Ernesto Del R. Santibanez-Gonzalez
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil
Henrique Pacca Luna
Computer Science Institute, Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Maceió, AL, Brazil
Geraldo Robson Mateus
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Keywords: Sustainable supply chain, Green supply chain, Evolutionary computation, Genetic algorithms.
Abstract: This paper presents a novel mixed-integer 0-1 model (MIP) for solving a sustainable supply chain network
design problem that arises in the public sector. In our problem, we have to determine a xed number of
facilities to be located at sites chosen from among a given set of candidate sites. Sustainable issues are
integrated into the model by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transportation and the
operation of the facilities. We propose a simple genetic algorithm (GA) for solving this problem. In order to
validate our GA solutions we used GAMS to obtain optimal objective values on the MIP. Computational
results are very good for instances generated from a known OR test library.
In 1987 the United Nations World Commission on
Environment and Development (UNWCED)
published Our Common Future Report. In this report
was defined sustainable development as
“development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs”. This report
was a kick-off for a number of interdisciplinary
studies in the field of sustainability.
By 2020 the economic impact of climate change
in the world will reach 20% of the global GDP. The
man-made greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are one
of the main causes of the climate change.
Considering the magnitude of the impact on the
global economy, the environment and the society,
many agencies of the government and international
institutions are taking actions to reduce and to
control the emission of GHG. The Kyoto
Agreement, signed by 35 countries, was one of the
pioneering intentions of reducing the emission GHG.
This agreement placed the target to reduce about
2012 the global emission of coal for an average of
5.4 % in relation to the levels of 1990. In this
respect, this paper focuses on how governments can
deploy supply chain networks for servicing people
while minimizing the costs of installation, operation
and transportation and, at the same time reducing the
GHG emissions.
There are principally two ways that the human
mind contributes to the emission of GHG:
production of energy (generation of energy) and
transport and logistics, apart from the deforestation.
Both are basic activities that every company as
every government agency realizes to satisfy end
Governmental agencies and companies adopting
a friendly sustainable management are facing a
number of changes, from the strategy level till the
operational point of view, affecting their people and
impacting their business processes and their
technology. In this regard, as D. Simchi-Levi,
Kaminsky and E. Simchi-Levi (2007) pointed out,
“the strategic level deals with decisions that have a
Del R. Santibanez-Gonzalez E., Pacca Luna H. and Robson Mateus G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003588502220227
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 222-227
ISBN: 978-989-8425-54-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
long-lasting eect on the rm. These include
decisions regarding the number, location and
capacities of warehouses and manufacturing plants,
or the ow of material through the logistics
network”. They established a clear link between
facility location models and strategic decisions of
supply chain management (SCM). Also,
governmental agencies and companies realized that
to be committed with sustainable practices could
imply changes in the criteria to design and to
manage supply chain. That is to say, in addition to
the costs of transport, operation and installation and
considerations on the level of service, the
sustainable models need to consider GHG emission
Supply chain design based on economic
consideration has been well covered in the literature.
On the other hand, the field of sustainable supply
chain design and management (SSCM) is quite new
(Seuring & Muller, 2008). The greatest benefits of
applying SCM are obtained by an extended analysis
including organizations upstream -closer to the raw
materials- and downstream -closer to the consumer-
of the supply chain and then back again so that the
unsold products are recycled. But, by extending the
focus, what this really does implies more
organizations, multiplying the relation between the
organizations and getting a more complex supply
chain (SC) to manage. Then the focus of the supply
chain management literature has been on dyadic
networks (supplier units-customer units) as we do in
this paper (Choi & Wu, 2009).
This paper proposes a genetic algorithm for
solving a supply chain network design problem that
arises in the public sector considering sustainable
constraints in the form of restrictions on the dioxide
carbon equivalent emissions. The authors are not
conscious of any article tackling the problem of
sustainability that arises in the location of such
public facilities as schools or hospitals. We present a
mixed-integer 0-1 facility location model who
allows to analyze the impact of restrictions in the
GHG emissions on the fixed and transportation costs
and in the location of facilities.
In this paper, in Section 2 is analyzed some
literature in connection with the problem. In section
3 is presented the mixed-integer 0-1 programming
model. In section 4, we discuss the genetic algorithm
implementation for solving the problem. In section 5
we provide some numerical results. Finally in
section 6 we give some conclusions of the work.
Above and beyond other aspects, there are
principally two kinds of questions related to the
sustainability. One of them is the emission of GHG.
For the production of a big quantity of GHG to
satisfy the present needs – for example, in the
processes of manufacture and distribution - we affect
the climate of a dangerous way that finally is going
to compromise the capacity so that future
generations could satisfy their own needs. In this
paper we focus on reducing the GHG emissions
caused by the operation of pubic facilities and the
transportation activities to satisfy the demand. We
model the problem of locating facilities in order to
satisfy a fixed demand, minimizing installation and
operating costs and constraining the GHG emissions.
Supply chain management (SCM) is being used
to address the problem of reducing the economic
impact of climate change generated by GHG
emissions. For the purpose of this paper, SCM is a
multidisciplinary management approach to master a
set of interacting organizations. These organizations
share different resources, products, services and
information, with the target to obtain competitive
advantages and to improve the profitability, both in
the individual form and in the collective form.
(Simchi-Levi et al., 2007). According to Choi and
Wu (2009), the focus of the literature of SC has been
in networks of dyadic (supplier firms – customer
firms) as we do in this work.
Disciplines integrating environmental practices
into the supply chain have been called in a number
of different ways. Some of them are: Sustainable
Supply Chain Management (SSCM) and, Green
Supply Chain Management (GSCM). Srivastava
(2007) did a careful review of the literature and he
showed that a wide frame of reference for GSCM
has not been sufficiently developed. Finally, he
defined GSCM as an integrated environment,
including product design, sourcing and selection of
material, manufacturing processes, delivery of the
final product to the consumers, and end-of-life
management of the product after its useful life. In
this paper, we do not make any distinction between
sustainable and green supply chain.
Mathematical modeling for designing
sustainable supply chain is attracting many
researchers to this field. But, according to Seuring
and Muller (2008), the field of sustainable supply
chain design and management (SSCM) is quite new.
In this work, the proposed model focuses on two
sustainable issues: economic and environmental
aspects of GHG emissions. On the other side, till
now much research has been done in the eld of
private companies’ location theory. The authors are
not aware of any paper addressing the sustainable
problem that arises in the location of such public
facilities as schools or hospitals.
Hugo and Pistikopoulos (2004) developed a
multi-objective mixed-integer 0-1 model for
deciding location and capacity expansion of
facilities (plants), and transportation issues in a
given planning horizon. They maximize profit and
minimize the environmental impact of the plant
operations while satisfying the market demand for
products. They presented numerical results for a
small problem of 3 candidate plants, 3 customers, 2
products, 2 raw materials and 5 periods. In a later
work, Hugo and Pistikopoulos (2005) extended the
previous model and they reformulated the problem
as a stochastic programming model that can address
the decision-making process under uncertainty.
Ramudhin, Chaabane, Kharoune, and Paquet (2008)
proposed a mixed-integer 0-1 programming model
for the GSC design problem. Taking into account
environmental aspects, they analyzed the impact of
transportation, subcontracting, and production
activities on the design of a supply chain network.
The problem considers a three-echelon multi-
products supply chain network formed by a set of
suppliers, a set of subcontractors (plants), and a set
of costumer zones. The model integrates into the
objective function the total amount of GHG
emissions produced by transportation and production
activities, and determines the equivalent carbon
credits generated for different configurations of the
supply chain. The model is tested considering the
case of a steel product manufacturer with three
freight transportation modes, a product with two
semi finished products that are manufactured from
four parts, and at least two suppliers are competing
to supply each part. The model is first solved by
CPLEX Interactive Optimizer V10.0. The authors
also use Goal Programming to determine the best
trade-offs between two conflicting objectives: the
total logistics cost and carbon emissions. In
Chaabane, Ramudhin and Paquet (2010) is extended
the previous model considering life cycle assessment
(LCA) principles in addition to the traditional
material balance constraints at each node in the
supply chain. They proposed a multi-objective
mixed-integer 0-1 model to support sustainable
supply chain design over a long-term period of time.
The model distinguishes between solid and liquid
wastes, as well as gaseous emissions due to various
production processes and transportation modes. The
model is used to evaluate the tradeoffs between
economic and environmental objectives under
various cost and operating strategies for an
aluminum company. Finally, Diabat and Simchi-
Levi (2010), use a mixed-integer 0-1 programming
model including carbon emissions restrictions for
designing green supply chains. The problem is to
decide which plants and Distribution Centers (DCs)
to open, how the DCs are allocated to the plants, and
how the DCs distribute multiple types of products to
satisfy retailers’ demands. The objective is to
minimize the total facility opening and products
distribution costs subject to the total carbon emission
is not more than a predetermined emission cap. They
formulated the problem as a two-echelon multi-
commodity facility location problem with a carbon
emission constraint. They presented numerical
results for a 7 candidate plants, 18 candidate DCs,
63 retailers, and a single type of product. To solve
the instances, the authors use ILOG CPLEX 11.0
MIP solver in the GAMS modeling language.
The problem of locating facilities and allocating
customers is not new to the operations research
community and covers the key aspects of supply
chain design (Daskin, Snyder & Berger, 2005).
Simchi-Levi et al. (2007) establish a clear link
between location models and strategic SCM.
Altiparmak, Gen, Lin, and Paksoy (2006) pointed
out that this problem is one of “the most
comprehensive strategic decision problems that need
to be optimized for long-term ecient operation of
the whole supply chain”. Notice that, in Lai-Jun
Xiao-Ling and Zhongke (2009) a genetic algorithm
was used to solve a kind of facility location problem
on test networks with 10 potential facility sites and
30 demand points. In this paper we focus on the
sustainable supply chain design problem that arises
in governmental agencies, where you have to decide
the location of schools, hospitals, police stations, re
stations, and so on, taking into account sustainable
The sustainable supply chain network design
problem consists in deciding the number and
location of facilities, and the allocation of customers
to these facilities, minimizing the installation and
transportation costs integrated with GHG emissions
constraints. Our problem is uncapacitated by nature,
following most of the research on locating public
facilities, i.e., we do not restrict the capacity of the
facilities to service the demand. Our interest is to
analyze how service costs of governmental agencies
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
will be affected by sustainable restrictions. We
assume that GHG emissions come mainly from the
operation of the facilities and from the transportation
activities involved to service a fixed demand. We
suppose that GHG emissions are proportional to the
demand, i.e. population to be attended, and the travel
We introduce the following inputs and sets:
J = the set of demand nodes indexed by j
I = the set of candidate facility locations, indexed
by i
= demand at customer location j
= xed cost of locating a facility at candidate site i
= is the unit cost of supplying demand j
J from
a facility located in i
M = cardinality of J
= GHG emissions factor of a facility located at
candidate site i
, in tons of CO
e per unit demand
= GHG emissions factor per unit distance and per
unit demand between candidate facility site i
I and
customer location j
J, in tons of CO
e per km and
unit demand
and the following decision variables:
= 
1      
0 otherwise
= is the fraction of the demand of j
J supplied
from i
The general supply chain design problem with
sustainable constraints ((GUSSCP) is defined by:
+ ℎ
   
 :
= 1 ∀ 
 
∀ 
 
 
+ 
    
0 ∀,∀   (5)
∀  (6)
The objective function (1) minimizes the sum of
the installation facility costs and the demand-
weighted supplying costs. Constraints (2) warranty
that all demand is met. Constraints (3) warranty that
a demand node j must be allocated to a facility i
already opened. Constraint (4) limits the total
Greenhouse Gas (CO
e) emissions to GHG.
Constraints (5) are non-negativity constraints and
constraints (6) are standard binary constraints.
Notice that, we would define the variables x
J; however, the well-known
single assignment property of a related facility
location problem, warranties that a demand node j is
always serviced by only one facility. Regarding
constraints (3), when they are replaced by
∀ ,∀   (3)
we got a stronger formulation for the problem, as
it was also discussed in a related facility location
problem (Cornuejols, Fisher & Nemhauser, 1977).
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a type of evolutionary
algorithms (EVA) used to solve a number of
combinatorial optimization problems. See for further
details the papers by De Jong and Spears (1989) and
Goldberg (1989). According to Osman and Kelly
(1996), an EVA is composed by five basic
components: (a) a genetic representation of solutions
to a problem; (b) a way to create an initial
population of solutions; (c) an evaluation function;
(d) genetic operators that alter the genetic
composition of children during reproduction and (e)
values for the parameters. In this section we briefly
describe these components and the GA
implementation for solving the GUSSCP problem.
In our implementation, each solution (individual)
to the problem is coded as a chromosome such that
each gene corresponds to a facility location decision
variable, taking value 1 if a facility is open and zero
The initial population of 100 individuals is
generated randomly. Then we recombine this initial
population and generate randomly two sets of 100
individual each. Each gene of the chromosome is
generated by a 0-1 uniform probability distribution.
Regarding the GHG emissions, this mechanism
could generate unfeasible solutions for GUSSCP, but
our strategy was to explore the behaviour of the
algorithm based on an initial population composed
of a number of unfeasible solutions. For our test
problems, the GA implemented in this way rapidly
generated a large number of unfeasible solution and
it obtained poorer solutions than the next approach
we will discuss it. In the second approach, after the
crossover and mutation operations, we introduce a
greedy-random procedure to generate to every
iteration of the GA at least 50% of feasible
solutions. Then our new population in every
iteration has at least 50% of feasible solutions. The
procedure is as follow: we generate a random
individual consisting of a number of facilities
opened/closed. Then based on the transportation
costs, we allocate the nearest client to each facility
opened. We do this till we get 50% of feasible
solutions for the new population. We replace
unfeasible solutions for the new ones obtained
through this procedure. Finally the best 100
individuals will be part of the new initial population
to start the main iteration of GA. As we can see later
in this paper, computational results are very good.
The tness of a chromosome is calculated using
the objective function (1). To compute the first term
(installation costs) of (1) is straight forward from the
chromosome. To compute the second term
(transportation costs) of (1), we use a simple
procedure: for each customer we find its nearest
opened facility (minimal transportation cost). Then
we sum up both parts (installation and transportation
costs) to get the objective function value for each
individual of the population.
We use the standard genetic operators. The
crossover generates two new individual
(chromosome) exchanging the genetic material of
two (parental) individuals expecting that "good"
solutions can generate "better" ones. We selected
these individuals randomly from a two sets of
individuals, each set composed of 100 individuals as
described earlier. We do not limit the number of new
chromosomes generated by crossover. In this work
crossover probability (cross_p) is set to 0.7 (70%)
and we perform one-point crossover. The crossover
procedure is quite simple, we generate a random
value, if the cross_p value is greater than the random
value then we pick one individual from each set. We
generate another random value between one and the
number of potential facility sites, i.e, a cut point
dividing each individual (parent) into two segments.
The first child is created by combining the first
segment from the first parent and the second
segment from the second parent. The second child is
created from the first segment of the second parent
and the second segment of the first parent. The
mutation operator changes the value of a
chromosome with some small probability. In our
case, we get this probability to 0.1 (10%). The gene
in the chromosome is selected randomly and we
switch its value (0-1). We do not limit the number of
new chromosomes generated by mutation. The
selection operator is based on elitist selection,
favoring individuals of better fitness value to
reproduce more often than the worse ones when
generating the new population. In every iteration the
whole population (200 individuals) is ranked in a
non-decreasing order of the objective function value.
As we described earlier, feasibility of constraints (5)
is verified. In case there is lesser than 50% of
feasible solutions in the population, a greedy-
random procedure was implemented to generate new
(feasible) individuals. The best (100) solutions
passed to the next iteration.
In our case the total size of population is 200
individuals, and 100 of new individuals are
generated each iteration. We set the total number of
iteration to six.
The GA solution method for this problem was coded
and implemented by Scilab software. According the
sustainable supply chain literature discussed in
previous section, for testing our GA implementation
we generated 11 small size instances of GUSSCP.
These instances correspond to test networks up to 26
potential sites and up to 50 demand nodes taken
from the ORLIB (Beasley, 1996). As we do not
know in advance how well is going to perform the
GA, in order to validate our GA solutions we used
GAMS on integer linear programming model
described in section 3. Every test problem was
running 5 times and we present an average value in
Table 1. The optimal objective values were obtained
by GAMS. As we can see in Table 1, besides the
few number of iteration (6) used in our GA, the GAP
obtained is quite small. Both methods (GA and
GAMS) quickly converge on mentioned GUSCPS
instances and their running times are not reported.
The alpha (α) and beta (β) parameters were set to
one and two respectively. This was done to analyze
the behaviour of the algorithm and also to check
how the solution change when you penalty the
transportation GHG emissions. Total GHG
emissions were limited to values between 3,200.00
and 10,000.00 thousands.
We notice that, when you reduce the total amount of
GHG emissions permitted, and the number of
facilities remain free, the number of facilities to
open increase, also increasing the cost of the
solution but reducing the amount of GHG emitted by
the transportation component.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this paper, we introduced a novel kind of
sustainable supply chain network design problem
with a GHG emission constraint. The problem
addressed the design of supply network arising
mainly in the public sector, where we need to satisfy
the demand for services like education and health
care locating a number of facilities. We limit the
GHG emissions generated by the facilities and the
transportation involved in servicing the customers.
The problem was formulated as a mixed integer 0-1
linear programming problem (MIP) and solved using
a genetic algorithm coded in Scilab. We conducted
an experimental study on instances of small sizes
taken from the ORLIB. In order to validate our GA
solutions we used GAMS to obtain optimal objective
values on the MIP. The genetic algorithm performs
very good considering we set a few number of
iterations. We observed that when you reduce the
total amount of GHG emissions permitted, and the
number of facilities remain free, the number of
facilities to open increase, also increasing the cost of
the solution but reducing the amount of GHG
emitted by the transportation component.
Table 1: Computational Results. First column indicates
number of problem instance; Fixed Costs in thousands; z*
is the optimal solution; z(GA) is the solution value
provided by GA.
z* z(GA) GAP
1 25,0 10,0 1,746,347 1,775,425 1.7
2 17,5 10,0 1,727,848 1,731,842 0.2
3 12,5 10,0 1,700,236 1,700,841 <0.1
4 25,0 5,0 1,746,348 1,775,425 1.7
5 25,0 3,2 1,953,224 1,953,224 0.0
6 17,5 3,2 1,840,724 1,840,724 0.0
7 12,5 3,2 1,765,724 1,765,724 0.0
8 7,5 3,2 1,690,724 1,690,724 0.0
9 7,5 3,3 1,663,018 1,684,578 1.3
10 12,5 3,3 1,700.236 1,765,723 3.9
11 17,5 3,3 1,730,236 1,773,011 2,5
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