Self-organization means that various components of
the system interact and cause the system to achieve
the development of natural evolution without the
pushing of external forces. The hyper cycle theory
in the self-organization theory system can be used
to analyze the development process of industrial
chain. And that can provide some reference for the
problems such as the composition of the industrial
chain, the value chain in the industrial chain, etc.
Firstly, the formation of a self-organizing system
needs 5 main conditions: the system is open; the
external input reaches a certain threshold; the
system is far from equilibrium; the system is a
nonlinear system; the system faces fluctuation.
(Guangming Zhang et al. 2010)
(1) The openness of the internet-of-things
industrial chain
The development of China’s internet-of-things
industrial chain started evening compared with
developed country. So we should continuous learn
the advanced experience and technology from the
other countries. So it is obvious that the
internet-of-things industrial chain system is open.
(2) The external input reaches a certain
The research on China’s internet-of-things
industrial chain now emphasizes on technical level.
And the research on something beyond technology
such as the privacy security, legal protection and the
public approval degree is far from enough. Only
when the external input reaches a certain threshold
can the internet-of-things industrial chain system
reach an orderly state, and realize a stable
(3) The system is far from equilibrium
The development of the units in the industrial
chain is not balanced. For example, the number of
the enterprises who manufacture application
equipment and provide the system integration is
large, while the links of chip designing and
manufacture as well as software application and
development is relatively weak. Anyhow, the
difference between units in the industrial chain fully
explained its character of far from equilibrium.
(4) The system is a nonlinear system.
The development of the internet-of-things
industrial chain is not the simple algebra addition of
the technology and service of every enterprise in the
industrial chain. The function inside the
internet-of-things industrial chain is nonlinear and
can emerge new qualitative.
(5) The system faces fluctuation
Fluctuation is the random disturbance on the
system and its structure. Only by enlarge the
function of fluctuation and create “giant
fluctuation”, can the system break the bondage of
original inertia and bring about qualitative change.
(Guangming Zhang et al. 2010)
Judging from worldwide, the development of the
internet-of-things is imbalance. Europe and
Japan-Korea countries are in the lead, while many
developing countries are just in the beginning stages.
So, the exchanges between counties will create a
“giant fluctuation”.
All in all, the internet-of-things industrial chain
has the feature of self-organizing. In the next step,
the author will use the hyper cycle theory, which is
a kind of self-organized theory, to analyze the
industrial chain specifically.
4.1 The Evolutionary Principle
of Hypercycle
The hyper cycle theory stated that the origins and
evolution of life is realized through the form of
hyper cycle organization. The formation process of
hyper cycle organization is as follows:
and I
are replicators which are closed and
quantitative. The replicate enzyme of I
is E
and the
one of I
is E
. Their replicate enzymes can
recognize the two DNA sequences which have a bit
difference. They are more conducive to replicate
either itself or the opposite side just because the
close degree in which their replicate enzyme and
DNA sequences combine is different. There are 4
coupling way between the two replicators and their
replicate enzymes.
If E1 can help to catalyze the self-replication of
I1 and can help to catalyze the self-replication of I2,
the competition between them is enhanced. Even I
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems