3.3.3 Calculation Result Analysis
The actual calculation results of single influencing
factors of High-speed railway passengers’ travel
choice shows, by large to small, the influencing
factors weights of travel choice are the train’s speed
satisfaction, the train’s start time satisfaction, the
taking environment satisfaction, the ticket price
satisfaction and the high-speed railway safety level.
This paper uses the original data from the Spring
Festival transportation period questionnaire.
Passengers in this period are most students to return
hometown and working-class that work outside. For
the eager to go home for the Spring Festival, they
have high requirements on the travel speed that the
time they have to take to get home; they also have
high requirements on the train’s start time that
whether the train is late. As the saying goes that ” be
thrifty at home and spend liberally while travelling”.
They also hope to get a better taking comfort.
Relatively speaking, in the Spring Festival period,
passengers are not too sensitive to the ticket price
and safety.
The actual calculation results of Multi-motion
weights shows, the Combination weights of speed
and taking environment is the highest, then speed
and start time. the Combination weights of start time
and taking environment is third. The result indicates
that in the Spring Festival period, passengers are
satisfied to the shorter time and the better taking
environment mostly, the union is the main
determinants that passengers choose high-speed
According to Rough Set theory, we could not only
calculate one single attribute’s weight but the
combination weights of two or more of them. To
combine the calculations of single weight and
combination of multiple for comparison and
analysis, we could analyze the condition attributes
themselves and their relationships more accurately
and objectively. Thus, the Rough Set Theory is
extraordinarily appeal to the analysis of factors
affecting High-speed Railway passengers’ travel
The calculation results of one factor or the
combination of two or more of them that affects
High-speed Railway passengers’ choices of travel
shows that High-speed railway passengers regard the
speed as the most important factors when choosing
travel mode. Next to speed are the time of departure
and the environment. Though the weight of single
factor of departure time is higher than that of the
environment, the calculation of combination of
multiple factors shows that the combination of
railway speed and environment influence the most in
passengers’ travel choices.
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