A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Influence
of Software Process on Project Performance
Jia-kuan Ma
, Xiao-fan Tong
, Ya-sha Wang
and Gang Li
Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies, Ministry of Education
Beijing, China
Software Institute, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science
Peking University, Beijing, China
Shandong Computer Science Center, Jinan, China
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Computer Network, Jinan, China
Abstract. Determining the appropriate process to be used is a key ingredient of
project management. To this end, understanding the influence of activities on
the project performance can facilitate the project management. However, quan-
tifying such a relationship via traditional Multiple Linear Regression method
tends to be challenging, for the amount of independent variables (activities in
software process) is usually larger than the size of dataset. Aiming at such a
problem, in this paper we propose a novel approach. By combing the Dantzig
selector and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression method, our approach
can derive the regression model in such challenging situations, which further set
the theoretical stage for studying the quantitive influences of software process
on project performance.
1 Introduction
Inherent in every software project there is a process (whether known or unknown,
whether good or bad, and whether stable or erratic) [1]. Nowadays, it has been widely
accepted that for a given software project, the employed process can have significant
influence on project performance (e.g. schedule, budget, quality of deliverables) in
general [2-3]. Specifically, [4] found evidence, in a sample of 61 organizations, that
higher CMM process maturity is associated with better project performance.
Therefore, determining the appropriate process to be used is a key ingredient of
project management. However, the conclusion that software process can influence
project performance does not tell us details of this relationship. For instance:
Among various activities in a given process, are certain activities more likely to
influence the final project performance than other activities? The answer to this ques-
tion can facilitate the project manager to cast more focus on the more crucial activities.
Which activities can have significant positive impact on the final project perfor-
mance? Which activities can have significant negative impact on the final project
performance? Answers to these questions can facilitate the project manager to better
Ma J., Tong X., Wang Y. and Li G..
A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Influence of Software Process on Project Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0003584000440050
In Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies (EAST-2011), pages 44-50
ISBN: 978-989-8425-58-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
customize the applied process. That is, tries to include positive-impact activities while
exclude negative-impact activities.
Theoretically, answering these questions calls for establishing quantitive relation-ship
between software process and project performance. In particular, taking each activity
in a given process as an independent variable, project performance as the dependent
variable, we need to quantify the influence of independent variables on a dependent
In this light, the most commonly employed approach is Multiple Linear Regres-
sion model, which can be expressed as follow:
= β
+ β
+ β
+ … + β
+ ε
= the ith observation of the dependent variable Y. In our context, Y
denotes the
project performance of a given project (labeled i) in the dataset.
= the ith observation of the independent variable X
(j = 1,2,…,p). In our context,
denotes an activity (labeled j) in the process of a given project (labeled i) in the
= the intercept of the equation; ε
= the error term.
, β
…, β
the slope coefficients for each of the independent variables. In our
context, β
denotes the correlation between an activity X
and the final project perfor-
mance Y. Such a correlation is formulated from the dataset.
n = the number of observations. In our context, n denotes the number of projects we
collected, namely size of the dataset.
In general, Multiple Linear Regression estimates β
, …, β
through the Ordinary Least
Squares (OLS) criteria, which minimizes the sum of squared residuals:
− 
− … − 
When the number of observations (n) is larger than the number of independent va-
riables (p), namely n > p, the criteria above is equivalent to the p+1 first order condi-
tions. Solving such equations can draw the estimations of β
to β
, and therefore for-
mulate the Multiple Linear Regression model.
Unfortunately, this is commonly not the case when conducting such studies in
practice. On one hand, a software process usually embodies a host of activities. For
instance, the international standard IEEE Std 12207:2008 [5], which serves as a major
process framework, contains 123 activities in total. As a result, when taking activities
in a software process as independent variables, the amount of independent variables
(p) is usually large. On the other hand, the fact that collecting software process and
project related data is costly and challenging [6] limits the size of feasible dataset.
Consequently, the number of observations is usually relatively smaller compared to
the amount of activities. Under such a condition, the OLS criteria become no longer
Aiming at such a problem, we propose in this paper a new approach to formulate
the quantitive relationship. Our approach first performs variable selection based on
the Dantzig selector. Then, with the n > p criteria satisfied, we iteratively apply the
OLS regression following the Backward Elimination method. In this way, the quanti-
tive relationship between software process and project performance can be derived
from a relatively small dataset. Meanwhile, the underlying rigorous mathematical
properties of our approach guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the result.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a brief introduc-
tion to the Dantzig selector. Section 3 proposes our novel approach of combing the
Dantzig selector with traditional Multiple Linear Regression. Finally, we conclude
and discuss future work in Section 4.
2 The Dantzig Selector
In many statistical applications, the number of independent variables p is larger than
the number of observations n. Suppose we have the following linear regression model:
y = Xβ + ε (1)
where β = (β
, β
, ..., β
is the associated regression coefficients, and ε
i.d.d N(0, σ
). X is a data matrix with possibly fewer rows than columns, i.e. n < p. X
= (x
, x
, ... , x
), where x
= (x
, x
, ... x
, i = 1, 2, ..., n, are predictor variables.
Besides, y = (y
, y
, ..., y
is a vector of observation.
When n < p, OLS criterion cannot provide a unique performance. To deal with this
challenge, Candes and Tao recently proposed a new approach, namely the Dantzig
selector [7], which can generate a sparse estimate of β. The sparse nature means many
coefficients in the result are exactly 0. In this sense, the Dantzig selector provides a
reliable method for variable selection.
Specifically, the Dantzig selector is solution to the following l
problem (2).
|| β
,s.t. ||X
2logp σ
where r is the residual vector y−Xβ
and t is a positive scalar. Candes and Tao indi-
cates that if X obeys a uniform uncertainty principle (with unit-normed columns) and
if the true parameter vector is sufficiently sparse (which here roughly guarantees that
the model is identifiable), then we can get the following result (3) with very large
|| β
β ||
) (3)
To further estimate β with noisy data ε, for some λ
>0, consider solving the following
convex program,
|| β
,s. t. ||X
σ (4)
where = y − Xβ
. In other words, the estimator β
is with minimum complexity (as
measured by the l
-norm) among all objects that are consistent with the data. The
estimator (4) is called the Dantzig selector.
Since (4) is convex, it can easily be recast as a linear program (5),
( − Xβ
where the optimization variables are u, β
and σ1 is a p-dimensional vector of
ones. Accordingly, this estimation procedure is computationally tractable. Candes and
Tao proved that the Dantzig selector is surprisingly accurate at the same time.
Ever since its birth, the Dantzig selector algorithm has drawn enormous attentions.
There have been much useful research work, such as a generalized Dantzig selector
, DASSO [9] method used to solve the Dantzig selector. Analyzing data sets with
the sample size n smaller than the number of variables p, such challenges arise in
many other fields ranging from health sciences to economics. For instance, in disease
classification using microarray gene expression data [10], the number of arrays is
usually in order of tens but the total amount of gene expression profiles is often tens
of thousands. The Dantzig selector has been applied respectively as an effective solu-
tion to various specific problems.
3 Our Approach
Our approach consists of two steps. First, we leverage the Dantzig Selector to select
the most correlative dependent variables from the original massive candidates. After
the selection, the amount of picked variables will drop below the number of samples.
Then, we apply the OLS regression iteratively to derive the ultimate regression model,
as indicated by the Backward Elimination method.
3.1 Variable Selection via the Dantzig Selector
As a variable selection method, the Dantzig Selector itself does not designate the
number of variables to pick out. In regard of accuracy and reliability of the selection
result, we use a statistical method called cross-validation to discover the best amount
of variables to pick out. It has been shown in [11] that the cross-validated choice of
the penalty parameter is consistent for model selection in general conditions.
Specifically, we use fivefold cross-validation to make the decision. The details of
the cross-validation procedure are listed as follows.
(a) Standardize the data; denote the full sample set by T; divide it randomly and
equally into 5 parts, then get subsets T
, v=1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(b) Define the fivefold cross-validation training set as T - T
, and test set as T
(c) For each v, apply the Dantzig selector
on training data set T - T
to select J pa-
rameters which is denoted as a set called S
; do this repeatedly increasing J from 1 to
k , a certain positive integer, and get sets S
, S
, ..., S
(d) Let PE
(J) be the prediction error when S
is applied to the test data set T
, and
form the estimate PE(J) =
(e) Find the J
that minimizes PE(J) and our selected model is S
An implementation of the Dantzig Selector is available at: http://www.acm.caltech.edu/l1magic/
This process is called fivefold cross-validation indicating that we divide the full sam-
ple set into five parts. Note that this fivefold cross-validation is not the same as esti-
mating the prediction error of the fixed models S
, S
, ..., S
and then choosing the
one with the smallest prediction error. This latter procedure is described in [12], and
can lead to inconsistent model selection unless the cross-validation test set T
at an appropriate asymptotic rate.
It needs to be emphasized that the fivefold cross-validation is taken once after a
running loop from steps (a) to (e). To strengthen the stability of result, we can repeat
this kind of cross-validation plenty of times and choose the stable S
3.2 OLS Regression Afterwards
After variable selection, we are able to pick J
significant variables and have J
< n.
Suppose that the smallest significant level we set for the model is s. Now we can
apply the regression analysis to derive the needed model.
We first do the OLS using the picked out dependent variables S
against y. Then,
with the first round regression result in hand, we can examine the p-value of each
dependent variable. For a certain dependent variable X
, its corresponding p-value
tells us the smallest significance level at which the H
: β
=0 (null hypothesis) would
be rejected given the observed value of the t statistic. Therefore, a large p-value indi-
cates that the corresponding parameter is not significant in this model. Such insignifi-
cant parameters should be filtered out of the ultimate model.
According to the Backward Elimination method, we implement the above analysis
as the follows. Find the largest p-value from OLS regression result and see if it is
larger than the smallest significant level s we set. If this p-value meets this condition,
filter the corresponding parameter out and run OLS regression once again using the
rest of parameters until there is no p-value larger than s.
Now we are able to obtain a regression model, where the independent variables
are activities that have significant impact to the dependent variable, namely project
performance. The coefficient denotes the impact of corresponding activity to project
performance, including the direction (+ for positive impact, - for negative impact) and
relative strength (indicated by the absolute value).
4 Conclusions and Future Work
Understanding the influence of certain activities on the project performance can facili-
tate the project management. However, the fact that the amount of independent va-
riables (activities in software process) is usually larger than the size of dataset fabri-
cates a barrier for quantitive analysis. The approach we proposed in this paper pro-
vides a theoretical basis for solving this problem.
Recently, we are applying this approach to study the influence of acquirer’s partic-
ipation process on project performance. The amount of activities in the investigated
acquirer participation process is 84. Under collaboration with several companies in
ShanDong province of China, we are able to collect 25 projects. The preliminary
result (depicted in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) shows that our approach works well in such an
84 independent variables, 25 samples situation. Further evaluation and improvement
of our approach is still under discussion.
Fig. 1. The final regression result. Note that the Adj R-squared indicating the explanation of the
model reaches nearly 96.8%.
Fig. 2. The result of normal distribution of residuals test. As we can see, plots standing for
residuals are distributed around the 45 degree line, which tells that we can generally consider
that residuals approximately obey the law of normal distribution.
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