Davide Cannone
, Maurizio Naldi
, Giuseppe F. Italiano
and Andrea Brancaleoni
Dipartimento di Informatica Sistemi Produzione, Universit`a di Roma Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome, Italy
Elettronica SpA, Via Tiburtina Valeria Km 13,700, 00131 Rome, Italy
Mobile ad-hoc networks, Cyber-warfare.
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) allow to connect mobile devices in the absence of any fixed commu-
nications infrastructure. The routing function may be disrupted under cyber-attacks. We have developed a
network simulator, based on the publicly available platform Ns2, to evaluate the performance of a number of
routing protocols in MANETs under cyber attacks. For two simulation scenarios, considering respectively De-
nial of Service and Fabrication attacks, and Impersonation and Interception attacks, the Fisheye State Routing
protocol and the Zone Routing Protocol exhibit the best performance.
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are wireless
networks where the nodes are mobile and play both
the role of endnodes and routers, and no fixed infras-
tructure exists. The topology is continually changing
because of the movements of nodes, which create new
radio links and break existing ones. Each node relies
on the cooperation of other nodes to have its pack-
ets delivered to destination. Such networks have their
main application domain in harsh environments, such
as rescue operations or military battlefields.
MANETs are however prone to a number of prob-
lems: radio links may break, so that connectivity is
not guaranteed, and are anyway prone to eavesdrop-
ping and jamming/spoofing attacks. A relevant field
of analysis, especially for military applications, is the
robustness of MANETs to cyber-attacks. However,
so far only a few researchers have analysed the per-
formance of MANETs in a hostile environment (Cole
et al., 2005; Abdelhafez et al., 2007).
Our aim is to analyse the operations of a MANET
in a tactical context, where the mobile nodes are ex-
posed to cyber-attacks on the battlefield. We have
chosen a simulation approach, which allows us to
model a wide variety of scenarios. Our simulator is
based on the open NS2 platform (Issariyakul and Hos-
sain, 2009), relying in turn on C++ and OTcl (Object-
oriented Tool Command Language). The main fea-
ture of our simulator are its focus on cyber-attacks (an
issue so far neglected in most analyses) and its capa-
bility to simulate the full protocol stack. In this paper
we provide an overviewof the first version of the sim-
ulator, and report early results on use of the simulator
to analyse the resilience of a MANET to cyber-attacks
in the battlefield.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we provide a macro view of the simulator’s structure,
and then we devote Sections 3-4 to the most relevant
modules of the simulator. In Section 5 we describe
the different kinds of cyber-attacks. In Sections 6 and
7, where we describe respectively the simulation sce-
nario and the simulation results.
Our analysis relies on the use of a simulator, for
whose development we have used the NS2 platform.
We have used a modular architecture, where ev-
ery module incorporates models for a different as-
pect of MANET operations, to achieve customizabil-
ity, reusability (every module is written in C++, to
port functions to other applications with little or no
changes), maintainability (problems due to new mod-
ules are easier to isolate and fix when the core is sta-
ble), and extensibility (we can add new features just
by adding new modules).
A major feature of our simulator is the capabil-
ity to simulate all the layers of the Internet Protocol
Cannone D., Naldi M., F. Italiano G. and Brancaleoni A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003600304130417
In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-78-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Suite. Namely, we start from the physical layer (by
simulating the radio link) and go all the way up to
the Application Layer. The network layer uses IPv4,
while both TCP and UDP can be used for the Trans-
port Layer. The modules that have been developed
specifically for this simulator currently cover the fol-
lowing aspects: mobility, physical layer, routing, and
In addition, special care has been taken to allow a
vivid representation of the simulator’s output, a lack-
ing feature in NS2 (Kurkowski et al., 2005b). For
that purpose, in addition to using the Tcl/TK-based
built-in animation tool Nam, we have resorted to iN-
Spect, a C++ OpenGLbased visualization tool that
allows animation of wireless networks (Kurkowski
et al., 2005a).
A key characteristic of a MANET is the mobility of its
nodes. A number of models havebeen proposed in the
literature, which suit different situations (Camp et al.,
2002). In the military context the nodes are physically
located aboard tanks or other military vehicles, and
we expect them to move quite orderly, with all the
vehicles following a group leader.
For that purpose we use a hierarchical mobility
model, where we first describe the model of the set
of vehicles (hence of nodes) as a group, and then
the movement of individual nodes with respect to the
group. We have adopted the Reference Point Group
Mobility Model (RPGM) for the relationship between
the group movement and the individual movements
(Hong et al., 1999), the Random Waypoint model for
the group as a whole (Broch et al., 1998), and a ran-
dom walk for the movement of each individual node
with respect to its reference position.
The connectivity between any two nodes keeps
changing because they move and the radio link be-
tween them may break. The network is fully con-
nected if any pair of nodes is connected through at
least one chain of wireless links. In the current ver-
sion of the simulator we consider a wireless link to
exist if the two following conditions are satisfied:
1. Positive power budget on the link connecting the
transmitter and the receiver;
2. Distance between transmitter and receiver lower
than the radio horizon.
In order to assess the first condition, we have em-
ployed the Egli propagation model, a refinement of
the inverse fourth-power model through a multiplica-
tive term that reduces the received power proportion-
ally to the square of the operating frequency (Parsons,
After having defined both the kinetic characteristics
of mobile nodes and the conditions for the existence
of radio links among them in Section 3, we now con-
sider the functions pertaining to Layers 2 and 3 of the
ISO/OSI protocol stack, namely the MAC (Medium
Access Control) and routing protocols.
For the MAC protocol we have chosen the IEEE
802.11 protocol (Crow et al., 1997), since it is the
most widely used for MANETs and has been fully
As to the routing protocol, we have considered the
following selection of routing protocols:
Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV);
Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV);
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR);
Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP);
Fisheye State Routing (FSR).
Two of them are proactive protocols (DSDV and
FSR), two are reactive (AODV and DSR), and one
is hybrid (ZRP).
We wish to study the performance of a MANET in a
hostile enviroment, where adversaries aim at down-
grading the performance of the network. A taxonomy
of cyber attacks in MANETs has been consolidated in
(Djenouri et al., 2005). In this section we describe our
threat models.
In the current version of our simulator we assume
that an adversary can take control of one or more
friendly nodes, replacing them with a malicious node.
Malicious nodes are at least as computationally strong
as the friendly ones; they are able both to send packets
(fake packets) and to receive them (intercepted pack-
ets), and may cooperate to attack the system, by com-
municating on a reserved wireless channel. On the
other hand, friendly nodes cannot detect malicious
nodes and organize a defense.
We grouped cyber attacks in four main categories
(see Figure 1, where nodes marked with a X represent
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
malicious nodes, and dotted lines represent commu-
nication channels with a malicious node):
Denial of Service. The adversary overloads the
network, so that it begins to misbehave. In our
simulator this attack is simulated by replacing a
friendly node with a malicious one, with the ma-
licious node sending a costant flow of messages
towards a target friendly node.
Fabrication. The attacker fabricates and sends
spurious messages. In our simulator this attack
is simulated by inserting a malicious node near a
friendly one and tagging as fake all the packets
sent by that node.
Interception. The attacker does not interfere with
the network operations, but eavesdrops packets.
In our simulator this attack is simulated by tag-
ging a friendly node and all the incoming packets
as intercepted.
Impersonation. The attacker mimics a target
node, intercepting its messages and sending pack-
ets signed by it (a.k.a. Man in the Middle). In our
simulator this attack is simulated by replacing a
friendly node with a malicious one, and tagging
all the packets sent as fake, and all the incoming
packets as intercepted.
In order to evaluate the impact of a cyber attack
against the system under investigation, we compute
the percentage of the overall fake packets received by
any friendly node, and the percentage of the overall
packets intercepted by the adversary. Both are mea-
sured at the routing layer.
Figure 1: Threats models.
By varying properties of these four attacks and
combining them, we can represent a number of differ-
ent attacks. For example, in the Impersonation attack,
when the malicious node does not fabricate any fake
packet, this can represent a sinkhole attack (Karlof
and Wagner, 2003).
Table 1: Number of malicious nodes in the two scenarios.
Creation Listening
Scenario Scenario
DoS Fixed/Mobile 1/2 1/0
Fabric. Fixed/Mobile 0/2 1/0
Impers. Fixed/Mobile 1/0 2/0
Interc. Fixed 0/1 1/2
In order to test our simulator we have defined a re-
alistic simulation scenario. We assume that the geo-
graphical enviroment is nearly flat (there are no rel-
evant obstacles either for movements or signal prop-
agation) and the nodes move within a square region
with sides of 10 kilometers. There are 15 nodes, ei-
ther fixed or mobile. The fixed nodes represent base
station, located at 2.5 meters above the ground and
with random position. The mobile nodes represent
slow vehicles at ground height, with speeds uniformly
distributed between 20 km/h and 40 km/h; they move
in groups of two, starting from a random position, and
following the RPGM mobility model with a random
pause ranging between 4 and 10 seconds.
Every node communicates through bidirectional
wireless channels. The transmitter has a power of 30
W, at the frequency of 900 MHz, and uses an omni-
directional antenna. The receiving threshold has been
set so that any two nodes are connected if their dis-
tance is lower than 2 km.
Any node can generate traffic network towards
any other node: the network traffic matrix has ran-
dom entries, with every flow having a probability of
50% to exist. Every node spawns packets with an av-
erage size of 1000 bytes according to an On/Off pro-
cess with exponential distributions for both On and
Off times, and an average rate of 1 Mbit/s.
We have defined two scenarios of cyber attacks
(see Table 1), named Creation Scenario and Listening
Scenario. The former is an aggressive attack against
the network, composed mostly of malicious nodes
performing Denial of Service and Fabrication attacks.
The latter is instead composed mostly of malicious
nodes performing Impersonation and Interception at-
Both attack scenarios were simulated as ten replicas
of 1000 seconds each. In Figure 2 we report the re-
Table 2: Simulation results in the Creation/Listening Scenario.
Avg. connectivity (%) 79.97/83.27 91.40/89.83 83.84/90.90 94.17/88.01 81.37/94.18
Avg. goodput (kbps) 250.64/315.42 240.26/275.73 206.99/359.25 220.21/361.98 263.05/299.72
Pkt delivery ratio (%) 95.14/94.02 94.13/87.63 96.07/96.63 96.32/96.67 95.22/95.27
Avg delay (ms) 231.2/190.3 350/271 162.7/162.1 169.7/166.8 165.2/161.7
Interc. packets (%) 2.95/12.83 1.12/11.24 7.05/17.01 5.72/13.23 4.57/13.64
Fake packets (%) 37.54/0.94 15.09/0.82 43.25/0.67 22.69/0.43 14.85/1.29
sults. Next we comment the results separately for
each metric.
The goodput (expressed in kbps) is the amount of
useful data received in the time unit, excluding rout-
ing information and duplicates. As we can expect,
the goodput is worse in the Creation Scenario than
in the Listening Scenario (even with a 42% reduction
in goodput for DSDV), while DSR e ZRP have simi-
lar performance under the two attack scenarios, with
a goodput reduced by about 12.5%. Reactive proto-
cols have better goodput values than proactive proto-
cols in the Creation Scenario: the routing informa-
tion in reactive protocols becomes quickly obsolete,
and nodes get new information as soon as they is-
sue new requests, while in proactive protocols nodes
trust their routing tables until the next information ex-
change. The performance of the ZRP protocol is not
bad, probably thanks to its hybrid nature.
The delay (expressed in milliseconds) is the time
between the sending of a message and its complete
reception by its recipient. We see that the average de-
lay is generally larger in the Creation Scenario than in
the Listening case. However, the growth is apprecia-
ble in AODV and DSR (nearly 30%), but negligible
for the other three protocols. It addition, we note that
proactive protocols have an average delay lower than
reactive protocols (penalized by the Route Discovery
mechanism), with performances of DSDV a little bet-
ter than FSR and ZRP.
The percentage of intercepted packets is the ra-
tio of all intercepted packets received by malicious
nodes, and the number of packets not tagged as fake.
This metric represents the probability that the attacker
gets routing information. It is strongly influenced by
the routing protocol, in particular by the mechanism
used by a node to share its own routing tables. Proac-
tive protocols send their routing tables at regular in-
tervals, and continuosly provide the attacker with up-
to-date infos on the network status. That’s the rea-
son for the bad performance of DSDV. FSR and ZRP
seem have a similar behavior in the number of packets
sent to the attacker,with FSR slightly better than ZRP,
probably because the amount of shared data in FSR is
inversely proportional to the distance of the recipient.
The percentage of fake packets is the ratio of all
fake packets received by friendly nodes, and the num-
ber of packets received by friendly nodes (excluding
packets received by malicious nodes). This metric
represent the probability that a friendly node receives
spoofed or corrupted packets. ZRP seems to have the
best perfomances: a malicious node, that does not
want to be detected and decides to show a routing be-
havior like a friendly node, will be limited in sending
fake packets by the hop radius of ZRP.
We have developed a simulator for MANETs, based
on NS2, and have evaluated its performances in a hos-
tile enviroment through two scenarios that included
attackers with different capabilities.
The results show that DSR performs badly in sce-
narios with large traffic, with DSDV being the second
worst. DSDV exhibits a large percentage of fake and
intercepted) packets, while FSR and ZRP have the
best security performance. For the reference scenar-
ios considered here, the hybrid protocol ZRP seems to
be a good choice, though different values of the radius
can led to very different results.
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