Hong-zhou Shen, Qin-jian Yuan
Department of Information Management, Nanjing University, No.22 Hankou Road, Nanjing, China
Qian-jin Zong, Ling-yu Tong
Department of Information Management, Nanjing University, No.22 Hankou Road, Nanjing, China
Keywords: Information Security, Knowledge Mapping Domains, Core Documents, Evolution.
Abstract: It has been gradually realized that the research of Information Security should beyond the only perspective
of technology, but from a perspective of inter-discipline. However, researchers belonging to a certain
discipline often seem to have a poor awareness of the contributions made by researchers in other disciplines.
In order to help researchers fully understand the contributions made by researchers in other disciplines, this
paper, with the method of Mapping Knowledge Domains, identifies four clusters of core documents that get
more attention and analyze the contents of core documents in each cluster. Finally, there is also an analysis
on evolution of these core documents in this paper.
Information Security means “protecting information
and information systems from unauthorized access,
use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal,
inspection, recording or destruction” (Wikipedia,
2011). Because of the rapid growth and widespread
use of electronic data processing and electronic
business conducted through the Internet, along with
numerous occurrences of international terrorism, the
Information Security has become more and more
important. As a booming research area, Information
Security is now the main subject in many journals
and a large number of annual conferences and
workshops, and it has also been gradually realized
that the research of Information Security should
beyond the only perspective of technology, but from
a perspective of inter-discipline. Lots of
contributions by researchers from different
disciplines, such as computer science, mathematics,
public policy, economics and management etc., have
been done to the research of Information Security.
However, these contributors usually have very
different views on the key problems in Information
Security and their respective solutions. Furthermore,
we find that scholars belonging to a certain
discipline often seem to have a poor awareness of
the contributions made by researchers in other
disciplines. In order to help the researchers easily
find out the core documents and the relationships
among these core documents so as to get a clearer
understanding to the contributions made by
researchers in other disciplines, this study, based on
Mapping Knowledge Domains, is attempting to
visually identify the clusters of related core
documents and to give brief introduction of the
related core documents in each cluster.
This paper is organized as follows. The second
section presents the methodology and data we use in
our work. In the third section, the clusters of related
core documents were found and analyzed. Finally,
the paper is concluded with a summary of our work.
2.1 Methodology
Based on the ideas from bibliometrics, social
network analysis and information visualization,
Mapping Knowledge Domains is aimed at easing
information access, making evident the structure of
knowledge, and allowing seekers of knowledge to
succeed in their endeavours, through the process of
Shen H., Yuan Q., Zong Q. and Tong L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003576704210427
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (EIT-2011), pages 421-427
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
charting, mining, analyzing, sorting, enabling
navigation of, and displaying knowledge (Shiffrin
and Börner, 2004). Mapping Knowledge Domains
can be used to identify the core documents in a
certain area with the citation analysis and the
corresponding cluster analysis. It can also be used to
indicate the key topics drawing most attention in a
research area by keyword analysis. Due to the
dramatic increases in computational storage capacity
and processing speed, there are many new
techniques of analysis, retrieval and visualization
that make it possible to deal with massive
information. Various analysis tools are available for
free, such as Bibexcel, Netdraw, Pajek, HistCite and
so on. In this study, Citespaceby Chaomei Chen is
employed, and we will use the Co-citation Analysis
function of the software.
Citation Analysis is “the examination of the
frequency, patterns and graphs of citations in articles
and books” (Wikipedia, 2011). As one of the most
widely used methods of bibliometrics, it uses
citations in scholarly works to establish links to
other works or other researchers. Co-citation
Analysis, an important aspect of Citation Analysis,
represents how often two bibliographic items are
cited together, for example, papers in document co-
citation networks (Small, 1973). If two papers(A and
B) are co-cited by one or more papers, A and B have
a co-citation relationship. It is believed that the more
the two papers are co-cited, the closer the co-citation
relationship will be, which means the two papers
may have the same research topics.
2.2 Data
In this study, we collected the data of the documents
from the SCI-EXPANDED and SSCI databases in
ISI Web of Science. We only retrieve the “Article”
type of documents with the topic of “Information
Security” and we only concerned about the
documents published between “1981 and 2010”.
Finally, we got 740 records and the results were
obtained on 27th Feb. 2011.
3.1 Content Analysis of Core
In the Citespace, Time Slicing is set as 3 years per
slice so as to divide the 30 years (from 1981 to 2010)
into 10 slices, which will be used to analyze the
evolution of core documents in the next section. We
choose “Cited Reference” as the node type in the
Co-citation Networks, so the link between two nodes
indicates how often the two references are cited
together. Meanwhile, (c, cc, ccv) = (2, 2, 10; 2, 3, 20;
3, 3, 20) are set as the threshold value in the
Table 1: The top 10 cited references.
Freq Author Title Year
35 Gordon L.
A. and
Loeb M. P.
The Economics of
Information Security
32 Straub, D.
W. and
Welke, R.
Coping With Systems
Risk: Security
Planning Models for
Management Decision
24 Refregier,
P. and
Javidi, B.
Optical image
encryption based on
input plane and
Fourier plane random
22 Rivest, R.
L. et al.
A Method for
Obtaining Digital
Signatures and Public-
Key Cryptosystems
20 Straub, D.
Effective IS Security:
An Empirical Study
19 Diffie, W.
M. E.
New Directions in
18 Campbell,
K. et al.
The economic cost of
publicly announced
information security
breaches: empirical
evidence from the
stock market
16 Matoba, O.
and Javidi,
Encrypted optical
memory system using
three-dimensional keys
in the Fresnel domain
14 Stanton, J.
M. et al.
Analysis of end user
security behaviours
14 Javidi, B.
Nomura, T.
Securing information
by use of digital
14 Cavusoglu,
H. et al.
A Model for
Evaluating IT Security
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Clusters in Co-citation Networks.
Then, we make the tool to handle the data and
documents co-citation networks are generated. We
can get a list of cited references, and top 10 cited
references are given in Table 1. The more frequent a
document is cited, the more important the document
will be, which means the document is a core
document in Information Security. Finally, we use
the “Find Optimal Clusters” function to find a
partition so that documents within a cluster would be
significantly more co-cited than documents from
different clusters, which will help us to easily
analyze the related documents and further to
accurately understand the contents of these core
Figure 1 is the final Co-citation Networks, from
which we can identify 4 biggest clusters of co-cited
documents intuitively. We will analyze the contents
of the core documents and summarize the main
research topics in each cluster.
3.1.1 Cluster1: Economics and Management
of Information Security
From the contents of the papers in cluster1, it can be
clearly noticed that economics and management of
Information Security are the main research topics.
As the Information Security needs high and
sustained investments, the benefits of these
investments are certainly the greatest concern of
managers. Gordon and Loeb (2002) presented an
economic model that determined the optimal amount
to invest to protect a given set of information, and it
was shown that for a given potential loss, a firm
should not necessarily focus its investments on
information sets with the highest vulnerability, but
be better off concentrating its efforts on information
sets with midrange vulnerabilities. As tools such as
risk analysis and cost effectiveness analysis have to
work with very high-level aggregate data, so these
tools are of limited value in evaluating of IT security
investment. Cavusoglu, Mishra and Raghunathan
(2004) proposed a comprehensive model to analyze
IT security investment problems and they used the
Game Theory to overcome some of the limitations.
Losses caused by information security breaches lie
not only in the breach itself, such as information
disclosure, but also in the stock market reaction,
especially when the breaches of traded corporations
are publicly announced. Campbell, Gordon, Loeb
and Zhou (2003) found that a highly significant
negative market reaction for information security
breach involving unauthorized access to confidential
data, but no significant reaction when the breach
does not involve confidential information.
In order to protect the information sets
effectively, managers should pay more attention to
kinds of management countermeasures in an
organizational level. Straub and Welke (1998)
proposed 3 management actions for managers to
deal with the system risk, and the viability of the
approach was validated through qualitative studies
in two Fortune 500 information services firms.
Specifically, establishing clear information security
policies and improving user’s awareness of
information security are the most important two
countermeasures. Straub (1990) indicated that
organizations that articulate their policy on computer
abuse and actively enforce this policy should benefit
from these activities, and security measures such as
computer security awareness training sessions also
reduced losses from abuse. Fulford and Doherty
(2003) studied the uptake, content, dissemination
and impact of information security policies within
UK-based organizations, and they found that, while
policies were then fairly common, at least amongst
the sample, there was still a high degree of variety in
terms of their content and dissemination. Actually,
the effectiveness of the policy does not so much rely
on the right content, but rather the way in which the
content is addressed in the document and ultimately
communicated to the users (Höne and Eloff, 2002).
Sometimes, the failures of information security are
caused by the unconscious behavior of users, so,
training users and improving their security
awareness are also the key steps. Stanton, Stam,
Mastrangelo and Jolton (2005) developed taxonomy
of end user security-related behaviors, tested the
consistency of that taxonomy, and used behaviors
from that taxonomy to conduct a U.S. survey of an
important set of end user behaviors. Their U.S.
survey of non-malicious, low technical knowledge
behaviors related to password creation and sharing
showed that password ‘‘hygiene’’ was generally
poor but varied substantially across different
organization type. Further, they documented
evidence that good password hygiene was related to
training, awareness, monitoring, and motivation.
Obviously, in addition to confidentiality, integrity,
and availability, the responsibility, integrity, trust
and ethicality principles hold the key for
successfully managing information security in the
new millennium (Dhillon and Backhouse, 2000).
3.1.2 Cluster2: Cryptography
The cluster2 is mainly about the discussion of
Cryptography. Several classic papers in
Cryptography can be found in the cluster2. The
paper from Diffie and Hellman (1976) was a key
paper in this research area. It proposed two
approaches to transmitting keying information over
public (i.e., insecure) channels without
compromising the security of the system. It also
discussed the problem of providing a true, digital,
message dependent signature. Finally, the paper
considered the interrelation of various cryptographic
problems and introduced the even more difficult
problem of trap doors. Most importantly, Diffie and
Hellman (1976) invented the concept of “public key
cryptosystem” for the first time in this paper. Rivest,
Shamir and Adleman (1978) then was motivated by
the concept and presented an implementation of the
“public key cryptosystem”, which was named RSA,
the most famous algorithm for public key
cryptosystem. About 10 years later, because the
analog of the discrete logarithm problem on elliptic
curves is likely to be harder than the classical
discrete logarithm problem, Koblitz (1987)
introduced a more secure public key cryptosystem
named Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. In another
paper that can be found from the cluster2, Shamir
(1979) gave a technique that enabled the
construction of robust key management schemes for
cryptographic systems that could function securely
and reliably even when misfortunes destroy half the
pieces and security breaches expose all but one of
the remaining pieces.
3.1.3 Cluster3: Optical Encryption
and Decryption
Optical encryption and decryption is the main topic
in cluster3, and several influential articles can be
found in this cluster. Refregier and Javidi (1995)
proposed a new optical encoding method of images
for security applications. The encoded image was
obtained by random-phase encoding in both the
input and the Fourier planes. They also analyzed the
statistical properties of this technique and showed
that the encoding converted the input signal to
stationary white noise and that the reconstruction
method was robust. An encrypted optical memory
system using double random phase codes in the
Fresnel domain was proposed by Matoba and Javidi
(1999). In the system, two random phase codes and
their positions formed three-dimensional keys for
encryption of images and were used as keys to
recover the original data. In another paper, Javidi
and Nomura (2000) proposed a security system that
combined double-random phase encryption with a
digital holographic technique. The proposed system
enables us to store, transmit, and decrypt the
encrypted data digitally. Unnikrishnan, Joseph and
Singh (2000) proposed an optical architecture that
encoded a primary image to stationary white noise
by using two statistically independent random phase
codes. The encoding was done in the fractional
Fourier domain. In the paper of Situ and Zhang
(2004), a lensless optical security system based on
double random-phase encoding in the Fresnel
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
domain was proposed. This technique can encrypt a
primary image to random noise by use of two
statistically independent random-phase masks in the
input and transform planes, respectively. In this
system the positions of the significant planes and the
operation wavelength, as well as the phase codes,
are used as keys to encrypt and recover the primary
image. Therefore higher security is achieved.
3.1.4 Cluster4: Information Flow Control
The cluster4 is mainly about the information flow
control. Denning (1976) investigated mechanisms
that guarantee secure information flow in a computer
system. These mechanisms were examined within a
mathematical framework suitable for formulating the
requirements of secure information flow among
security classes. The results showed that suitable
constraints did indeed exist, and moreover within the
context of a richly structured model. Role-based
access control (RBAC) is the most famous approach
to restricting information access to authorized users.
It was thought that although the recognized
usefulness of the RBAC concept, there was little
agreement on what RBAC means. As a result,
RBAC was an amorphous concept interpreted in
different ways by various researchers and system
developers, ranging from simple to elaborate and
sophisticated. Sandhu, Coyne, Feinstein and
Youman (1996) described a novel framework of four
reference models developed to provide a systematic
approach to understanding RBAC, and to
categorizing its implementation in different systems.
Their framework also separated the administration
of RBAC from its use for controlling access to data
and other resources. Actually, although RBAC
models had received broad support as a generalized
approach to access control, and were well
recognized for their many advantages in performing
large-scale authorization management, no single
authoritative definition of RBAC existed before the
appearance of the paper of Ferraiolo, Sandhu,
Gavrila, Kuhn and Chandramouli (2001). This lack
of a widely accepted model resulted in uncertainty
and confusion about RBAC's utility and meaning.
The standard proposed in this paper sought to
resolve the situation by unifying ideas from a base of
frequently referenced RBAC models, commercial
products, and research prototypes. It was intended to
serve as a foundation for product development,
evaluation, and procurement specification. Except
for the RBAC models, there are some other ideas
proposed to control the information flow. Samarati,
Bertino, Ciampichetti and Jajodia (1997) described a
high assurance discretionary access control model
for object-oriented systems. The model not only
ensured protection against Trojan horses leaking
information, but provided the flexibility of
discretionary access control at the same time. The
basic idea of their approach was to check all
information flows among objects in the system in
order to block possible illegal flows. Purpose-
oriented access rules indicate what operation in each
object can invoke operations of other objects.
Information flow among the objects occurs if the
requests and responses of the operations carry data.
Only the purpose-oriented access rules which imply
legal information flow are allowed. In the paper
from Yasuda, Tachikawa and Takizawa (1998), they
discussed how to specify the access rules so that the
information flow occurring in the nested invocation
of the operations was legal. The article of Myers and
Liskov (2000) described the decentralized label
model, a new label model for control of information
flow in systems with mutual distrust and
decentralized authority. The model improved on
existing multilevel security models by allowing
users to declassify information in a decentralized
way, and by improving support for fine-grained data
sharing. It supported static program analysis of
information flow, so that programs could be certified
to permit only acceptable information flows, while
largely avoiding the overhead of run-time checking.
3.2 Evolution of Core Documents
We can rearrange the nodes of the Co-citation
Networks in Timezone view (see Figure2), from
which we can analyze the evolution of the core
documents over time which we mentioned above.
It could be clearly noticed that the study of
Cryptography was the main research topic in the
core documents around year of 1981. About 10 years
later, some core documents appeared to discuss the
research of optical encryption and decryption,
information flow control, and economics and
management of Information Security. However,
their paces of development are not consistent. The
quantity of the documents on research of optical
encryption and decryption and information flow
control reached a peak around the year of 2000.
However, with the participation of researchers from
Economics and Management, the research of
economics and management of Information Security
underwent a sharp increase from 2000 and there
were many classic documents appeared around 2005.
Figure 2: The Timezone view of Co-citation Networks.
Actually, in 2001, this trend was already
identified by Dhillon and Backhouse (2001), who
thought the research of information system security
would move away from a narrow technical
viewpoint to a socio-organizational perspective. This
can also explain why the classic book “Security in
Computing, 4th Edition” goes beyond technology,
covering crucial management issues faced in
protecting infrastructure and information, and
contains an all-new chapter on the economics of
cybersecurity, explaining ways to make a business
case for security investments.
This paper presents a study of the core documents of
Information Security, with the method of Mapping
Knowledge Domains. We visually identify four
clusters of core documents that get more attention
and analyze the contents of core documents in each
cluster, from which we summarize the main research
topics in each cluster. They are economics and
management of Information Security, Cryptography,
optical encryption and decryption, and information
flow control. Besides, there is also an analysis on the
evolution of core documents, which illustrates that
the core documents focus on the Cryptography
initially, and finally pay more attention to the
economics and management of Information Security.
This research is included in the project “The Study
of Network Communication Model of Scientific
Papers based on Academic Blog” supported by
Ministry of Education. And the number of the
project is 20100091110106.
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