action and context calculation is when the user needs
to provide information and services which is suitable
for the task at that time. The context of libraries
dynamic information services include: (1) Context
of the scene that needs to provide information
services, such as information resources which are
available for teaching in the classroom. (2)The
context of the user features, such as the professional
background of users, users’ previous research and so
on. (3)The context of user action, the dynamic
information needs of the user’s current task.
The context information of the physical space in
libraries can be obtained through a variety of sensors,
existing information, users’ tasks and interaction
between devices or user direct setting. High and low
are two level of context information. A number of
low-level information can be obtained by the sensor
or pre-set. High-level information such as the user's
current action can be obtained by computer vision to
track and identify. Then, it creates a probability
3.3 Library is an Intelligent Knowledge
Intelligent space is defined as a work space which is
embedded computing and information equipment
and multi-modal sensors by American National
Standards Institute.It’s purpose is to enable users
access information easily and access to the computer
services in order to separate work and work with
others efficiently. The purpose of establishing
intelligent knowledge space based on pervasive
computing for a library is to make computing and
information services integrate into the people’s
living space. Intelligent knowledge space of libraries
should at least provide the following functional
services: (1) Recognize and perceive users and their
behavior information, understand and predict
information needs in the process of completing the
task by users. (2)Users can easily interact with a
variety of information sources, including explicit
and implicative interact. (3)The library should
provide the user seamless connection with intelligent
space using mobile devices carried at any time and
any place.(4)Libraries should provide abundant
information resources and proactive information
services.(5) Libraries should be able to support
collaborative work between the users or tasks. Based
on this goal, intelligent space framework based on
pervasive computing for libraries was proposed. (Xu
Qiang, 2006) The intelligent libraries should be
considered as an object-oriented, distributed network
architecture model. It is composed by the client,
server, scheduling systems, retrieval systems, library
server, object libraries, and resource processing
system, and adapts to a variety of different computer
systems, and It supports the user through the mobile
phone, PDA and other mobile computing devices
which call a large number of computing resources
embedded in the environment at any time in order to
access to information and computing services. With
the deepening of pervasive computing theory and the
platform of software, the library can get involved in
the applications of intelligent knowledge room,
intelligent meeting, intelligent home, intelligent
health care, intelligent distance education,
knowledge among the community and other
applications, and also can realize invisible
information exchange between users at anytime and
anywhere, and provide information services
3.4 Ubiquitous Learning Environment
of Libraries
An important reason of libraries creating a pervasive
computing environment is to build a “ubiquitous
learning environment”. Rich information resources,
the integration of the mobile environments and
pervasive computing technology affects people’s
learning mode and process. The learning can be
obtained at anytime and anywhere and can call
“ubiquitous learning”. A “ubiquitous learning
environment” is an integrated learning environment,
which integrates multiple layers and dimensions
including physical, social, information and
technology. The face of ubiquitous learning
environment, the challenges of libraries is not only
providing information for learners by what manners,
but also whether or not this can make learners use
accurate information in the right way at the right
occasion. In a ubiquitous learning environment, a
variety of educational institutions, workspace,
community and home will be organically integrated.
Intelligent knowledge space of libraries is the
organic component of the ubiquitous learning
environment and will help to ubiquitous learning of
Libraries want to become intelligent libraries, it
is clear that the existing bar code-based automatic
identification system has been unable to meet the
needs of pervasive computing, so we need a new and
non-contact automatic identification system without
human intervention. RFID technology meets these
needs very well, so it began to emerge in the library
automation management.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems