never achieved in the past. This article has
represented a mechanical setup and a dedicated
control approach which allows to obtain a very low
vertical displacement of the beam at the interaction
point of about an integrated RMS (0.1) of 0.046 nm.
In order to perform these results, the strategy was to
carry out a study on an innovative control which is
very efficient in low frequencies. This algorithm is
composed of a combination of a feedback obtained
thanks to a parametric study and an adaptive control
based on the generalized least-squares method. This
method was tested in simulation with a
representative model of the system and with real
measurement of the ground motion. Next, a pattern
of the dynamic of the required mechanical damping
structure, needed to filter the vibrations above a few
Hertz has been established for the purpose of a
further development. To validate this study,
simulation test with a mechanical support have been
performed, and robustness tests as well in order to
take into account the prediction errors of the
mechanical system model and to estimate the
acceptable maximal sensor noise. The study opens
up perspectives for the construction of an active-
passive isolation support as well. Thus, a massive
support is currently being studied and a dedicated
active isolation integrating vibration sensors,
piezoelectric actuators and an appropriate
instrumentation is being designed.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Commission under the
FP7 Research Infrastructures project EuCARD,
grant agreement no.227579. The authors wish to
express their thanks to D. Schulte, J. Pfingstner and
K. Artoos from C.E.R.N., for this project and fruitful
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ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics