industry. From an evidence-based perspective, expert judgment relies on direct evi-
dences that require the availability of both experts and past project data. Considering
the lack of suitable experts and available data in the current practice of software engi-
neering, we propose circumstantial-evidence-based judgment to facilitate qualitative
effort estimate of a new software project. Compared with direct evidences that focus
on actual effort of past projects, circumstantial evidences for effort judgment are
abstracts of existing software development experiences. Before implementing a new
project, identified circumstantial evidences can be combined with the profile of new
project by rational inferences to qualitatively compare the efforts of different devel-
opment proposals. As such, circumstantial-evidence-based judgment can not only
help settle implementation design for software project, but also act as complementary
to expert judgment for the implementation effort. Moreover, the circumstantial evi-
dences in the context of effort judgment can be accumulated and deposited as general
knowledge to further guide and assess individual expert judgments. SLR, as the main
methodology applied for EBSE, can be an effective approach to evidence collection
for circumstantial-evidence-based judgment. All the development experiences men-
tioned in this paper do need the support by further evidences that can be identified
and synthesized by this EBSE methodology. Therefore, our future work will try to
apply SLR to this novel effort judgment method. Moreover, we also plan to use prop-
ositional calculus to formalize the rational inference taking place during judgment
NICTA is funded by the Australian Government as represented by the Department of
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and the Australian Research
Council through the ICT Centre of Excellence program.
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