Enhancing SOA Integration through Enterprise Services
Venky Shankararaman and Lum Eng Kit
School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University
Singapore, Republic of Singapore
Abstract. Service enabling packaged applications can provide greater
flexibility and agility to business processes and thus can enhance SOA
integration. In this paper we demonstrate using SAP tools a process driven
composite application namely, Web Sales Process that leverages “enterprise
services” from within the SAP ERP.
1 Introduction
A recent trend among packaged application vendors such as SAP and Oracle is the
“service enablement” of their applications through enterprise services. As a result of
this “service enablement”, a new trend in solution development has emerged namely
“Composite Applications”. Composition is an emerging approach to delivering
enterprise solutions by assembling functionality from prebuilt components. This is
analogous to getting a prefabricated house assembled rather than having it custom-
built. With the emergence of the composite application paradigm the emphasis is on
using model driven and pattern based tools to design and execute the composite
application through a graphical interface rather than writing code [1], [2].
In this paper we demonstrate using SAP tools, the use of enterprise services to
enable a process driven composite application. In Section 2, we define an enterprise
service. Section 3, describes the Web Sales Process. In Section 4 we then present the
composite application architecture for this process along with implementation details.
Section 5 presents some concluding remarks and future trends in this area.
2 Enterprise Services
An enterprise service is technically a standards based web service that has been
purposefully designed for reusability and relates to a business object within the
context of a business process. For example, “Create Purchase Order” is an enterprise
service that relates to the business object “Purchase Order” in the context of the
“Procurement Process” within an ERP. Therefore, an enterprise service typically
contains the “best practice” business logic for executing standard business functions.
This was traditionally available only through proprietary APIs such as BAPI
(Business Application Programming Interface). A BAPI is a proprietary API method
of SAP business object. In contrast to a BAPI, an enterprise service uses a web
Shankararaman V. and Eng Kit L..
Enhancing SOA Integration through Enterprise Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0003554600370040
In Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Information Value Management, Future Trends of Model-Driven Development, Recent Trends in
SOA Based Information Systems and Modelling and Simulation, Verification and Validation (RTSOABIS-2011), pages 37-40
ISBN: 978-989-8425-60-7
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
service based standard interface to access business objects such as “Purchase Order”,
“Sales Order”, etc. In the current project, we therefore leverage the enterprise services.
3 Web Sales Process
We describe the Web Sales Process for an automotive spare parts manufacturer.
Following is a description of this business process. Fig 1 shows the Web Sales
Process, also referred to as the process model using the BPMN standard notations [3].
Fig. 1. Web Sales Process.
The customer submits the order by filling an online form. The next activity in the
process is to verify the customer credit status.
This is achieved through the Credit Verification System (CVS). The CVS is a Java
application that exposes a web service. This web service takes in the Customer ID as
input and returns whether additional approval is required. The CVS uses some
business logic such as customer loyalty, customer account balance, etc. to determine
the credit worthiness.
If approval is required the process waits for the Sales Manager to approve the sales.
If no approval is required, availability of the product is checked by invoking the
‘Check Inventory” enterprise service in the ERP.
If sufficient quantity is available, the sales order is created by invoking the “Create
Sales Order” enterprise service in the ERP. If sufficient quantity is not available,
appropriate business rules are triggered to define re-order quantity. A purchase order is
then created by invoking the enterprise service “Create Purchase Order”. Depending on
the process sequence appropriate notifications are sent to the customer.
4 Web Sales Composite Application Layered Architecture
The Web Sales Process is implemented as a composite application using SAP
Netweaver Composition Environment 7.2. The composite application is divided into
five layers namely Portal, Process, User Interface (UI), Business Logic and Back End
Connectivity (see Fig 2). Table 1 summarizes the different layers along with the SAP
tools that were used for the implementation of each layer. For a detailed overview of
the different layers one can refer to [4].
Fig. 2. Web Sales Composite Application: Layers.
5 Concluding Remarks
Composite applications enable the creation, delivery and execution of enterprise
applications by leveraging existing functionality through service calls that are loosely
coupled to backend systems such as ERP through service-oriented interfaces. In a
process-based composite application, an individual step within a business process uses
the service call to invoke a specific functionality within a backend system. In future,
enterprise applications will be more modularized with functionality being exposed as
enterprise services. This will lead to more flexible and agile business processes that
will extend beyond one organization and thus paving the way for business network
transformation [5].
Customer Sales Manager
UI for Customer to
enter order
UI for Sales Manager to
approve/decline order
Check Inventory Create SO
Packaged Application (SAP ERP)
Web Sales Process
Portal Layer
Process Layer
UI Layer
Business Logic
Back End
Connectivity Layer
Re-Order Business Rules
UI for Customer to
view Notification
Business Rules to control
process flow
Create PO Verify Credit
Service Registry
Table 1. Layers and Tools for Web Sales Composite Application.
Layer Description SAP Tools
Portal This layer provides an interface for the roles to interact
with the process activities. This is achieved through the
portal interface that can provide a single point of access
for managing tasks for a role.
Process In this layer, we define the following: Process activities
and the sequence in which they are executed, Roles that
perform the activities and Business Documents (Data)
that is used or generated by the process
User Interface In this layer, we define the user interface for each
activity that has to be performed as part of the business
process. The user interface models developed are
compiled into General Modeling Language (GML) code
and then deployed. At runtime, the GML code of the
deployed models is interpreted by a runtime engine.
Business Logic This layer includes business logic defined through
business rules. In addition, this layer also supports the
definition of the rules to manage the flow of the process.
This layer provides information about the enterprise
service which includes reference to the services’ relevant
WSDL metadata and the location of the callable service
Back End
This layer provides the ability to make the back end
systems transparent to the composite application. Web
Services are the recommended technology for
connecting composite applications to back-end systems.
1. M. Huvar, T. Falter, T.Fielder and A.Zubev. Developing Applications with Enterprise
SOA. SAP Press. 2009, pp.33-49.
2. J.Rauscher and V.Stiehl. The Developer’s Guide to SAP Netweaver Composition
Environment.SAP Press.2008.
3. Derek Miers and Stephen A.White. BPMN Modeling and Reference Guide. Future
Strategies Inc., Lighthouse Pt, FL. 2008.
4. Eng Kit Lum and Venky Shankararaman.Create a Process Driven Composite Application
with CE7.2-Introduction. SAP Community Network. 2010, http://www.sdn.sap.com.
5. Business Network Transformation: Strategies to Reconfigure Your Business Relationships
for Competitive Advantage edited by J.Word, Wiley, 2009.