Jean-François Santucci and Laurent Capocchi
SPE UMR CNRS 6134, University of Corsica, Campus Grimaldi, 20250, Corte, France
Keywords: DEVS, Discrete Event Simulation, Google Earth API, Dynamic variable structures.
Abstract: This paper deals with dynamic visualization of folktales on a map. The visualization is performed using a
coupling of dynamic simulation with the Google Earth API. The simulation is based on the DEVS (Discrete
EVent system Specification) formalism. We have defined a set of basic models to perform visualization of
folktales using a software framework called DEVSimPy. DEVSimPy is a framework dedicated to DEVS
modeling and simulation of complex systems. We also present in this paper a validation of the developed
basic models based on folktales coming from the Corsican mythology.
This paper deals with spatial visualization of
folktales. This work is part of a global project
(Santucci & De Gentili, 2009 ; Santucci, De Gentili
& Thury-Bouvet, 2010) concerning the study of
myths according to the method defined by Claude
Levi-Strauss (Levi-Strauss, 1955) when dealing with
Structural Anthropology. The goal is to offer
anthropologists the possibility to visualize on a map
a dynamic progress of the story involved by a given
myth. The visualization is based on a Discrete EVent
system Specification simulation (DEVS)
dynamically linked with the Google Earth API
(Brown, 2006). The interest of such a work for
anthropologists is to be able to visualize a story
stemming from a myth obtained after a DEVS
structural anthropology simulation. From a computer
science point of view the interest is to define a
generic way to propose dynamic visualization of a
given story. We choose to perform the dynamic
features of the problem of visualization using the
DEVS formalism. The spatial visualization on a map
has been done using the Google Earth API. We
describe in detail in this paper how a dynamic
coupling between DEVS formalism and Google
Earth has been realized. The proposed approach has
been implemented using the DEVSimPy framework
in order to develop a dynamic library of DEVS
models. We have validated this library using a story
stemming from a myth belonging to the Corsican
oral culture. The outline of the paper is as follows:
we first give in section 2 the background of the
research. Section 3 deals with dynamic visualization
of folktales. First an overview of the proposed
approach is described. Then we explain how we
implemented the simulation of variable dynamic
structures which are used in order to perform
dynamic visualization of folktales on a Google Earth
map. Then we detail the description of the dynamic
relationship between the DEVSimPy library of
models and the Google Earth API. The concluding
remarks and future work are given in section 4.
We present in this section the background of the
work that is the main contribution of this paper. The
dynamic visualization of folktales belongs to a
method called Structural Anthropology (Levi-
Strauss, 1955). We first briefly introduce in this
section how to perform structural anthropology
using a computer science approach. The DEVS
formalism is summarized in sub-section 2.2. The
DEVSimPy framework is detailed in sub-section
2.1 Structural Analysis of Myths
The structural analysis of myths has been defined by
Claude Levi Strauss in his books. He specially
explained how to apply his method in his famous
book series (Levi-Strauss,1969; Levi-Strauss,1971;
Levi-Strauss,1978; Levi-Strauss, 1981). The method
Santucci J. and Capocchi L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003596901280133
In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-78-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
leans on the concept of myth transformation.
Myth transformation consists in performing the
generation of myths from a first “reference” myth as
Claude Levi Strauss calls it. The generation involves
a set of basic transformations that are applied on the
mythems of a given myth. A mythem has been
defined in 1955 (Levi-Strauss, 1955) as a sentence
of a given myth composed by a term and a function.
For example the following sentence:” the ogre lives
near Casta” is described by the term “ogre” and the
function “lives-near-Casta”. All the sentences of a
given myth can be expressed by a set of mythems.
Then a set of transformations can be applied in order
to generate a new myth. Seven basic transformations
have been defined by Claude Levi-Strauss:
homology, symmetry, opposition, homology,
canonical formula, suppression of mythems, and
addition of mythems. A set of work associating
computer sciences and structural analysis of myth
has been proposed in the past towards the objective
of myth transformation modeling (Jason &
Segal,1977) ; Richard & Jaulin, 1971). These works
are attempts to formalize the analysis of tales
developed by Claude Levi Strauss. These
approaches are based on computer sciences in order
to perform systematic myth transformations
software. In order to find a solution to this problem
we have defined a software myth transformation
approach (Santucci and De Gentili, 2009; Santucci,
De Gentili and Thury-Bouvet, 2010) based on the
DEVS formalism which is summarized in sub-
section 2.2. The structural anthropology of myth as
defined by Claude Levi Strauss also proposes the
analysis of a given myth according to his spatial
representation in the landscape. Since it is issued
from oral cultures, a myth is told and retold in front
of people. Usually a myth involves a set of places
well known by the people who are listening to the
story. When the story is told, the landscape linked
with the myth is mentally viewed by the listeners. In
this paper we describe in detail how we are able to
propose the dynamic visualization of a myth on a
map using a computer.
2.2 DEVS Formalism
We briefly introduce the DEVS formalism (Zeigler,
Praehoffer & Kim, 2000). In the DEVS formalism,
one must specify: 1) basic models from which larger
ones are built, and 2) how these models are
connected together in hierarchical fashion.
An atomic model allows specifying the behavior
of a basic element of a given system.
Basic models (called Atomic Models) are
defined by the following structure:
AM = < X, S, Y, C, δ
, δ
, λ, ta >
X is the set of input values,
S: is the set of sequential states,
Y: is the set of output values,
, is the internal transition function dictating
state transitions due to internal events,
the external transition function dictating
state transitions due to external input events.
λ is the output function generating external
events at the output, and
ta is the time-advance function which allows to
associate a life time to a given state.
Connections between different atomic models can be
performed by a Coupled Model (CM) (Zeigler,
Praehoffer & Kim, 2000):
CC = < X, Y, D, {M
/ d є D}, IC,EIC, EOC>
X is the set of input values,
Y is the set of output values,
D is the set of model references, that is to say a
set of names associated to the model’s
/ d є D} is the set of coupled model’s
IC, EIC and EOC define the coupling structure
in the coupled system (IC defines the internal
coupling; EIC is the set of external input
coupling; EOC is the set of external output
A simulator is associated with the DEVS formalism
in order to exercise instructions of a DEVS model to
actually generate its behavior. The architecture of a
DEVS simulation system is derived from the
abstract simulator concepts (Zeigler, 1990).
2.3 DEVSimPy Framework
DEVSimPy (stand for DEVS simulator in Python
language) is a collaborative Modeling and
Simualtion (M&S) software. It is used in order to
model and simulate complex systems based on the
DEVS formalism in Python programming language.
The initial idea of DEVsimPy is to develop a
Graphical User Interface based on the wxPython
library (Sanner, 1999) around the PyDEVS kernel
(Bolduc & Vangheluwe, 2001).
PyDEVS is an API of the modeling and
simulation algorithms of DEVS implemented in
python language. WxPython is a blending of the
wxWidgets C++ class library with the Python
Figure 1: The DEVSimPy framework interface.
programming language.
The DEVSIMPY framework provides a friendly
interface for discrete event modeling and simulation
by integrating the basic classes of the PyDEVS
kernel. Figure 1 gives an example of the window
interface. You may notice in figure 1 that the
window is split into two parts:
The left part allows the user to visualize the
classes which can be instantiated (using a drag
and drop).
The right part is dedicated to the design of
coupled models with a simple drag and drop of
classes belonging to the left part of the window.
We used this DEVSimPy framework in order to
initiate a research concerning structural analysis of
myths(Santucci & De Gentili, 2009 ; Santucci, De
Gentili & Thury-Bouvet, 2010). The next step of
this work concerns the visualization on a map of a
given myth belonging to the set of myths already
generated. This step is the main contribution of this
paper and explained in section 3.
The goal is to offer the possibility to dynamically
visualize on a map the unfolding of a given myth. In
this section after having pointed out the interest of
such a study for the anthropologists we detail the
proposed approach. We particularly explain how we
have been able to deal with: (i) DEVS variable
dynamic structures, (ii) an association of the Google
Earth API and (iii) the DEVSimpY framework and
dynamic visualization using Google Earth API.
3.1 Interest and Proposed Approach
The study of folktales is an important task belonging
to the anthropologist domain. As we presented in
section 2.1 one of the main contributor to this kind
of study is Claude Levi Strauss. It is common for an
anthropologist to study each myth individually by
analysing a given myth according to its
contextualization in the landscape. The goal is:
To visualize the unfolding of a folktale own to
the story skeleton
To sequence the story on a map which
summarizes the flow of events.
We decide to combine the simulation of models
involved in the DEVSimPy framework (see section
2.3) with some features of the Google Earth API in
order to perform the dynamic visualization of a
given folktale on a map. The following problems
have been solved:
- simulation of variable dynamic structures using
- activation of Google Earth from the
DEVSimPY framework
- dynamic refreshment on the map while the
story skeleton is being simulated.
3.2 DEVS Modeling Overview
In order to perform the dynamic visualization of a
folktale we have defined a DEVS modeling scheme
by implementing the following set of specific atomic
models: (1) Viewergen; (2) SIGviewer; (3)
MythVisu; (4) PointMyth.
Figure 2: DEVS modeling for dynamic visualization.
We also defined a coupled model called
MythVariant that is used as the initial variable
structure, which will evolve when a new mythem
has to be visualized on a map. Figure 2 presents the
DEVS modeling scheme involving four DEVS
models: the three atomic models (Viewergen,
MythVisu and SiGviewer) as well as the coupled
model MythVariant. Furthermore instances of the
PointMyth atomic model will be dynamically added
into the MythVariant coupled model when a new
mythem is encountered by reading a myth.
The inter-connection between the four DEVS
models is given in figure 2. The goal of the atomic
model called ViewerGen consists in: (i) scanning a
text file corresponding to the given myth under
study; (ii) sending a message on its output for every
mythem belonging to the given myth, where the
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
message contains the term and the function involved
in the mythem as well as the location of each of the
mythems belonging to the myth. This information is
located in the two files associated to the ViewerGen
atomic model as seen on figure 3 (the files can be
loaded using the two attributes: filename (term and
function of the mythems) and filename2 (location of
each mythem). The Viewergen atomic model is
connected to the MythVisu atomic model as it may
be seen in figure 2. The MythVisu atomic model is
in charge of the management of variable dynamic
structures: for each message received on its input
port, the MythVisu atomic model is able to add an
instance of the PointMyth atomic model in the
MythVariant coupled model. A message containing
the location of the point associated with the current
mythem (as well as the term and the function
involved by the mythem) is then sent to the
SIGviewer atomic model. The implementation of the
MythVisu atomic model is detailed in sub-section
Figure 3: Properties of the MythVisu atomic model.
The goal of the SIGviewer atomic model is to:
(i) open the Google Earth window; (ii) print the
point corresponding to the current mythem on the
map. The implementation of the SIGviewer atomic
model is detailed in sub-section 3.4
3.3 Variable Dynamic Structures
In order to perform dynamic visualization of a given
myth we had to implement a way to perform DEVS
simulation of variable dynamic structures. In order
to deal with the modeling of dynamic variable
structure system a set of scholars have proposed in
the recent past to extend the DEVS formalism
(Barros, 1997; Hu, Zeigler, Mittal,2005; Baati,
Frydman, Giambiasi, 2007; Hui & Wainer, 2006 ;
Barros, 2003). Our approach leans on these previous
work and supports changes in structure by the
introduction of a special atomic model that keeps in
its internal state the structure of a network of
models. Changes in the state are automatically
mapped into changes in structure. We have called
MythVisu the special atomic model in charge of the
management of dynamic variable structures in the
case of this application.
Figure 4 illustrates the empty DEVS coupled
model called MythVariant while the MythVisu
atomic model coding is given below:
1class MythVisu(MythDomainBehavior) :
2 def intTransition(self):
3 self.state['sigma'] = INFINITY
4 def extTransition(self):
5 mv=
6 msg = self.peek(self.IPorts[0])
7 mv.componentSet = []
8 m=PointMyth.PointMyth(latitude..)
9 m.timeNext=m.timeLast= 0.
10 m.addInPort()
11 m.addOutPort()
12 mv.addSubModel(m)
13 self.state['status']='ACTIF'
14 self.state['sigma'] = 0
15 def outputFnc(self):
16 self.msg.value = 0
17 self.msg.time= self.timeNext
18 self.poke(self.OPorts[0],self.msg)
19 def timeAdvance(self): return
20 self.state['sigma']
The dynamic modification of the initial empty
coupled model MythVariant (pointed out on figure
4) is realized by the
transition function of the
atomic model called MythVisu as it may be seen in
the code presented above (see statement line 12
mv.addSubModel(m)). The variable m is an
instance of the PointMyth atomic class model and is
computed by the statement line 8.
Figure 4: Illustration of the MythVariant coupled model.
The class MythVisu described above points out four
methods corresponding to the four basic functions of
an atomic model. The DEVS δ
, function of the
atomic model MythVisu is coded through the
intTransition method (described in lines 2 and 3) and
consists in assigning the current value of the state
variable sigma to infinity in order to indicate that the
atomic model is waiting for an external event. The
, function of the atomic model MythVisu
is coded through the extTransition method (cf. from
line 4 to 14) which mainly consists in generating
new atomic models in the associated coupled model
called MythVariant. The DEVS λ function is coded
through the outputFnc method of the atomic model
MythVisu -from line 15 to 18) and consists in
sending a message on the output port of the atomic
model own to the statement of line 18. Finally the
DEVS ta function is coded through the timeAdvance
method of the atomic model MythVisu (lines 19 and
20) and consists in returning the current value of the
state variable sigma.
3.4 Google Earth Invocation
The Google Earth invocation leans on the two
following atomic models: PointMyth and
SIGViewer. The link between the DEVSimPy
software and Google Earth is performed through a
KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file (Google Inc,
2007). KML enables to build and to organize points,
lines and other information on a Google Earth map.
function of the SIGviewer atomic model
allows the management of the placement of marks
on Google Earth using a KML file as it may be seen
1def extTransition(self):
2 activePort = self.myInput.keys()[0]
3 msg = self.peek(activePort)
4 point = msg.value[0]
5 kml_tree = KML.KML_Tree(self.fn)
6 ……
7 kml_tree.add_placemark(….)
8 kml_tree.write(self.fn)
9 self.state['sigma'] = 0
Furthermore the dynamic visualization will be
performed using the plug-in view_myth of
This plug-in allows the user to associate the
initialization of the software which will be
Figure 5: ViewMyth plug-in initialisation.
concerned with the dynamic visualization. The user
has to choose between Google Earth and Google
Map as it may be seen in figure 5.
3.5 Dynamic Visualization
The dynamic visualization of the placement of
points on the map is realized by setting a
refreshment of the KML file associated with the
SIGviewer atomic model like described above. The
file is modified every time an event is sent to the
SIGviewer atomic model own to the δ
presented in sub-section 3.4. The detection of an
event is performed through the statement pointed out
line 3 of the previously detailed code of δ
. Then
the KML file is modified according to the code
presented above in sub-section 3.4 (form line 5 to
line 9). Furthermore the KML file can be checked by
the Google Earth API periodically in order to have
dynamic refreshment by enabling the auto-update
function of the Google Earth API. Using this option
the KML file source is regularly reloaded at an
interval that we have specify. The modification of
the KML file is performed during the DEVS
simulation of the overall DEVS modeling presented
in sub-section 3.2.
However one of the main interests of the
proposed approach is to offer the possibility of a
dynamic printing on a map the unfolding of a
folktale. We therefore have to perform a step-to-step
simulation in order to activate the refreshment of the
KML file associated with the SIGViewer using the
previously introduced method. We use a special
plug-in called Blink belonging to the DEVSimPy
features allowing to perform a step-to-step
simulation as described in figure 6.
Figure 6: Step-to-step simulation.
Using the Forward button of the Blink Logger
window we are able to control the generation of the
KML file. By setting an appropriate period of
refreshment (for example 10 second) the user is able
to see the placement of every mythem on the screen
and read the required information concerning the
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
folktale. There are therefore two ways of using the
simulation: (i) by selecting the step-to-step
simulation -the user has in this case chosen the Blink
plug-in as seen in sub-section 3.5 and is able to
discover the unfolding of the myth interactively by
clicking on the forward button; (ii) by performing a
complete simulation and own to the enumeration of
the generated points on the map the user is able to
read the unfolding of the myth on the map by
clicking on the different points of the story one after
the other.
We have presented in this paper set an approach to
dynamically visualize the unfolding of a folktale.
This work is part of a multi-disciplinary research
concerning Structural anthropology of myths and
computer science: the goal is to offer a software
approach to help an anthropologist to perform
Claude Levi Strauss myth analysis method. This
method is based on the concept of mythem. Each
folktale (or myth) is decomposed into a set of
mythems which are the basic elements of a given
story. The proposed approach leans on an
association of the DEVS formalism and the Google
Earth API. We have detailed the set of DEVS
models which has been defined in order to: (i)
dynamically read a text file containing the story
where each line of the file corresponds to a mythem
; (ii) dynamically print on a map each mythem using
the Google Earth API. We introduced a software
framework called DEVSimPy which has been used
in order to implement the set of DEVS models
required in order to perform the dynamic
visualization of myths. We also described the
validation of these DEVS model using a concrete
folktale belonging to the Corsican mythology. The
future work will consist in deeply collaborating with
an anthropologist in order to model the 813 myths
defined by Claude Levi Strauss in his Mythologiques
Series and a set of more than 200 myths coming
from the Corsican Mythology and known by the
anthropologist. Our future work will also concern
the dynamic simulation of a given myth in a 3D
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