Incidently, the scanning process provides noisy
outputs. Nevertheless, after some final manual modi-
fications, each bone from the locomotor system has a
3D model.
By having a 3D model of all the objects, based on
their dimensions and an average bone density, a mass
can be attributed to each one.
As a result, the force applied to each marker can
be easily determined from the formula F(t) = m·a(t).
By applying this method, various techniques from dif-
ferent sports and other physical activities have been
modelled. Two examples are shown in Figures 5 and
Figure 5: Athlete sprinting. 3 consecutive frames.
Figure 6: Piano playing. 3 consecutive frames.
The aim of the work was to illustrate a methodology
of representing the human body as a mechatronic sys-
tem. The modelling was performed in the multibody
technology and the preferred tool was the SolidDy-
namics Modelling and Simulation program.
Obtaining the models and animating them exceeds
the normal frame offered by SDS and its environment.
Thus, other means had to be employed.
An own technology was developed and presented
for obtaining models of the human body via scanning
of bones and their translation into generalised meshes
to be afterwards endowed with structural and dynam-
ical properties.
Different layers of pre processing software were
developed and are briefly presented in the paper. The
paper demonstrates that the implementation of mod-
ern technologies allows the modelling and simulation
of the human body as a most complex bio mechan-
ical system. New approaches and new generations
of computers will facilitate more and more complex
approaches, as already mentioned, as well as shorter
computing times, (quasi) real time simulations, the
gradual implementation of FEM components and a
bio control strategies for both direct and inverse dy-
Possible applications include medical care, post
traumatic or post accidental recovering, rehabilitation
of handicapped persons. In conjunction with the CAE
of medical and fitness machines as well as for sport ar-
ticles as shoes,and others, important information can
be obtained for an optimised design of these products
through simulation. The achieved results and the aux-
iliary methods used are quite promising. This opens
new prospects for further developments in various in-
dustrial applications.
The authors would like to express their gratitude for
the support to the University of Konstanz/Institute
of Sport Sciences, Deutsche Forschung Gemeinschaft
(DFG), Steinbeis Transfer Institute Dynamic Systems
of the Steinbeis University Berlin, and HTWG Kon-
stanz Germany.
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