We have presented ModGraph, an environment for
modeling with graph transformations. ModGraph in-
crementally adds behavioral modeling to EMF. Thus,
it provides an evolution path from programming to
modeling. An application developer may take advan-
tage of model transformations where they provide an
added value, and program in Java otherwise. The
examples given in Section 3 clearly demonstrate the
benefits of modeling behavior graphically and declar-
atively with the help of graph transformation rules.
Implementation of ModGraph currently is under
way. Most parts have already been completed. The
package diagram editor and its integration with Ecore
have been implemented completely. The metamodel
for graph transformation rules, the graphical editor,
and rule validations have been completed recently.
The code generator is currently being implemented
and is expected to be complete in the near future.
Since the graphical editor is already available, we are
performing case studies in parallel in order to obtain
feedback from applications. The experiences gained
from these case studies are promising, and we expect
at most minor future changes of the transformation
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MODGRAPH - A Transformation Engine for EMF Model Transformations