There are two different kinds of flow directions -
telecommunications base stations and repair plants
of telecommunications facilities, of
telecommunications facilities in the maintenance
logistics process of telecommunications operators,
which form two different maintenance logistics
branching processes (shown in Fig 5).
Figure 5: Maintenance logistics process of telecommuni-
cations operators.
3.1 Equipment Fault Process Logistics
Branching Process
Equipment fault process logistics branching process
is the flowing process of telecommunications
facilities in the circular logistics system of
telecommunications operators in processing faulty
telecommunication equipment process. Equipment
fault process logistics branching process involves
with two logistics nodes - reserve centre of
telecommunications facilities and
telecommunications base stations , three logistics
fluids - spare telecommunications facilities, in-use
telecommunications facilities and faulty
telecommunications facilities. Both of the beginning
and the ending of equipment fault process logistics
branching process is in the reserve centre of
telecommunications facilities, passing through
telecommunications base stations in the middle. The
specific equipment fault process logistics branching
process works as follow. The in-use
telecommunications facility break down and change
into faulty telecommunications facility(①). Then the
spare telecommunications facility is sent from
reserve centre of telecommunications facilities to the
telecommunications base station corresponding to
the faulty facility. The spare telecommunications
facility will replace the faulty telecommunications
facility in the telecommunications base station and
become the in-use telecommunications facility(②).
The faulty telecommunications facility that being
replaced will be sent to the reserve centre of
telecommunications facilities and being stored from
the telecommunications base station(③).
3.2 Faulty Equipments Maintenance
Logistics Branching Process
Faulty equipments maintenance logistics branching
process is the flowing process of
telecommunications facilities in the circular logistics
system of telecommunications operators in
maintaining faulty telecommunication equipments
process. Faulty equipments maintenance logistics
branching process involves with two logistics nodes
- reserve centre of telecommunications facilities and
repair plants of telecommunications facilities, three
logistics fluids - faulty telecommunications facilities,
repaired telecommunications facilities and spare
telecommunications facilities. Both of the beginning
and the ending of faulty equipments maintenance
logistics branching process is in the reserve centre of
telecommunications facilities, passing through repair
plants of telecommunications facilities in the middle.
The specific faulty equipments maintenance logistics
branching process works as follow. The faulty
telecommunications facility is sent from reserve
centre of telecommunications facilities to repair
plants of telecommunications facilities( ④ ). The
faulty telecommunications facility will be repaired
in the repair plants of telecommunications facilities
and change into the repaired telecommunications
facility( ⑤ ). The repaired telecommunications
facility then be sent back to the reserve centre of
telecommunications facilities as a spare
telecommunications facility from the repair plants of
telecommunications facilities(⑥).
Waste logistics process is responsible for providing
logistics services for waste telecommunications
facilities in the circular logistics system of
telecommunications operators. It mainly involves
with four kinds of logistics nodes - disassembly
plant of telecommunications facilities, recycle centre