and mainly reflect on the late half of disclosure
In analysis of information content of timeliness,
we firstly analyze the co-efficiency between
reporting lag and abnormal returns. The empirical
evidence suggests that the relationship between
abnormal returns around announcement date and the
reporting lag is obviously negative. Secondly, this
paper conducts a comparative average analysis on
the cumulative abnormal returns of the early
disclosure group and the late disclosure group
around the announcement date. The results show
that the cumulative abnormal returns of early
disclosure groups are greater than that of the late
disclosure groups. Finally, in control of the company
size, ownership nature, revenue, exchange and other
variables, we further discussed the relationship
between reporting delay and cumulative abnormal
returns. Results of a multiple regression analysis
confirm that early disclosure always has a stronger
market response. All of the results above are
consistent with the second hypothesis: In
comparison with companies that make late
announcements, companies that make early
announcements tent to surprise the market with
higher price reactions, which proves that timeliness
has information content.
The new findings of this paper is that timeliness
of information disclosure has improved and has
information content in China market with some new
characteristics since the new institutions were
implemented. The results also confirm that in the
emerging market of China, state-owned enterprises
and enterprises in a competitive industry, the
information content of timeliness of annual reports
disclosures is more obvious.
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