Figure 3: Time evolution of average weight loss: Poplar
, T
= 230°C).
The kinetics for the pyrolysis of wood was
investigated. Based on laboratory experiments
performed with the described device, a mathematical
model for the kinetics of the pyrolysis process was
proposed and validated. This model incorporates the
reaction pathway that was developed by Grioui et al.
(2006) for the description of the transformation of
wood subject to heat. This model allows the
computation of internal profiles of temperature and
average weight loss. The Femlab software was used
to solve the system of partial differential equations.
This work includes a validation section that shows
the ability of the model to accurately predict the
internal profiles of temperature and weight loss in
the experimental configuration. Comparison of the
simulated temperature profiles and average weight
loss with experimentally measured values showed
reasonable agreement.
Further studies may allow accurate modeling of
wood torrefaction mainly by taking into account
thermodgradation of lignin and accurate
thermophysical properties. This model can be used
in the design of industrial pyrolysis installations
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