Commercial Airliner Emergency Safety System
Marvin Oliver Schneider
Business School São Paulo, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
Av. Roque Petroni Jr. 630, 9º. Andar, 04707-000 São Paulo, Brazil
João Luís Garcia Rosa
Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação, Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Trabalhador São-Carlense, 400, 13560-970 São Carlos, Brazil
Keywords: Airliner Safety, Intelligent Safety Systems, GeneRec, Biologically Plausible Artificial Neural Networks.
Abstract: This paper presents the project CARESS1, which is a connectionist system, using an MLP as network
structure and GeneRec as learning algorithm, with the purpose to comprehend unforeseen situations in civil
aviation and treat them in order to avoid air disasters. The importance of a new safety approach is discussed,
related work is given and a system overview is presented. Shortly the first results (in a simulation
environment) shall be obtained. The approach is a new and promising means to automatic problem
treatment and might lead the way up to the final aim of a fully automatic aircraft.
The issue of airplane safety is of high financial and
emotional importance. Modern passenger jets cost
frequently around 100 Million US-Dollars (see
Reuters, 2007) and thus their financial loss is of
great impact, even if insurance is involved.
Nowadays the only plausible way from one
continent to the other appears to be by airplane. In
times of globalization, it should be deemed probable
that there will be even more airlines and passengers
transported every upcoming year.
Meanwhile a feeling of lack of safety is present
to many people inside airplanes (according to
Brown, 1996, only 6% feel comfortable). This is
indirectly documented by the series of publications,
which seek to overcome this uncomfortable feeling
such as Brown (2006), Hartman and Huffaker
(1995) or Krefting and Bayaz (2000), by the great
press attention given to any of the events and by
several horror/suspense films, which include aircraft
(see the long list presented by Daniel Webster
College, 2007).
Whereas the attention given to rare fatal
accidents is large and immediate (in such a way to
not even wait for confirmation as with Air France
flight 358 to Toronto on October 2
, 2005
commented in Toronto Star, 2005), the attention
given to constantly present fears is minimal.
Yet, the well-known statistical result of an
airplane being safer than any other way of
transportation is actually not a universal truth. Weir
(1999) raises a lot of critics concerning the way
statistics are conduced and set and he identifies them
as a way to blind the ordinary passenger by
manipulating the parameters in a way to provide the
desired result.
It becomes clear that safety is one of the most
important issues on a jet plane and that every effort
should be taken to achieve it, so that this form of
transport can not only be considered statistically
more safe, but actually a reliable means of transport
- also emotionally speaking.
The following fatal characteristics may be found in
many airliner accidents (found in a series of crashes
as seen in Transportation Safety Board of Canada
(1998), Folha Online (2008) or Terra Notícias
Oliver Schneider M. and Luís Garcia Rosa J..
CARESS1 - Commercial Airliner Emergency Safety System.
DOI: 10.5220/0003568502230226
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2011), pages 223-226
ISBN: 978-989-8425-74-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
System malfunction (wrong path, unsuccessful
detection of the approach of danger);
Need for rapid pilot decision (reprogramming
or evasion manoeuvres);
High physical and emotional stress
(reprogramming in a hurry, G-forces after the
A possibility to avoid the accident or its major
consequences, if conducted differently;
Different behavior of the pilot is at least
difficult to impossible in the present situation,
whereas a mechanical intelligent approach
could be fast enough or accurate enough.
Out of the following reasons an automated
approach is probable to produce better results:
It is not subject to emotional stress and stays
analytical and focused even in extreme
It is less subject to physical “stress”
(movement, G-forces), if mounted properly;
It may be much faster than a pilot;
It is not subject to negligence inside its scope, it
has no corporal needs (as sleep on long distance
The aim of the present approach is to develop
CARESS1, a project, which shall lead the way to a
safety system, intended for commercial passenger
aircraft. CARESS1 shall present the following high-
level technical benefits:
Automatic reaction on imminent extreme
dangers, overriding the pilot’s controls, if
Alert of dangerous situations (mechanical
failure, weather, wrong decisions etc.);
Enhancement of automated navigation and
treatment of turbulences.
Thus the following non-technical benefits are
Development of a feeling of high safety and
Help in the treatment of the fear of flying.
Current approaches might be divided into common
approaches (which may already be partially or fully
implemented) and novel approaches, which still
need research to reach the level of implementation.
The following shall give a short overview of some
Several collision avoidance systems were
developed and enhanced, as shown in Williams
(2004). As he stresses, trace goes back to a 1956
crash over the Grand Canyon and systems have been
improved ever since, including versions for ground
or air collisions, sounding alerts and radars. There is
yet no integrated approach in production, which
could automatically evade this type of crashes.
Waterman (2002) gives the interesting idea to be
able to override the controls of the cockpit from
outside the plane (i.e. from the tower or a mobile
station) and thus be able to lock the plane on its
course in case o hijacking. This might also be used
in case of an imminent disaster when the pilot is
unable to solve a problem alone. It, however, does
not address the issue of the speed of reaction.
The following approaches may be considered
novel and more in the scope of CARESS1. They are
currently under development, organized by the
NASA (listed in National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 2008) and elaborated with the help
of university and industry researchers:
The Integrated Intelligent Flight Deck (IIFD)
shall offer an optimized access to controls to the
pilot as well as establish good awareness of the
aircraft condition. It shall sense internal and external
hazards and offer key information for the solution of
the problem.
The IRAC (Integrated Resilient Aircraft Control)
project is an implementation of on board systems
which shall guarantee manoeuvrability and stability
margins in case of the presence of sudden adverse
conditions (such as structural damage, control
surface failure, icing, aerodynamic problems). It
relies on integrated multidisciplinary aircraft design
tools. Math models are used to model the
interactions between control inputs, trajectory
planning and guidance and the aircraft structure and
propulsion systems.
The project Integrated Vehicle Health
Management Project (IVHM) has its focus on
automated detection, diagnosis and prognosis which
enable mitigation of adverse events during flight. It
is different from IRAC in the sense of focusing more
on the hardware and software situation of the
aircraft. Special importance is given to a proper
software analysis, for which the methodology has
yet to be developed. One of the main outputs shall
be the remaining useful life (RUL) of equipment.
Data shall be shared and mined in order to allow a
broader analysis and prevention.
CARESS1 differs from these approaches in two
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
main points:
CARESS1 is a connectionist approach and as
such a learning system, which is not fully pre-
modelled. It is to learn over time from its own
experiences and share them to others.
CARESS1 as a project follows a “from inside
out” approach, i.e., firstly a core is modelled with
few typical sensors and actuators (and without any
demand of completeness). Afterwards the system is
“broadened” to attend a list of the above needs.
Final objective of CARESS1 is the fully
automated aircraft.
The purpose of CARESS1 is to treat incidents,
which typically pose extreme difficulty on airplane
pilots and cannot either be treated by automated
means at the present point of development.
The main problems associated are:
Air traffic: May be at crash course with the
plane and – depending on the angle or the day
light – may not be naturally seen by the pilot. In
this case, malfunctioning or deactivated
collision detection systems are an extreme
Weather conditions: Bad weather can render the
jet uncontrollable or cause structural damage
with the respective consequences. Pilots may
not be able to cope with the weather nor the
consequences after.
Own health status: A system of the aircraft may
suddenly fail, an engine might be lost, there may
be cracks in the structure etc. etc. A system must
be aware of such failures and promptly provide
the solution.
Control info: Ground control may pass
important data, which is not correctly registered
by the pilot. A system must have a means to
receive information and report constantly to the
Ground in different altitudes: A crash may be
caused even at altitude in case of an upcoming
mountain peak. This has to be fully treated and
seen by a system, at least to the point of evading
the obstacle in due time.
In its first version, CARESS1 is presented in the
form of a simulation, implemented in Java. It may be
obvious to say that the way to a commercial version,
used on board a commercial jet liner, is non-trivial,
but appears feasible. In the beginning of this project,
the focus remains on the implementation of the core
system, which shall provide a basis to judge the
feasibility of the proposed core architecture for the
tasks involved.
This means that the following elements are
currently being implemented: A measuring module
for typical aircraft sensors, a translation module for
the serialization of information to the Multilayer
Perceptron input layer, a core module with a
Recurrent Multilayer Perceptron architecture and the
use of the GeneRec learning algorithm, a translation
module for the de-serialization of information from
the MLP output layer to typical aircraft actuators
and finally an action module, which controls the
immediate action to be taken in the event.
After the definition of the core module and the
respective initial universe of sensors and actuators,
several tests in simulation shall be executed to
guarantee good function, defining sequences for
normal operation, small issues and potential hazards.
Learning shall be verified. Completing this phase,
basically sensors and actuators shall be extended
whereas the main algorithm of the system should
remain stable with only few changes.
Importantly, it shall be observed that – whereas
the actuators currently in use in an aircraft should be
almost unchanged – a series of new sensors should
also be physically implemented over time to ensure
self-awareness of the airplane. This is oriented at the
nervous structure of the human body, laying sensors
all over the plane, its fuselage (skin) and its
equipments (organs). In order to keep the wiring
low, it is suggested to establish a data-bus via fiber
optics and lead all the data to the main instance, the
server with the system (brain).
Concerning the network core architecture the
following might be said:
The Multilayer Perceptron is a standard and
easily implemented Artificial Neural Network with
Boolean inputs, at least one hidden layer of neurons
and a layer of real type outputs, which provide
values between 0 and 1 (see Haykin, 2008). A
recurrent structure (i.e., output values and next input
values are transformed into the definitive input
values) is necessary in order to work sequences and
not mere pairs of input and output.
Learning is done via GeneRec, which is a
supervised learning algorithm, considered to be
more biologically plausible. Its good function was
shown in practice in Schneider and Rosa (2009). The
algorithm generates two signals for learning: the
expectation of the network, called “minus” and the
training signal, called “plus”. Propagating these two
signals the error related to every point of the
network is found in order to have it adjusted. For
CARESS1 - Commercial Airliner Emergency Safety System
more details, refer to O’Reilly (1996).
Network topology and learning algorithm were
chosen in order to guarantee a fast and solid
approach, which may adjust more easily to future
advances in the field of Artificial Neural Networks.
The project is currently in its implementation phase.
Shortly, results concerning the first project phase
may be given. Expectations are good as
architecturally similar problems have already been
solved using an MLP with GeneRec (see Schneider
and Rosa, 2009).
Next step shall be extensive testing of the given
approach in the simulation environment, bringing up
diverse and surprising situations and evaluating the
networks adjustment.
Having completed successfully, the project shall
be brought to the knowledge of the industry with the
aim to plan implementation in commercial aircraft.
This paper presented the objectives, importance and
overview of the project CARESS1, a novel
connectionist safety system for aircraft.
There are high expectations connected with the
research. It has the potential to help make civil
aviation much safer, to the extent to be truly
considered a safe way of transport.
As a final consequence, a fully automated and
secure aircraft may be developed, which may
revolutionize the international aviation sector.
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ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics