also several analysis techniques and tools available
which can be applied to analyze a given Petri net.
Over the years, the model proposed by Carl Adam
Petri has been extended in many different ways, so
that it is possible to model complex processes in an
accessible way.
3.1 Classical Petri Net
A Petri net consists of places and transitions. We
indicate a place using a circle. A transition is shown
as a rectangle. Figure1 shows a simple Petri net,
consisting of three places and three transitions.
Figure 1: Classical Petri Net.
Places and transitions in a Petri net can be linked by
means of a directed arc. There are two types of arcs:
those that run from a place to a transition and those
that run from a transition to a place. Arcs from a
place to a place or a transition to a transition are not
Based upon the arcs, we can determine the input
places of a transition. A place p is an input place for
a transition t if and only if there is a directed arc
running from p to t. Similarly, we can determine the
output places of a transition. A place p is an output
place for a transition t if and only if there is a
directed arc running from t to p. As it happens, in
figure 1 each transition precisely has one input and
one output place.
Places may contain tokens. These are indicated
using black dots. In figure 1 the place claim contains
three tokens. The structure of a Petri net is fixed;
however, the distribution of its tokens among the
places can change. The transition record can thus
take tokens from the claim input place and put them
in under consideration. We call this the firing of the
transition t1. The regulation which the firing of the
transition must obey is that the state of a Petri net is
indicated by the distribution of tokens amongst its
places (Aslas, 1998). A transition may only fire if it
is enabled. This occurs when there is at least one
token at each of its input places. The transitions are
ready to fire. In figure 1, only the transition t1 is
As transition fires, one token is removed from each
input place and one token added to each output place.
The change from Figure1 to Figure 2 shows the
effect of t1 firing.
Figure 2: the Petri net after t1 fires.
Therefore, the classical Petri net can be defined
to the mathematical structure as follow.
Definition 1: Quadri-tuple PN = (P, T, F, M
) is
a Petri net only if
(1) P ∩ T = ∅
(2) P ∪ T ≠ ∅
(3) F ⊆ (P×T) ∪ (T×P)
(4) dom(F) ∪ cod(F) = P ∪ T, when
dom(F) = {x | ∃ y:(x , y) ∈ F}
cod(F) = {y | ∃ x:(x, y) ∈ F}
(5) M: P→T, M
is the initial token.
3.2 Coloured Petri Net
Tokens of Petri net are used to model a whole range
of things. In one insurance claim model they can
represent insurance claims, in vehicle production
model can the state of manufacturing. However, in
the classic Petri net it is impossible to distinguish
between two tokens: two in the same place are by
definition indistinguishable. Aiming at this problem,
colour extension is bought to distinguish the tokens
in places (Jensen, 1996).
For example, tokens for students have an age value.
Because of different value, the token can be
distinguished of a certain degree. This method of
valuing tokens is similar to giving different colours.
So we named this extended Petri net as coloured
Petri net.
Coloured Petri net can be defined to the
mathematical structure as follow.
Definition 2: Six-tuple CPN = (P, T, C, I, O,
)is a coloured Petri net only if
(1) P∩T=∅
(2) P∪T≠∅
(3) C = {C(p), C(t)}
= {<p, c> | p ∈ P, c ∈ C(p)}
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems