Liliana Dobrica, Alexandra Suzana Cernian and Anca Bertesteanu
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest
313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Ontology, Natural language processing, OWL.
Abstract: The current work aims at offering a new, ontology-based approach for organizing and retrieving the
information about the educational offer and the activity of the department of Automatic Control of the
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science at the University Politehnica of Bucharest. The project
is divided into 2 main phases. The first phase consists of creating an ontology which contains information
about the disciplines, the teachers, the teaching resources, the research and publication activity in our
faculty, while the second phase consists of developing an application for exploring and querying this
ontology in a controlled natural language.
The current work proposes an ontological approach
for modelling the activity in the department of
Automatic Control of the Faculty of Automatic
Control and Computer Science at the University
Politehnica of Bucharest. The main phases of our
project are: creating an ontology which contains
information about the educational, research,
publication and administrative activity in our faculty
and developing an application which explores and
queries this ontology in a controlled natural
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents an overview on ontologies;
Section 3 presents our ontological approach,
focusing on the architecture of our system, the
creation of the ontology, the application for
exploring the ontology in natural language and an
evaluation of the application; Section 4 draws the
conclusions of our work and discusses some possible
future developments.
The origin of the term “ontology” is found in
philosophy, where the result of the efforts to
organize and model the universe is called ontology.
Over time, the term has been borrowed in other
domains as well. In computer science, an ontology is
used to model the knowledge in a specific domain.
It contains the concepts related to that domain, as
well as the relations between them.
The most well known definition of ontologies in
computer science was given by Gruber, in 1993:
“An ontology is an explicit specification of a
conceptualization.” (Gruber, 1993).
An ontology is made up of several main concepts
(Horridge, 2009a), which will be described shortly
in what follows. The classes (also called types,
species or categories) define the concepts of the
domain. A class is a blueprint of an object. The
instances are members of the classes. They can be
actual things, such as persons, objects, animals, etc.,
or even abstract notions. The ontology produces the
taxonomy of its instances. The attributes are
properties of the objects in the ontology. They can
be represented as simple data types (strings,
numbers, boolean or enumerations) or they can be a
reference to another object of the ontology.
Relations indicate how the concepts and the
instances are interconnected and how they
communicate. The entire set of relations in an
ontology defines the semantics of the domain
(Horridge, 2009a).
Dobrica L., Suzana Cernian A. and Bertesteanu A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003611104230426
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 423-426
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
3.1 The Goal
When we started this project, we had in mind a
number of objectives. First of all, we wanted to
create an ontology which models the educational
activity of the department of Automatic Control of
the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer
Science at the University Politehnica of Bucharest.
The ontology contains information about the
disciplines, the specializations, the teachers, the
teaching resources, the research activities, the
publication activities in our faculty, as well as all the
connections between these elements. After creating
the ontology, we wanted to provide the users the
possibility to visually explore it in a friendly way.
Thus, we implemented an exploration application,
which loads the ontology and allows the users to
browse through the instances and concepts of the
ontology. The last step of the project is to establish a
grammar, based on which the ontology can be
queried in controlled natural language. Both the
ontology and the grammar are easily extensible.
The application is designed in an open and user
friendly manner, so that it can be used by individuals
with limited background knowledge about
ontologies or the OWL language (Antoniou, 2008).
Moreover, the application can load any ontology and
query it in natural language, based on the created
3.2 The System Design
Figure 1 presents an overview of the architecture of
the system we propose. Mainly, the ontology
exploration application is a mediator between the
user and the ontology.
Figure 1: Overview of the architecture of the system.
The application accesses the ontology through an
OWL/XML parser from the OWL API (Horridge,
Figure 2 illustrates the UML use case diagram
(UML Standard, 2011) of the application.
Figure 2: Use case diagram.
The ontology was created under Protégé 4.1
platform (Horridge, 2009a), with full support for
OWL 2.0 (Antoniou, 2008). Two inference
mechanisms, Hermit (Motik, 2009) and Pellet
(Pellet, 2010), have been used to check the
consistency of the ontology. Both of them can be
installed as Protégé plug-ins.
The application for exploring the ontology was
implemented in Java (Sierra, 2008) and uses several
OWL API and Pellet libraries.
3.3 Creating the Ontology
The ontology models a knowledge base of the
didactic, research and administrative activities in the
department of Automatic Control of the Faculty of
Automatic Control and Computer Science at the
University Politehnica of Bucharest. It covers
information about: disciplines, specializations,
human resources, publications, research activities
and teaching resources. During the creation phase of
the ontology, the following sources have been
consulted: the official web site of the Faculty of
Automatic Control and Computer Science (http://, the official web site of the department of
Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics (http://, the official web site of the
department of Automatic Control and System
Engineering (, and the students’
web site (
The main classes of the ontology are presented in
Figure 3.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 3: The main classes of the ontology.
These classes define the taxonomy and the
vocabulary of the ontology, which will be
intensively used by the queries in natural language.
The classes are disjoint (Horridge, 2009a).
Each of the classes in the ontology has a set of
subclasses and a number of properties. The
connections and the restrictions between these
classes are established through object and date
properties. Figure 4 depicts the set of object property
assertions and data property assertions defined for
the Databases course. The object property assertions
specify when the course is taught, who teaches it, in
what room, what formative category it belongs to, to
which package of courses it belongs and what is the
laboratory room for this course. The data property
assertions establish the criteria for passing the
practical and theoretical exams, the credit point
associated to this course and the number of points
assigned to each activity.
Figure 4: The properties for the Databases course.
Each class has one or more members, which
represent the instances of the ontology. Currently,
the ontology has 67 classes and 253 instances.
3.4 Exploring the Ontology
The exploration application aims at providing a
friendly experience for the users who want to access
the ontology. The application has 3 modules: the
ontology exploration module, the natural language
querying module and the disciplines’ correlations
module. The users do not have the permission to
modify the ontology. Mainly, the exploration part of
the application allows the users to browse through
the classes and the instances of the ontology. When
selecting an instance of the ontology, the users will
visualize in a friendly way all the available details,
as well as the relations the instance has with other
instances. For instance, if a user selects the name of
a teacher, the application will display: the personal
details such as email address, office, telephone
number, the courses taught by that teacher, the
teaching resources linked to him/her, the research
projects he/she is involved in, the books, magazine
or proceedings articles published (with correspond-
ding details).
In what follows, we will discuss the possibility
of querying the ontology in controlled natural
language. The application will interpret the
questions, parse the ontology and provide the
answers to the users. Our approach for natural
language querying is based on RDF triples
(Antoniou, 2008) and it is designed to interpret the
Romanian language syntax, with or without the
punctuation specific to interrogative sentences.
When a user launches a question in natural language,
a string processor class maps it to an RDF triple and
then identifies the subject and the predicate of the
triple. For example, if a user introduces the question:
“What email does Alexandra Cernian have?” (in
Romanian), the subject – Alexandra Cernian and the
predicate - has email, will be identified. Afterward,
the ontology is checked to see if these elements are
found. If they are found, that means that there is a
corresponding triple in the ontology. Finding the
triple leads to finding the missing element (the
object). For our example, it will be found that there
is an instance called AlexandraCernian, which has
the property HasEmail with the value The questions must
respect a certain grammar, which will be described
in the next paragraph.
The application identifies and interprets the
following types of questions (Cernian, 2011):
Category membership. The predicate must
contain the “are” or “belong” keywords.
Figures about instances. The question must
begin with “how many” and the predicate must
be the “has” keyword. It must not contain the
following keywords: “are” and “belong”.
Relations between instances. The question
must begin with “what” or “who”. The
predicate must contain “has” and must not
contain “are” or “belong”.
Unknown type. Any question that does not fall
under any of the 3 categories described above
is considered to be of unknown type. In this
case, the system will try to establish if there is
any matching entity in the ontology.
A matching index is used to establish the
correspondance between a term in a key position
within the question and an entity or a relation in the
The application has been tested with a set of 75
questions in natural language. The questions belong
to all 4 possible categories descibed above. The
results of the tests proved that the information is
correctly retrived from the ontology. So, the
application is able to correclty interpret natural
language and extract the most relevant information
from the ontology.
This paper presented an ongoing project for an
ontological modelling of the educational, research
and publication activity in the department of
Automatic Control of the Faculty of Automatic
Control and Computer Science at the University
Politehnica of Bucharest. The ontology created
contains information about the human resources,
disciplines, teaching resources, administrative
details about the courses and the personnel, research
activities and publication activities. An application
was also developed for exploring the ontology.
Through this application, the user can browse
through the content of the ontology in a friendly way
and, moreover, he can query the ontology in natural
language, provided he formulates the questions
according to a specific grammar. The ontology is
easily extensible, so it can constantly reflect the
updates in our faculty. The experimental results
were very satisfactory and encourage us to pursue
with improving the informational content of the
ontology and of the application. As a future plan, we
also intend to extend the grammar, in order to
improve the natural language processing
This work was supported by CNCSIS – UEFISCSU,
project number PNII - IDEI 1238/2008 and by the
Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources
Development 2007-2013 of the Romanian Ministry
of Labour, Family and Social Protection through the
Financial Agreement POSDRU/6/1.5/S/16.
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Pellet Reasoner:
UML Standard:
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies