, the size of the generated covering array by Best1 is 26, the size by AETG is
30, the size by TCG is 30, and the size by DDA is 27.
6 Conclusions
We studied a greedy framework with six decisions built by Bryce [1]. Thousands of
greedy methods can be derived from this framework. In order to find the best algo-
rithm, we employ Base Choice method [12] to systematically sample an amount of
greedy algorithms derived from the framework. According to the experimental results,
we can draw the following conclusions: (1) the configurations of the framework have a
significant impact on the performance of the covering array size; (2) We can obtain an
optimal configuration in some specific systems, and (3) the optimal configuration can
work for the other systems as well; (4) Comparing the optimal configuration with the
existing methods AETG, TCG and DDA, we find that the optimal configuration has its
advantages, it can generate smaller covering array than the existing methods.
Our conclusion is a complementaryand verification to Bryce’s results. We find more
repetitions and candidates may decrease the covering array size, but it requires more
time cost. Moreover, while these two factors are increased to some extent, the size no
longer decreases. We also find the randomfactor ordering yields very poor performance.
In the future work, we plan to conduct more profound and comprehensive studies
on the greedy framework, which may include: (1) consider more choices of the frame-
work; (2) employ other more scientific sampling methods to optimize the framework;
(3) consider the cases of seeds and constraints in covering array generation.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundationof Jiangsu province
(BK2010372),the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60773104,60721002),
863 high technical plan of China (2009AA01Z143).
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