Miao-Ling Wang, Jia-Ru Li
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Minghsin University of Science and Technology
1, Hsinhsin RD, Hsin-Chu County, Taiwan 304, ROC
Sheng-Hung Chang*
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Minghsin University of Science and Technology
1, Hsinhsin RD, Hsin-Chu County, Taiwan 304, ROC
Keywords: Open Projects, Bad Multi-Tasking, Multi-Project Environment, Throughput, Delivery Performance.
Abstract: Critical chain project management (CCPM), proposed by Goldratt (1997), has been proved to be very
prominent in overcoming the weaknesses of human nature in order to achieve a more effective project
management. Goldratt suggested that, in order to reduce the impact of bad multi-tasking on project delivery
in the multi-project environment, the density of open projects (BN Closeness) should be reduced at least to
75% and below the generally recognized load (Goldratt, 2006). On the other hand, to get better use of
resources in practice, the resource loading assignment tends to higher and evener. The above two viewpoints
are all considerably related to the use and allocation of project resources. However, both perspectives have
no support of actual data. In this study, we employ the @Risk for project simulation software for evaluation
and verification of the appropriate density of open projects. The research findings suggest, in general, the
density of open projects should be in the range of 75%~100% of the load in multi-project environments of
different risks.
There are many factors of influence relating to
project delivery and throughput. For example,
number of open projects, resource workload, risk
degree of projects and time uncertainty, or the
evenness of resource allocation (Castro et al., 2008;
Herroelen and Leus, 2005). Dr. Goldratt (2006)
suggested that, profit-making goals rely not on the
number of projects to start but on how many projects
can be finished. When too many projects are open,
there will be pressure on resource. Therefore, more
tasks will be assigned to same resource, and thus
lengthen the delivery time of each project. He
proposed that the company has to reduce by at least
25% of open projects to avoid unnecessary delay in
project delivery.
On the other hand, Anavi-Isakow and Golany
(2003) proposed that, in the multi-project
environmental organization, it is very important to
allow projects to arrive into the system at
predetermined time intervals. The main purpose is to
prevent the great sum of waiting time resulting from
the concurrent arrival of a number of projects at the
system. However, the optimal value cannot be
accurately defined, as there is no accurate answer
from the simulation experiment. Adler et al. (1995)
proposed that an organization should take fewer
projects at one time. Dietrich and Lehtonen (2005)
investigated methods applied to the management of
development projects by 288 organizations, and
concluded that the number of projects is not the
successful factor for the multi-project management.
In addition, time uncertainty is also one of the
factors affecting the delay of project. Cates and
Mollaghasemi (2007) indicated that there are many
project-related uncertain factors including the
estimation of activity time or unexpected accident as
well as the use of key resources. Moreover, such
impact would cause project delay and reduce the
interests of stakeholders.
Wang M., Li J. and Chang S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003570504010404
In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-78-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)