4 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we conducted an experiment to investigate an important question in
mutation analysis. We compared the similarities between faults and all mutants, and
between faults and subsets of mutants. We confirmed that using a subset of mutants is
more appropriate than using all mutants when evaluating test cases.
In the future work, we plan to do the following research. Firstly, we will conduct
experiments on larger programs with more faulty versions. Secondly, we will apply
more selection techniques to extend our research. For example, in operator-based
selection, we will use Barbosa’s operators and Siami Namin’s operators, and use
other algorithms in clustering-based selection. Thirdly, we will do more research to
deeply explain the phenomenon in detail that using the subset of mutants is better
than using all mutants when evaluating test cases. Finally, we will figure out which
selection technique should we use when we want to select a subset of mutants from
all mutants. We propose to apply more programs with different sizes and structures to
answer this question.
The work described in this article was partially supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (90818027, 60803007, 60803008, 61003024), the Fun-
damental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
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