A Trusted Routing Based Service Discovery Protocol with
Backup Nodes in MANETs
Min-Hua Shao, Yi-Ping Lee, Yen-Fen Hou and Cheng-Yi Ho
Department of Management Information Systems, National Pingtung University of Science
& Technology, 1 Hseuh Fu Road, Nei Pu, Pingtung 912, Taiwan, China
Abstract. The wireless MANET is particularly vulnerable on account of its in-
trinsic characteristics of open medium, dynamic topology, absence of central
authorities, distributed cooperation and constrained capability. These vulnera-
bilities create significant challenges for routing protocols operating in the entire
network. They have inspired lot of research interests regarding node connectivi-
ty in MANETs, but very few measures exist to trust-integrated cooperation for
service discovery. In this paper, we employ cross-layer approaches to propose a
new trusted routing based service discovery protocol called TRSDP. The
TRSDP is a kind of a reactive routing protocol, improved on the Dynamic
Source Routing. Moreover, a backup node mechanism for quick reconnection
during link failures is provided in TRSDP in order to cope with the dynamism
of such networks. Case studies involving security and service discovery scena-
rios were presented to demonstrate how the proposed protocol works. As a re-
sult, this paper gives a solution for the trusted and efficient cooperation of
routing and service discovery in MANETs.
1 Introduction
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) [5] is considered a collection of wireless mobile
nodes that are capable of communicating with each other without relying on any
infrastructure or any centralized administration. In such a network, each mobile node
operates not only as a host but also a router, forwarding packets for other mobile
nodes in the network that may be outside wireless transmission range. Therefore,
wireless MANET is particularly vulnerable due to its intrinsic characteristics, includ-
ing of open medium, dynamic topology, absence of central authorities, distributed
cooperation and constrained capability [4]. Routing plays an important role in the
security of the entire network [1]. Most of the research on MANETs has focused on
issues dealing with the connectivity between mobile nodes mainly through routing
protocols to cope with the dynamism of such networks and the arising problems the-
reof. However, solving the problem of connectivity alone is not sufficient for the
adoption of MANETs. Because their basic role is to allow mobile users to exchange
data and user other’s services, there also is a need for service discovery [2].
In academic literature, service discovery mainly was addressed in the context of
wired networks and most of their solutions are centralized, where services are stored
Shao M., Lee Y., Hou Y. and Ho C..
A Trusted Routing Based Service Discovery Protocol with Backup Nodes in MANETs.
DOI: 10.5220/0003559901150122
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2011), pages 115-122
ISBN: 978-989-8425-61-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in a central server directory, and relied on powerful infrastructure nodes and reliable
links. By contrast, design of mechanisms proposed for service discovery in MANETs
that must cope with node mobility, unstable channel conditions and nodes with li-
mited energy and availability significantly differs from traditional wired solutions.
There exist three basic architectures that a service discovery approach can adopt, that
is, directory-baseddirectory-less and hybrid architectures. In order to benefit from
information available at the routing protocol, we couple cross-layer techniques with
directory-less architectures to propose a new trusted routing based service discovery
protocol called TRSDP. The proposed scheme is based on integrating the routing
process with the service discovery process and further, redundant transmissions of
service discovery packets at the application layer are avoided, and energy is saved.
Considering efficiency and quality of route service against the dynamic nature of
MANETs, we introduce reputation-based trust model and backup routes mechanism
into the popular and widely used Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) [8]. In which, the
communicating parties can select the most reliable route based on trust relationship
among nodes and then feedback the connection experience to maintain the relation-
ship. Therefore, TRSDP is a solution which looks after both sides of secure and
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: In section 2, we present the pro-
posed scheme in detail. In section 3, evaluating the proposed scheme through experi-
ment and analyze the result. The conclusion is in section 4.
2 TRSDP Routing Protocol
In this section, we propose an efficient trust-based service discovery routing protocol
called as TRSDP routing protocol for MANETs. TRSDP is based on DBR
P [7]
routing protocol, we divided it into three phase: 1.Route discovery phase 2.Backup
node setup phase 3.Route maintenance phase.
2.1 Route Discovery Phase
At first, source node will set trust threshold (TT) and service of destination node
(DS). Source node will search node which can provide service and correspond to trust
threshold from route cache and trust cache, if intermediate nodes can match trust
value between source and destination node, then connect it; otherwise, source node
can’t search destination node cause by it cannot provide service and correspond to
trust threshold from route cache and trust cache, it will send RREQ packet. Algorithm
1 deals with the source node of enable route discovery, and algorithm 2 deals with the
examining of route cache.
Algorithm 1:
//DS: Service of destination node
//TT: Trust threshold
For each node in cache
If the route cache exist DS Then
Check timestamp of route cache;
If the trust cache is expire Then
Update the trust cache;
End If
If the node is match TT in trust cache Then
Insert the node address in Target address field of
Forwarding the RREQ packet by unicast send to neighbor
nodes which must meet TT;
The must meet TT of node cannot be found, failed to
End If
End If
End For
Algorithm 2:
//TT: Trust threshold
If the timestamp of route cache is expire Then
Delete the record;
If the destination node has match TT Then
If trust value of all intermediate nodes in the main path
>= TT Then
Connect it;
If trust value of all intermediate nodes in the backup
path >= TT Then
Connect it;
Insert the destination node address in target address
field of RREQ;
Search neighbor nodes from trust cache are matching
End If
End If
Search neighbor nodes from trust cache are matching TT;
End If
End If
To avoid trust value deviation from record change of trust cache, we will the check
the record data. If record data expires, it will update data by searching trust value to
assure accuracy of trust value.
After intermediate node receives RREQ packet, the node checks itself if it is the
destination node at first. If not, next it checks it has received the same RREQ packet
by examining #Rid (Route request ID) in RREQ packet. Suppose the node receives
the packet at the first time; the node will record <#Rid,1> corresponded with time-
stamp of #Rid in RREQ sequence and number of receive both locating in route dis-
cover cache. It will search destination node which can provide service and correspond
to trust threshold from route cache and trust cache, if intermediate node can match
trust value between source and destination node, then it replies RREP packet to
source node. If it cannot search destination node which can provide service and cor-
respond to trust threshold from route cache and trust cache, then it chooses node
which can match trust threshold from trust cache, and forwards RREQ packet, de-
tailed procedure shown in algorithm 3.
Algorithm 3:
//RD: Route discovery cache
//DS: Service of destination node
//<#Rid,C>: C is a counter
//TT: Trust threshold
//index: The intermediate node’s IP
While the intermediate node doesn’t meet the conditions for
If the <#Rid,1> existing in RD Then
If the Address[i] of RREQ == index Then
If n>=3 || expire in RD Then
Drop packet;
C=C+1; //<#Rid,C+1>
End If
Drop packet;
End If
Newly added <#Rid,1> into RD;
Update the timestamp of RD;
End If
For each node in route cache
If the route cache exist DS Then
Check timestamp of route cache;
If the trust cache is expire Then
Update the trust cache;
If node is match TT in trust cache Then
Insert the node address in Target address field of
Forwarding the RREQ packet by unicast send to neigh-
bor nodes which must meet TT;
End if
End if
End if
End For
End While
Reply RREP
If the timestamp does not expire or the total receive times of same RREQ packet
are less than two, intermediate node receives the same #Rid in RREQ packet again;
then the node will add one to the receive times as <#Rid,n+1>. If the timestamp ex-
pire or receive times of same RREQ packet are more than two, intermediate node will
drop the packet. If destination node receives RREQ packet, it will reply RREP packet
to source node, detailed procedure shown in algorithm 4.
Algorithm 4:
//RD: Route discovery cache
//<#Rid,C>: C is a counter
Set D = 0; // Initialization
If C!=0 Then
If the timer is expire in RD Then
Select backup nodes;
Save <#Rid,C> into Address[i];
End if
<#Rid,1> into Address[i];
Start timer of RD;
If D==1 Then
Forward the RREP packet according to RREQ Address[i];
End If
Insert trust value in RREP packet;
Reply RREP packet by Address[i] of RREQ;
The intermediate node according to RREP updates route
cache and trust cache;
Update timestamp of trust cache;
While(not source node)
Connect it;
End If
In order to avoid the course of RREQ delivery being a loop, the node will check if
its own IP address exists in address[i] in RREQ packet when intermediate node rece-
ives RREQ packet. If not, it will drop the RREQ packet.
2.2 Backup Node Setup Phase
When destination node receives RREQ packet at the first time, it will reply RREP
packet. Forward through intermediate nodes, along the reverse paths back to the
source node, this can create a two-way link. In our scheme, when destination node
receives RREQ packet, it will record information in the route table and start a timer,
then keep receiving all RREQ packets in certain time until the time finishes then reply
RREP packet. The amount of time can allow user to adjust follow according to net-
work environment. After timer expires, the destination node goes to build backup
path phase.
The destination node will pick out some backup nodes from address[i] which was
recorded at route discovery cache, and meanwhile sent backup set message to notify
each backup node. At the same time, the backup path will be saved in backup route
2.3 Route Maintenance Phase
When the information is transmitting, the node cannot receive the reply from
downstream node which means the path is invalid, and then enter route maintenance
phase. First of all, detecting invalid path node will check itself is a backup node or
not. If it is, it will directly replace the main route with a backup route from its own
backup route cache. If it is not, the node will send a route break packet to the
upstream node. Then similarly, the receive route break packet node checks if it is
destination node. If not, the route break packet be forward to upstream node
continually, until backup node receives. When the source node receives the packet,
finding out there is no substitutive path to destination node. The source node will
restart route discovery phase.
3 Analysis
We have implemented TRSDP routing protocol in Java environment. The essence of
a perfect information security can be classified into three parts: 1.Confidentiality
2.Integrity 3.Availability. In the paper, we focus on the data integrity and the path
1) Data integrity: Each node only recognizes part of the network topology in
MANET, it has to cooperate with other trusty nodes to gain correct route information
and deliver information completely. Based on many secure route protocol references,
link meeting the requirement of trust is connected through a relationship like interper-
sonal trust, excluding malicious nodes from the linking path to ensure data integrality.
2) Path availability: Because of each node has high mobility in MANET; network
topology will change quickly and be easy to disconnect. As soon as the link discon-
nects, original DSR route protocol will restart route discovery. However, it wastes
much time and influences the real-time of data transfer. The important issue in
MANET is how to build backup path and improve the path availability.
3.1 Security Scenario
In [6], scholars defined trust rate into three security levels. We refer to their research,
setting the trust threshold (TT) previously to divide the trust in three levels which are
ranges from zero to one. If the value approaches one is on behalf of the node has
higher reliability. On the other hand, low reliability signifies that the node does not
accumulate enough of trust value. To make trust degree clearer in representation, we
separate the range into three parts. We simulate the scenario by 23 nodes; an example
of the randomly generated topology is given in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. The randomly generated topology.
3.1.1 Case 1: Low Security Level
Using TRSDP routing protocol at low security level, nodes can send RREQ packet to
establish paths when trust values are more than zero. Consequently, they build up 25
paths. Node S251217 and 18 are backup nodes.
3.1.2 Case 2: High Security Level
Using TRSDP routing protocol at high level, nodes can send RREQ packet to
establish paths if the trust values are more than 0.66. There are two paths connected.
Node S is a backup node.
3.1.3 Discussion
In the preceding sections, number of paths at high security level is less than that at
low security level under the same network topology. The reason is that users require
higher security, so the node will not send RREQ packet to neighbor nodes whose
thresholds are lower than the trust. Therefore, it will minimize the risk of that mali-
cious nodes exist in paths.
A low security level has 25 paths that include malicious node induced by low se-
curity threshold. Suppose trust value of malicious node is less than 0.5 [3]. In case 1,
trust value of node 14 to node 17 is 0.28, which is lower than 0.5. So node 17 is rec-
ognized as a malicious node in routes even though its trust threshold is qualified. The
useful paths passing through node 17 will break in all probability. Therefore, in our
scheme we combined backup path to avoid time waste because of new route discov-
ery. Suppose that node 14 does not receive ACK packet from node 17. It will go to
build backup path phase. Node 14 sends route break packet to the upstream node, as
shown in fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Route breaks and repair. Fig. 3. Backup routing table.
When node 12 receives the route break packet, if it is the backup node, it will
search backup path from backup path table. There are two substitutive paths be found,
node 12 will choose one of them as main path to deliver data (As the show in fig. 3.).
Thus, it avoids data transfer delay induced by restarting route discovery in original
4 Conclusions
Wireless market today is overcrowded with large number of different devices and
mobile devices are inherently scarce in resources, necessitating the need to cooperate
among them for performing tasks that cannot be done alone. This cooperation is in
the form of services that are offered by other device in MANETs. In this paper, we
use the idea of providing routing-layer support for service discovery to propose a
trusted routing based service discovery protocol with backup nodes. The integrated
protocol, TRSDP, can take advantage of the ability of obtaining service information
along with routing information from the same message by piggybacking service in-
formation onto routing messages. This way, redundant transmissions of two message-
producing processes are lightened, and energy is saved. Specifically, the establish-
ment trust-aware routes with backup nodes can be conducted at the same time, that is,
only trustworthy intermediate nodes can participate in activities of data forwarding
and backup restoration. Therefore, the proposed scheme can provide a better tradeoff
between reliability and efficiency.
The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments
and suggestions. This paper was supported in part by the National Science Council,
Taiwan, under contract NSC 98-2410-H-020-007-MY2.
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