Table 2: Model criteria error for the different tests.
Canal axis VAF
x = L 80.36 91.14 91.97
x = 3/4L 91.71 99.61 99.29
x = 1/2L 87.43 99.58 98.50
x = 1/4L 93.40 99.09 98.37
Canal axis MAE
x = L 0.0041 0.0092 0.0121
x = 3/4L 0.0066 0.0061 0.0097
x = 1/2L 0.0049 0.0019 0.0064
x = 1/4L 0.0053 0.0040 0.0074
A finite dimension linear model for canal pools has
been presented and validated with experimental data.
The linearized partial differential equations describ-
ing the system are solved through matrices multipli-
cations which requires low computational effort. This
enables the model to be used for constructing open
water network systems. The possibility to use the dis-
charge, water depth or linearized hydraulic structures
as boundary conditions, augments the model applica-
The proposed model also allows for full canal
monitoring. This is an important feature that opens
the scope of application to fault detection, isolation,
and fault tolerant control algorithms.
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CRO/102102/2008), FCT, Portugal, through IDMEC
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