terms it was documented. Finally, how it
wasclassified by its builders.
More, Web service can mean different things for
different users. Business user would like to acquire a
building block that can be employed into his
business process and enable him to produce added
value. Developer would like to be able to locate
Web services that can implement some desired
functionality in order to save him from unnecessary
work that could be invested elsewhere. Architect of
organization's system would like to audit state of
affairs and quickly asses whether some functionality
is under or over represented and act accordingly.
External contractor would like to quickly check
whether he can introduce some functionality so that
it can find application in organization and thus bring
him revenue.
Good Web service description shall allow for
multidimensional tagging with a number of
taxonomies. One cannot believe that these
taxonomies should be built automatically. The
process can be aided by traversal of available
documentation and additional input from users.
Ultimately, every taxonomy must be prepared by a
skilled user. Yet when prepared for some compact
area it shall be still easily comprehensible for users
unlike oversized ontologies striving for depicting
domain exhaustively.
One shall believe that only a solution that is able
to harness complexity of semantic technologies and
combines it with good practices taken from WSDL
oriented retrieval can be truly successful.
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ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business