Renjie Pi, Junjie Tong and Ke Xu
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, P.R. China
Keywords: Peer-to-peer systems, Service-oriented architecture, Network storage.
Abstract: The Streaming traffic is one of the fastest growing traffic on the internet. Although the streaming traffic is
growing fast, the peer-to-peer systems have solved this problem as its scalability and its fault tolerance
against failures of centralized infrastructures. But because of the enormous growth in the number of peer-to-
peer applications in recent years, they have occupied the most bandwidth of the internet, and it’s essential
to integrate them into the global content delivery infrastructure. In this paper, we propose two solutions for
communicating between different proprietary peer-to-peer systems. One solution is to add a logical layer
for enabling the communications between the existing peer-to-peer systems, while the other one is a
service-oriented architecture by using the integrated network storage.
The effectiveness of using the P2P technology for
content distribution has been proven by many
deployed systems (Emule; PPlive; PPStream; CNTV;
Coben, 2003). These P2P systems offer three major
types service for the end users. One type of service
is P2P file downloading, for example implemented
by Emule (Emule) and BitTorrent (Coben, 2003).
When a peer is downloading a file, it can get certain
part of the file from the other peers which are
downloading the same file from the content provider
server. And the server load is significantly reduced.
The peers may experience different downloading
rates, often depending on how much they are able to
contribute to the whole overlay network and the
corresponding mechanism in the P2P system. The
second type is P2P live streaming, for example
implemented by PPlive (PPlive) and CBox (CNTV).
In a live streaming session, a live video content is
disseminated to all users in realtime and the video
playbacks on all users are synchronized. There many
different overlay structures for implementing this
service including Tree-based structure and Mesh-
based structure. Tree-based structure includes the
single-tree streaming and multi-tree streaming (Liu
et al., 2008). The third type is P2P video-on-demand
(P2P-VoD). In this service, contents are also
delivered by streaming, but peers can watch
different parts of a video at the same time, hence
diluting their ability to help each other and offload
the server. This service needs the peers contribute a
small amount storage to offer the data for other
peers with a sophisticated distributed scheduling
mechanism for directing peers to help each other in
real time (Huang et al., 2008).
The P2P technology can be utilized in designing
highly scalable and robust applications at low cost,
compared with traditional client-server paradigms.
But as the number of the P2P systems increases
dramatically, some problems are coming up. The
first particular problem is the substantial stress that
the P2P systems place on the network infrastructure
and the users. As the increasing traffic on the
internet place too much load on the overlay, the
other users on the internet have to suffer the
increasing delay time and low performance. And the
users have to install the different software to watch
the content. The second problem is that more
participants beyond traditional P2P streaming
vendors are joining the efforts in the development of
P2P streaming systems. Some of these additional
participants include infrastructure vendors as
Akamai, ChinaCache, and ISPs. That is, the P2P
streaming ecosystem is becoming an increasing
diverse industry with participants from the source,
infrastructure, delivery and local P2P distribution to
the terminals (Zhang et al.). The third problem is the
Pi R., Tong J. and Xu K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003590905800585
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (SSE-2011), pages 580-585
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
proprietary P2P streaming systems using different
streaming protocols and it’s hard for a peer
communicating with the other peers located in the
other P2P overlay to save the bandwidth, the storage
resource and computing resource.
To solve the above problems, in this paper, we
propose two solutions. The first solution is oriented
for enabling the peers in different proprietary P2P
systems to communicate with each other aiming for
accessing the data. By using this solution, it adds a
logical layer in the existing P2P systems. And the
other solution proposes a service-oriented
architecture for developing the P2P systems
avoiding the above problems. And this architecture
has using the network storage for storing the
contents which brings the architecture some new
In the following sections, we will first introduce
the two solutions and then we will outlook the future
solution for the P2P systems which interacts with
cloud storage and cloud computing.
In this section, we descript the additional layer to the
existing P2P systems mentioned in the first solution.
We mainly define its location in the P2P systems, its
inner construction and its functions. But before that,
we first have to define the preconditions of adding
this layer.
2.1 Preconditions
Before implementing the additional layer, there have
to be some preconditions to be described first. The
entities including in a specific P2P system will be
defined as below.
The peer: A peer is an end user on which
processing the P2P system and not only receives
contents and streaming, but also stores and uploads
contents and streaming to other participant peers.
The chunk: An integrating content is divided
into several chunks by last time or the certain size. A
chunk is considered as the basic unit of the
partitioned content or streaming. Peers may use a
chunk as a unit of storage, advertisement and
exchange among peers. Note that a P2P system may
use different units for advertisement and data
exchange, maybe a chunk or several chunks.
The tracker: A tracker is a server on which
processing the software to provide a directory
service which maintains a list of peers storing
chunks for a specific content and answer the queries
from peers for the peer lists.
Above, we describe the three main entities of a
specific P2P system. Although there are enough
hardware components, we should have
corresponding protocols and mechanisms to enable
the communications between them. The main
protocols of a specific P2P system including the
below ones.
Tracker protocol: For enabling the
communication between the tracker and the peer, we
define this protocol. And this protocol defines the
standard format/encoding of information between
peers and the tracker, such as peer list, content
availability, peers’ status and streaming status
including online time, link status, peers’ capability
and some other parameters. And it also defines the
standard messages between the peers and the tracker.
By using these messages, peers report streaming
status and request to the tracker, and the tracker
reply to the requests.
The peer protocol: The peers can use this
protocol for requesting more potential peers from
the other peers. In this protocol, we define the
standard format/encoding of information among
peers, such as chunk description. And we also
define the standard messages among peers defining
how peers advertise chunk availability and their
neighbor peers’ information to each other, as well as
the signaling for requesting chunks among peers
(Zhang et al.).
Above, we define and describe the main entities
and protocols in a specific P2P system. Before
enabling the communication between the different
proprietary P2P systems, the preconditions include
the following ones.
(1)Including the same main entities. There are
peers and track in the system. And the contents and
the streaming are partitioned by chunks.
(2)Using the same format/encoding of
information in the track protocol and the peer
protocol. So the messages can be transmitted
between different P2P systems and be translated
By the above conditions, we can show the
architecture of a specific P2P system in the
following figure.
Figure 1: The common architecture of the P2P system.
2.2 Overview of the Additional Layer
In this section, we will describe the location of the
additional layer and its corresponding construction
and functions, as well as its features.
2.2.1 The Location and Inner Construction
We can see the common architecture of the P2P
system, the additional layer will be named P2P-
Bridge. And we see its location in figure 2 by
modifying the figure 1.
Figure 2: The Location of the P2P-Bridge Layer.
The figure 2 shows the P2P-Bridge’s location
clearly, and it is located above the overlay
management layer implemented by the tracker.
Through the P2P-Bridge, the two trackers in
different proprietary P2P systems can communicate
with each other to exchange the information.
In the P2P-Bridge, it has its own inner
construction and we can divide the layer into several
logical parts.
Figure 3: The Construction of the Layer.
Figure 3 shows the components of the layer. It
contains three components: the message handler,
status management and the name transfer.
The message handler is to handle the message
between the trackers. While the message arrives, it
analyses it first. And then modifies the message to a
unified message with certain format and encoding
The status management will keep the status of the
other trackers which can communicate with the local
tracker. And it also maintains their status including
the link status, storage and the resources status of
the other P2P overlay.
The name transfer maintains a name table for
looking the corresponding name of the content or
streaming as the same one may have a different
name in another P2P system. And it also maintains
some mechanisms for converting the users’ requests.
Although we introduce the components briefly,
we will describe it fully in the following part.
2.2.2 The Function and the Processing
The main goal of the P2P-Bridge layer is to enable
the communication between the different proprietary
P2P systems. We can achieve this goal by several
First, we have to handle the messages from
different P2P systems. As we have suggested that
the format/encoding are the same, so we can
understand the messages easily. Then we have to
modify the message into a suitable format which
used in the P2P system which we want to
communicate with. At the same time, we extract the
name of the requesting content or streaming from
the message. Then we will look into the name tables
which are maintained by the name transfer. Then we
add the corresponding name into the modified
message. All over the processing, we have to
maintain some information to choose the most
suitable P2P overlay, to ensure the other tracker is
not uploaded and refresh the name tables on time.
The message handler is for receiving the
message, and modifying the message briefly into the
format which is suitable in another P2P system. At
the same time, it extracts the name of the content or
streaming and passes it to the name transfer.
The name transfer receives the name from the
message handler. Then it looks into the name table
which it maintains for searching the name in another
P2P system. Then the name transfer returns the
corresponding name to the message handler, if it
successfully finds it.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The message handler modifies the message again
after receiving the name returned from the name
After doing the above things, the message is
modified into the suitable format which the tracker
in another P2P system’s tracker can understand and
handle it.
The status management is for maintains the
connection between the trackers and it can also be
used to compute the mount of the traffic between the
different P2P systems for charging.
2.2.3 Features
By adding this layer in the existing P2P systems, we
can easily enable the communication between the
different proprietary P2P systems. And there have
several features by deploying the layer.
Convenient. We don’t have to change the whole
architecture or the inner construction of the system.
Manageable. By adding some mechanisms in the
status management, we can manage the connections
suitable for the whole P2P overlay.
Scalable. We can add the complex component
into the P2P-Bridge easily. And it will be
compatible for the whole logical layer and the P2P
2.2.4 Other Issues
Although the solution deals with the problem well,
there are some open issues existing.
The naming space. In the layer, we have to
maintain the name tables for searching. Maybe we
can unify the naming space first, it will be more
flexible. And in (Hu et al., 2009), it proposes an
approach to accurately identify different P2P
applications from the network traffic for managing a
number of network traffic issues.
The chunk information. Maybe the request
contains the requested chunks. And as the different
strategy of dividing the content, the chunk is defined
differently in different proprietary P2P systems. So
we have to modify the chunk information or define
the unify chunk information first.
The above issues are the two main ones, and
maybe other issues existed.
For handling the problem of how to enable the
communication between different proprietary P2P
systems, there some ways have been proposed on
the high level.
In (Dabek et al.), it has proposed a common API
for structured peer-to-peer overlays and the key
abstractions that can be built on them. The authors
propose the KBR API for enabling the developers
implement it as an RPC program with flexibility and
effectiveness. And in (Delmastro et al., 2006), the
author has proposed an extension of the common
API as a generalization of fixed and mobile
structured P2P systems, exploiting the cross-layer
approach to export network routing table
information and the current state of the overlay even
at the application layer.
A Service Oriented Infrastructure consists of
four categories of components: Service Planning,
Service Systems, Service Management, and Service
Stakeholders. The service planning should be driven
by business domain requirements. The service
systems will be designed and implemented based on
above service plan. The service management
component includes both system operation
management and IT service management in
functional level. And the service stakeholders
should be identified for roles and responsibilities,
and should be aligned with business operational
structures (Zao, 2008). We can see its construction
clearly from the figure 4.
Figure 4: The Construction of the SOI.
As the storage systems are becoming the domain
investment in data centers and a crucial assert,
making the rate of growth of storage a strategic
business problem and a major business opportunity
for storage vendors, it’s essential for us to concern
the storage part in developing the P2P system
(Gibson and Meter, 2000).
In this paper, we propose the second solution for
enabling the communication between different
proprietary P2P systems basing on a service-
oriented architecture. In the following sections, we
will describe the construction of the architecture
first, and then its features different from the first
solution. And the proposed architecture uses the
integrated network storage for providing the
common accessing API for the storage or
architecture users and developers.
3.1 Overview of the Architecture
In figure 5, it shows the overview for implementing
the architecture. We have divided the whole system
into four main components.
The content providers are the source server for
providing the contents and streaming for the clients.
The component below the content providers is the
storage network conforming by the servers
providing the storage service for the contents and
streaming and the accessing service for the
proprietary P2P system below. The component
below the storage network is the P2P system. There
can be different proprietary P2P systems. And the
clients who install the proprietary P2P system is the
last component in the whole system.
The architecture we proposed is to define unified
interface to provide storage service for the content
providers, and also define the unified interface to
provide accessing service for the different
proprietary P2P systems.
3.2 The Construction of the
In this part, we will describe the logical components
constructing the architecture. And introduce the
function of the main components.
The architecture provides two main types service.
One is the storage service while the other one is the
accessing service. First, let’s introduce the function
of the parts in the two service layers.
In the storage service layer, there are three
logical parts. The first one is the naming which
assigns a unique name for the content or streaming
received from the servers and extract common
properties to construct the unique identification for
every content and streaming. The second one is the
status management part which maintain the
information of the source servers especially the load
of the servers. The third one is the content publish
part which is responsible for choosing proper
Figure 5: Overview of the Whole Implementation.
Figure 6: The Construction of the Architecture.
storage server to publish the content or streaming
After using the storage service, the contents and
streaming will be stored in the storage network.
Then the content will be published to the
different P2P systems by sending messages to the
tracker, maybe its name will be changed at the end
users software.
Then the clients can get the data by using the
unified accessing interface. And between the clients,
they can also help each other by the proprietary
In the accessing service, there are also three parts.
One is the authentication which is for registering
and recognizing the tracker server in the proprietary
P2P system. The second part is the looking or
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
searching which is for looking the clients’
requesting source in the storage network. And the
data transmission part is responsible for the data
transmission between the storage servers and the
There also important problem exists, and that is
how to construct the storage network. It has
relationship of publishing the resources, looking for
the resources, managing the resource on the storage
network. And maybe we can implement the P2P
technology in the storage network for the
performance and scalability of the overlay.
Although there is no data exchange between the
different proprietary P2P systems, but they get the
content and resources from the same overlay and
this architecture integrates the resources and the P2P
systems. Considering the P2P system as a part, it can
be seen the data transmission between different
proprietary P2P systems and we also add the
message function in the architecture for the
communications between the trackers.
We have proposed two solutions for enabling the
communication between different proprietary P2P
systems emphasizing different aims. The first one is
to revolute the existing systems easily. And the other
one is for the integrating the P2P resources and
The second difference is the cost. The first one is
low while the other one is high. As the second one
needs more participants.
The third difference is the design model. The
first one is modifying the existing ones, while the
other one oriented at the level of the architecture
with some new features.
Although we have proposed two solutions for
reduce the wasting of the content and streaming
storage resources in the P2P systems and enabling
the developing process of the P2P system easier. We
lack the thinking about the mobile environment to
implement the P2P software. And in the future, there
will be more flexible and scalable solutions for the
P2P content and streaming distribution even the data
distribution in uniformed format.
This work is supported by the National Key project
of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs of
China (Grant Nos.2008BAH24B04,
2008BAH21B03; the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No.61072060)); the
program of the Co-Construction with Beijing
Municipal Commission of Education of China.
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