plans and more accurate estimates, improve productivity and product quality [6]. It
includes seven PSP processes, grouped into four process levels [7]:
PSP0 - establishing a measured performance baseline
PSP1 - size, resource, and schedule plans
PSP2 - defect and quality management
PSP3 - scaling up PSP methods to larger projects
The individual developers gradually improve competency and applies higher levels of
PSP, as the software development process evolves.
Since PSP is a framework for improvement of individual developers, it seems that
complementing agile software development with PSP is a good way for resolving the
problem. Furthermore, PSP could also conduce to manage the problem of reluctance. In
another perspective, agile development methodologies promise to better meet
customer’s needs, improve product quality, shorten development times and offer a
solution to rapidly changing requirements [5]. PSP as a plan-driven approach promises
predictability, stability, maintainability and high assurance. It is meaningful to combine
PSP with agile methods to meet the needs of Modern software projects which require
both adaptability and predictability.
In this paper, we perform an extensive literature search for articles related to
integration of PSP and agile methods and then analyze and synthesize them to identify
the benefits achieved by incorporating PSP into agile software development.
The article is structured as follows: Section 2 discusses the research method.
Section 3 lists the benefits achieved by combining PSP with agile software
development. Finally, section 4 shows the main conclusions and describes our future
2 Method
2.1 Search Strategy
We conducted an extensive literature search for the articles related to integration of PSP
and agile software development. Search terms were firstly chosen as ‘(PSP AND
agile)’. But the search results turn out to be not good. So we changed ‘agile’ to the main
agile software development methods jointing with OR. We consider the main agile
software development methods including: Scrum, Feature-Driven Development
(FDD), Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Crystal, Dynamic Systems
Development Method (DSDM), XP, Lean Development (LD) and Rational Unified
Process (RUP). RUP is sometimes classified as plan-driven method. But as it can be as
agile as it is wanted to be [8], it’s included in this study. Then the search terms turned
out to be ‘(PSP AND (Scrum OR FDD OR ASD OR Crystal OR DSDM OR XP OR LD
OR RUP))’. The search was then run in 13 academic databases: ACM Digital library,
EBSCOhost, Wiley Inter Science Journal Finder, CiteseerX Library, CALIS,
SpringerLink, ISI Web of Science, ProQuest, INSPEC, SAGE, IEEEXplore, ACM
Digital Library and ScienceDirect. In addition, the Google Scholar search engine was