next steps will be to replace the GMP library with
our own code, optimized for constrained devices and
much smaller than the GNU library and finally port-
ing the protocol to a sensor node to get the timings on
real hardware.
In addition, we also plan to perform a more de-
tailed analysis of the algorithm, including several dif-
ferent bitlengths and numbers of players.
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und Wirtschaftsentwicklung - in the course of
the funding programme “Stiftungsprofessuren und
Kompetenzteams f¨ur die Wiener Fachhochschul-
Ausbildungen”. Peter Lory is supported by the Eu-
ropean Regional Development Fund - Europ¨aischer
Fonds f¨ur regionale Entwicklung (EFRE).
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DCNET 2011 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking