Investigating the Benefits of Combining PSP with Agile
Software Development
Wenrong Yang, Mengjiao Shen, Han Su, Guoping Rong and Dong Shao
Software Institute of Nanjing University, 210093 Nanjing, P.R. China
Abstract. Agile software development is getting popular due to chaotic and
changing environments of modern software projects. But there are cases of
industrial teams experiencing failure with agile software development. One of
the main reasons may be the inadequate capability of involved team members.
The Personal Software Process (PSP) is a plan-based software process intending
to improve individual software engineering’s competence. Therefore, the
integration of PSP with agile methods will probably help to give full play to the
advantages of agile method. This paper aims to summarize the existing evidence
of combination of PSP with agile software development, so as to identify the
1 Introduction
Since 1990’s agile methodologies have captured widespread interest. They adopt four
value preferences put forward by the Agile Manifesto [1]: Individuals and interactions
over processes and tools; Working software over comprehensive documentation;
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation; Responding to change over
following a plan. Agile Methodologies are gaining popularity in both industry and
academia although there are still controversy over some parts of them and their
successfully applied to real projects.
There have been many cases of industrial projects applying agile methodologies
with great success during the past few years [2] [3]. But also many agile development
projects and agile methodologies experiments failed because developers are unwilling
or unable to apply the agile practices in a disciplined and professional manner [4] in
which case no process will repair their impropriety. In fact, there are 49.9999 percent of
the world’s software developers below average suggested by statistics [7]. The
incapability aspects are mainly related to making unreasonable estimations of
individual work and failing to schedule a reasonable plan
of the tasks to be performed.
Personal Software Process (PSP) provides a framework of forms, guidelines and
procedures for the improvement of individual software developers and help to produce
a defined process [5]. Individual software developers can use PSP to gather historical
data to measure their performance, work patterns and practices in order to make better
Yang W., Shen M., Su H., Rong G. and Shao D..
Investigating the Benefits of Combining PSP with Agile Software Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0003579500360043
In Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies (EAST-2011), pages 36-43
ISBN: 978-989-8425-58-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
plans and more accurate estimates, improve productivity and product quality [6]. It
includes seven PSP processes, grouped into four process levels [7]:
PSP0 - establishing a measured performance baseline
PSP1 - size, resource, and schedule plans
PSP2 - defect and quality management
PSP3 - scaling up PSP methods to larger projects
The individual developers gradually improve competency and applies higher levels of
PSP, as the software development process evolves.
Since PSP is a framework for improvement of individual developers, it seems that
complementing agile software development with PSP is a good way for resolving the
problem. Furthermore, PSP could also conduce to manage the problem of reluctance. In
another perspective, agile development methodologies promise to better meet
customer’s needs, improve product quality, shorten development times and offer a
solution to rapidly changing requirements [5]. PSP as a plan-driven approach promises
predictability, stability, maintainability and high assurance. It is meaningful to combine
PSP with agile methods to meet the needs of Modern software projects which require
both adaptability and predictability.
In this paper, we perform an extensive literature search for articles related to
integration of PSP and agile methods and then analyze and synthesize them to identify
the benefits achieved by incorporating PSP into agile software development.
The article is structured as follows: Section 2 discusses the research method.
Section 3 lists the benefits achieved by combining PSP with agile software
development. Finally, section 4 shows the main conclusions and describes our future
2 Method
2.1 Search Strategy
We conducted an extensive literature search for the articles related to integration of PSP
and agile software development. Search terms were firstly chosen as ‘(PSP AND
agile)’. But the search results turn out to be not good. So we changed ‘agile’ to the main
agile software development methods jointing with OR. We consider the main agile
software development methods including: Scrum, Feature-Driven Development
(FDD), Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Crystal, Dynamic Systems
Development Method (DSDM), XP, Lean Development (LD) and Rational Unified
Process (RUP). RUP is sometimes classified as plan-driven method. But as it can be as
agile as it is wanted to be [8], it’s included in this study. Then the search terms turned
out to be ‘(PSP AND (Scrum OR FDD OR ASD OR Crystal OR DSDM OR XP OR LD
OR RUP))’. The search was then run in 13 academic databases: ACM Digital library,
EBSCOhost, Wiley Inter Science Journal Finder, CiteseerX Library, CALIS,
SpringerLink, ISI Web of Science, ProQuest, INSPEC, SAGE, IEEEXplore, ACM
Digital Library and ScienceDirect. In addition, the Google Scholar search engine was
2.2 Study Selection
In order to assess the potentially relevant primary studies for their actual relevance after
obtained, the inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined.
The inclusion criteria were:
(a) The study analyzed and proposed a specific way of incorporating PSP elements into
an agile method.
(b) The study proposed a brand new process model that is made up by combining PSP
with agile software development.
(c) A case study assessing the integration of PSP with agile software development
Not all of these criteria must be present for every study, however, at least one of them.
(c) is supposed to be a necessary conditions for high confidence , but as the related
studies are limit they are included for reference.
The exclusion criteria were:
(a) As English is the most popular language in scientific world, results in other
languages were discarded.
(b) Studies that discussed only on an abstract level about PSP and agile but not
practice level were discarded.
Finally there are eight relevant studies left: [9] presents the
combination of PSP
practices with DSDM; [10] involves combination of PSP with RUP; [15] proposed a
new process model mainly made up by PSP and Scrum; [11], [12], [13], [14] and [4] are
about combination of PSP with XP. [12], [14] and [4], meanwhile, are about the same
method named eXPERT. As we can see, other agile methodologies’ combination with
PSP may be less studied by far, including Feature-Driven Development (FDD),
Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Crystal and Lean Development (LD).
2.3 Data Extraction
After the primary studies were obtained, data extraction was performed to get
information to address the research questions. There are foundation information
including data extractor, date of data extraction, identifier (unique identifier for the
study), bibliographic data (author, year, tile, source) .and core information which
related to research questions. The data extraction form used is shown in Table 1. The
main information extracted for each relevant primary study is listed below:
Which specific agile methodology was chosen to be integrated with PSP in this
Which PSP elements are used to complement the agile methodology and what is
the benefit?
Are there any challenges of combing PSP with agile methodologies presented by
the author? If is, then what are they?
Is the proposed solution validated?
As it is the primary studies that we were interested in, only one data extraction form
was completed for each study instead of each publication. For example, [12], [14] and
[4] were considered achievement of the same study, so only one data extraction form
was finished.
Table 1. Data extraction form.
Data item Description
Data extractor The reviewer that perform the data extraction
Date of data extraction The date of data extraction
Identifier Unique identifier for the study
Bibliographic data Author, year, tile, source
Agile methodology The agile methodology was chosen to be integrated with PSP
PSP practices PSP elements that used to
complement the agile
Challenges Challenges of combing PSP with agile methodologies
The validated technology The technology that was used to validate the proposed solution
3 Benefits of Combining PSP with Agile Software Development
We identify three kinds of relations between PSP practices and agile practices:
conflict, match and complementary. Complementary relation is the focus of this work.
Conflict: incompatible parts between PSP and agile methods. PSP belongs to the
plan-driven process model camp which consists of conflict with agile software
development especially at high abstract level like value perspective. For example,
agile software development are more likely to value people while PSP is more likely
to value process.
Match: similar parts between PSP and agile software development which may be
expressed in different terms or same ones. For example, PSP3 (Cyclic Personal
Process) can offer a close match with short iterations of DSDM. The requirements
and planning stage of PSP3, carries out similar functions to DSDM’s Business Study
and the Cyclic Development section closely matches the Design and Build Iteration in
DSDM [9]. Coding Standard is present in both PSP and XP, and so on.
Complementary: supports that PSP (agile software development) provides for
agile software development (PSP). PSP offers supports for agile software
development in several ways listed below. Although stated in numerical order, they
are actually closely interconnected.
(1) PSP offers metrics and data collecting mechanisms.Agile software development
does not assure to have predefined metrics or specific metrics collecting approach.
PSP provides metrics concerning project, product and resource attributes to provide
adequate support to monitor and control the software development process at an
individual level [10]. Developers may be unaware of the state of their own process
without metrics. Collecting even basic defect metrics will at least allow them a
rudimentary evaluation of their own software capability. Coleman and Verbruggen [9]
suggested adopting defect metrics, productivity metrics, size metrics, time/schedule
metrics, extended metrics and maintenance metrics in a DSDM and PSP integration
case to support objective data based decision. Svensson [10] disseminated metrics
referring to specific software engineering tasks to relevant workers and others which
can be applied generally for improving the software process to all workers in the case
of integration of PSP and RUP. For example, metric test Defects/KLOC is only
disseminate to test personnel, while metric like Time in Phase is disseminate to all
(2) PSP supports to make more reasonable estimation.Estimations of some agile
methods like RUP are based on data collected throughout the organization and others
like XP are done in the way of planning game which mainly depends on the capability
of engineers. PSP helps to make more reasonable estimation based on personal data
which provides the team a possibility to make more realistic commitments. Coleman
and Verbruggen [9] used a PSP size estimating technique named proxies which bases
on historical data to estimate the work to be developed within the timebox of DSDM
[9]. Bozheva [12] applied an adapted Probe method instead of LOC to reflect
complexity of customer requirement in the case of integration of PSP and XP to
gradually close the difference between the estimated and the actual implementation
(3) PSP helps to optimize plans. PSP helps to make more appropriate schedule plan,
quality plan, etc. PSP provides task and schedule planning templates and the schedule
plan which is based on the empirical estimation mentioned above could be practical
and realistic. Quality plan can offer support to track and control product quality
basing on quality goals. Coleman and Verbruggen [9] included PSP process scripts,
checklist and Process Improvement Proposal (PIP) in the quality plan in the PSP and
DSDM integration case. Rong, Dong and He [15] recommended tracking core PSP
quality indices such as phase yield, review rate, PQI and A/FR in the quality plan of
the PSP and scrum integration case.
(4) PSP offers support to produce software products up to quality goals.PSP helps
engineers to plan, measure, and track product quality from the initial development
phase with help of quality measures and quality plan mentioned above.
there are other practices offered by PSP to increase quality of the product. PSP3
emphasizes the use of reviews to ensure that the input to subsequent system
increments is ‘clean’ versions of software. Though some agile methods recommend to
do review too, the review does not use a checklist based on the engineer’s defect
profile as is the case with PSP. Coleman and Verbruggen [9] suggested each
individual developer to conduct a design and code review with testing then executed
by a technical peer to ensure more error-free product for the user in the DSDM and
PSP integration case. Svensson [10] believed it’s a better way to include a checklist
based on the engineer’s defect profile when performing the review in the RUP and
PSP integration case.
(5) PSP provides additional documentation for agile methods. As being lightweight,
agile methods recommend usage of a small amount of documentation. However
adoption of appropriate
documentation from PSP may be cost-effective. Except for
the documentation mentioned above, there are other examples of PSP documentations
employed in agile projects. According to Mihaylov, Ivanov etc. [5], PSP provides
scripts which support each engineering activity and facilitate its correct completion as
complementary to XP. Coleman and Verbruggen [9] use PIP to document process
shortcomings and suggested solutions in the DSDM and PSP integration case.
(6) PSP helps individual engineers to improve their personal performance
gradually.PSP enhances agile methods with concrete practices which will provide
more useful and effective guidance to software developers. It helps them to better
estimate, plan and track their daily work. And as PSP is organized in levels, engineers
and companies could adopt a level in accord with their current state and maturity level,
and then to improve them step by step. Bozheva [12] stated that the combination of
XP with the selected set of PSP practices makes the developers more aware about
their abilities to finish a particular task at a particular level of quality during a certain
time. Dzhurov, Krasteva and Ilieva [13] also argued that developers can learn from
their performance variations and improve the process.
When combining PSP with agile methods, some challenges derive from the fact that
they belong to different cultures. Agile methodologies value people to be the critical
factor while PSP value process. It’s somehow difficult to introduce some changes in
people’s culture and the way of their thinking. For example, to convince the clients
and higher management that already feel comfortable with the traditional software
engineering approaches to adopt agile approaches [4].
PSP and agile methodologies seem as two extremes concerning documentation.
On one hand, agile methods recommend creation of only necessary documents. On
the other hand, PSP requires almost every activity to be documented. This indicates
the adoption of only needful PSP principles which are most important and
cost-effective for reaching the goal and with additional modifications instead of usage
of all PSP principles blindly. Ilieva and Stefanova [14] suggested that those modified
principles could be used mainly for measuring defects and effectiveness of activities
in order the problems to be identified in time and to be eliminated in the future. The
eXPERT approach [13] incorporate all the XP practices with three from PSP: time
and effort recording, defect recording and task estimation for the purpose of
measuring defects and effectiveness of activities in order the problems to be identified
in time and to be eliminated in the future. PXP [13] keeps the basic principles of PSP
and replace the formal and complex methods for planning, system design and its
verification with XP practices.
The detailed form filling for data collecting may lead to efficiency reduction of
development in the initial phases. In order to prevent this, either the recording
approaches should be simplified or the software tools should be used for data
recording [9]. Code reviewing and inspection could also benefit from usage of
software assistance tools.
4 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we studied the existing evidence of integrating PSP with agile methods
and identify the supports that PSP can offer for agile methods. PSP enhances agile
methods with concrete practices to provide more useful and effective guidance to
individual developers, including:
quality control mechanisms
more accurate plan and estimation
data collecting mechanisms
framework for gradually improve the individual competency
When incorporating PSP into agile methods, the PSP process should be adapted to the
project’s own needs and applied accordingly.
And software tools for assistance
should also be used to improve efficiency.
This paper is still part of on-going research of software process integration. Each
method has its own home ground, shortcomings, and typical pitfalls besides PSP and
agile methodologies. There is no individual method that can solve all problems
gracefully. Sometimes, we need to integrate models to meet sophisticated needs. We
will conduct a systematic review to summarize the existing evidence of software
process model integration then position and provides recommendations for further
research on software process model integration. Moreover, we identify 3 critical
dimensions that can be used to help investigating the integration of different software
process models (see Figure 1): practice and process; organization, team and personal;
agile and plan-driven. The cube can serve as the foundation for exploring different
software process integration and the relationship between them. Each model can be
mapped into a block of the cube. For instance, PSP belongs to the block that stands
for process, personal and plan-driven and Scrum process, team and agile. After
mapping the model, it will be more intuitional to study different integrations for
different purposes with different integrating methods like combination of models in
the same block, sharing one same dimension or cross different dimensions and so
forth. And then develop patterns or a framework for software process integration and
identify some significant combinations that have not been studied yet.
Fig. 1. The cube for software process integration.
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