Jie Di, Haihong E. and Lin Ma
PCN & CAD Center, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xitucheng Street, Beijing, China
Keyword: Mashup platform, GSMA OneAPI, RESTful web service.
Abstract: The emergence of Mashup enables its development more convenient, with more and more service providers
open their own API. Although users join the Mashup developing group using the service provided on
internet, there are hardly any telecommunication services supplied. Based on the characteristics of Mashup
technology, in this paper we provide a new Mashup application system framework based on the GSMA
OneAPI interface and REST Web Service, which access telecommunication services to Mashup. The
application we present demonstrate the feasibility of carrier-grade Mashup application, and indicate that
OneAPI interface and Mashup application in the information field covering Internet and
telecommunications network has great potential.
Mashup application is a web application which
integrates content retrieved from multiple external
data sources (Jackson C, 2007). Having been widely
used recently, the type of it includes maps Mashup,
video and image Mashup (Merrill D, 2006), and
other types of search and shopping Mashup.
Currently, most web service providers such as
Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, Google has been providing
Web services API, which allows developers to use
the Mashup API to build the corresponding
applications, making this new type of Web
application model become reality. Mashup attracts
academic and industrial with its characteristic of
more reusability, based on Web, lightweight and end
users oriented (Liu Xuanzhe, 2007).
In this paper, we adopt the OneAPI provided by
GSMA and Google map API to construct a Mashup
And we introduce the feasibility and potential of
Mashup application which based on the REST web
Service performing in information sharing and
application development.
In this article we first introduce some related
technologies, then as an application for instance, we
provide the system structure and implementation
process of Mashup application.
2.1 Conception of the GSMA OneAPI
The GSMA OneAPI (GSMA OneAPI Reference,
2008) is an initiative to define a commonly
supported API to allow mobile (and other network)
operators to expose useful network information and
capabilities to a Web application developers. It aims
to reduce the effort and time needed to create
applications and content that is portable across
mobile operators. The project aims to reuse existing
standards (or proper subset thereof) as well as advise
standards bodies as to what Web developers expect
from network operator APIs, so that such standards
can evolve accordingly.
The project is a work in progress we appreciate
your feedback via the forum to help us improve the
2.2 Work Mode of OneAPI
The GSMA OneAPI is intended to complement
existing client-side and server-side APIs by
providing a missing piece: access to network
capabilities and information, regardless of operator.
As such it can be accessed by client and server side
technologies when required; although for reasons of
Di J., E. H. and Ma L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003585505040509
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (SSE-2011), pages 504-509
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
authentication and security it is likely that client
APIs will not call the GSMA OneAPIs directly, but
instead by invoking a server-side API to make the
call. For example the OMTP BONDI framework
includes a 'wrapper' API that can be used to
encapsulate a OneAPI call if needed.
2.3 Location&SMS API
The OneAPI location function can acquire location
information of one phone through GPRS networks
anytime and anywhere, in conjunction with the
relevant other message it may develop a good
application. We can develop a emergency rescue
apply by combining the position information,
electronic map, traffic information and other
information. If the tourist attractions combined, we
also can carry out many tour guide's information,
and of course, there are many other good business,
such as advertising and children's custody. if
thinking openly and deeply, there would be many
other apply.
The OneAPI SMS interface allows a Web
application to send and receive SMS messages.
receive SMS sent to your Web application by end
users, you will need to obtain a registration Id (e.g.
short code or similar identifier) to identify your
application to the network for correct routing.
Mashup Based on mobile network has a very wide
range of application (LI Yan, 2008) The application
of the Internet combined with mobile network can
offer more abundant application. The application of
Mashup based on location is specific characteristic
of network, which can acquire location information
at anytime and anywhere through mobile network.
3.1 Introduction of Mashup
As a new type of data integration application based
on Web on the internet Mashup is gradually arisen.
Mashup technique was originated from pop music,
which is a new song constituted by audio tracks
mixed by singing and instruments two different
songs. According to the explanation of Wikimedia
(,2010), Mashup
is a new Web service formed by stacking a number
of different application which support Web API. It
uses the content retrieved from external data source
to create new innovation service, which will
combine contents come from more than one data
source, creating more value-added services. As more
Web site open its API, Mashup applications
constructed by using eBay,, Google and
Yahoo APIs appear ceaselessly, which make this
kind of new Web application mode become a reality.
In IBM Developer Works of China's description
IBM QEDWiki, 2010), a Mashup application can be
divided into three different components: the
API/content providers, Mashup sites and Mashup
client (i.e. user's browser).
The main advantages of Mashup development
modes are as follows:
Development form simplified, which is a light
and convenient development mode.
Advocate to use again, which can reduce
duplication of work.
Data sources are rich.
Based on open standards, easy to realize sharing
and interoperability of data and service.
Development cost is reduced greatly.
3.2 The Differentiation between
Mashup Technique and Traditional
Integration System
With the rapid development of information
technology, integrated information get more and
more attention, such as enterprise informationization,
EAI (enterprise information integration) etc. On the
information integration, there are many differences
between integration scheme adopting the traditional
data and the technology of Mashup based on
The requirements of platform and system.
Based on the traditional system integration
program needs the support of the traditional
platform API layer, such as the J2EE platform and
the. NET platform, and integration process is very
complicated. Using Mashup technology to build
applications, the integrate process is relatively
simple. It can easily aggregate and restructuring
the content from different places, including the
services and data, to conduct agile business
development, fast to meet their changing needs due
to different scenes.
Supporting for new features and functionality
extensions. Data integration based on the
traditional way required programming to complete
the system extensions, involving the presentation
layer, business logic and data storage layer or
multi-layer structure, with poor scalability;
Mashup-based technology uses loosely coupled
approach to integration information to create new
applications and functions, because it is loosely
coupled manner, it could greatly improve system
compatibility and scalability.
Presentation layer support. The presentation
layer of traditional system integration program in
the traditional integration mode mostly use a
graphical user interface GUI, when the client sends
a request, you need to load the entire page; Mashup
technologies based on Web2.0 uses a technology
called Ajax to call a web applications, browser
clients do not need to reload the entire page each
time it communicating with the server, which has a
great dynamicity.
Bottom integrated technical support. Based on
the traditional data integration solutions use
multilayer enterprise application integration
technology, involving different layers of
integration, such as business process integration
and application integration and data integration,
etc.; Based on the Web2.0 Mashup technology
uses the Service oriented architecture (SOA)
ideological to integrate underlying system, such
integrated system has a modularization, loose
coupling feature, and also a good characteristic of
The physical location of the content
aggregation. Traditional web application is a mode
based on HTML page and server-side data
transmission, and HTML is suitable for text. With
the increasing complexity of web applications, the
traditional web application can not meet the
gradually higher, all-round experience
requirements of web browser. At present, many
Mashup site choose to aggregate content on the
client machine, data can be cached on the client, in
order to achieve a user interface with a faster
response than that based on HTML and a fewer
number of times the data transporting between the
fewer. The interface provides fast response time
without refreshing the page.
3.3 The Framework of Mashup
The framework of Mashup applications is composed
of three different parts, they are logically and
physically disconnected from each other (Duane
Merrill, 2006)
(possibly separated by the network
and organizational boundaries): service providers
(including the API interface and data sources),
Mashup Web site and client browser. Framework is
shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Framework of Mashup application.
API interface or data source. They are generally
independent providers of content or interface of
each other. In order to facilitate data retrieval, the
provider will usually provide outside their own
content through the Web protocol outside.
However, there are many potentially valuable data
source did not easily provide API out. However,
developers can also use screen scraping technology
to achieve data acquisition.
Mashup site. That is where the Mashup exists.
It is very interesting that this simply because this is
the place where Mashup logic being, rather than
the implementation of these logical. On the one
hand, Mashup can use server-side dynamic content
generation technologies (such as Java Servlets,
CGI, PHP or ASP) to implement Web applications
similar to conventional ones.The client-side logic
is often a combination of directly the code
embedded in the Mashup Web pages with these
scripting API reference library or applet (provided
by the content provider) in Web pages.
Client Web browser. This is where the
application presented graphically, and where the
user interaction takes place. Mashup often use
client-side logic to build integrated content.
4.1 System Architecture
In this paper we use a kind of Mashup architecture,
which can create combination service. It consists of
Mashup API access components, Mashup server and
Mashup generator, corresponding SOA (Luo
Xiaoxiang, 2008) of service providers, service agent
and service users executing function expansion.
Mashup API access components will access all the
Meta-services various format provides including API,
RSS or screen grab to system; Mashup server
functions include service directory, Mashup
component storage; Mashup generator completing
the user in the browser Mashup component selection
and complete service combine function.
In this case, we will use the Location API of
OneAPI which GSMA provides and Google Map
API to create an application, then transform the
response of an XML format from the request URL to
JSON format, finally display the result in the output
of system, thus, the user can query the location
information of the cell phone number user inputs,
and marked in the Google Map, realizing the
telecommunication level Mashup service.
System structure chart is shown in Figure2:
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: System Architecture.
4.2 The Key Technology
4.2.1 Ajax Building API Engine
Ajax is a Web application model, rather than a
specific technology. It includes several asynchronous
loading and present technologies of content
The XHTML and CSS used to determine the
present style;
Browser provided document object model
(DOM) API for dynamic display and interactive;
Asynchronous data exchange, usually XML
The browser script, mainly JavaScript.
With these techniques used together, they aim to
create smooth, good Web user experience for users
through small amounts of data with content server,
not having to perform reloading and restart presents
the entire page after certain tasks. Google Maps
API(Google Mashup Editor, 2010), (Google Maps,
2010) includes a special Ajax engine, it having a
really strong influence on user experience: its work
way similar to a real native application, of which no
scrolling can operate, also did not have a move
button with compulsory page reloading.
4.2.2 REST Web Services Access
Web Service is some Independent, modular
application modules that can be described, published,
located, and invoked through the Internet. Its
purpose is to build a common platform-independent,
language-independent technology layer on variety of
heterogeneous platforms presently, to ensure the
applications interoperable on different platforms.
REST is the acronym for Representational State
Transfer (Fielding RT, 2000), this is a only use
HTTP and XML, Web-based communication
technologies. Its simplicity and lack of strict
configuration files make it isolated with SOAP, and
has attracted widespread attention. REST
fundamentally supports only a few operations (i.e.
POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE), these operations
apply to all messages. REST emphasizes the
information itself, referred to as resources (Eric van
der Vlist, 2007)
4.2.3 Return Data in JSON
As to Ajax Web 2.0 site application, JSON is the
most flexible lightweight solution(MILLER M
S,2009), such as at present more popular Mashup
Web services.
Same as XML, JSON is a data format based on
pure text. JSON data format is very simple, we can
use JSON transmit a simple String, Number,
Boolean, also can transmit an array, or a complex
Object. Through comparing the characteristics
between XML and JSON, you can find JSON
simplified data coding and visit, so as to increase the
efficiency of data transmission.
4.3 Application Realization
4.3.1 User Interface
The front interface design uses Ext.
Register the required services API into the system
services database with JavaScript (Nilanjan Banerjee,
2008), and generates the corresponding window in
the front interface for users.
Input the form according to function. Form
contains a String, Long and other types of input box
(Inputs array), by editing the input box you can pass
the required parameters. Click the Refresh function
key to display the results in the output window.
Call Location Services, you can enter the phone
number in the window to get its location information,
as shown in Figure 3:
Figure 3: Service invoke window.
4.3.2 Servlet Calling Service API
Servlet is a server-side Java applications, with
platform-independent and protocol-independent
characteristics, which can generate dynamic Web
pages. It bears a mid layer between customer request
(Web browser or other HTTP client) and the server
response (HTTP server database or application).
Servlet is Java application located on server-side
inside the Web server, loaded by Web server, which
must include Java virtual machine supporting of
Request the URL corresponding to the API, while
validating some information parameters, then deliver
the request by invoking of HTTP GET method, and
get the response.
String numb =
req.getParameter("number");//get the
phone number user inputs
String getUrl = SANDBOX_ENDPOINT +
subscriber; //API URL
GetMethod getMethod = new
Int getStatusCode =
System.out.println("HTTP status code: "
+ getStatusCode + " " +
ing();//get response
4.3.3 Parse the Data in JSON-format
The response of OneAPI Location interface is
XML-format data, we need to transfer them to
JSON-format in the backed system.
We import net.sf.json.jar in the Servlet which
invoke the service API, using it to complete the
JSON transform, then display them in certain format
the Mashup output system required.
XMLSerializer xmls = new
JSON json =;//transform to JSON
String res = callback + "('" + index
+ "', "+ json +", 200, null, 200)";
The results are shown in Figure 4:
Figure 4: The location result.
4.3.4 Location API combined with Google
The result of Location API as listed below:
There include the latitude and longitude
information data of the phone.
Combine the location information data with
Google Map API, marking the location of the phone
in Google Map by the latitude and longitude data we
already got.
The results are shown in Figure 5:
Figure 5: The result marked in Google Map.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this paper we analyze the characteristics of
Mashup technology, Mashup has many advantages,
development in simplified forms, advocating the
reuse, rich data source, based on open standards, the
development cost reduced greatly, etc. It allows the
user to develop Web application in a simple and
interesting process, fully embodies simple, user
participation and resource sharing characteristic of
the Web2.0.
Based on this, we present a Mashup development
platform based on a carrier-grade OneAPI service,
and introduce the system architecture and its key
technologies, finally we verify the effectiveness of
this Mashup platform through an application.
We believed that Mashup applications could bring
more abounding experience for users and promote
telecommunications business development.
This work is supported by the National Key project
of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs of
China (Grant Nos. 2008BAH24B04,
2008BAH21B03, 2009BAH39B03); The National
Natural Science Foundation of China Grant
No.61072060; The Program for New Century
Excellent Talents in University No.NECET-08-0738;
and the Innovation Technology Star Program of
Beijing (Grant No.2007A045).
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