Yujia Liu
Beijing Jiaotong University, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Boran Liu
Financial Department, Petro China Daqing Petro Chemical Company, Daqing, China
Keywords: Rules Engine, Salary Management System, Business Rules.
Abstract: In the system design and development process, it is hoped the business logic is no longer a business
software system, a part of the application layer, separated from it. In this architecture means that, when
business logic changes, the system of non-business logic part of the design and coding do not need to
change. Clear separation of business logic and can be maintained by their own, and ready to existing
applications to call. This separation strategy greatly improved the system's adaptability and flexibility, but
also to system maintenance and upgrades bring great convenience. Wage system reform, making the payroll
system may change at the operational level, after the embedded rules engine can easily be achieved.
In today's era of rapid development of information
technology, an endless stream of new information
technologies to promote the development of human
productive forces have made important contributions.
That is one of the rules engines, which allows
system design to better separate business needs,
changes in demand, not substantially change the
code, but can be successfully completed conversion.
Both government agencies or enterprises, wage
management system is required, it is the correct
release and pay personal income tax to provide a
convenient, but with our income, the gradual
improvement of tax policy, way of personal income
tax is also taking place certain changes. In order to
better respond to this change, this paper is to study
how to embed the system in the payroll rules engine,
which can more easily provide a guarantee for the
management of the daily wage.
In traditional application development and
implementation process, the Business Rules is
provided by the user requirements analysis phase,
embedded in the program code. Once the application
business rules will be developed and fixed is not
easy to change. However, filled in the application of
business rules in all aspects of the system and
corners, and often require frequent changes. As a
strategy for each application, the rule changes are
required developers to modify the source code,
limiting the application of system flexibility and
vitality. The Rules Engine after the introduction of
business rules separate from the code, business rules
in the form of program code no longer resides in the
system, instead of rules dealing with the rules engine.
Business rules reside in the rule base, the rule
changes is to use integrated development
environment for rules or the rules editor to modify
the rule base through the implementation. Business
rules are loaded into the rules engine for the supply
of system calls, so management must determine the
Liu Y. and Liu B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003595504720475
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (EIT-2011), pages 472-475
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
rules of the vitality of the system.
Business Rule Management System is a set of
tools, including: rules engine, rule base, rule
language framework, rule management integrated
development environment. The underlying rules
engine is the core, can be seen as an if-then the
senior interpreter. To use the business rules engine,
it has the following steps.
Firstly, we must establish rules in advance and
then deploy to an application rule instance. Then, the
rules are calculated, and the results before returning
to the user, may first be filtered. Finally, the user
used in the application code through the rules
dealing with the results. BRMS rule engine is the
core part. Rules are embedded in the code instead of
the part. Applications and business rules is a bridge,
responsible for the transmission of applications from
the application object and the transmission from the
rule base and rule set to match the success of the
implementation of the rules match the results output
to the application.
Rule-based expert system appears to the developer
an opportunity to solve problems, this is the rules
engine. Rules engine by the expert system inference
engine from the development, which is an embedded
component in the application, the business
decision-making rules from the separation of
application code and the semantics of the module
using the predefined rules of writing business
decisions. To accept data entry, business rules
interpretation, and to make business decisions based
on business rules.
In today's enterprise software is more popular in
the rules engine and a variety of business process
management (BPM) system. Such tools are
committed to one thing: that a clear separation of
business logic, and by their own maintenance, and is
ready to invoke the existing application. Even
companies with information systems such as ERP,
business rules written into the program logic of most
of the code, coupled with application code. When
business needs change and when it can not respond
quickly make the appropriate changes, and try to
modify the existing code, and low efficiency, cost
significantly, thereby affecting the enterprise
information construction, and even the efficiency of
enterprises have also been Greatly affected.
Business Rules Engine rules must be explained
before you can run the business rules. Actually a
high performance rules engine can be viewed as a
special interpreter, including if-then operation of the
business object in business rules to run, and then
return to operating results and the modified business
objects. The world's leading business rules engine
products are basically commercial use the Rete
algorithm, and to support the deductive and
By the rules, engine developed from the
rules-based system, knowledge base system is a
branch of artificial intelligence areas, which is
consists of three parts: Knowledge Base, Working
Memory and Inference Engine. Structure is as
Figure 1: Inference Engine.
Knowledge Management Knowledge Base for a
special kind of database so that the relevant domain
knowledge acquisition, consolidation, and extraction.
Knowledge in knowledge from experts in the field, it
is the domain knowledge to solve problems on the
set, including basic facts, rules and other relevant
information. Inference engine consists of three parts:
Rule Interprete, Pattern Matcher and Agenda.
Pattern matcher to perform from the Knowledge
Base to find out the rules and write the agenda;
agenda to give priority to these rules determine the
order of execution; rules interpreter to run the
implementation of these rules and the output results.
There are two inference engine reasoning, deductive
and inductive. Deduction rules applied by the facts
to a conclusion; induction is based on the
assumption that the definition, find the facts
consistent with the hypothesis. Using deductive
reasoning inference engine as follows:
(1) The initial data input to the work of memory;
(2) The device will use pattern matching rules in the
knowledge base and data comparison;
(3) If the enforcement of rules of conflict, which
also activates a number of rules, the rules of the
conflict into the conflict set;
(4) Resolution of the conflict, the rules will be
activated in sequence into the agenda;
(5) The implementation of the rules of the agenda;
(6) Repeat steps (2) to (5), until the completion of
the agenda of the implementation of all the rules, the
output operation results.
Business Rules execution order is based on the
implementation of the priority agenda to decide,
when the engine enforcing rules, as a result of the
memory data objects because of execution rules
changed so that the implementation of the agenda of
the business rules dynamic execution instances will
occur Changes that may increase may be reduced.
Thus a kind of "dynamic" rule execution chain, it is
forming the so-called rules of inference mechanism.
(1) Pay all persons within and outside the enterprise
payroll and other types of remuneration: the ability
to handle both the release of data from many
different sources, so that all who paid for the same
amount of tax can be merged; processed to generate
different documents issued by banks.
(2) Rule-based processing: for different types of
personnel have better adaptability; help add and
change a new tax processing logic.
(3) Can be modified on behalf of the
Development Services and format, used to connect
data from different customers.
(4) Based on exception handling: Exceptions and
errors can be defined priority transaction, the user
can put these exceptions into the pre-defined
components, and then you can follow up on these
exception errors handling.
(5) A high degree of reliability: in the generation
of hair system, each data is very important, so the
generation of hair loss or duplication of data systems
for the generation of fat is not allowed; This may
lead to inaccurate tax, which so that people pay
more or less appropriate to pay individual income
tax, resulting in a series of unnecessary trouble.
(6) A high degree of security: Obviously, the
security system is essential for the generation of fat.
The system is through encryption, authentication,
authorization and other, which means to protect the
security of the system.
(7) Browser-based user interface: to provide a
good Java-based HTML interface to the user in
order to achieve loosely coupled, easy operation and
maintenance of the system requirements.
The emergence of the rule engine is the
development of management information systems,
which has great benefits. Rule-based approach
reduces business requirements analysis, coding,
integration-testing and system deployment of links,
shorten the development cycle, more responsive to
changes in the system business logic. Developers
can use business rules without knowing too much
about the technical implementation details of the
system, reducing the workload of programming and
reduce the probability of programming errors, so
that developers pay more attention to business rules,
business requirements of the system itself rather than
specific programming technology. Business rule
language can be more natural language form, meet
the business rules used to prepare personnel to
improve the business rules of intelligibility and
For these purposes, while based on the
characteristics of its own payroll system to consider,
for the salary management system designed and
implemented a set of rules manager wage Salary
Rules Manager, referred to as the SRM.SRM and the
business layer closely integrated with the payroll
system for the business information provided
validation, expansion and translation services. SRM
core of the library includes business rules, rule
compiler, rule configuration manager, the rules
processor and reference data system interface.
Running the entire business rules with workflow
components are independent off. Workflow
components to run the business rules to issue
commands, FRM based on customer configuration
information, selected set of business rules to be
executed, run the business rules, if necessary, call
the reference data systems to obtain the relevant data,
the results of the final run back to the work flow
group pieces.
This is just the wage management system
application of the rules engine was in the business
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
requirements developed on the basis of business
rules, business rules, such as this applied to the
actual design of the system, hoping to play a good
role in promoting.
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