Notation and Tool
Andre L. N Campos and Toacy C. Oliveira
Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia (COPPE), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Caixa Postal 68.511, CEP 21941-972, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Keywords: Process modelling, BMPN, ARIS, SPEM, IDEF0, Modeling notations, Modeling tools.
Abstract: Process modeling are becoming more essential to the activities of acquisition and development of systems.
There are a number of possible notations and tools for process modeling, and sometimes it isn’t an easy
choice. This papers try, through research in a real environment, identify selection criteria and recommend
the most appropriate notations and tools for process modeling.
The process modeling, over the last decade, has
become an important mechanism for understanding
the dynamic behaviour of organizations. This
mechanism appears to be superior to techniques
previously used by professionals in information
systems, and can increase the success of technology
implementation projects in dynamic environments
(Green & Rosemann, 2000). Experts in the process
engineering field and in the area of information
technology, benefit from a better understanding of
organization’s processes. The conceptual modeling
of these processes facilitates the development of
appropriate software to support that process (Agular-
Savén, 2003).
In fact, the modeling process is essential to
represent complex systems, being of great
importance in defining the rules of integrated
information systems to business processes. Actually,
the process modeling is the key element to achieve
high quality models that can support the creation of
effective information systems (Ortiz-Hernández,
Nieto-Ariza, Estrada-Esquivel, Rodrígues-Ortiz, &
Montes-Rendon, 2007). Bargis (Bargis, 2008) agrees
that the current software is more than mere artifacts.
According to him, it is a complex phenomenon
techno-social, and that complexity just can be
addressed through the modelling process, as the
basis of a model-centric software development
Thus, even before the research in modelling and
software development processes themselves, this
paper seeks to identify a notation for the wide
process modeling, which can be easily understood
by humans, and yet, which has the potential to
generate information processable by machines.
There are several notations or methods available for
modeling processes, and many other tools that
support these notations (Gartner Group, 2008).
Some of the tools support more than one notation.
This work focuses on four notations of process
modeling, considering its relevance to the topic or its
consolidation in the market and in academia. The
notations are: ARIS BPMN, SPEM and IDEF0.
The presence of the ARIS notation in this work
is justified by its wide use, having been the object of
several studies (Araujo, et al., 2004) (Scheer, 2003)
(Santos Jr, Almeida, & Pianissolla, 2008) (Souza, et
al., 2009). In addition, consecutive surveys by the
Gartner Group indicated that notation as the market
leader (Gartner Group, 2008), which can be seen in
Figure 1.
The notation ARIS (Architecture for integrated
Information Systems) is a framework for enterprise
modeling. This notation can describe your
organization's information architecture and
integration through its processes, and different
organizational views can be described. To
L. N Campos A. and C. Oliveira T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003581403370343
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 337-343
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Mains tools of process mapping (Norton,
Blechar, & Jones, 2010).
visualize the workflow diagrams are used Event-
Driven Process Chain, or simply EPCs, diagrams are
used. Besides the description of activities and its
flow, the notation defines roles or profiles, and
information produced and used in the process
(Santos Jr, Almeida, & Guizzardi, 2010). The main
elements of an EPC are seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Elements of the EPC.
Element Symbol
Another important notation is the IDEF0. It was
prepared at the request of the Air Force in the 1970s,
and built from a well-defined graphical language
known as SADT (Structured Analysis and Design
Technique). Widely used in the United States and
some European countries, the IDEF0 allows us to
represent activities, flows, support resources, and
controls that take action on the activity. The method
is basically composed of boxes and arrows, and the
location of the box where the arrow connects
indicative of its kind: input, output, or resource
control (Soung-Hie & Ki-Jin, Desiging performance
analysis and IDEF0 for enterprise modelling BPR,
2000), as can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Meaning of the elements of the IDEF0.
An IDEF0 model consists of a hierarchical series
of diagrams that show progressive levels of detail,
expanding knowledge about the process and
describing their functions and interfaces within a
system. The contribution of the modeler is
important. He must have an abstract view of the
model, which can be difficult in large systems
(IEEE, 1998) (Soung-Hie & Ki-Jin, Designing
performance analysis and IDEF0 for enterprise
modelling in BPR, 2002).
The SPEM (Software and Systems Process
Engineering Metamodel), in turn, was considered in
this study because it is a notation created for the
domain of software development field. It was
adopted by the OMG (Object Management Group)
in 2002 and since then it has become as an official
standard of the organization. It is a meta-model that
defines the standard stereotypes UML (Unified
Modeling Language) for modeling software
processes. In fact, SPEM is a network of concepts
and relationships that are expressed by existing
stereotypes in UML, but they could also be
described by any sufficiently expressive language,
perhaps even English, Spanish or Portuguese
(Gonzales-Perez & Henderson-Sellers, 2007). Some
of the stereotypes can be seen in Table 2 (Abdala,
Lahoz, & Sant'Anna, 2003).
Another important notation is the Business
Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Business
Process Management Initiative (BPMI) published
specification for version 1.0 in May 2004, joining
the OMG in June 2005 with the goal of building a
standard process modeling to become the main
resource in the field. Currently, BPMN is in its
version 2.0 (OMG, 2010).
The model BPMN defines a process diagram that
is based on flow charts (flowchart) for the
description of work operations. This is a graphical
network composed mainly of activities (work) and
arrows (flow). The purpose of the notation is to be
easily understood, but also able to generate
information for the execution environments of
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Main stereotypes of SPEM.
Element Symbol
processes, for example, through Business Process
Execution Languate (BPEL). In fact, it is part of the
design of the model to create a bridge between the
work processes and the implementation of these
processes (White, 2004).
While BPMN has a wide range of representation
elements, a few elements are sufficient to represent
most of the work processes, which includes the
processes of software development. These elements
are presented in Table 3.
Previous works are related to this research. For
example, Macedo and Schmitz (Macedo & Schmitz,
2001) sought to find the best tool for modeling
software processes, but with the goal to tie in the
software development and the business processes.
They evaluated the tools Aris Toolset and Provision
Workbench. They considered aspects such as the
functional architecture, process modeling method,
level of detail of procedures, ease of use of the
editor, semantic checker, among others. However,
there was no score for these aspects and their work
does not recommend a tool. Still, the notations were
not considered further.
Similar work (Benedictis, Amaral, & Rozendfeld,
2003) conducted a survey of notations Aris and
IDEF0. Tools that would support these notations
were also evaluated. The purpose of this research
would identify the appropriate notation and tool for
modeling work processes with emphasis on product
development. In terms of tool, they analyzed the
Aris Toolset, Microsoft Visio and Microsoft
PowerPoint. After reviewing the two notations and
three tools, the paper concludes by making only
general considerations. We must also consider that
Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Poewerpoint are
general purpose tools and not specifically for
process modeling.
Table 3: BPMN object model.
Element Symbol
Sequence flow
Message flow
The research objective was to identify a notation that
is understandable by humans and executable by
machines. An experiment was conducted in a real
environment, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, an
important public health research institution in Brazil.
This was done in two steps: 1) an analysis performed
by process modelling professionals, 2) an analysis
by regular users, from several areas of the
With the goal of using the same framework for
analysis both by professionals and regular users, we
chose a generic process as an example. The
hypothetical process used was the issue airline
tickets, originally described in Portuguese.
The notations considered in this study were
evaluated by four process modelling professionals.
For the evaluation we established a set of criteria,
which consolidated proposals from other studies
(Macedo & Schmitz, 2001) (Benedictis, Amaral, &
Rozendfeld, 2003), and added criteria in order to
broaden the scope of the research. The criteria can
be seen in Table 4. Each modeler built a model from
the reference process, using a different notation,
namely ARIS, BPMN, SPEM and IDEF0.
Table 4: Criteria for analysis of models by the team of
Criterion Detailing
It has well-defined syntax
The objects are related through rules that
must be obeyed, then, the method sets the
proper connections between the objects.
It has well-defined semantics
There are specific objects that have
different meanings, and cannot be used
for a different representation than that for
which it was created.
It is widespread
The method is widely used in academia
and / or marketing.
It is easy to learn
The method is easy to learn and can be
understood without further knowledge
and skills by the user.
It is easy to read and
The processes modeled based on the
method can be easily understood by most
people, even with little or no prior
training about the method.
Represents activities
Activities performed by human beings
are representable with the method.
Represents information
Information, data or documents can be
represented with the method.
Represents resources
Resources such as technology, systems,
and others, can be represented with the
Represents integration between
The coupling between processes, ie the
integration between them, can be
represented with the method.
Represents the actors who
perform the activities
People, positions and areas (departments)
can be represented with the method, and
related to the activity they perform.
Represents the execution of an
activity for more than an actor
The same activity may be related to two
performers at the same time.
Represents system
System requirements that would support
an activity can be represented, or at least
indicated with the notation ..
It is extensible
The notation provides its own extension
by adding new objects.
After the process modeling an interview was
conducted with modelers where each one presented
the model built, spoke of the difficulties and ease of
use, and responded to questions raised by the other
modelers. Then, each modeler has a complete
evaluation of the four models considered by
completing the evaluation sheet.
This evaluation was performed using a Likert
scale, in which the responses for the items vary
according to degree of intensity, and the categories
are ordered and equally spaced with the same
number of items in all categories (Alexandre, 2003).
The evaluation was conducted at five levels, namely:
1 - Totally disagree, 2 – Mostly disagree mostly, 3 -
I'm not sure, 4 - Mostly agree, 5 - Totally agree.
Table 5: Evaluation of models according to the criteria.
In Table 5 is possible to make two observations -
how each criterion is met in overall by the models,
and how close the models are to meet all criteria. In
the analysis the averages are calculated per criterion,
horizontally, the average per modeler, vertically, and
the overall averages for the tool, which is the overall
average for that particular notation.
At this point the work indicated a tie between
ARIS and BPMN notations, with a score very close
to the maximum possible. The IDEF0 and SPEM
models were lower the previous, and team of
modelers were not inclined towards either of the two
best placed notations.
Aiming to broaden the search and check the level
of understanding of the models that were tied in first
place, another survey was conducted. This time,
involving 50 people from different areas of the
organization without any formal training in process
modeling. The participants secretaries, people in the
area of HR, Purchasing and other general
administrative professionals.
The research was composed of referral process in
both modeled in BPMN notation as ARIS, the actual
process of reference in Portuguese, and a
questionnaire to indicate which of the two models
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
would be easier to understand. There was an
advantage on the ARIS over BPMN, as in Figure 4.
Figure 3: Research models of understanding with people
from different areas.
After this stage the BPMN notation is now
considered the most appropriate in terms of human
understanding, and the next steps of research
focused on this notation, since the aspect of human
understanding was a working premise. Moreover,
unlike the ARIS notation, BPMN notation is an open
standard from the OMG and has the support of
major players in this market, including IBM, Oracle,
SAP, Unisys and even IDS Sheer, owner of the
notation and tool ARIS.
Considering the advantage gained by BMPN rating,
the work continued by evaluating tools available in
the Brazilian market that would support this
notation. The tools analysis phase had the support
from a group of six modeling processes
professionals, including the original group of four
professionals and two modelers who joined the work
in this phase.
Initially we defined the desirable characteristics,
ie the criteria to be considered in evaluating the
tools. Criteria used in other similar works, such as
(Benedictis, Amaral, & Rozendfeld, 2003), and
(Recker, 2010), formed the basis of the criteria of
this work. The criteria are presented in Table 6.
Table 6: Criteria for analysis tools.
1 Tool Requirements
1.2 Language in native language (Portuguese - BR)
1.3 Enables cooperative work
1.4 Integrated repository for models
1.5 Versioning allows
1.6 Allows WEB Publishing
1.7 Allows export to other tools via XPDL.
1.8 Allows integration with tools via BPEL Workflow
1.9 Allows for method validation
1.10 Allows to query the database for ontological entity
Table 6: Criteria for analysis tools (Cont.).
1.11 Navigation between models of different levels
1.12 Additional attributes for model objects
1.13 Allows the use of more than one modeling notation
1.14 Allows to create new custom objects
1.15 Allows to add hyperlinks to other documentation
Allows to create filter with the set of objects you
wish to use
2 Additional Support
2.1 There are training courses
2.2 There are virtual communities of support
2.3 There are publications available to help and support
The work used the concept of relevance, in order
to equalize the degree of importance among different
criteria. With the exception of the criterion for
integration with workflow tools via BPEL, which
received a score of 4, the remaining criteria classified
as requirements of the tool received a score of 2. The
criteria for receiving additional support scored a 1,
because they are less relevant.
The tools considered were those found in the
Brazilian market: Mega, Tibco, QPR, QPR Express;
BizAgi Free; BizAgi Express; Free Aris, and Aris
complete. For those that had free options, these have
been independently assessed.
Modelers were divided into two groups, each
group responsible for examining a set of tools. Then,
the groups met to present and discuss the results,
generating a consensus evaluation. The evaluation
result can be seen in Table 7.
Table 7: Analysis of tools according to the criteria.
According to the analysis, and taking into
account specific criteria requirements tool, the tool
ARIS Full (complete and paid) received the highest
average score. Considering only the criteria for
additional support, tools QPR, BizAgi Free, and
BizAgi Express were tied in the lead. In the final
average, the tool ARIS Full received the highest
By observing the average of fulfilling the criteria
for the tools it is possible understand what criteria
the manufacturers are more concerned with
delivering. The three criteria are best placed: 1 -
additional attributes for objects in the model, 2 -
WEB publication of the model in 3 - validation
mechanisms for the model.
Another observation is that the average final
score of the paid tools is not so far off compared to
the average final score of the free tools. This result
may indicate a strengthening of the free versions.
There are other factors that may be considered on
tools. For example, the tool QPR was only a tenth
behind the complete ARIS, which may recommend
its use. Still, cost issues may recommend using a
free tool such as BizAgi free, which scored even
higher than some paid tools.
Figure 4: Average final comparative tools.
After the performance modeling and analysis by a
group of experts, followed for an analysis by regular
users, the research points to the BPMN notation as a
solution more understandable by humans and has
potential to be translated into machines. In addition,
regarding tools, the results indicated the complete
ARIS, the QPR Express and BizAgi, the latter free.
An important contribution of this work was to
consider notations and tools whose relationship has
yet been little explored in previous works. Still, we
considered only specific tools of process modeling.
Another contribution was the structuring of criteria
from previous work, and even the addition of
specific criteria to the objectives covered by the
study. Finally, the recommendation of a method and
a specific tool, and provides more concrete basis for
the advancement of research in this area.
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