisfy
equation (6).
2.5 Missing Data Mechanisms
There are a number of reasons why data collected
can have missing data. Well-known reasons include
faulty processing by a system handling the data,
different systems communicating with each other
missing information or clients refusing to disclose
all their information (
Francis, 2005). It is imperative
to know the reasons for data missing. When that
reason is known, then appropriate methods for
handling missing data are selected, which results in
high prediction or classification accuracy.
The missing data mechanisms found currently in
literature are missing at random, missing completely
at random, missing not at random and missing by
natural design (Little et al, 1987, Marwala, 2009).
Missing at random is a situation where the missing
data is not related to the missing variables
themselves but on other variables. Missing complete
at random implies that the missing data is not
dependent on any other existing data. Missing not at
random implies a situation where the missing data
depends on itself and not any other variables (Little
et al, 1987, Marwala, 2009). Missing by natural
design occurs when there is data missing because the
variable is naturally deemed un-measurable, even
though they are useful for analysis. In this case, the
missing values are modelled using mathematical
techniques (Marwala, 2009).
In this paper, we presuppose that the data is
missing completely at for the problem under
discussion. It is chosen so that single and multiple
imputations return unbiased estimates.
3.1 Datasets and Pre-processing
The experiment was conducted using two insurance
datasets. The first insurance dataset was obtained
from the University of California Irvine (UCI)
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
machine learning repository. The dataset is used to
predict which customers are likely to have an
interest in buying a caravan insurance policy. In this
paper, we are interested in finding out customers
who are likely to have a car insurance policy,
provided there is missing information.
The training dataset consists of over 5400
instances of which 5000 were used for the
experiment. The testing dataset consists of only
4000 instances. Each set has a total of 86 attributes
with completely observable data, 5 of which are
categorical numeric values and 80 are continuous
numeric values. The class attribute consists of only
two values (0 to indicate a customer that is likely not
to have insurance or 1 to indicate a customer that is
likely to have an insurance cover).
The second insurance dataset is the state of
Texas insurance dataset which is used by the Texas
government to draw up a Texas Liability Insurance
Closed Claims Report. The report provides a
summary of claims involving bodily injuries from
insurance companies. These claims were either
settled in court or disposed of, and the insurer
performed all the compensations and expense
payments on the claim. There are two types of
claims expressed in the dataset, long and short form.
Short form focuses on claims on bodily injuries that
are not expensive to settle. Long form relates to
claims on bodily injuries that are very expensive and
can be settled in most cases via a medical insurance
company. In this dataset, we classify instances based
on whether they have medical insurance cover as a
risk analysis exercise provided there is missing data.
The Texas Insurance dataset consists of over
9000 instances, trimmed manually to 5446 instances
by removing all the short form claims. For
consistency, the dataset was separated into training
and testing datasets, 4000 and 1446 instances
respectively. Both the training and testing sets have
missing values initially. Each set consists of a total
of over 220 attributes initially, but the attributes
were trimmed to 185 attributes. This was done by
manually removing those attributes that were clearly
not significant for the experiment, like the unique
identities, dates as well the type of claim attributes.
The class attribute used also has two values (0 to
indicate no medical insurance and 1 to indicate that
the claimer has medical insurance).
There are five levels of proportions of
missingness on the testing dataset that were
generated (10%, 25%, 30%, 40%, 50%). At each
level, the missingness was arbitrarily generated
across the entire dataset, then on half the attributes
of the set. Therefore, in total, 12 testing datasets
were created to test the strength of the Ripper
algorithm using feature selection techniques.
3.2 PCA-Rip Structure
Figure 1 illustrates the structure followed in
improving the Ripper classification performance
using the PCA as a feature selection technique. We
refer to the structure as the PCA-Rip. From the
figure, the original data [A] is passed to the PCA.
PCA reduces the dimensions of the data to give the
output [T] expressed in equation (2). Attributes with
eigenvalues > 1 were selected as a simple and
effective approach to reduce the number of
attributes. The Ripper algorithm builds a rule-based
system using [T]. Once the Ripper algorithm is
complete with learning the data, the PCA converts
the data into its “original” data [A’] as expressed in
equation (3). Data classification is performed using
testing data.
Figure 1: PCA-Rip structure.
The software tools used for PCA-Rip were Weka
3.6.2 library, C# 3.5 programming language and
IKVM. Weka library has a built-in Principal
Component analysis component. The component is
used in conjunction with a Ranker search component
to return the selected attributes in a chronological
order from the most significant to the least
significant attributes. IKVM is a software tool used
to convert java code into C# code. The PCA-Rip
illustrated in figure was built and tested using the C#
programming language.
Principal component analysis reduction
Original data
Principal component analysis original
Data Classification
Study using Feature Selection
3.3 ARD-Rip Structure
Figure 2 illustrates the structure followed in
improving the Ripper classification performance
using the ARD as a feature selection technique. We
refer to the structure as the ARD-Rip. Using the
training data, each instance is expressed as an input
vector x ∈ℝ
and supplied as original data as
illustrated in figure 2. In some instances, the
attributes for each instances were split into four
groups where they are supplied separately as the
original data to the Bayes artificial neural network.
The reason for splitting the attributes is that the
ARD performance is slow and memory intensive
with extremely high dimensional datasets likes the
Texas Insurance dataset.
Figure 2: ARD-Rip structure.
The number of input units to the artificial neural
network is equivalent to the size of the input vector
and the number of hidden values is determined using
trial and error. There is only one single output. The
training is done over 1000 epochs, with the back-
propagation algorithm as the learning algorithm. The
output is evaluated using equation (2). The evidence
framework re-evaluates the hyper-parameters and
the prior probability of weights using equation (5),
and is calculated before supplying the input into the
artificial neural network. Attributes with weight
values < 0.01 we removed.
The ARD was built using Netlab and C# 3.5
programing language. Netlab has a built-in evidence
automatic relevance determination model. A C# was
designed to remove those attributes defined as
irrelevant by the ARD before supplying to the
Ripper algorithm.
Table 1 illustrates the overall classification accuracy
of the PCA-Rip and ARD-Rip compared to the
Ripper algorithm. It can be noticed that both models
performed with higher accuracies than the Ripper.
PCA-Rip algorithm shows a significant improve-
ment in accuracy compared to ARD-Dip. The reason
for this is that the reduction technique used by the
automatic relevance struggled to find relevant
attributes in the datasets. A large number of
constants were either increasing or decreasing too
quickly. Even in cases where the number of
dimensions for the dataset was reduced significantly
compared to PCA-Rip, ARD-Rip showed minimal
improvement when compared to PCA-Rip.
Table 1: Overall classification accuracy.
Accuracy (%)
Figure 3 shows the overall average performance
of the algorithms in a chronological order of
missingness in the dataset. From the figure, PCA-
Rip performs better overall than the ARD-Rip. It
shows more resilience and maintains high
classification accuracies as the quality of data
deteriorates. ARD-Rip struggles initially in
performance compared to the Ripper. However, as
the quality of data deteriorates, it shows more
resilience and steadiness in performance.
Figure 4 shows the performance of all the
models with half or all attributes having missing
data. It is clear that the models perform better with
missing data on half the attributes. Furthermore, the
models show resilience and steadiness with
increasing missingness on the data. With all or most
attributes having missing data, the performance of
the models decrease significantly (almost linearly)
with little or no resilience.
The Ripper and ARD-Rip models are the major
contributor of this sharp decrease in performance.
This is illustrated in figure 5. From the figure, the
performance of the Ripper model is poor when half
or all attributes have missing data. This was
expected as explained earlier in the paper. The PCA-
Original data
Evidence Reduction
Data classification
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 3: Overall average performance of the algorithms.
Figure 4: Overall average performance of the algorithms.
Matt (all) represents all or most attributes with missing
values. Matt (half) represents half the attributes with
missing values.
Figure 5: Overall performance of each model.
Rip model achieves high classification accuracies
for datasets with half or all the attributes having
missing data. ARD-Rip model performs as the
Ripper with all attributes with missing data.
However, it performs almost as well as the PCA-Rip
model when half of the attributes have missing data.
The reason for this is that in some cases, the
automatic relevance determination technique
reduced the dimensions of a dataset significantly.
This in return allowed the Ripper model to generate
a rule set that managed to classify most instances
from test data correctly.
A study on the PCA and ARD as feature selection
techniques to improve the classification performance
of the Ripper algorithm was conducted. Ripper
showed to overall improvement when both
techniques were used. With PCA technique, the
Ripper showed better results than with ARD. With
PCA, the Ripper model achieved high classification
accuracies and showed more resilience when data
quality deteriorated. With ARD, the Ripper showed
steadiness as the data quality deteriorated. However,
it struggled to achieve high classification accuracies.
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ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics