Figure 5: General Architecture.
WSN is a sensor field where nodes are data
sources which provide raw data, processed data and
metadata. Raw data are direct measurements of the
sensors. Processed data are the result of individual
or collective distributed processing of several nodes,
and metadata facilitate data interpretation like times-
tamps, geographic information, data range, etc.
In our model, processing algorithms are consid-
ered as virtual sensors with the same logic internal
structure and methods of the real sensors. In fact, they
can associate metadata to the processed data.
Depending on the application, results of collabo-
rative processing may be assigned to the area covered
by the involved sensors. In these cases, virtual nodes
must be created using special node identifiers, global
information, such as time, and area-related parame-
ters. With this approach, all data management from
Base Station to application level is homogeneous, no
matter the origin of the data.
Interface Software Architecture is made up of
three software components: router, filter, and storage.
The router translates the data frames from WSN
to a more suitable one, and it must open a TCP server
socket. In this way, multiple clients can access the
data stream, no matter if they are in the same host
In order to test all wireless traffic, the router will
resend all incoming communication frames, not only
sensor data frames. The filter component is highly
dependent on the WSN application, and it must often
be customized to select the right sensor data, and to
remove corrupted or duplicated data.
Storage component saves either filtered on unfil-
tered data to facilitate data retrieval, tracing and de-
3.2 Icaro Interface Software
Icaro implements a customized architecture of the
general model (fig. 5). It consists of independent
modules so that it is possible to improve the system
replacing one or more modules. Figure 6 shows the
real structure of Icaro.
Figure 6: Software Architecture of the Interface.
The interface functionality is divided into the Base
Station Computer and Application Computer. Base
Station Computer is a Moxa industrial embedded PC
with a TelosB mote plugged in a USB port. The sec-
ond computer is a remote Database (Mysql) placed in
our laboratory.
The WSN data are timestamped and geographic
information is coded in the node identification. Fur-
thermore, Icaro runs an auto-organized neural algo-
rithm to process different environmental measure-
ments (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure,
etc) in el Ojillo marsh to learn predicting water level
changes. The result of data processing also includes
metadata with current time and debugging informa-
tion (e.g. local winning neuron).
Base Station Node delivers all data to the com-
puter host by mean of a well known TinyOS sniffer
called basestation. The interface component receives
all information from nodes at the entry point of the
Router component. In Icaro, a TinyOS tool called Se-
rial Forwarder (sf) implements this function.
Serial Forwarder protocol is very simple: A one
byte header with the length of message and the mes-
DCNET 2011 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking