nique is based on taking advantage of bad coding practices on the site’s warning page for
all links to external sites (i.e. http://good.com/redirect?url=http://external.com/). Thus,
this page can be used to redirect users to any domain, including malicious pages (i.e.
http://good.com/redirect?url=http://evil.com/ ). Creating a short link of this legitimate
domain URL will avoid blacklists and redirect the victim to the spam site.
To conclude, we have identified other security implications regarding the shortening
service itself: hijacking or compromise of the shortening service, and Deny-of-Service
or interruption of service.
First, if the shortening service is compromised, an attacker could redirect all the
existing links to a malicious site. That happened in June 2009 [17], when a hacker
exploited a security hole in cli.gs shortening service’s web page, allowing her to edit
about 2.2 million URLs and point them to a harmless blog. Moreover, if it had been used
to distribute malware exploiting a bug on web browsers, it would have been devastating.
In conclusion, having control of so many URLs makes these services a very attractive
target, allowing the bad guys to make a lot of money.
Second, when a URL shortening service crashes, due to either technical problems or
because it is under a Deny-of-Service attack, it causes thousands of short-links posted
on Twitter and other social network sites to be unavailable. For instance, on 2nd Febru-
ary 2011, the popular URL shortening service is.gd was unavailable for a few hours,
effectively breaking thousands of shortened links [18]. Besides, two years ago a Span-
ish ISP blocked TinyURL’s IPs and domains for a week, meaning their clients could not
access to thousands of links [19].
4 Countermeasures
Presently, for the purpose of obtaining greater transparency, many URL shortening ser-
vices have included a preview functionality, so users are aware of the real destination
they are going to be redirected to and determine if it is safe enough to visit. Although
a lot of shorteners already offer this as an option, in most of them it is not the de-
fault. For instance, TinyURL’s http://tinyurl.com/xxx short link can be previewed by
using http://preview.tinyurl.com/xxx, and in BudURL simply adding ”?” at the end of
the URL.
In addition, various external web services have emerged with the aim of display-
ing the real URL. This is the case of LongURL [20], which is also available as a
browser plug-in. In fact, the problem of these solutions is that they depend on a known
list of URL shortening services. Thus, the appearance of a new shortener or even a
downtime in the service, makes them useless. Similarly, there are other web pages like
www.expandmyurl.com providing URL unshortening, although they only work for cer-
tain services (tinyurl.com, bit.ly and is.gd in this case).
Moreover, many URL shortening services have become aware of the dangers of
malicious URLs to their users’ security. Thus, services like mcaf.ee, saf.li, safe.mn or
sameurl.com, offer a secure shortening service by checking URLs for malware, phish-
ing, spam or even some types of attacks like Cross-site scripting. Therefore, hackers are
going to avoid shortening their malicious links with these services, using others with
fewer security measures, and hence, increasing the effectiveness of the attack.