Zachary Wilson, Taylor Whipple and Prithviraj Dasgupta
Computer Science Department, University of Nebraska, NE 68182, Omaha, U.S.A.
Multi-robot coverage, Exploration, Information compression.
We consider the problem of distributed terrain or area coverage of an initially unknown environment using a
set of mobile robots. We describe a distributed algorithm that is able to solve the distributed coverage problem
without having each robot exchange its complete coverage map with other robots. The central part of our
technique is a compression algorithm used by a robot to approximate the regions that have been previously
covered and a fitness function that calculates the degree of accuracy of the approximated coverage infor-
mation. The operation of our coverage algorithm is evaluated through experiments on simulated as well as
physical Corobot robots. We have quantified the extent of overhead introduced by our coverage algorithm to
prevent robots from performing repeated coverage. Overall, our results show that the robots are able to cover
the environment within different environment settings while significantly reducing the amount of coverage
information communicated between different robots.
Over the past few years, multi-robot area or terrain
coverage has emerged as an important research direc-
tion in multi-robot systems (Stachniss et al., 2008).
Using multiple, autonomous robots to perform the
coverage task in a distributed manner offers several
advantages that improve the system’s performance -
the system can scale efficiently with an increase in the
number of robots which in turn improves the speedup
of the coverage task, the communication overhead in
the system can be reduced as compared to a central-
ized system, and the system is robust against fail-
ures of individual robots. However, a major chal-
lenge in implementing a multi-robot system is to de-
sign efficient coordination behaviors among the dif-
ferent robots. Two such challenges in the context of
multi-robot coverage are: the recording and integrat-
ing the coverage histories of all robots and making au-
tonomous decisions about future coverage regions for
each robot based on these histories, and reducing the
energy and time expended in the coverage process by
avoiding re-covering regions that have already been
covered. Several researchers have developed multi-
robot systems that describe different techniques to
perform area coverage while addressing these issues.
These techniques range from dispersion-based mech-
anisms where robots do not record or exchange indi-
vidual coverage information with each other (Batalin
and Sukhatme, 2002; Howard et al., 2002), to ap-
proaches in which the environment is modeled as a
graph and the coverage problem is treated as con-
structing the least-cost spanning tree (Hazon and
Kaminka, 2008; Rutishauser et al., 2009). In con-
trast to these approaches, our paper targets the mid-
dle ground lying between pure dispersion-based ap-
proaches, and, approaches that build a complete map
or representation of the environment on each robot.
In this paper, we investigate a complementary yet im-
portant issue in multi-robot coverage - reducing the
amount of coverage information exchanged between
robots in the system while ensuring that coverage per-
formance is not adversely affected. We describe a
coverage algorithm that interleaves coverage informa-
tion exchange between robots with dynamic compres-
sion of the coverage information to cover the environ-
ment with limited communication between the robots.
We have verified our coverage algorithm via experi-
ments on both simulated and physical Corobot robots
while showing that a system of multiple robots using
our coverage algorithm is capable of covering differ-
ent types of environments with very limited commu-
nication overhead.
Wilson Z., Whipple T. and Dasgupta P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003538202360241
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2011), pages 236-241
ISBN: 978-989-8425-75-1
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
We consider a scenario where R mobile robots are de-
ployed into an initially unknown two-dimensional en-
vironment. Each robot is localized with respect to the
environment using an on-board localization device.
The objective of the multi-robot distributed coverage
problem is to explore the environment while ensur-
ing that the area collectively covered by the robots is
maximized and the overlap between the regions cov-
ered by different robots is minimized. The basic idea
in our approach is to enable each robot to repeatedly
select a portion of the environment to cover by defin-
ing a bounded polygon. The robot then records the
boundary coordinates of this polygon and uses a de-
terministic coverage pattern to cover the inside of the
polygon. Before proceeding to define another polyg-
onal block the robot has to inform other robots about
the region within the block that it has just covered,
so that other robots do not repeat coverage of this re-
gion. Communicating this information as is could in-
cur significant communication overhead of communi-
cating many coordinate points, as well as significant
computational overhead of merging overlapping poly-
gons. To address this problem, we describe a cover-
age algorithm where each robot compresses its cover-
age information using a polygonal approximation al-
gorithm prior to communication. This results in each
robot getting an approximate, yet fairly accurate map
of the regions that are known to be covered, so that
it can avoid repeated coverage of previously explored
regions and navigate towards previously unexplored
The state transition diagram for a robot in our sys-
tem is shown in Figure 1. Each robot has four states
of operation - block clearing, block define, dispers-
ing and history-compressing. To begin coverage, each
robot selects an unexplored location - a location that,
according to the robot’s current coverage information
in its coverage history, has not yet been covered by
itself or by another robot. After selecting an unex-
plored location, the robot starts defining the boundary
of the block it plans to cover.
Defining and Covering Blocks. The first step for a
robot r performing coverage is to select a block or
sub-region to cover. To achieve this, a robot first de-
fines the block virtually as a regular polygon with n
vertices and each edge of length d, with the start and
end vertices of the polygon rooted at the robot’s cur-
rent location. The robot then uses the block defining
behavior to trace the edges of this virtual polygon and
Figure 1: State transition diagram for a robot’s behaviors.
determines if any edges or vertices of the block are
occupied by obstacles or if any portion of the block
is unreachable. On reaching each vertex of the block
the robot is defining, a robot checks to see if any other
robot within its communication range has reported in-
formation that its current location has already been
explored. In this case, the robot aborts block-defining,
discards the set of recorded vertices, and disperses to
an unexplored location to start defining another block.
On the other hand, if the robot completes defining the
bounded polygon block without encountering a pre-
viously explored location, it changes its state to block
covering and starts covering the inside of the block
whose boundary it just defined; a robot uses the on-
line, single-robot spanning tree coverage (STC) algo-
rithm (Gabriely and Rimon, 2001) to cover a block
whose boundary it has defined.
After a robot has finished covering a single block,
it selects the next block to cover. At the block se-
lection level, a robot prefers to cover regions that are
adjacent to its most recently covered block, if such a
region is available for coverage. Such a local block
selection rule ensures that the coverage performed by
a single robot in a navigable, previously uncovered
region remains contiguous and ’holes’ of uncovered
regions that need to be covered later are not left in be-
tween covered blocks. Contiguous block selection is
realized by a robot by selecting the start point for the
next block as the vertex along the edge of the recently
covered block, that is farthest from the start point of
the covered block, as illustrated in the bottom part of
Figure 3. The vertices of contiguous blocks covered
by a robot are appended to its short term coverage his-
Map Compression and Map Merging. As robots
cover multiple polygonal blocks, the size of the short
term coverage history grows linearly for each robot.
However, communicating the short term history be-
Figure 2: Effect of vertex compression of two overlapping
rectangles with a combined polygon with m = 4. The gray
area (light and dark) is the desiredArea, the stroked area is
the gainedArea and the dark gray area is the lostArea.
tween all pairs of robots in the system is expensive
if boundary vertices are uncompressed. Additionally,
making calculations for determining covered regions
with a large number of vertices on every robot in-
volves considerable overhead. To prevent the rapid
growth of the coverage information, a robot com-
presses its covered boundary vertices using a polygo-
nal approximation algorithm called compressPolygon
for a line curve called the min ε algorithm (Perez
and Vidal, 1994), and combines the compression with
the coverage information it has received from other
robots. It then recompresses the combined region.
This algorithm ensures that, after compression, the re-
gion is bounded by only a fixed number of vertices de-
noted by m. However, using an approximation algo-
rithm for compressing a set of polygons introduces an
error in the compressed region, as illustrated in Figure
2. To mitigate the effect of the erroneous region intro-
duced by the compression algorithm, we have used a
fitness function that tries to balance the loss in de-
sirable region (denoted by lostArea) and the gain in
undesirable region (denoted by gainedArea) as com-
pared to the actual area of the combined, but uncom-
pressed polygons (denoted by desiredArea), as given
f itness = w ×
desiredArea gainedArea
desiredArea + gainedArea
+(1 w) ×
desiredArea lostArea
. (1)
The first fraction in Equation 1 denotes the error intro-
duced by the amount of unnecessary area included in
the approximated polygon while the second fraction
denotes the error introduced by the loss in actual area
of the uncompressed, combined polygons due to the
approximation. The weight w determines the prefer-
ence between these two errors, and, depending on the
Figure 3: Path of a robot showing the definition and cov-
erage of contiguous blocks. When contiguous block defi-
nition fails due to the obstacle on the right-end of the di-
agram, the robot iteratively selects a new virtual polygon
whose percentage overlap with previously covered regions
falls below a certain threshold.
application domain, can be used to tolerate or reject
repeated coverage. The value of the fitness function
is used to determine whether the approximated poly-
gon will be accepted for storage in the robot’s long
term history. If the fitness function value lies above
a threshold of f
T hr
, the approximated polygon is ac-
cepted. On the other hand, if this value lies below the
threshold, the approximated polygon is rejected and
the original polygons are stored in the long term his-
tory as disjoint polygons without combining or com-
pressing them.
To combine the polygonal covered regions re-
ceived from other robots’ long term history, a robot
first determines if the polygon representing its short
term history overlaps with the polygons in the long
term history. If there is no overlap, the robot stores
these two polygons as disjoint polygons in its long
term history; otherwise, it calculates the convex hull
of the combined polygons, uses the polygon vertex-
compression algorithm and fitness function value de-
scribed above to store the the polygon with a fixed
number of vertices within its long term history. Im-
mediately after updating the long term history, a robot
communicates its long term history to other robots
within its communication range.
Dispersing and Selecting Unexplored Locations. A
robot needs to select a new location to start coverage
from when it is initially placed in the environment and
after it has completed covering a series of contiguous
blocks. The new start location must not overlap with
any of the regions previously covered by the robot it-
self or by other robots. Also, the contiguous block
selection by a robot fails when the edge of the next
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
block it is planning to select is occluded by an obsta-
cle or a wall, as shown in Figure 3. In this scenario
too, the robot has to select a previously unexplored lo-
cation to start defining a new block. Selecting a new
location requires the robot to check its own short term
coverage history, as well as its fused long term cov-
erage history. The scenario in which a robot selects
an unexplored location is shown in Figure 3. The
robot first selects a virtual polygonal area p at random
within the environment. It then calculates the overlap
between this region p and the region it is aware of as
being covered from its coverage history. If the per-
centage overlap is below a threshold that is initialized
to O
T hr,init
, the virtual polygon p is accepted as the
polygon to start coverage from next and the robot se-
lects one vertex of p to as the start vertex for using sin-
gleBlockDefine with this polygon. If the percentage
overlap crosses the threshold for n
successive at-
tempts, the robot reattempts to select another virtual
polygon at a different location while increasing the
threshold by a factor δ
T hr
. If a polygon with over-
lap below O
T hr,max
cannot be found, the robot aborts
trying to select an unexplored location and stops. If
the selectUnexploredLocation algorithm successfully
returns a valid location, the robot uses an A* search
algorithm to plan its path to reach the location.
For verifying our coverage algorithm we have run sev-
eral experiments using Corobot robots within a robot
simulator called Webots. The Corobot robot is a four-
wheeled platform. Two cross-beam IR sensors with
a maximum range of 80 cm were placed on the front
of the robot for obstacle avoidance while one IR sen-
sor with a maximum range of 80 cm was placed on
each side of the robot to enable wall-following. Each
robot has wireless communications capabilities, and
a localization module (Hagisonic Stargazer RS kit)
that provides 2-D coordinates of the robot’s position
within the reference frame of the environment and has
an accuracy within ±2 cm of the robot’s actual loca-
tion. A photograph of the Corobot robot is shown in
Figure 4(a). The default speed of the robot was set to
5.2 cm/sec. A robot defined a single block as a square
(n = 4) with each side’s length as d = 1 m. The dis-
tance at which a robot checks if it is still inside the vir-
tual block while following a wall is set to 0.1 m (one
half the length of a side of the robot). For the map
compression algorithm, the fitness threshold value for
discarding a compressed polygon is f
T Hr
= 0.0 to
achieve a fair balance between introducing undesir-
able region and discarding desirable regions. Finally,
for the selectUnexploredLocation algorithm, the ini-
tial and maximum values of the overlap threshold
for discarding a polygon are O
T hr,init
= 0.0 (start op-
timistically with a target of finding a polygon with
no overlap), and O
T hr,max
= 0.95 (stop finding new
locations for starting a block define when 95% of
two polygons overlap in successive tries) respectively.
The threshold increment, in case of successive n
failures, is δ
T hr
= 0.05, so that the selectUnexplored-
Location algorithm does not take excessively long to
reach the termination condition when successive at-
tempts to find a new location end in failure.
Evaluating the min-ε Compression Algorithm. In
our first set of experiments we measure the efficiency
of the min- ε algorithm used for coverage informa-
tion compression in our coverage algorithm. For the
dataset used as input for this algorithm, we generated
2-D point-sets with set-sizes ranging from 4 200.
Each point set corresponds to a set of polygons within
a 10 × 10 m
region. Figure 4(b) shows the effect of
using the standard zip algorithm called deflate (Sa-
lomon, 2006) to compress different sizes of the point
sets. We observe that the zip algorithm achieves very
nominal compression, close to 2% for point set sizes
> 150. This can be attributed to the fact that the data
points in each point set are generated randomly and
there is very little, if at all any, correlation between
the points in each set. In contrast, our coverage infor-
mation algorithm first computes a convex hull of the
points in each point set, then performs min-ε com-
pression on the hull, ensuring that the amount of data
stored is constant. However, constant data size comes
at the cost of the accuracy of the region enclosed by
the polygons in the point sets. In Figure 4(c), we
show the decrease in the fidelity of the region when
we approximate the region in a convex hull using the
min-ε algorithm. We see that when the compression
ratio is higher (3 points per convex hull), the accu-
racy quickly decreases to about 65%. On the other
hand, using more points in the min-ε compression re-
sults in higher accuracy of the region. Based on these
results, for the rest of our experiments we have used
4 points (as parameter m) in the min-ε algorithm to
approximate the region enclosed by the convex hull,
which yields about 90% accuracy in the approximated
Webots Experiments. For our next series of exper-
iments we verified the operation of our coverage al-
gorithm. The arena for these experiments is 20 × 20
square region. We consider four different envi-
ronments within this arena: (a) no obstacles (b) 10%
of the arena’s area occupied by obstacles, (c) 25% of
its area occupied by obstacles, and, (d) walled office
space with two narrow regions connected by a nar-
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4: (a) Photograph of a Corobot fitted with a Stargazer localization device. (b) Compression ratio obtained using the
DEFLATE zip library. (c) Ratio of the area of the approximated polygon calculated using the min-ε algorithm and the area of
the convex hull for different sizes (m = 3, 4, 6 and 8 vertices) of the compressed set.
row channel. All experiments were run for a dura-
tion of 2 hours (real time), unless otherwise stated. In
each environment, 2, 3 and 4 robots were used and the
robots were started at random locations within each
environment. All results are averaged over 10 simu-
lation runs.
In our first set of experiments under this cate-
gory, we observe the area covered by the robots in the
different environment configurations. The coverage
achieved by 2, 3 and 4 robots in the different environ-
ment settings after 2 hours of simulation are shown in
Figures 5(a) - (d). We observe that across the different
environments, as the number of robots increases the
coverage performance improves. Overall, we see that
within 2 hours with 4 robots we are able to get com-
plete coverage in most of the environments, except
the corridor environment; however, we also observe
that when the environment becomes more complex,
the robots have to decide on regions to cover more of-
ten and therefore end up with less coverage in the 2
hours. For the corridor environment complete cover-
age was obtained after 8 hours of simulation.
For our next set of experiments, we quantify the
overhead of our coverage algorithm in terms of the
distance traveled by the robots, as shown in Figures 6
(a) and (b). We observe that as we increase the num-
ber of robots the amount of useful region covered per
robot reduces while the amount of overhead region
increases, due to robots covering longer distances to
select previously unexplored locations. Finally, we
also observe that as the environment becomes com-
plex with more obstacles, the overhead distance of the
robots increases. This observation can be attributed
to the fact that more obstacles in the environment re-
sult in robots encountering those obstacles and abort-
ing their block definition more often, thereby leading
to more overhead distance while traversing between
covered regions. Overall, this set of experiments show
that complex environments, as well as increasing the
2 robots 3 robots 4 robots
Figure 5: The amount of coverage achieved with 2 (left col-
umn), 3 (middle column) and 4 (right column) robots in
the different environment settings after 2 real-time hours of
simulation in Webots within a 20 × 20 m
arena (a) with
no obstacles in it, (b) with 10% of its area occupied by ob-
stacles, (c) with 25% of its area occupied by obstacles, (d)
divided into corridors.
number of robots within the same environment re-
sult in more overhead distance being traveled by the
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6: Distances traveled (m) by each robot (a) while covering the environment and (b) while not covering the environment
(overhead) under the different robot and environment configurations. (c) Frequency of communication between robots in the
different scenarios.
The final set of experiments under this category
shows our main objective of this paper - the efficacy
of the coverage information compression algorithm
on the amount of communication between the robots.
By using the min-ε algorithm that encodes any con-
vex polygon with a fixed number (m = 4) of 2-D data
points, we ensure that every communication between
any pair of robots will be contain only 4 2-D data
points. If k bytes are used to encode real numbers,
each communication will be no more than m × 2 × k
bytes. The results of this experiment shown in Fig-
ure 6(c) illustrate that the frequency of coverage data
transmission varies from infrequently to moderately
frequently, depending on the environment. We per-
formed all the experiments reported here on the phys-
ical Corobot robots as well and got commensurate re-
sults (omitted for space constraints).
In this paper we have described a distributed cover-
age algorithm for a multi-robot system that dynami-
cally compresses the coverage information to reduce
the communication overhead between the robots. Our
ongoing work is focussed on dynamically adjusting
the dimension of a block depending on the coverage
performance of each robot and investigating lossless
compression techniques for the coverage data to in-
crease the accuracy of the fused covered regions.
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