Carlos Fernandez-Llatas, Gema Iba˜nez, Pilar Sala, Salvatore F. Pileggi and Juan Carlos Naranjo
TSB-UPV, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Cloud Computing, e-Inclusion, Mobile environments, Assistive Tecnologies.
Information and Communication Technologies are more and more present in the modern society. The penetra-
tion of personal devices in worldwide citizens is daily increasing. In addition, the accessibility of those devices
is being more and more improved in order to profit the technology advances to help people with disabilities
in daily life. Nevertheless, the processing capabilities of those personal devices are not enough to cover the
need of intelligence for holistic assistive technologies. This addressesinnovative approaches in which remote
resources can be remotely accessed and consumed by mobile devices . In this paper, a cloud-based architecture
is presented. The CORE infrastructure provides an intelligent and pervasive environment composed of remote
services to assistive applications.
For approximately 80 million of Europeans with a
disability, there are major obstacles that put activi-
ties such as travelling out of reach. To break down
the barriers that prevent persons with disabilities from
participating in society on an equal basis it is needed
the creation of smart and personalized inclusion, in-
volving Information and Communication Technolo-
gies (ICT) tools.
Due to their penetration, mobile phones are more
and more used as a tool for create innovativesolutions
within the area of assistive technologies. These de-
vices have increased exponentially their capacity and
process capability in few years. In this way, several
large scale human-centric ubiquitous computing and
smart space projects have been completed during the
last years, like PERSONA (045459, ), ASKIT (Con-
sortium, 2008a) and OASIS (Consortium, 2008b).
Furthermore, modern smart devices are not currently
limited to mobile phone considering the strong and
continuous convergence between mobility and com-
putation: the last generation of relatively low-cost
mobile devices (e.g. phones, tablets, PDAs) is pro-
vided with increased capabilities in terms of computa-
tion and data-storage as well as with a set of advanced
To profit the potential of those devices, the ac-
cessibility in mobile phones is an interesting prob-
lem to solve. This allows the creation of more and
more intelligent applications that assists the citizen
with disabilities in mobile scenarios. Design for All
or Universal Design (Story et al., 1998) constitutes an
approach for building modern applications that need
to accommodate for heterogeneity in user character-
istics, devices and contexts of use. However, one
of the main difficulties encountered by developers is
the general lack of indication on how to instantiate
its principles. Universal Design does not necessarily
solve all accessibility problems, it does incorporate a
human factors (user-centred approach) to producing
products, so that they can be used by as many individ-
uals as possible regardless of age, abilities, skills, re-
quirements, situations, and preferences. Therefore, a
critical property of interactive artifacts becomes their
capability for intelligent adaptation and personaliza-
tion, their ability to communicate in a common open
Although the increasing of capabilities of personal
devices, there is not enough in them for the current
processing needs of last generation assistive technolo-
gies. This is because the high level of personalization
and the high complexity of intelligent services that
are claimed by people with disabilities. To solve this
problem, it is needed to create processing environ-
ments that provide more intelligence to mobile per-
sonal use cases.
By a technological point of view, these environ-
ments haveto be designed according to a high-flexible
model that allows a fundamental dynamism respect to
Fernandez-Llatas C., Ibañez G., Sala P., F. Pileggi S. and Carlos Naranjo J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003607003770382
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (IWCCTA-2011), pages 377-382
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
concrete applications/services as well as to different
business models (Foster et al., 2008).
Virtual environments based on scalable service
models appear at the moment as a high competitive
solution that, under the assumption of always con-
nected devices and relatively high bandwidth, could
be the most realistic and effective approach in order
to enable complex services on mobile devices.
In this paper, an architecture aimed to provide a
mobile solution to the distribution of services needed
by assistive technologies based on the Cloud Comput-
ing paradigm is presented.
The paper is structured in three main parts: first
an overview at the most relevant aspects of assistive
technologies, than a brief analysis of main advantages
of cloud technologies and finally a ”big picture” of the
proposed infrastructure are proposed.
ICTs are commonly used to empower impaired peo-
ple in their daily life. In this way, the concept of as-
sistive technologies is defined (S et al., 2009). As-
sistive technologies are solutions to provide disabled
people with assistive, adaptive and rehabilitative de-
vices. These framework promotes the independence
by enabling people to perform common tasks that are
not able to perform by themselves of had a great dif-
ficulty to accomplish them.
To achievethis, Assistive Technologies, must, first
of all, be able to gather all the information available
about the user that will be the projection of the user
on the system. This is the concept of context (Preuve-
neers, 2010). In this framework, context can be de-
fined as any information that can be used to explain
the situation that is relevant to the interaction between
the users and the application. In this approach, the
key is to automatically determine whether observed
behavioral cues share a common cause - for exam-
ple, whether the mouth movements and audio signals
complement to indicate an active known or unknown
speaker (how, who, where) and whether his or her fo-
cus of attention is another person or a computer (what,
The Context data can be gathered not only from
the user directly but also from the ambient. Existing
localization techniques will be combined (fused) with
information coming from the vision sensors in order
to track a person inside an apartment or any other
equipped enviroment. A person in the line of sight
of a vision sensor is located with great precision: one
knows in which room he/she is, even in which part
of the room, given the angle of the camera. A Wire-
less Sensor Network localization algorithm can use
this information as a starting point for tracking some-
one in places out of the sight of any vision sensor.
When the subject enters the field of sight of a visual
device again, the information is dispatched and used
to correct an eventual error of the radio-based local-
ization algorithm. This scheme will follow a mobile
device-centred approach.
An assistive application must not only gather
the information of the context but also be aware of
them and react to specific situations. This is the
mission of Context-Awareness systems (Preuveneers,
2010). Context-awareness is a very important aspect
of the emerging pervasive and autonomic computing
paradigm. The efficient management of contextual
information requires detailed and thorough modeling
along with specific processing and inference capabil-
ities. Mobile nodes that know more about the user
context are able to function efficiently and transpar-
ently adapt to the current user situation. Data fu-
sion combines the information originating from dif-
ferent sources. It is one of the primary elements of
modern tracking techniques. Its objective is to maxi-
mize the useful informationand make it more reliable,
obtain more efficient data and information represen-
tation, and detect higher-order relationships between
different data types.
Interactive and affective behavior may involve and
modulate all human communicativesignals: facial ex-
pression, speech, vocal intonation, body posture and
gestures, hand gesticulation, non-linguistic vocal out-
bursts, such as laughter and sighs, and physiological
reactions, like heartbeat and clamminess. Sensing and
analysis of all these modalities have improved signif-
icantly in the recent years. Vision-based technologies
for facial features, head, hand and body tracking have
advanced significantly with sequential state estima-
tion approaches, as for example Kalman (Chui and
Chen, 1987) and particle filtering, which reduced the
sensitivity of the detection and tracking schemes to
occlusion, clutter, and changes in illumination.
Recent advent of non-intrusive sensors and wear-
able computers, which promise less invasive physi-
ological sensing, opened up possibilities for includ-
ing tactile modality into automatic analyzers of hu-
man behavior. However, virtually all technologies for
sensing and analysis of different human communica-
tive modalities and for detection and tracking of hu-
man behavioral cues have been trained and tested us-
ing audio and/or video recordingsof posed, controlled
displays. Hence, these technologies, like the ones de-
veloped in FP6 AMI and CHIL projects (explained
below), are, in principle, inapplicable for sensing,
tracking, and analysis of human behavioural cues oc-
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
curring in spontaneous displays (as opposed to posed
displays) of human interactive and affective behavior.
More specifically, it will be developed a mutually in-
formed face detector,facial feature tracker, body parts
tracker, head pose estimator, and body pose estima-
tor, which can be used for processing subtle human
behavior typical for real-world scenarios.
Mobile phones are a suitable entry point for as-
sistive applications in mobile scenarios (EMB, 2010).
Mobile devices can be connected to Personal Area
Network (PAN) of the user as well as to the Local
Area Network (LAN) of the ambient in order to gather
the required data to fill the context. Nevertheless, the
execution of complex data fusion and reasoning tech-
niques are unaffordable by the limited processing ca-
pability of current mobile devices and must be per-
formed in external servers.
Cloud Computing (Miller, 2008) is a technological
solution aimed to provide remote computational so-
lutions (normally on demand) through computer net-
Cloud technologies are more and more present in
real systems to provide them a more efficient way to
build scalable systems. Cloud resources can be dy-
namically changed. These resources are extremely
dynamic by the hardware point of view. Available
or assigned resources could be increased in order to
make the system able to deal with great amounts of
requests in certain moments and decreased on the op-
posite case.
This allows the systems to be more efficient
and scalable as well as assuring potential benefits
by power consumption point of view (green ap-
proach) (Baliga et al., 2011).
The economic impact of cloud approach to dis-
tributed systems is one of the key aspects for the ef-
fective realization of commercial infrastructures: re-
sources can be consumed on demand (the user only
pays for what he is really consuming) as well as ac-
cording to a great number of business models (Chang
et al., 2010).
Other advantage of cloud computing is its flexi-
bility respect to the information storage model and,
more in general, respect to the independence of appli-
cations from access devices. Cloud servers proposes
an interesting and competitive cost model based on
a scalable approach: they are maintained by IT ex-
perts and there are no need of IT personnel in enter-
prises to be constantly worried about constant server
updates and other computing issues, reducing the cost
of maintaining the system being, in this case, more
sustainable and more protected to hacker attacks.
In addition, the cloud is always available on inter-
net and people can access information wherever they
In our problem, assistive technologies can need
a different bandwidth depending on the kind of ser-
vices. At the same time, an assistive platform re-
quires the efficient coordination and cooperation of
contextual services: as the service provider is the ba-
sic stakeholder, the infrastructure is the technologic
core in order to assure an adequate quality of experi-
According with the need of Assistive Technologies in
mobile environments, the data collected by the per-
sonal system must be processed to create intelligence
in the context-aware system to allow the applications
to react to the demands of users.
Figure 1 summarize the needs of mobile assis-
tive environments. The mobile device is in charge
of collect the data to populate the context as well as
provide the UI to offer the adequate contents to the
user. This is made through the Human Computer In-
terface(HCI). The HCI is also divided in two different
modules; the Input HCI and the Output HCI:
The Input HCI is in charge of collect the basic
data of the user context. This data represent the data
directly captured from the user via the basic sensors
installed on the mobile phone. The selection of those
sensors depends specifically on the characteristics of
the user. For example, speech recognition systems
to implements voice commands are suitable for blind
people but are not appropriate for people with speech
disorders. Examples of these kind of sensors that can
be found in existing mobile devices are: GPS, speech
recognition systems, microphone, Camera, compass,
The Output HCI is in charge to provide to user the
assistive information needed depending on the cur-
rent activity in which the user is involved. For exam-
ple, when a blind user is asking for some information
about timetables in an airport, the mobile phone can
use a text-to-speech system or a braille AT to provide
the required information in an individualized way. In
this case, deaf people must use different systems to
access that information.
To provide the proper information to the individ-
ual, a higher level intelligent processing is needed.
Figure 1: Context Awareness.
The basic data collected by the user is received by
context processors that infers high level data. This
high level data is dependent on the user profile and
the specific status and situation in which the user is
involved. In this way, the system should be able to
sense, interpret and react to changes in the environ-
ment a user is situated in. For that reason, a context
aware system has to deal with:
Context Representation by adopting certain
knowledge representation model rich in seman-
Context Sensing and Fusion by considering the
heterogeneous sources and their reliability on cap-
turing contextual data,
Context Inference and Reasoning by adopting
inference engines capable for extracting further
knowledge (new context) from the sensed context,
Context Adaptation by adopting certain mech-
anism able to adjust specific system parameter
(e.g., presentation issues, learning rates) upon
user feedback.
In this case, the context processors collect in-
formation from heterogeneous context sources, such
as, the context-centred and user-centred sensors, user
profile and historical user actions. The combina-
tion of such sensor data (e.g., noise, level, lightness)
with spatial knowledge (e.g., location, proximity) and
temporal knowledge (e.g., history of events, current
time), leads to a detailed depiction of the environ-
ment, i.e., inferred context or current user situation.
The situation of a user indicates additional knowl-
edge derived from the environment of the user that
are conveniently and semantically tagged according
to the context representation model
In order to allow the systems to be proactive,
some rule-based inference schemes can be processed
as Event Condition Action rules. This allow to the
system to react to specific events and conditions via
starting adequate actions to support the user. For ex-
ample, fall detection event can suppose the execution
of an alarm action.
As it was mentioned previously, the mobile device
is not able to process information. Then, it is neces-
sary to distribute the execution. In Figure 2 it is shown
the processing distribution. HCI adaptation is per-
formed in the mobile phone. This is because the basic
data and the interaction with the user must be near
the user. Nevertheless, the context awareness system
should be allocated in the cloud. This is because the
context processors might need large amounts of pro-
cess capabilities (i.e., image processing). The use of
cloud computing paradigm give potentially unlimited
processing power and storage to the system. In addi-
tion, private clouds could be used in smart spaces to
provide specific smart applications depending on the
specific space (i. e. hospitals, airports, etc.)
The global evaluation of the architecture should be
approached according to a two side-perspective (ser-
vice/technical perspective and business perspective).
This analysis will be object of the following subsec-
4.1 A Technologic Perspective: Service
An deeper analysis of the CORE infrastructure allows
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 2: Context Awareness in Cloud.
to distinguish three different kind of services:
Basic Service (third-part service): they are pro-
vided by service providers according to a perva-
sive approach. These services are not directly ac-
cessible by end-users but they are the ”bricks” to
build end-user services. Examples are the services
provided by smart spaces or any kind of intelligent
CORE Service: services provided by the platform
in order to coordinate basic services and/or to pro-
vide any kind of contextual matching and/or opti-
mization. In other words, they provide any kind
of required elaboration (e.g. contextualization) on
Basic Services that are so available as personal-
ized services for the end-user.
End-user Service: as in the common mean.
As implicitly mentioned, the Basic Services pro-
vide a strong support for the mobility: the remote ex-
ecution of services enables complex services in smart
devices (Kovachev et al., 2010). The current tech-
nologies, able to support the various cloud solutions
(e.g. IaaS, Paas, SaaS), provide a strong and advanced
technologic environment that reflect a full service-
oriented view at distributed systems in which services
are available as virtual resources in the platform. A
further technologic point of interest is the ”appliance”
approach (Wikipedia, 2011) that can assure always
updated applications as well as no explicit service
configuration, no need of intrusive software, etc. The
key issue for the success ”in the real world” of this
class of infrastructure is the enterprise approach to
the service that allows realistic business models as ex-
plained in the following subsection.
4.2 A Business Perspective:
Stakeholders and Business Models
One of the key aspects of the proposed architecture
is its flexibility respect to the business model. First
of all, the platform was designed under realistic as-
sumptions for the great part of users: Always Con-
nected/Always Best Connected devices, (relatively)
high-capable network connection and last generation
mobile devices. The platform evidently takes ad-
vantage by general benefits provided by the Cloud
approach in terms of scalability, consumption, com-
petivity, etc. Furthermore, the benefits introduced
by cloud approach for mobile environments and the
availability of optimized smart and intelligent envi-
ronments assure a global, flexible and advanced tech-
nologic solution. The key business stakeholder is ev-
idently the service provider: multiple realistic busi-
ness scenarios and marketplaces for both governmen-
tal and private institutions are easy to be detected.
Governments and, more in general, public institutions
could find a competitive solution to assist disable peo-
ple in the everyday life. Private institutions and enter-
prises could find new publicity channels for disable
people as well as for their entourage (e.g. parents and
friends). This last aspect has to be evaluated consider-
ing common ethic rules (as well as other aspects such
us privacy need a clear policy). Most generally, the
services classification in function of the level of con-
fidence should be welcome.
The use of cloud-based solution can provide effective
solutions to the problem of mobile assistive technolo-
gies in which public spaces (e.g. airports, metro sta-
tions, museums, hotels etc.) and the services they pro-
vide are fully accessible by impaired people. At the
moment, there is a notable request of services able to
support (above all) visually impaired persons or peo-
ple with kinetic problems in order to enhance inclu-
sion, mobility and autonomy. However it is easy to
foresee a quick increasing of the availability of ser-
vices supporting any class of disability as soon as ef-
fective platforms will be available in a commercial
These platforms, taking advance by a completely
distributed and scalable approach, will allow the de-
velopment of always more advanced smart applica-
tions that can provide disabled people with the same
opportunities that the rest of citizens to perform their
daily tasks in a context of economic sustainability.
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies