Karim Doumi, Salah Baïna and Karim Baïna
ENSIAS, Mohamed V - Souissi University, Soissi, Morocco
Keywords: Business IT alignment, Goals modelling, Enterprise architecture, Business process, Information system.
Abstract: Nowadays, the business IT alignment has become a priority in most large organizations. It is a question of
aligning the information system on the business strategies of the organization. This step is aimed at
increasing the practical value of the information system and makes it a strategic asset for the organization.
Many works showed the importance of documentation, the analysis and the evaluation of business IT
alignment, but few proposed solutions applicable to the strategic and functional level. This paper aims has
to fill this gap by proposing a simple approach with has two levels of modeling (1) the strategic level, to
model through the approach of goals modeling and (2) the functional level based on the approach of
enterprise architecture. This approach is illustrated by case study of a real project in a Moroccan public
The strategy of the enterprise is to set up the long-
term commitments to reach the explicit objectives. It
is a question of studying, via real cases, how an
enterprise can position itself in an international
competing. The alignment of this strategy with the
evolution of information system requires an
alignment allowing the perfect coherence of all the
actions and the decisions with the strategic
objectives of the enterprise. This alignment will
transform strategic objectives into operational
actions to align them in the information system.
Today, it is not quite enough to build powerful
information systems. In order for the enterprise to be
performing and be able to compete and evolve, its
information systems and business processes must be
permanently aligned and in perfect coherence with
its strategy.
Many authors have shown the importance of
alignment in the evolution of the enterprise
(Luftman and Maclean, 2004; Luftman, 2000) and
according to (Baïna et al., 2008; Chan et al., 1997;
Croteau and Bergeron, 2001; Tallon and Kraemer,
2002), this alignment has a great influence on the
performance of the organization and any rupture in
the process of alignment causes a fall of the
organization’s performance.
If the interest of alignment is greatly recognized,
its implementation remains very limited. According
to (Luftman and Maclean, 2004; Luftman, 2000;
Baïna et al., 2008; Chan et al., 1997; Croteau and
Bergeron, 2001; Tallon and Kraemer, 2002; Renner
et al., 2003), few leaders consider that the strategy
and the information systems are aligned. Thus, this
implies that actors of the organization are not able to
distinguish between alignment and non-alignment.
Also, the absence of methods of maintenance of
alignment makes the task extremely difficult at the
decisional level.
There exist a number of models of strategic
alignment. A well known model is Henderson's and
Venkatraman's Strategic Alignment Model which
give a rather total vision of strategic alignment.
However, this kind of model remains very related to
the field of management.
According to (Khory and Simoff, 2004), a step of
engineering is necessary to analyze the strategic
alignment of the information system. This vision is
also supported by the approaches of enterprise
architecture (Bleistein, 2006) as well as the leaders
of information system (Longépé, 2001).
In the literature several approaches have been
developed to solve the problem of alignment:
Approach of Enterprise architecture (French):
urbanization of Information System (Longépé,
2001). This approach provides a guide to manage the
strategic alignment to define future Information
However, the method of this approach does not
say how to ensure an evolution of enterprise
strategy, its business processes and its information
Doumi K., Baïna S. and Baïna K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003588604570464
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 457-464
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
system and how to measure and improve the
alignment between these elements.
Approach of modeling and construction of
alignment oriented needs (Bleistein, 2006) : The
approach of Bleistein is interesting in the sense that
it takes into account the strategic level in the
presentation of the alignment but is impractical and
very complicated to master it. Is an approach to
building alignment and not the evaluation and
evolution of alignment.
Approach of evaluation and evolution of
strategic alignment (Luftman, 2000): The approach
of Luftamn gives guidance for the construction of
the alignment. The approach does not seek to change
the alignment of the elements but to achieve a higher
maturity level of alignment between strategic
objectives and IT strategy.
Approach of modeling and construction of
alignment between the environment, processes and
the systems (Wegmann et al., 2005): for example the
SEAM method uses the same notations in different
levels and thus between the different elements of
alignment. The SEAM method does not take into
account the particularity of each level of abstraction.
Approach of evaluation of the degree of
alignment of the business process and Information
system (Etien, 2006 ; Etien and Salinesi, 2005 ).
This approach allows to model and evolve the
alignment between business process and information
system but do not take into consideration the
strategic level in the representation of the alignment.
Approach of evaluation of the degree of
alignment between the couple strategy of the
enterprise and < Business process, information
system> (Thevenet et al., 2009). The INSTALL
method takes into consideration the strategic level in
representing the strategic alignment but impractical
because it uses formalizes card that does not include
all elements of the strategic level.
Approach oriented values (Gordijn and
Akkermans, 2003). The e3-value framework
particularly interested in the value stream, the
creation, exchange and consumption of objects in
network multi-actor that includes the company itself
and its environment (customers, partners) .
According to Bleistein missing a crucial point in the
e3-value is the distinction between value analysis
and business strategy. Moreover, the link between
the creation of economic value and goals of low-
level system is unclear. Also tools and guidance to
change are not defined.
In all these approaches, the concept of alignment
of information system is traditionally treated through
the results obtained after alignment. Thus, according
to (McKeen and Smith, 2003), alignment exists
when the information system is consistent with the
purposes and activities selected to position the
enterprise in its market. (Etien, 2006) defines
alignment as the set of linkages between elements of
the model business processes and elements of the
model of the information system support. (Reich and
Benbasat, 1996) defined alignment as the degree to
which the mission, goals and plans contained in the
competitive strategy is shared and supported by the
IT strategy. According to the report CIGREFF 2002
the term "alignment" expresses the idea of the
consistency of the information system strategy with
business strategy. This alignment requires constant
maintenance throughout its life cycle.
In other words, the classical vision of alignment
involves two main areas: the area of Business
(competitive strategy and activities of the
organization) and the field of IT (IT strategy and IS
support) that it is to ensure consistency.
The issue of business IT alignment must
necessarily pass through the life cycle of alignment:
(1) identification of elements that will contribute to
the construction of the alignment and (2) the
evaluation, and (3) necessary actions to correct this
alignment (figure 1).
Figure 1: Cylce of Business IT alignment.
In this paper we propose a model driven approach to
(1) represent and (2) evaluate the business IT
alignment. This approach allows to construct the
alignment from the elements belonging to different
abstraction levels (strategic & operational).
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2.1
presents a brief introduction of our approach. Sections
2 and 3 present our approach in strategic and functional
level. Finally, Section 4 presents primary conclusions
of the work presented in this paper and gives short term
perspectives for ongoing research work.
2.1 Related Work
One of the most recurrent problems lately is the lack
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of strategy in strategic alignment (Reich and
Benbasat, 1996), and even when it is taken into
account, it remains ambiguous and very difficult to
adapt. Indeed in the industry can find a set of
techniques dedicated to the strategy. Each has its
own concepts, methods and tools (eg, BCG matrix,
the method MACTOR, SWOT analysis, the
McKinsey 7S, internal value chains ... etc).. These
techniques are often used to plan and coordinate the
business decision process with the Business
Strategy. They are often used by business leaders
and strategy consulting firms. They are thus based
on measurements and performance values, but these
approaches are rarely used in a process of alignment
with the operational level.
At most research approaches alignment does not
always specify explicitly which elements of the
business that are involved in strategic alignment. For
example, Bleistein et al. (Bleistein, 2006) in trying
the method of using B-SCP requirements
engineering for linking high-level requirements
(strategic) with those of lower level, and focusing on
the alignment of strategy business and information
system components. Yu et al. (Yu, 1997) look at the
reasons and contexts (including strategic goals) that
lead to system requirements.
The approach e3 values interest in values
exchange between the network actors. The approach
e3-alignment focuses on the alignment within and
between organizations with respect to: (1) business
strategy, (2) values, (3) business processes, and (4)
In all these approaches, there is little explicit
links with the elements of the enterprise to align
(strategic and functional level). These models use
either intermediate or dependencies between the
elements, or the decomposition of high level goals
into low-level goals.
Approaches ACEM (Alignment and Evolution
Correction Method) (Etien, 2006) and INSTALL
(Intentional Strategic Alignment) (Thevenet et al.,
2009), fit into the type methods that use an
intermediate model to represent alignment. Note
however that the first (ACEM) addresses the
alignment of IT and business process but do not take
into account the strategy.
Approaches of the dependence that propose to
define dependencies between high-level goals
(strategic) and operational goals. Approaches based
on i * models (Bleistein, 2006), (Yu, 1997) and the
approach of urbanization Longépé (Longépé, 2001)
fall into this category.
Decomposition approaches propose to
decompose high-level goals into lower level goals
(operational). Among these approaches, we find
KAOS or approaches of Enterprise Architecture (eg
2.2 Our Approach
The approach we propose for modeling strategic
alignment is an approach oriented models. This
approach ensures that the models of the strategy are
linked with models of the functional level through a
study of alignment between these 2 levels. Modeling
in the two levels is traditionally expressed in
different languages, and in separated documents. At
the strategic level, one may find concepts like goal,
task, actor, role and indicator. Whereas at the
functional level, one may find object, operation,
function, application etc.
The concept of alignment that we adopt in our
approach is defined as the set of links (impact of
element of model on an element of another model)
between the strategic model and the IS model. Thus,
the degree of alignment is measured by comparing:
(i) the set of linkages between elements of the IS
model and elements of strategic model and (ii) the
aggregate maximum possible links between these
models (figure 2).
For modeling the alignment, our approach
- Represent elements of the fields of Business
(enterprise strategy) and IT (information system) by
the models.
- Measuring the degree of alignment by checking
similarities between elements of these models.
Functional level
Enterprise strategy
Formalism of the
Goals Modeling
Information system
Enterprise architecture
Strategic level
Figure 2: Framework of our approach.
2.3 Strategic Study
In this paper we consider the use of a goal model
approach that supports analysis of strategic business
goals such as I* (Gordijn and Akkermans, 2003) or
the Business Motivation Model (BMM) (Bleistein,
2006). The I* technique focuses on modeling
strategic dependencies among business agents,
goals, tasks and resources.
The I* model adopts an agent-oriented approach to
model information system requirements. The
intentional elements are the task and the soft goals,
hard goals and can be related the ones to the others
with relations of the type "means ends" and relations
of the decompositions type of spots.
The following figure 3 illustrates the elements of
formalism I* adapted:
Soft goals: are similar to (hard) goals except that the
criteria for the goal's satisfaction are not clear-cut, it
is judged to be sufficiently satisfied from the point
of view of the actor. The means to satisfy such goals
are described via contribution links from other
Hard goals: Represents and intentional desire of an
actor, the specifics of how the goal is to be satisfied
is not described by the goal. This can be described
through task decomposition
Task: The actor wants to accomplish some specific
task, performed in a particular way. A description of
the specifics of the task may be described by
decomposing the task into further sub-elements.
Contribute to: A positive contribution strong enough
to satisfy a soft goal.
Means end link: These links indicate a relationship
between an end, and a means for attaining it. The
"means" is expressed in the form of a task, since the
notion of task embodies how to do something, with
the "end" is expressed as a goal. In the graphical
notation, the arrowhead points from the means to the
Target: target or indicator is information to help an
actor, individual or collective, to drive action toward
achieving a goal or to enable it to assess the result. It
is that which makes it possible to follow the
objectives defined at the strategic level related to a
high level orientation.
Several authors used the formalism of I * for
strategic modeling due to its flexibility and the
possibility to be used in different contexts. In order
to let this formalism become more adapted to our
approach, we added another element "target».
Indeed, once the objectives are clearly definite, it is
necessary to associate the indicators (target) for the
regular follow-up of the actions implemented at the
functional level. In the figure 3, elements 1, 2,3,4,5
are fundamental elements of formalism I* and the
element 6 (target) is the element added.
This indicator one finds it at the strategic level
(for example in a score board) and operational level
has through its execution.
Figure 3: I* legend adapted.
For this reason one chose approaches based on
models I * (Gordijn and Akkermans, 2003) and
approaches of enterprise architecture (Bleistein,
2006) and which belong to the approaches which
propose to define bonds of the dependence between
the goals.
2.4 Functional Study
At the functional level we have been inspired by the
approach of urbanization (enterprise architecture) for
several reasons:
In the context of urbanization, the functional view is
generally deducted from the business view.
This functional view is designed to meet the needs
of the strategy. The link between the two views is
realized by evaluating their alignment.
This architecture at the functional level use the
metaphors to found the concept structures, in
particular the metaphor of the city is used like base
of information system (Longépé, 2001). Indeed Any
functional architecture comprises several Business
areas. A business area is broken up into several
neighbourhoods (district in notation city). Each
neighbourhood is composed of several blocks. This
last belongs has only one and only one
neighbourhood. A block should never be duplicated
and 2 blocks should never have of exchange direct
(figure 4).
The problems thus consist in making the information
system most reactive possible (i.e. able to evolve
quickly to answer the new requests) while
preserving the informational inheritance of the
enterprise. The urbanization of the information
systems aims at bringing an answer to this need.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Structure of a business area.
2.5 Alignment Study
It is the most important step in our approach or one
puts in correspondence the strategic indicator with
bloc of plan of urbanization. For this our approach
proposes a projection of the indicators of the
strategic level with the blocks of the urbanization
plan. This confrontation thus will enable us to align
this last with the objectives of the organization.
In this level of the possible dysfunctions of
alignment will be detected. For example it will be
noted can be that such a function is covered by
several application different or a strategic indicator
is supported by no block (figure 5).
The project we have chosen is very important for the
Moroccan government, which is part of a national
program to improve the situation in higher
education. The study of the alignment of this project
will help actors to decide if information system is
aligned with this project. The case study is inspired
from a real project at Rabat University, Morocco.
3.1 Description of the Case
In the context of the reform of higher education in
Morocco, a reorganization of the university cycles
based on LMD System (License - Master -
Doctorate) took place.
Also, important efforts were made to develop the
technical and professional options in each
The objectives of studied project are:
To improve the internal output of higher
education and the employability of the
award-winnings who arrive on the job market.
To offer to the students good conditions of
training and lodging.
Some of the awaited results are:
Creation of almost 124,000 places at the
by 2 of the capacity of reception
of university.
of the 2/3 of all students of higher
education in technical, scientific and
professional options.
Creation of almost 10,000 places in the halls of
ondence Bloc1 Bloc Bloc3 Bloc Bloc
Indicator 1
Indicator 2
Indicator 3
Indicator 4
Figure 5: Correspondence between the blocks and
strategic indicators.
3.2 Strategic Study
In our project we have main strategic goals (1) “To
improve the output interns and the employability of
the award-winnings who arrive on the market” and
(2) “To offer to the students’ good conditions of
training and lodging”. Instead of customer the
university aims to satisfy its users: students, teachers
and administrative staff.
The internal axis process is organized around four
strategic topics:
extend the capacity of reception
To define the university components of
accelerate the development of technical and
vocational trainings
set up an orientation system and devices of
In order to apply our approach for strategic
alignment to the university Mohamed 5, the first step
consists in the
translation of all objectives of the
project into goal model formalism. (Figure 6)
3.3 Functional Study
At this level, all applications and databases of the
university are listed. After analyzing the existing we
identified three major areas: an area for the activities
of education, area of management of the library and
the archive and the last for the management of
human resources. For example the area of education
Business Area
Figure 6: modeling Strategic of the project with the formalism I *.
Figure 7: Cutting areas of the system of information.
A_ Student Affairs
B_new students
N_Review & deliberation
B deliberatio
N_Documents management
A_Human Resources
A_Library & archives
N_Human resource
N_Documentation & archiving
B_human resource
B Trainin
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
we identified three Neighborhoods that correspond to
three major information systems: information system
for student registration, another for the management
of reviews and deliberations and the last for the
management of cycle master.
In each area we identified a set of blocks that match a
set of application. For example in the neighborhood
"Reviews & Deliberations" we identified two blocks:
one for the management of reviews and the other for
deliberations. (Fig 7)
This step consists in reorganizing the information
systems in order to make them modular (via the
blocks). The block is owner of its data and
treatments; it is in relation with different blocs. For
example in the area of student affairs the
neighborhood of the registration constitutes several
blocks, The block of registration which is dedicated
to the management of the procedure of the
registration of the new students and which is in
relation w the block of management of documents
3.4 Alignment Study
In the order to link the strategic objectives as define
in the figure 6 to the existing information system as
depicted by figure 7. The aim of this step is to
establish the relation between the indicators with the
neighborhood and blocks in functional level. This
step permits to verify that the university meets the
objectives, and to reorganize these business processes
to meet the expected indicators.
This confrontation will therefore enable us to
align the elements of information systems with
strategic objectives. At this level, some failures of
alignment will be detected. We might find that to be
such an indicator is covered by several different
blocks or a strategic level indicator is not supported
by any block of information system.
For example the indicator “Number of places in
university cities” is not supported by any block,
which shows that there is an alignment problem
between the two levels of abstraction' functional and
After this step any corrections may be made to
resolve the alignment problem. There are two distinct
approaches: (1) adaptation of the objectives of the
strategic level with the functional level "top down» or
(2) adapting elements of the functional level so as to
cover the strategic objectives "bottom up".
In this paper we presented an approach to strategic
alignment convenient and easy to apply. It is an
approach with two levels of modeling (1) a strategic
level model in a formalism for I * (2) a functional
level, based on the approach to enterprise
architecture. The main contribution is to show that a
process of strategic alignment can be implemented in
practice by adapting the model in two levels of
Indicator Target Area Bloc
Increase the number of students
at the University
Creation of nearly
124000 seats in the university
% enrollment in technical and
professional option.
Registration for 2 / 3
of the students in technical
and professional options
A_ Student Affairs
B_new students
Capacity in technical options. Multiplication by 2
of the capacity of the
technical option
A_ Student Affairs
B_new students
Number of
student in technical
10 000 Engineers
and 3 300 Doctors per
A_ Student Affairs
B_new students
Number of places in
university cities
Creation of nearly
10000 places in 10
Cities hosting university
Number of
training days for
university staff.
Approximate 1.5
mi l l i o n d a y s o f
training per year for
staff of the Education
A_Human Resources
B_human resource
Figure 8: Table of correspondence of the strategic indicators with the block.
Our approach allows to build the alignment based on
elements belonging to the two abstraction levels
(strategic and functional). The correspondence
between strategic indicators and the blocks of the
information system has allowed us to assess the
Our goal then is to improve the quality assessment of
alignment, to determine the degree of alignment and
to locate the level of dysfunction. Also among our
research objectives is to develop a procedure to
correct the alignment. In this way to develop a
procedure that affects the set of step of construction,
evaluation and correction of strategic alignment.
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