problem (Tarantola, 2005).
This optimization (or calibration) process requires
a substantial number of (typically expensive) function
and optionally sensitivity or gradient or even Hessian
matrix evaluations. Hence, decreasing the effort re-
lated to the function evaluations (or, equivalently, cut-
ting down the number of function calls necessary to
find the optimum) is of primary importance to reduce
the overall optimization cost. This becomes particu-
larly significant for computationally expensive three-
dimensional coupled models, for example, global cli-
mate models (Gill, 1982).
In (Prieß et al., 2011), a surrogate-based method-
ology has been developed for the optimization of
climate model parameters. The technique is based
upon a multiplicative response correction technique
to create a surrogate from a temporarily coarser dis-
cretized physics-based low-fidelity model. It has been
successfully applied to a (one-dimensional) represen-
tative of a class of marine ecosystem models and
demonstrated to yield substantial savings of the com-
putational cost of the optimization process when com-
pared to a direct optimization of the high-fidelity
In this paper, we demonstrate that by employing
simple modifications of the original response correc-
tion scheme, one can improve the surrogate’s accu-
racy, as well as further reduce the computational cost
of the optimization process. We verify our approach
by using synthetic target data and by comparing the
results of SBO with the improved surrogate to those
obtained with the original one. The optimization cost
is reduced three times when compared to previous re-
sults, i.e., from about 15% to only 5% of the cost of
the direct high-fidelity ecosystem model optimization
(used as a benchmark method). The corresponding
time savings are increased to from 84% to 95%.
The paper is organized as follows. The high-
fidelity ecosystem model, considered here as a test
problem, as well as a low-fidelity counterpart that we
use as a basis to construct the surrogate model, are de-
scribed in Section 2. The optimization problem under
consideration is formulated in Section 3. The orig-
inal and improved response correction schemes and
the comparison of the corresponding surrogate model
qualities are discussed in Section 4. Numerical results
for an illustrative SBO run are provided in Section 5.
Section 6 concludes the paper.
The considered example for a climate model is a one-
dimensional marine ecosystem model (Oschlies and
Garcon, 1999) driven by pre-computed ocean circula-
tion data. In the following, we briefly describe the
high-fidelity model and its low-fidelity counterpart
which is a basis to construct a surrogate for further
use in the optimization process.
2.1 The High-fidelity Model
Simulating the marine ecosystem has become a key
tool for understanding the ocean carbon cycle and its
variability. The marine ecosystem contains several
biogeochemical quantities (called tracers), for exam-
ple nutrients, phyto- and zooplankton which inter-
act and are moreover transported by the ocean cir-
culation and influenced by temperature and salinity.
Thus, ecosystem simulations require modeling and
computation of both ocean circulation and biogeo-
chemistry. The underlying continuous models are
governed by coupled systems of nonlinear, parabolic
PDEs or DAEs, for ocean circulation (ocean models,
i.e., Navier-Stokes equations with additional temper-
ature and salinity transport equations) and transport
of biogeochemical tracers (marine ecosystem models,
i.e., convection- or advection-diffusion-reaction type
equations) (Sarmiento and Gruber, 2006).
In ecosystem models, the parameters to be opti-
mized – in the following summarized in the vector u
– are, for example, growth and dying rates of the trac-
ers and thus appear in the usually nonlinear coupling
or interaction terms in the model.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
time [ hours ]
Detritus [ mmol N m
Figure 1: Model response y
(detritus) and observation
data y
for one year at depth z ≃ −25m.
Our example ecosystem model was developed by
Oschlies and Garcon (1999)and simulates the interac-
tion of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phytoplankton,
zooplankton and detritus (dead material) – thus also
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