Desirable Characteristics for an ISMS Oriented to SMEs
Antonio Santos-Olmo
, Luis Enrique Sánchez
, Eduardo Fernández-Medina
Mario Piattini
SICAMAN Nuevas Tecnologías. Departament R+D
Ave Maria, 5. Tomelloso, Ciudad Real, Spain
GSyA Research Group. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad, 4 – 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
ALARCOS Research Group. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad, 4 – 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. Information Society depends more and more on Information Security
Management Systems (ISMSs) and the availability of these systems has become
vital for SMEs’ evolution. However, this kind of companies need that ISMSs
are adapted to their special characteristics as well as optimized from the view-
point of the necessary resources to implement and maintain them. In this paper,
we present an analysis of the different proposals that are arising oriented to im-
plement ISMSs into SMEs with the purpose of determining the characteristics
that a security management methodology oriented to SMEs should have.
1 Introduction
It is very important for enterprises to implement security controls that let them know
and control the risks they can be submitted to[1, 2], given that the implementation of
these controls carries out important improvements for these companies [3].But the
implementation of these controls is not enough and enterprises need to use systems
that manage security throughout the time, allowing them to react agilely to new risks,
vulnerabilities, threats, etc. [4, 5]. However, it is common that enterprises do not
have security management systems and if they have them, they are made without
adequate guides, without documentation or with insufficient resources [6].
As we will show later in this paper, some proposals for information security man-
agement already exist (ISO/IEC27001, ISO/IEC21827, ISM3, Areiza’s proposal,
Eloff’s proposal, ASD, IS2ME, Carey-Smith’s proposal, Tawileh’s proposal, etc);
almost all of them made by international organizations for standardization. Neverthe-
less, although these proposals are very complete and interesting; they are mainly
oriented to big enterprises. In fact, there are numerous research sources ([4, 7]) that
confirm that these proposals are not adequate for SMEs at all because they offer
processes excessively bureaucratic and expensive for them.
Therefore, considering that SMEs represent the great majority of enterprises at
both the domestic and the international level and are very important for the business
sector of any country, we believe that going further in the research to improve securi-
Santos-Olmo A., Enrique Sánchez L., Fernández-Medina E. and Piattini M..
Desirable Characteristics for an ISMS Oriented to SMEs.
DOI: 10.5220/0003593801510158
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2011), pages 151-158
ISBN: 978-989-8425-61-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ty management for this kind of enterprises can generate important contributions. This
can help improve not only SMEs’ security but also their level of competitiveness. For
this reason, in the last years, we have created a methodology (MMSM-SME) for secu-
rity management and the establishment of the maturity level of SMEs’ information
systems [8-10]. In addition, we have built a tool to fully automatize the methodology
[11], and we have applied it to actual cases [12]. This has allowed us to validate the
methodology as well as the tool.
The paper continues in Section 2, describing the existing methodologies and mod-
els for security management and their current tendency in the case of SMEs. In Sec-
tion 3, we analyze the characteristics that the new methodology should have to be
adapted to SMEs. These characteristics have been obtained through the application of
the “action-research” method to actual cases. In section 4, the activities composing
the new methodology and their main characteristics are introduced. At last, in Section
5, we conclude by indicating the work we will develop in the future.
2 Developed Work
With the purpose of reducing the lacks shown in the previous section as well as the
losses caused by them, a great number of processes, frameworks and information
security methods, whose need of implementation is being more and more acknowl-
edged and considered by organizations, have appeared. However, as shown before,
they are inefficient in the case of SMEs.
Regarding the most outstanding standards, we have been able to prove that the
majority of security management models have been based on ISO/IEC17799 and
ISO/IEC27002 international standards and that the most successful security manage-
ment models in big enterprises are ISO/IEC27001, COBIT and ISM3 but they are
very difficult to implement and demand a too high investment that the majority of
SMEs cannot make [13]. Although new very interesting proposals oriented to this
kind of companies are arising, they face problems in a very incomplete way.
Among the main security management standards we can find:
ISO/IEC27001 [14]: This standard was tailored to provide a model for the
establishment, implementation, operation, monitoring, review, maintenance
and improvement of ISMS. ISO/IEC27001 gives total freedom to decide the
criteria to establish the security global process and choose the method to ana-
lyze, evaluate and manage risks.
ISO/IEC20000 [15] and ITIL [16]: They consist of a wide set of manage-
ment procedures created to make it easier for organizations to achieve quali-
ty and efficiency in IT operations.
COBIT [17]: COBIT is a methodology for the adequate control of technolo-
gy projects, information flows and the risks that the lack of adequate controls
ISM3 [18]: This management model of security and its maturity is oriented
to implement an ISMS and define different security levels where each one of
them can be the final objective of an organization.
When studying the existing literature we have found several attempts (see
Figure 1) to solve the problem of applying the traditional ISMS systems to SMEs
centered in some aspects of ISMSs. In the following subsections, we will show some
of the security management maturity models oriented to SMEs that are being devel-
oped. Although these models do not solve the existing problems, we consider that
they make interesting contributions that must be analyzed. Among them, we can high-
light the ones listed below: Eloff’s proposal [19], Areiza’s proposal [20], Dojkovski’s
proposal [21] and Sneza’s proposal[22], IS2ME [23], Wiander and Holapa’s proposal
[24], Carey-Smith’s proposal [25] and Tawileh’s proposal [26].
In numerous bibliographic sources, the difficulty of using methodologies and ma-
turity models for traditional security management that have been created for big en-
terprises in SMEs is detected and highlighted[27-30]. The fact that the application of
this kind of methodologies and maturity models in SMEs is difficult and expensive is
justified on repeated occasions. Moreover, organizations, even the big ones, tend
more to adopt groups of processes related as a set than to deal with processes inde-
pendently [31].
Therefore and to conclude this section, we can state that it is pertinent and appro-
priate to focus the problem of developing a new methodology for the management of
security and its maturity for SMEs information systems with a model that validates its
functioning together with a tool that supports this model, taking as a basis the problem
that this kind of companies face and that has lead to continuous failures in the imple-
mentation attempts into this kind of enterprises.
3 Characteristics of an ISMS Oriented to SMEs
The methodology for the management of security and its maturity in SMEs that has
been developed allows any organization to manage, evaluate and measure the security
of its information systems but it is mainly oriented to SMEs because they are the
enterprises with a higher rate of failure in the implementation of the existing security
management methodologies.
In this section, we analyze the characteristics that an ISMS should have for its im-
plementation and correct functioning within the SMEs environment. These characte-
ristics have been obtained through a detailed analysis of the ISO27001 standard and
the action research method. Eleven main characteristics that we have determined that
an ISMS implementation methodology oriented to SMEs should have: Life cycle of
the ISMS, Framework, Oriented culture of security, good practice guides, risk analy-
sis and management, metrics, maturity level, oriented SMEs, reuse of knowledge,
software tools available, and case studies. These eleven characteristics have been
obtained through the application of the “action research method” to actual cases.
One of the objectives pursued by the MMSM-SME methodology is to be easy to
apply and that the model developed with it, allows us to obtain the highest possible
level of automation and reusability with minimum information, collected in a very
short period of time. In the methodology, we have prioritized speed and cost saving
and to do so we have sacrificed the precision offered by other methodologies. That is
to say, the developed methodology has the purpose of developing one of the best
security configurations but not the optimum one, prioritizing time and cost saving
against precision although guaranteeing that the obtained results have enough quality.
Table 1. Comparison of security management methodologies and desirable characteristics for
ISMSs in SMEs.
ISMS Cycle
Maturity level
Security culture
Guide of good practices
Risk analysis and management
Oriented to SMEs
Reusing knowledge
Availability of a software tool
Practical cases
Yes Yes Yes Parc Yes Yes Parc No No Parc Yes
No No Yes No No No Parc No No Parc Yes
Yes Yes Yes No No Parc No No No Parc Yes
Yes Yes
Yes No No
No No
Parc Yes
Yes Yes
No No No
No No
Parc Yes
Yes Yes No Parc Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Parc Yes Parc No Parc Yes
Eloff´s proposal
No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No
Areiza´s proposal
No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No
Dojkovski´s proposal
No Yes
No Yes No No No Parc
No Parc
Yes No
No No Yes No No Yes
Parc Yes
Parc Parc
Yes No Yes Parc No Yes
No Parc
Carey-Smith proposal
Parc No
No No Yes No No Yes Parc No No
Tawileh´s proposal
Yes No
No No No No No Yes No No Yes
Sneza´s proposal
No Yes
No Yes No No No Parc No No Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
In Table 1, we can see a comparison of the different models, methodologies and
guides to manage security analyzed in the previous section including the methodology
we have developed with the desirable characteristics for SMEs. We consider that the
considered aspects can be fully fulfilled, partially fulfilled or not taken into account
by the model. Now, we will describe each one of the analyzed aspects:
ISMS Cycle: The model describes clearly the development, implementation
and maintenance phases of the ISMS. Commonly, models use the PDCA
Framework: The model describes clearly all of the elements composing the
ISMS once implemented.
Maturity Levels: The model is oriented to the implementation of a progres-
sive security based on levels.
Security Culture: The model has taken into account the orientation to
securety culture and not only the technical and management orientation like
the classical models.
Guide of Good Practices: The model includes or considers the integration of
a guide of good practices or security controls within the ISMS.
Risk Analysis and Management: The model includes mechanisms for esti-
mation and management of the risks to which the information system assets
are exposed.
Metrics: The model includes mechanisms for measuring the fulfillment of
the security controls.
Oriented to SMEs: The model has been developed thinking of the special
case of SMEs.
Reusing Knowledge: The model obtains knowledge from implementations
in a way that this knowledge can be reused to facilitate further implementa-
Availability of a Software Tool: The model is supported by a tool.
Practical Cases: The model has been developed and refined from practical
4 MMSM-SME Methodology
In this section, we offer a global vision of the set of subprocesses and activities com-
posing the MMSM-SME methodology [32] and the standards and proposals used for
creating it.
The MMSM-SME methodology includes all aspects considered desirable for
SMEs including the automatization of security management models to reduce the
system generation costs and a development completely oriented to SMEs; avoiding
the generalization of other models.
Other advantage of MMSM-SME as compared to the rest of analyzed models is
that it uses the knowledge obtained during different implementations to reduce the
ISMS generation costs in similar companies. To do so, it uses the concept of “sche-
mas”. This is especially relevant because it allows the understanding of the relation-
ships between the elements forming the enterprise information with the objective of
managing its security[33].
This methodology is formed by three subprocesses:
Subprocess P1 (GEGS – Generation of schemas). The main purpose of this
subprocess is to allow the generation of a schema (structure formed by the
main elements taking part in an ISMS and their relationships for a specific
type of companies that share common characteristics -same sector and size-
that can be used later to reduce time and cost of ISMS generation for a com-
Subprocess P2 (GSGS – ISMS Generation): The main objective of this sub-
process is to allow the generation of the elements that will form the security
management system (ISMS) for a company, from a schema (structured gen-
erated through the GEGS subprocess) valid for a set of companies; perform-
ing this process at a reduced cost.
Subprocess P3 (MSGS – ISMS Maintenance): The main objective of this
subprocess is to allow and support the company to manage the information
system security.
5 Conclusions and Future Works
In this paper, we have carried out a review of the different guides and methodologies
for the management of security and its maturity in information systems as well as of
the processes associated with the implementation of the classical security manage-
ment systems.
Regarding the most outstanding standards, we have been able to prove that the
majority of security management models have been based on the ISO/IEC17799
international standard and that the most successful security management models in
big enterprises are ISO/IEC27001, COBIT and ISM3 but they are very difficult to
implement and demand a too high investment that the majority of SMEs cannot make
[13]. Although, new very interesting proposals oriented to this kind of companies are
arising; they face problems in a very incomplete way.
In numerous bibliographic sources, the difficulty of using methodologies and ma-
turity models for traditional security management that have been created for big en-
terprises in SMEs is detected and highlighted[29, 30]. The fact that the application of
this kind of methodologies and maturity models in SMEs is difficult and expensive is
justified on repeated occasions. Moreover, organizations, even the big ones, tend
more to adopt groups of processes related as a set than to deal with processes inde-
pendently [31].
The main problem of all management models of security and its maturity presented
is that they are not being successful when being implemented into SMEs. This is
mainly due to the following reasons:
Some models were developed thinking of big organizations (ISO/IEC27001,
ISO/IEC21827, Common Criteria, ISO/IEC20000, ITIL, COBIT) and of the
organizational structures associated with them.
Others (ISM3, Areiza’s proposal, Eloff’s proposal, ASD, IS2ME, Carey-
Smith’s proposal, Tawileh’s proposal) have attempted to focus SMEs prob-
lems but they are incomplete models that only face part of the problem. Fur-
thermore, most of them are theoretical models and are still being developed.
All these standards and proposals for security management are very important and
their contributions have been taken into account for the development of the stated
As a result of this research, we have been able to obtain the set of characteristics
that an ISMS oriented to SMEs should have and how we can face each one of these
characteristics using different components of the most relevant standards and re-
searches existing today.
This research is part of the following projects: MEDUSAS (IDI-20090557), financed
by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), ORIGIN (IDI-
2010043(1-5)) financed by the CDTI and the FEDER, BUSINESS (PET2008-0136)
awarded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology and MARISMA
(HITO-2010-28), SISTEMAS (PII2I09-0150-3135) and SERENIDAD (PII11-0327-
7035) financed by the Council of Education and Science of the Castilla-La Mancha
Regional Government.
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