Koichi Iwai
, Masanori Akiyoshi
, Masaki Samejima
and Hiroshi Morihisa
Graduate School of Information Science and Terchnology, Osaka University, Yamadaoka 2-1, Suita, Osaka, Japan
NS Solutions Corporation, 20-15 Shinagawa 2 Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Project management simulation, Scenario generation, Trouble event control.
This paper addresses a new framework aiming situation-dependent scenario generation for project manage-
ment skill-up simulator. Project management is inherently human-centric activities, and research work for
education has been done by using simulation. Project management covers several aspects on software de-
velopment such as planning, scheduling, progress management and negotiation. We especially focus on the
progress management phase to provide high fidelity of project status and well-configured learning situation
towards pedagogical achievement. First three design principles are argued for such viewpoints. Second sim-
ple but fully functional project modeling is proposed for simulating essential aspects of Q(uality), C(ost) and
D(elivery) criteria. Third situation-dependent scenario generation is described with “Events” and “Trigger
control of trouble events”. The proposed framework is implemented and shows effective scenario generation
when having a trainee’s interactive operations.
Management of software development is often argued
from Q(uality), C(ost), and D(elivery) viewpoints. Of
course such QCD” is significant criteria from both
developer and outsourcer enterprise activities. There-
fore several tools or a reference guide book (PMI,
2009) are provided for the software project manage-
ment. However, even if such tools and books are well-
prepared, one of the significant factors that lead to
success of the project is still under project managers’
knowledge and skill so far. Therefore education on
project managers are crucial aspects and educational
framework is discussed, for instance, OJT(On the Job
Training), PBL(Project Based Learning), RP(Role
Playing) and so forth. The difficulty of project man-
ager education is due to the lack of definitive way of
tutoring methodology, because guidance along with
pre-defined scenarios are not effective to learn deep
insight on project management. From such charac-
teristics on project manager education, expert tutors
are indispensable to provide good pedagogical envi-
ronment to trainees, which costs much and limits the
number of trainees.
Based on these aspects on project manager ed-
ucation, there exists strong need to establish the
method on hands-on computational learning environ-
ment with situation-dependent scenarios and peda-
gogical guidance. One of the most expected approach
is to apply simulation technology with reactive func-
tionality to a learner’s operations. Since the optimized
or complete operational sequence as to the project
depends on the situation and is inherently difficult
to solve, the requirement on pedagogical guidance is
sufficiently explanatory itself even if it provides semi-
optimal operations. On the other hand, the require-
ment on situation-dependent scenarios have strict cri-
teria such as no contradiction to our real project man-
agement world. Scenarios need to provide fidelity
in a sense. This paper addresses such a situation-
dependent scenario generation method with project
simulation. Project simulation model is also dis-
cussed to achieve our final goal. In the following sec-
tions, design principle, scenario generation method,
experimental results, and related work are described.
Iwai K., Akiyoshi M., Samejima M. and Morihisa H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003609504080412
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 408-412
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
As mentioned before, detail investigation on design
principle is necessary to construct the project man-
ager skill-up simulator with scenario generation. First
of all, we set the target scope on project management
education, because it includes planning, schedul-
ing, progress management and negotiation in general.
Since “QCD” is directly related to progress manage-
ment, this paper focuses on progress management as-
pect, which might fit to use simulation.
2.1 Principle from Management
As for the progress management, “Gantt chart” is usu-
ally used as interfaces for grasping overall project sta-
tus in practical software development project. In fact,
from the gantt chart, expert project managers pre-
dict several factors which cause some obstacles in the
project. For instance, trouble symptoms on progress
delay are implicitly appeared in the chart bar length
change of actual results. Recent EVM(Earned Value
Management) methodology is also useful to predict
performance of the project. High fidelity is significant
factors to educate trainees, the first design principle of
our proposed simulation model is to fully generate the
project dynamics from such “EVM” metrics.
2.2 Principle from Educational
Under the condition that such project dynamics is pro-
vided by the simulation model, if any operation by
trainees resorts to project management failure, it is
not effective as educational functionality. This is con-
tradiction as educational methodology. So it is neces-
sary to guarantee that some operations lead to project
management success and others lead to project man-
agement failure in accordance with situations. Since
the situation is generated based on initial project sta-
tus and operations by trainees, such contradiction is
not defined in advance. Therefore the second design
principle of our proposed scenario generation is to
guarantee the project dynamics from such educational
2.3 Principle from Learning Difficulty
A trainee’s operation drives the project status by using
the simulation model. If a trainee of novice project
manager level faces to complex situation, he/she fails
to make appropriate operations even if he/she has suf-
ficient knowledge. Of course having some failures is
effective to awaken his/her consciousness and knowl-
edge, but it is also necessary to avoid confused situa-
tion when he/she cannot judge the situation. This in-
dicates adjusting scenarios along with acceptable dis-
order on the project status. The educational aim is
not to provide failure experience but to make trainees
awaken their knowledge and skill when facing some
symptoms on project obstacles. During the session
of “project manager skill-up simulator”, it provides a
sense of tightrope walking and finally crossing over
the gap. The third design principle is to control the
scenario with learning difficulty adjustment.
Our three design principles provide high fidelity of
real project management and situation-dependent sce-
nario of pedagogical viewpoints. Figure 1 shows out-
line of the learning environment. The most distinctive
feature of the environment is project model with gen-
erating dynamics from “EVM” metrics and scenario
generation event triggering mechanism with a sense
of tightrope walking.
Figure 1: Outline of the learning environment.
3.1 Project Model
The project model mainly consists of “Project”,
“Module”, and “Person as they exist in the real
project. “Project” defines a set of modules to
be developed and members to be assigned to the
project. The dependency of modules is depicted as
a whole. “Module” defines each estimated man-
hour and technical domain such as database, and
its difficulty ranked with A(difficult)”, “B(normal)
and “C(easy)”. “Person” defines each member’s
skill on technical domains ranked with A(expert)”,
“B(normal) and “C(novice)”. These three level de-
scription on module difficulty and person skill gen-
erates project dynamics from “EVM” viewpoints. In
fact, mismatching between module difficulty and per-
son skill is main cause of schedule delay and qual-
ity loss of a project. And the most crucial task as a
project manager is to detect/predict such schedule de-
lay and quality loss from project crisis management
and to make proper operation, for instance, “over-
time directive”, “member assignment change” and
“increase personnel number”. In a certain situation,
“overtime directive” is accompanied with supervis-
ing action which means well-skilled members teach
members under trouble, especially debugging of de-
tected bugs. In fact, the process of debugging gener-
ates new bugs and some members cannot solve such
iterative chain of generating bugs without supervis-
ing. In addition to the detected bugs, latent bugs are
also modeled.
Thus our project model really mimics the real
world project essential dynamics with schedule de-
lay from member assignment and quality loss from
bug generation. The schedule delay influences to
D(elivery) metric and the quality loss including latent
bugs does to Q(uality) metric. C(ost) metric is calcu-
lated from overtime, supervising and increase person-
nel number for recovery operation against schedule
delay and quality loss.
EVM(Earned Value Management) traces the three
project management indices; planned value, earned
value, and actual cost along with time-line. The dif-
ference of planned value and earned value indicates
either delay or ahead of schedule. The difference of
planned value and actual cost indicates either addi-
tion or reduction of man-hour. In our project model,
the planned value corresponds to planned man-hour
cost depicted in the “Module” attribute. The earned
value corresponds to converted man-hour cost which
is derived from the dynamical progress model using
the difficulty attribute of “Module” and the skill dif-
ficulty of “Person”. The actual cost corresponds to
man-hour cost which basically adds surplus cost to
initially planned man-hour cost for recovery opera-
tion. Estimation error on initially planned man-hour
is not modeled so far, therefore surplus cost comes
from debugging in our simulation.
Table 1 shows attributes of the model, related
project dynamical aspects and related EVM metrics.
Table 1: Model, project aspects and related EVM metrics.
bug ratio
no. of bugs actual cost
no. of bugs,
earned value
actual cost
directive actual cost
no. of bugs,
earned value
actual cost
earned value
actual cost actual cost
3.2 Scenario Generation
3.2.1 Events
The trainee basically receives daily report as to each
module and grasp the project status. Daily reports
include daily progress and problem if exists, that is,
symptoms on schedule delay and troublesome debug-
ging related to quality loss. Hence such reports some-
times do not reflect true status in spite of quite critical
ones for the project manager. Therefore individual
review, we call progress check, is necessary in ad-
dition to formal review meetings. Such prophylac-
tic action skill is regarded as the most indispensable
one as well-skilled project managers. The progress
check discloses hidden progress delay and accumu-
lated bugs, and arouse a trainee to make operations or
leave as it is.
Scenario is generated based on the above-
mentioned intertwined interaction between model-
driven dynamics and a trainee’s operations. Figure
2 shows a screenshot on the prototype simulator with
“Gantt chart” and “interaction panel” interface. The
module status is displayed with two bars that rep-
resent initial planned duration and changed duration
of starting date and completing date, and progress
bars indicating each module progress in a green and
red color. The “green” portion means the completed
progress, and the “red” portion means the remaining
man-work. This progress bar provides quite signif-
icant information to a trainee from practical view-
points. If the green colored portion remains un-
changed, the module is probably under debugging
process. If the change rate of the green colored por-
tion is lower than the day progress indicator that is
gray-filled in the chart area, the module has possibil-
ity of progress delay. In real projects, such investiga-
tion is necessary to grasp the project status deeply.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 2: A sample screenshot of simulator interface.
What we explained so far is normal events in a
sense, since the project model generates daily dynam-
ics on itself and operations by a trainee are mostly
normal reactions if he/she detects the symptoms on
project crisis. Therefore a trainee who has knowledge
on project management such as PMBOK contents and
experience on ordinal projects such as small delay and
standard volume of bugs, he/she could accomplish the
project management under allowable “QCD” criteria.
From educational viewpoints as indicated before, a
sense of tightrope walking is necessary to enhance a
trainee’s skill, which is really our intended goal as a
skill-up simulator. To achieve it, we introduces trou-
ble events such as sudden increase of detected bugs
at the progress check and much progress delay occur-
rence under well-ongoing module development so far.
The former case may be implicitly induced by plan-
ning error based on design specification in the real
world project, but we do not care about the cause to
manage the progress in this simulator. The latter case
may be caused by a member’s health condition or mo-
tivation in the real world project. However we also do
not care about the cause. Trouble events currently de-
signed are shown in Table 2.
3.2.2 Trigger Control of Trouble Events
Both normal and trouble events are injected into the
simulator whenever they are triggered. Therefore it is
necessary to control them from the principles of “ed-
ucational contradiction-free” and “learning difficulty
adjustment”. Heuristic rules seems not to be prac-
tical, because the project status is inherently infinite
in a sense. However a trainee is expected to notice
and manage from “QCD” criteria with “EVM” met-
rics. Therefore our approach is simply mapping the
project status to “QCD” criteria score. As discussed
in the section 3.1, Q(uality) is measured by the latent
bugs that cannot be perceived before the project end
date. Therefore intermediate Q(uality) is measured by
the detected bugs not to be removed so far. From this
point, the “QCD” criteria score needs reference score
to control as a whole. The formula 1 uses possible
man-hour as numerator and minimum necessary man-
hour as denominator, which means the project status
is fair if this score equals 1. If the score is less than 1,
the project status is difficult to achieve the initial plan
and vise versa.
QCD(t) =
+ B
denotes ”no. of project members”, R
“remaining project days”, W
does “standard working
hours”, C
does “possible overtime hours”, C
does “remaining coding man-hour”, and B
“detected bug removal man-hour”.
The trigger control of trouble events are based on
separation from 1, presumably depending on discrep-
ancy. Assume that tutors also uses this simulator to
set attributes of project models, such discrepancy is
set in advanceby them. During the project simulation,
such discrepancy may frequently occur by a trainee’s
operation. Therefore it is necessary to suppress trou-
ble events. Moreover alleviation on schedule delay or
troublesome bugs are injected as change of internal
parameters so that numerical difference of mismatch
under equal level of the difficulty attribute of “Mod-
ule” and the skill attribute of “Person” is canceled or
daily outbreak of bugs is changed to every few days.
As a whole, the proposed simulator introduces
“QCD” criteria score and controls firing and suppres-
sion of trouble events by it, and makes alleviation by
changing attributes of the project model.
Figure 3 shows our experiment on this trigger con-
trol results, which presents “QCD” is almost con-
troled around “1”.
Figure 3: Example of trainee’s operation and QCD value.
Table 2: Trouble events.
name Description Required skill
explosion Sudden increase of bugs are fired.
A trainee should estimate how much time
is necessary to remove and what effect is
propagated towards the project.
Bug latent
Detected bugs are almost
stable along with the project progress.
A trainee should make frequent reviews
and decision on supervised mode.
Progress gradually drops even if
mismatch on module difficulty level
and person skill level does not exist.
A trainee should make proper decision on
member re-assignment or supervised
Simulation is often used in educational environment
and has been discussed several approach in soft-
ware engineering domain. Research work (Drappa
and Ludwig, 2000) concentrates question and answer
sessions through showing several status reports on
the project. Their system is model-driven approach.
However scenario generation is not enough to make a
trainee face to unexpected situation, since their model
does not include trouble generation, mostly focusing
on member assignment task. Member assignment is
one of project management tasks and it should be re-
lated to schedule delay or bug trouble shooting. When
using the learning environment, feedback is signifi-
cant factor to enhance a trainee’s knowledge and skill.
Such feedback functionality is discussed in (Mandll-
Striegnitz, 2001), which provides several sessions
from “introduction”, “simulation”, “feedback”, and
second-time sessions to notice lessons learned from
the first-time sessions. Same as the work (Drappa
and Ludwig, 2000), simulation does not generate var-
ious situation, which our approach intends to provide
high fidelity situation. Recent serious game approach
with high fidelity GUI(Graphical User Interface) is
opening the door to new methodology in software en-
gineering education. Research work (Carlos et al.,
2007)(Hainey et al., 2011) discuss how to teach re-
quirement collection and analysis in software project
management. These works focuses on upper stream
in software management life cycle, of course their ap-
proach could be applicable to the lower stream in the
software management life cycle to some extent. How-
ever, our fully functional project model is more fit to
attain the progress management phase.
This paper proposed a new framework for project
management skill-up simulator, especially focusing
on a situation-dependent scenario generation. Our
project model is simple but fully functional from
project management skill-up. Implementation is still
ongoing and will be evaluated by practical project
management members in near future. Our future re-
search topic also includes how to guide a trainee by
using logs of a trainee’s operations.
Carlos, M., Zapata, J., and Gabriel, A. (2007). Require-
ments game: Teaching software project management.
CLEI Electrical Journal, 10.
Drappa, A. and Ludwig, J. (2000). Simulation in software
engineering training. In ICSE 2000, pages 199–208.
Hainey, T., Connolly, T. M., Stansfield, M., and Boyle, E. A.
(2011). Evaluation of a game to teach requrements
collection and analysis in software engineering at ter-
tiary education level. Journal of Computers & Educa-
tion, pages 21–35.
Mandll-Striegnitz, P. (2001). How to successfully use soft-
ware project simulation for educating software project
managers. In the 31st ASEE/IEEE Fronties in Educa-
tion Conference, pages 19–24. ASME/IEEE.
PMI (2009). The PMBOK Guide. Project Management In-
stitute, fourth edition.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies