4.2 Business Process Management Suite
The overall architecture is often composed of a set
of tools covering everything necessary to deploy
complex processes in the organization. Such a
software package is called Business Process
Management Suite (BPMS). Unlike the first
generation instrument, which was conceived as a
compilation of several separate programs, by far did
not cover the requirements of the complex
architecture necessary for the deployment of
processes. Current systems already offer
comprehensive and holistic options tools with an
intuitive user interface, which covers complex
architecture requirements.
For this case study IBM WebSphere software
was used. The software includes programs that cover
the elements of architecture describing the process
framework for crisis management (Ludík and Ráček,
2011). There are many other solutions, of course.
The primary contribution of this paper is the
innovative, process-oriented methodology. The
methodology is described in terms of phases, user
roles and work products. The paper also describes
set of recommendations, which should be applied
when methodology is used on crisis management
processes. These are based on practical experiences
when solving the research plan called Dynamic
Geovisualisation in Crises Management (Kubíček et
al., 2010; Ludík and Ráček, 2011). The paper also
illustrates the practical use of the methodology in
real situation called “Finding an object that is
suspicious to contain B-agents and toxins”.
It is appropriate to emphasis on adequate
software support during the use of methodology.
This support is provided by Business Process
Management Suite (BPMS), where different tools
support different methodology phases. In case of a
comprehensive crisis management system it is
necessary to take the close interoperability to GIS or
other systems used by the IRS into account.
Therefore it is recommended to add the global
architecture which will illustrate the overall
deployment of the system based on processes.
The subsequent objective of this research is to
define in detail the methodology phases in terms of
individual tasks and their links to each other. This is
related to the assignment of responsibilities for these
tasks. Similarly, detailed description of the role
associated with implementing the methodology in
terms of ICT and crisis management is needed. The
final aim is to describe the task inputs and outputs in
detail in terms of work products and determine
whether all information is available at the right time.
The contribution is a part of the research plan no.
MSM0021622418 and the research project no.
FRVS/1035/2011, both supported by the Czech
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
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