Circumstantial-evidence-based Judgment for Software
Effort Estimation
Zheng Li
, Liam O’Brien
and He Zhang
NICTA, Sydney, Australia
School of CS, ANU, Canberra, Australia
CSIRO, Canberra, Australia
School of CSE, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Abstract. Expert judgment for software effort estimation is oriented toward di-
rect evidences that refer to actual effort of similar projects or activities through
experts’ experiences. However, the availability of direct evidences implies the
requirement of suitable experts together with past data. The circumstantial-
evidence-based judgment proposed in this paper focuses on the development
experiences deposited in human knowledge, and can then be used to qualita-
tively estimate implementation effort of different proposals of a new project by
rational inference. To demonstrate the process of circumstantial-evidence-based
judgment, this paper adopts propositional learning theory based diagnostic rea-
soning to infer and compare different effort estimates when implementing a
Web service composition project with some different techniques and contexts.
The exemplar shows our proposed work can help determine effort tradeoff be-
fore project implementation. Overall, circumstantial-evidence-based judgment
is not an alternative but complementary to expert judgment so as to facilitate
and improve software effort estimation.
1 Introduction
Mathematical effort estimation models have been well documented in academia for
many years, while the pervasive estimation method in industry is still based on expert
judgment [1]. One possible reason is that the mental processes software professionals
use to unfold estimation are more closely related to a case-based reasoning (CBR)
approach than a regression-based model [2]. However, expert judgment considerably
depends on experts’ availability and experience, and experts’ knowledge is hardly
accessed by others [3]. Therefore, expert opinion may be not reliable if it is not sup-
ported by objective or scientific evidences. To reduce the possible bias and uncertain-
ty that happens in expert judgment, practical guidelines claim that estimation experts
should be selected based on their experience from similar projects [4]. Following the
practical guidelines, unfortunately, the expert judgment approach could still be in-
feasible if the experts or the past data are not available.
Basically, expert judgment-based software effort estimation must comply with a
golden rule: the expert judgment should always require justification rather than gut
Li Z., O’Brien L. and Zhang H..
Circumstantial-evidence-based Judgment for Software Effort Estimation.
DOI: 10.5220/0003560600180027
In Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies (EAST-2011), pages 18-27
ISBN: 978-989-8425-58-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
feelings [4]. Inspired by Evidence-Based Software Engineering (EBSE) that is “to
provide the means by which current best evidence from research can be integrated
with practical experience and human values in the decision making process regarding
the development and maintenance of software” [5], we can re-consider the justifica-
tion of expert judgment from an evidence-based perspective. According to the classi-
fication of evidence [6], the results of the CBR-based mental processes in traditional
expert judgment can be regarded as direct evidence: experts act as witnesses and
adduce previous cases for the current one. Considering the aforementioned limitation
of direct evidence collection – the requirement of availability of experts with expe-
rience from similar projects, this paper proposes circumstantial-evidence-based
judgment for software effort estimation. Benefiting from existing software develop-
ment experiences as circumstantial evidence, we can use diagnostic reasoning to
qualitatively infer different implementation effort of different proposals of a new
project. As a result, circumstantial-evidence-based judgment can be used to facilitate
and improve the final quantitative effort estimation for new software projects.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 makes a comparison between direct
and circumstantial evidences for effort judgment. Section 3 introduces the method
and inference procedure that can support circumstantial-evidence-based effort judg-
ment. Section 4 takes Web service composition project as sample to demonstrate the
process and result of effort judgment with circumstantial evidences. The conclusion is
drawn, and some future research work is considered in Section 5.
2 Direct vs. Circumstantial Evidence for Effort Judgment
As an analogue of similar forensic scenarios, the traditional CBR-based expert judg-
ment can be viewed as using direct evidence to estimate implementation effort of a
software project. In forensic science, as the name suggests, direct evidence is evi-
dence that proves a fact without requiring inference or presumption [6]. In other
words, direct evidence immediately and precisely establishes a bridge between judge
and fact. An example of direct evidence could be a witness's observation or personal
knowledge of a certain fact. The defendant involved in the past fact is the exact one
involved in the judgment. In the context of effort estimation, different from law, the
new project to be judged is obviously none of the past ones. Nevertheless, to some
extent, experts inevitably view the similar projects as the same one when doing effort
estimation based on their experiences. For example, as suggested by Jørgensen [4],
the actual effort of similar projects or similar activities in other projects will be re-
ferred to as justifications for expert judgment for new project. Therefore, it is reason-
able to consider that in traditional expert judgment experts use their observation on
past projects as direct evidences to estimate effort of new project.
Contrasted with direct evidence, circumstantial evidence does not prove fact in a
straightforward sense, while it requires the intervening or additional evidence infe-
rence to confirm the fact. In forensic science, the most obvious difference between
direct and circumstantial evidence is that “direct evidence is a verbal representation of
a crime itself, whereas circumstantial evidence is an abstract statement about the
connection between the defendant and an incriminating physical trace of the crime”
[7]. Usually, circumstantial evidence is not sufficient, but increases the probability of
the defendant’s guilt, for example blood or fingerprints. Similarly, unlike the direct
evidence in expert judgment that directly gives the estimated effort, circumstantial
evidence for effort judgment must be effort-related abstract statements. Suppose each
finished software project deposits some development experience in the human know-
ledge, similar projects or similar activities should have similar development expe-
riences. Different experiences can then be abstracted into different assertions as scat-
tered fingerprints of existing software projects. As such, different from human beings,
similar software projects or development activities may share the same fingerprints.
To sum up, when estimating effort for a new project, similar projects’ or activi-
ties’ actual effort can be viewed as direct evidence, while existing development expe-
riences can be considered as circumstantial evidence. In forensic science, both direct
and circumstantial evidences are used to draw categorical, yes-no type, conclusions.
In the context of software effort estimation, direct evidence brings quantitative effort
estimate for a particular project proposal, while circumstantial evidence can give
qualitative comparison between effort estimates of different development proposals.
3 Effort Judgment with Circumstantial Evidence
3.1 Collecting Circumstantial Evidences
When it comes to collecting evidences for effort estimation, direct evidence collection
is to gather detailed software project data, while circumstantial evidence collection is
to gather generic software development experiences. Compared with the straightfor-
ward process of direct evidence collection, searching and identifying circumstantial
evidences could be more complicated. We propose to use a systematical method that
is to apply systematic literature review (SLR) in the evidence space formed by all the
effort factors. SLR is the main methodology applied for EBSE, which can be natural-
ly used to collect and justify different effort-related hypothesis aiming at different
effort factors. The justified effort-related hypothesis can then be used as circumstan-
tial evidences for effort judgment. As for the effort factors, we can directly borrow
ideas from existing effort estimation work, such as parametric estimation models. For
example, 15 effort multipliers like Product Complexity and Programmers’ Capability
are employed in COCOMO [20], and each of them can be viewed as an effort factor
towards which we may identify a corresponding circumstantial evidence through
3.2 Utilizing Circumstantial Evidences
As specified previously, circumstantial evidences cannot be used without rational
inference to proven facts. The rational inference can be realized as a cascaded process
of diagnostic reasoning. A possible guideline for using circumstantial evidences to do
diagnostic reasoning is the theory of propositional learning (TPL) [15]. TPL is origi-
nally used for belief revision, which comprises three elements: (1) the association
between a possible clue and a possible cause; (2) the forward implication from the
actual cause to the possible clue; (3) the backward implication from the clue to the
possible cause. The clues are circumstantial evidences like fingerprints, while the
causes are suspects’ actions by which the fingerprints are left. When implementing
diagnostic reasoning with TPL, the inference process of diagnostic reasoning can then
be established through the linkage of aforementioned elements, as illustrated in Fig.
Fig. 1. The inference process of diagnostic reasoning.
For software effort judgment, the first-hand clues are existing software projects,
while the actual cause is the requirement of a new project. When doing backward
implication, benefiting from the techniques of EBSE [5], the original clues can be
collected and used to extract effort-related assertions. Note that, different from the
work in [2] that collects the actual effort of similar projects, EBSE used for circums-
tantial-evidence-based judgment focuses on the generic relationships between effort
and different development actions, namely development experiences. When doing
forward implication, on the other hand, the profile of a concrete project will be ex-
plored to identify possible development actions. The identified possible development
actions can be used to build an association between previous projects and the current
one to further facilitate effort judgment. In general, the association is built by a cas-
caded inference. In a cascaded inference, the conclusion of one inference acts as a
premise for the subsequent inference, while the final conclusion will be the qualita-
tively estimated effort.
In practice, there is usually a set of circumstantial evidences for one effort judg-
ment task. These circumstantial evidences can be either consistent with or contrary to
each other. Here we define different evidences are consistent when the same conclu-
sion can be drawn in an effort judgment, or contrary when different conclusions are
drawn in the judgment. Generally, consistent circumstantial evidences can help con-
firm and reinforce the same conclusion. For contrary circumstantial evidences, we
would have to give further judgment based on the amount and weight of different
standpoints, which is similar to the reality in a forensic trial proceeding.
4 An Exemplar
To better comprehend circumstantial-evidence-based effort judgment, we employ one
Web service composition project as an example to explain the judgment process.
Considering our work is still in the early stage, here we directly choose five hypo-
theses of development experience as original circumstantial evidences. In practice,
however, development experiences should be justified through the evidence collec-
tion approach supplied by EBSE.
4.1 Five Circumstantial Evidences
In software engineering, effort of a task is generally accounted by calculating how
long and how many workers are needed to finish the task. In other words, the amount
of human activities in a project is proportional to the amount of effort required to
finish the project. Therefore, for a certain software project, one basic circumstantial
evidence (CE) can be:
CE1. In general, the increase of required human activities in a project will have a
proportional impact on the final effort.
Human activities include both physical and mental activities. Since software devel-
opment is a knowledge-intensive undertaking, software product/service is a type of
intellectual property produced by human mental activities. Unfortunately, within a
given time span people have limited mental capability to deal with information [8].
For every single person, the increased amount of information beyond a certain point
may even defeat his/her mental ability, and hence result in errors [10]. As a result, the
more information that exists in a project, the more people and human activities might
be required to perform accurate manipulations. Together with CE1, therefore, we can
find a new circumstantial evidence:
CE2. In general, the increase of information in a project will have a proportional
impact on the final effort.
Based on our common experience, the adoption of sophisticated tools usually implies
much information we have to deal with in a project. However, tools are essentially
developed and used to save human activities. For a certain project, the more work the
tools can fulfill, the less human activities the project will require. Consequently, also
together with CE1, a tool-related circumstantial evidence is:
CE3. In general, the increase of work that tools can fulfill in a project will have an
inversely proportional impact on the final effort.
In the software economics field, complexity has been viewed as an inherent property
of the functional requirements of a software product, which cannot be reduced or
simplified beyond a certain threshold [19]. Moreover, complexity has been proved to
be a significant and non-negligible factor that influences software development and
maintenance [11]. In fact, the more complexity involved in a system, the more diffi-
culty the designers or engineers have to understand the implementation process and
thus the system itself [9], and hence the greater mental effort people have to exert to
solve the complexity [8].
Fig. 2. The hockey stick function.
The hockey stick function [13] vividly depicts the relationship between complexi-
ty and effort of a software project, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The amount of required
effort may suddenly increase when the corresponding project exceeds a certain level
of complexity. Overall, the circumstantial evidence related to complexity can be
summarized as:
CE4. In general, the increase of complexity in a project will have a proportional im-
pact on the final effort.
When it comes to project complexity, one of the main contributors is the complexity
of the methods that target achieving the project goals [12]. The methods of software
development are mainly reflected by the techniques used to implement a correspond-
ing project. In particular, techniques have been viewed as internal environment of a
system (organization), while the system’s complexity is considered a response to the
environmental complexity [13]. Consequently, the complexity of techniques involved
in a software project will positively influence the complexity of the project. There-
fore, together with CE4, we can identify the circumstantial evidence CE5:
CE5. In general, the increase of difficulty of techniques in a project will have a pro-
portional impact on the final effort.
4.2 Circumstantial-evidence-based Judgment for a Web Service Composition
By using an effort-oriented classification matrix [16], existing approaches to Web
service composition can be classified according to different type of contexts and
techniques. For example, we can distinguish between Orchestration and Choreogra-
phy in consideration of composition pattern, Syntactic and Semantic compositions
according to the semiotic context, or REpresentational State Transfer (RESTful) and
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) based compositions according to the compo-
sition mechanism. Since different types of Web service composition require different
development activities, a part of the profile exploration of a Web service composition
project can be done as follows.
Orchestration vs. Choreography: Orchestration normally describes and executes a
centralized process flow that acts as a coordinator to the involved Web services. The
central coordinator explicitly specifies the business logic and controls the order of
invocation of Web services. Choreography represents collaboration between web
services that focuses on the peer-to-peer message exchange. The collaboration is
decentralized where all participating Web services work equally and do not rely on a
central controller. Since distributed processing would be inevitably more complicated
than non-distributed processing [14], generally speaking, for the same Web service
composition project the choreography-based implementation will be more complex
than the orchestration-based implementation. Meanwhile, as the current de facto stan-
dard of orchestrating Web services, Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
stemmed from existing languages and tools and has been widely accepted, whereas
the choreography language Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-
CDL) was developed without any prior implementation and is still far from mature
[17]. Considering this technical influence, the implementation of choreography will
be more difficult than that of orchestration. Consequently, if holding the other aspects
of one particular Web service composition project constant, development actions
(DA) can be abstracted and compared between orchestration and choreography:
DA1. In general, the implementation of choreography is more complex than that of
DA2. In general, the techniques used for choreography are more difficult than that for
Syntactic Composition vs. Semantic Composition: The syntactic Web, for example
the current World Wide Web, was designed primarily for human interpretation and
conveying information. The lack of machine-readable semantics then requires human
intervention for Web service discovery and composition, and therefore hampers the
usage of Web services in complex business environment. On the contrary, the seman-
tic Web and semantic Web service were proposed through incremental and informa-
tion-added adjustments. Since semantic Web and semantic Web services are sup-
posed to automate service discovery, selection, composition and execution by adding
the inherent meanings [18], human activities within semantic compositions will be
decreased while the involved information will be increased. However, the increased
information in semantic Web service composition is for machine interpretation rather
than human intervention. Meanwhile, syntactic and semantic Web services share the
unified Web infrastructure and both use markup language based techniques to de-
scribe information. It can then be stated that the difficulty levels of techniques
adopted in both syntactic and semantic Web service compositions are similar. There-
fore, for proposals with different semiotic context for a particular Web service com-
position project, we can assert:
DA3. In general, the implementation within syntactic context requires more human
interventions than that within semantic context.
DA4. In general, the implementation within semantic context involves more informa-
tion for machine interpretation than that within syntactic context.
DA5. In general, the difficulty of techniques used for syntactic implementation is
similar to that for semantic implementation.
RESTful Composition vs. SOAP-based Composition: RESTful Web service compo-
sition integrates normally disparate Web resources to create a new application. These
resources can be the exposure of pure data or traditional application functionality.
SOAP/WS-* based Web service composition is a collection of related, structured
activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product for a particular customer.
Compared with RESTful compositions, SOAP-based compositions employ more
sophisticated techniques including heavyweight protocols, a set of WS-* stack, and
more Message Exchange Patterns (MEPs), which can satisfy more QoS requirements
while also deal with more information. Therefore, if the requirement of a particular
Web service composition project can be satisfied by using either RESTful or SOAP-
based approach, we can assert:
DA6. In general, the techniques used for the SOAP-based implementation are more
difficult than that for the RESTful implementation.
DA7. In general, the SOAP-based implementation deals with more information than
the RESTful implementation does.
To summarize, DA1~DA7 are analysis results drawn from characteristics of different
types of Web service composition projects. These analysis results can be viewed as
abstracts of different development actions, and act as possible inference bridges be-
tween real development actions and the identified circumstantial evidences. Benefit-
ing from TPL based diagnostic reasoning, therefore, we can conveniently and qualita-
tively judge the effort of these composition types. For example, the forward implica-
tion from (DA1, DA2) to (CE4, CE5) can infer that choreography requires more
effort than orchestration does when implementing a particular Web service composi-
tion project, or “E
> E
” for short. Similarly, we can also give qualitative effort
judgment for the other composition types mentioned in this Section, as shown in
Table 1. Note that not all the circumstantial evidences are applicable in this case.
Table 1. Circumstantial-evidence-based effort judgment for different types of Web service
Development Actions Circumstantial Evidences Effort Judgment
(DA1, DA2) (CE4, CE5) E
> E
> E
(DA6, DA7) (CE5, CE2) E
> E
5 Conclusions
Expert judgment is the widely adopted technique for software effort estimation in in-
industry. From an evidence-based perspective, expert judgment relies on direct evi-
dences that require the availability of both experts and past project data. Considering
the lack of suitable experts and available data in the current practice of software engi-
neering, we propose circumstantial-evidence-based judgment to facilitate qualitative
effort estimate of a new software project. Compared with direct evidences that focus
on actual effort of past projects, circumstantial evidences for effort judgment are
abstracts of existing software development experiences. Before implementing a new
project, identified circumstantial evidences can be combined with the profile of new
project by rational inferences to qualitatively compare the efforts of different devel-
opment proposals. As such, circumstantial-evidence-based judgment can not only
help settle implementation design for software project, but also act as complementary
to expert judgment for the implementation effort. Moreover, the circumstantial evi-
dences in the context of effort judgment can be accumulated and deposited as general
knowledge to further guide and assess individual expert judgments. SLR, as the main
methodology applied for EBSE, can be an effective approach to evidence collection
for circumstantial-evidence-based judgment. All the development experiences men-
tioned in this paper do need the support by further evidences that can be identified
and synthesized by this EBSE methodology. Therefore, our future work will try to
apply SLR to this novel effort judgment method. Moreover, we also plan to use prop-
ositional calculus to formalize the rational inference taking place during judgment
NICTA is funded by the Australian Government as represented by the Department of
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and the Australian Research
Council through the ICT Centre of Excellence program.
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