Moving Towards the Office of the Future
Maarten Dumont
, Sammy Rogmans
, Steven Maesen
, Karel Frederix
Johannes Taelman
and Philippe Bekaert
Hasselt University, tUL, IBBT, Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Wetenschapspark 2, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
Multimedia Group, IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
Immersive environment, Office of the future, Multitouch surface, Virtual camera, Multiprojector.
In this paper, we present our work in building a prototype office environment for computer-supported col-
laborative work, that spatially – and auditorially immerses the participants, as if the augmented and virtual
generated environment was a true extension of the physical office. To realize this, we have integrated var-
ious hardware, computer vision and graphics technologies from either existing state-of-the-art, but mostly
from knowledge and expertise in our research center. The fundamental components of such an office of the
future, i.e. image-based modeling, rendering and spatial immersiveness, are illustrated together with surface
computing and advanced audio processing, to go even beyond the original concept.
In these modern times, professional collaboration be-
tween people becomes more and more a necessity,
very often even over long distances. This creates the
need for a futuristic office environment where people
can instantly collaborate on demand, as if they were
in the same time and place, anywhere and anytime
(see Fig. 1). The visions of an office of the future are
not new, and most famous from the well-known pub-
lication of(Raskar et al., 1998), envisioning the uni-
fication of computer vision and graphics. A general
consensus in this research domain is that there are 3
fundamental requisites to crystalize these ideas:
Dynamic Image-based Modeling. The computer
vision part that analyzes the scenery and potential
display surfaces in the related offices and dynami-
cally models them in real-time for further process-
ing or augmentation with virtual images.
Rendering. The computer graphics part that ren-
ders the models according to the analyzed (irreg-
ular) display surfaces, position and viewing direc-
tion of the participants.
Spatially Immersive Display. The hardware part
that provides with a sufficient immersive medium
for the virtual rendered or augmented images of
Figure 1: Teaser picture of being immersed within a large
real-time virtual office environment.
the generated models and physical scenery.
Although the ideas themselves are not new, they
remain very challenging because it requires the in-
tegration of advanced computer vision, graphics and
hardware, moreover, all functioning seemlessly to-
gether within a real-time constraint.
Dumont M., Rogmans S., Maesen S., Frederix K., Taelman J. and Bekaert P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003567702120216
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2011), pages 212-216
ISBN: 978-989-8425-72-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 2: The prototype of our office environment, existing out of 5 application building blocks: (1) Acquire local environ-
ment, (2) render remote participant, (3) project augmented reality, (4) surface computing, and (5) audio processing.
We have developed a prototype (see Fig. 2) of a spa-
tial immersiveofficeenvironmentthat is coming close
to computer-supported collaborative work like it has
been long envisioned in the conceptual office of the
future (Raskar et al., 1998). We implement the three
fundamental requisites of these futuristic working en-
vironments, using a sea of cameras that lies at the
base of our reconstruction and rendering algorithm
that (1) dynamically models and (2) renders the re-
quired scenery at once. Furthermore, we have cre-
ated a spatial immersive display using a multipro-
jector setup that (3) projects an augmented reality to
form a virtual extension of the physical office. Going
beyond the original concept, we integrated (4) surface
computing and (5) audio processing for realistic com-
2.1 Acquire Local Environment
As the first requisite of futuristic immersive offices,
we place a sea of cameras to acquire and dynami-
cally model the local environment. We constrain the
panoramic display surface as being fixed, which is of-
ten the case in practical situations, and therefore do
not need a constant autocalibration of the projectors.
Hence the sea of cameras can be limited to only 4 or
6 pieces without impeding on the resulting quality of
the generated virtual imagery, i.e. modelling and ren-
dering the office participant. For minimal interference
with the environment, the cameras are placed behind
the panoramic display surface, while small holes in
the screen allow the lenses to slightly pale through
and capture the physical scenery.
Instead of contructing a genuine 3D model of the
participant, we exploit the determined coordinates of
a high-speed person and eye tracking module to only
synthesize the required point of view for the remote
participant. A drastic amount of modelling and ren-
dering computations are therefore bypassed, moreov-
Moving Towards the Office of the Future
er, the physical (audio)visual streams are used locally,
and only the virtual (audio)visual stream is sent over
the network. Hence, the data processing and commu-
nication is optimized to guarantee the real-time as-
pect of the office system, even when using inexpen-
sive commodity processing hardware.
2.2 Render Remote Participant
As the second requisite of immersive office collab-
oration, the remote participant is rendered correctly
according to the position and viewing location of the
local user. We do this by using an intelligent and op-
timized plane sweeping algorithm (Yang et al., 2002;
Dumont et al., 2008; Dumont et al., 2009b; Rogmans
et al., 2009b) that harnesses the computational power
of the massive parallel processing cores inside con-
temporary graphics cards (Owens et al., 2008; Rog-
mans et al., 2009c; Rogmans et al., 2009a; Goorts
et al., 2009; Goorts et al., 2010) for maintaining the
real-time constraint. Furthermore, the rendering is
made so that the eye contact between the collaborators
is restored, without physically having to look inside
the camera lens. The immersivity is therefore already
quite high, and can be further improved by optionally
rendering the remote participant stereoscopically for
natural 3D perception (Dumont et al., 2009a; Rog-
mans et al., 2010a). However, as this requires the in-
convience of wearing active shutter glasses, we often
resort to exploiting only monocular depth cues while
still perceiving good 3D (Held et al., 2010; Rogmans
et al., 2010b).
Both participants are augmented with an ad hoc
precaptured panoramic environment to truly immerse
the users. Nonetheless, the (audio)visual stream can
be kept locally as the virtual context of the stream
serves the sole purpose of consistently expanding the
given physical office space. The high-speed person
and eye tracking can therefore also take care of the
dynamic rendering, following mainly the rules of mo-
tion paralax, yet optionally also other important nat-
ural depth cues to further maximize the credibility of
the virtual environment background being real.
2.3 Project Augmented Reality
The third fundamental requisite of a futuristic office
is a spatial immersive display, such as e.g. CAVE
(Cruz-Neira et al., 1993; Juarez et al., 2010), Cave-
let (Green and Whites, 2000) or Blue-C (Gross et al.,
2003). We managed to build a rather cheap immersive
display by spanning a durable heavy white vinyl cloth
over a series of lightweight aluminum pipes, to form
a 180 degree panoramic screen using multiple projec-
tors. To supress the overall cost, the cloth is matte
white with reflection less than 5%, instead of the cin-
ematic pearlescent screens with a reflection of about
15%. This results in the fact that black is observed
as a form of dark grey and the overall brightness as
rather low. As a consequence, we do not rely on sub-
liminal imperceivable structured light that is embed-
ded in the projector feeds. Nevertheless, we do use
some additional flood lights that are carfully placed
above the panoramic screen, to ensure proper lighting
of the office participants.
The lack of constant (imperceivable) structured
light renders it impossible to continously autocal-
ibrate the projectors for dynamic image correcting
if the cloth should change shape. However, as the
cloth is spanned tightly around the aluminum pipes,
the panoramic display is fixed so that the projectors
only need to be calibrated once at the office setup.
The multiprojector setup is calibrated to be able to
seemlessly stitch the multiple projections and to geo-
metrically correct the image according to the shape
of the screen. While various methods already ex-
ist (Raskar et al., 1999; Fiala, 2005; Harville et al.,
2006; Griesser and Gool, 2006; Sajadi and Majumder,
2010), our single ad hoc calibration is based on per-
ceivable structured light that is being recorded by a
temporary camera, which is placed within the vicin-
ity of the projectors.
2.4 Surface Computing
Beyond the three fundamental requisites to build an
office of the future, we also integrated cooperative
surface computing (Dietz and Leigh, 2001; Cuypers
et al., 2009; Wobbrock et al., 2009). In contrast to
standard outdated computer-supported collaborative
work systems that typically only share software appli-
cations, the networked surface computing allows the
office participants to genuinely exchange documents
as if they were interacting with printed paper. The
used surface computer features a typical multitouch
control, commonly known on devices such as the Ap-
ple iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, providing a natural
and intuitive feel when handling documents. The files
that are opened are shared between the users by the
network and can be viewed, controlled, manipulated
and annotated simultaneously for true immersive col-
laboration, as if the particpants were working at the
same table. Although it is not a direct criterion in the
original draft of the office of the future, it greatly con-
tributes to the collaborative characteristics and is an
essential part of futuristic office environments.
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 3: Picture of our prototype setup when collaborating
between office location A and B.
2.5 Audio Processing
As a final part of our futuristic office prototype, we
included advanced audio processing to further facil-
itate and complete the communication between the
users. For now, we only have support for monaural
sound, as our office is designed for one-to-one collab-
oration. The sound is hence captured with a single
high-fidelity microphone and send to the other side
for processing. Upon arrival, the audio stream is first
registered and synchronized before being amplified
and outputted through the speakers. As the sound is
played, the Larsen effect, i.e. the audio feedback that
is generated through the loop created between both
audio systems, is dynamically cancelled using the de-
termined network transfer delay at registration. The
synchronization and echo cancellation contributes in
a natural way of communicating, giving the users the
feeling of talking to each other in the same room.
While not yet implemented, the system design
lends itself perfectly for genuine 3D audio by using
a minimum of 2 microphones and reconstructing the
3D sound by according surround speaker setups. This
also provides the office participants the direction of
the speaker, which is particulary useful at many-to-
many collaborations. However, the sound must re-
main consistent with the augmented reality.
Our system was initially built and tested at our re-
search lab, but was also demonstrated and used at
the ServiceWave convention in December 2010 (see
Fig. 3). Per office setup we used two computers, one
for the acquisition and rendering, and one for the im-
mersive projection. Both computers had an Intel Core
2 Quad CPU and a GTX280 graphics card of NVIDIA
with 1GB GDDR3 memory. The cameras were Point
Grey Grashoppers and Flees with a FireWire connec-
tion, and the projectors Optoma TX1080s. The sur-
face computer had an embedded PC for displaying
the documents and processing the mutitouch gestures,
while the audio processing and echo cancellation was
done on an individual Mac Mini. In practice, our sys-
tem achieved real-time speeds over 26 fps.
A demostration movie of our futuristic office en-
vironment, as presented at ServiceWave 2010, can be
found on http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/mdumont/
Sigmap2011. We invite the reader to have a look in
order to get a better understanding of the possibilities
and complexity of the system.
We have presented our prototype of a futuristic office
for computer-supported colalborative work in a con-
traint environment. Even though we implemented the
fundamental criteria as originally stated by (Raskar
et al., 1998), we even went beyond by additionally
using surface computing and advanced audio process-
ing, while still achieving over 26 fps real-time speed.
We would like to acknowledge the Interdisciplinary
Institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT). Co-
author Sammy Rogmans is funded by a specialization
bursary from the IWT, under grant number SB073150
at the Hasselt University.
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SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications