Table 2: Ant Double-B model performance parameter.
This paper is based on CN, through analyzing the
advantage and disadvantage of current network
traffic prediction models. And points out that they
are hard to be applied in CN directly. Then a new
model named ACA Double-BP model is proposed
which has great self-learning and self-adaptation
ability. Comparing with other models, ACA Double-
BP solves the problem of low speed convergence
and local optimum, improves the prevision by means
of rejecting abnormal data. BP does not depend on
training samples using ACA at all. Meanwhile, using
hybrid model obtains high fitting and prediction
prevision. It is applied in CN by using self-
organization and self-learning algorithm. The
Simulation in MATLAB and comparison with WNN
shows that performance of the novel model is better.
But ACA Double-BP is very complex, so how to
improve the efficiency with high-precision character
is the researching trend of this paper.
This work is partly supported by the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities of China
under Grant No.2009YJS034, and Beijing Nature
Science Foundation of China (No.4112044).
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Name MSE/% SSE/% MRE/% MAE/%
WNN 1.74 10.57 21.14 7.57
24h 1.90 8.26 22.79 7.97
1h 1.09 4.59 14.38 3.52
2h 1.25 6.21 17.56 16.74
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems