Mahmoud Elkhodr, Seyed Shahrestani and Hon Cheung
School of Computing and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South, DC NSW 2751, Australia
Keywords: Trust Negotiation, e-health Security, Remote Health Monitoring, Mobile Application, TLS Protocol.
Abstract: To achieve higher levels of efficiency and to improve the quality of care, remote monitoring systems for
elderly offer interesting solutions. The data collected by the monitoring system are transmitted to the
healthcare provider and stored on the healthcare provider’s server in the form of patients’ Electronic Health
Records (EHR). It is important to secure the transmission of the patient’s EHR between the healthcare
provider server and the mobile device being used by the healthcare professional, as their communication is
normally via unsecure networks, such as the Internet. The approaches proposed in this study ensure that
patients’ EHRs are only disclosed to the authorized healthcare professionals, on the registered devices and
at the appropriate locations. To achieve these security requirements, building on the strengths of Transport
Layer Security (TLS) protocol, a trust negotiation approach is proposed. For verification purposes, a mobile
application is also constructed. The experimental works confirm that by applying the proposed approach,
significant improvements in the security of the remote health monitoring systems can be achieved.
Elderly remote monitoring systems offer interesting
solutions and improve the quality of care. A remote
health monitoring system provides platform
assistance to the elderly in their homes or other
monitored locations. Monitoring patients can help
with early detection of problems and can increase
their chances of survival. It will also help healthcare
providers to react before a serious medical
condition, such as a heart attack or diabetic
emergency occurs (Kim et al., 2010). There are other
associated benefits from the use of remote health
monitoring systems specifically for people who live
in remote locations or are too ill to visit hospitals or
medical offices. Although, a remote monitoring
system is an opportunity for improving the
healthcare sector; there are a number of limitations
involved. In order for this technology to become
feasible, challenges exist. These challenges relate to
the deployment of this technology and to issues,
such as resource constraints, user mobility, cost,
heterogeneity of devices, scalability, security and
privacy. The proposed approaches in this study
address the security and privacy issues generated
from the use of remote health monitoring systems.
They ensure that patients’ EHRs are only disclosed
to the authorized healthcare professionals, on the
registered devices and at the appropriate locations.
Also, they ensure the confidentiality of information
by securing its transmission, using Transport Layer
Security (TLS) as the underlying protocol. Building
on the strengths of this protocol, a trust negotiation
approach is developed in section 2. In section 3, the
proposed approaches are developed in a mobile
application which demonstrates the achievement of
the identified security requirements. Trust
negotiation is the term used for exchanging the
digital credentials between a client and server for the
purpose of authenticating healthcare professionals to
the server in remote health monitoring systems. It is
a process of establishing trust between two
negotiating entities based on their credentials. Trust
negotiation can be based on different approaches:
simple, trial informed and advanced (Seamons,
2004). In e-health security, trust negotiation has
been previously addressed. The purpose behind its
usage is to improve the scalability of the healthcare
system, by enhancing the authentication and access
control mechanisms (Vawdrey et al., 2003). In
another research, trust negotiation method is used to
establish a secure session between strangers (Asokan
Elkhodr M., Shahrestani S. and Cheung H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003613701720177
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 172-177
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and Tarkkala, 2005). Users, in this study, enter an ad
hoc network and provide authentication through the
use of a digital certificate; which authenticates them
and their access devices. However, this model is
only considered suitable for a small scope
authentication system. Other studies, introduced
Dynamic Trust Negotiations (DTN) which aims at
establishing trust between strangers (Ajayi et al.,
2007). This trust is achieved through the use of
intermediate trusted entities. Iterative exchange of
credentials method is also used to establish a mutual
trust between the negotiating parties (Han et al.,
2009). This process is referred as automated trust
negotiation. Automated trust negotiation is based on
what an entity has and does not rely only on the
person’s identity.
For creating secure sessions, the TLS protocol is
used. TLS renders security for communication
covering networks, typically the Internet. It
enciphers the sections of network connections at the
application layer in order to guarantee end-to-end
communication at the transport layer. The TLS
Protocol can be extended to include trust
negotiation; which enhances the security of this
protocol. The extension process makes access
control decisions based on attributes rather than on
identities. This presents a solution for distributed
environments, where identity based solutions are not
enough. A person’s attributes can be in the form of a
job title, annual salary, citizenship or others; while,
server attributes can include privacy policy, role,
membership and others. To enhance the security of
remote monitoring systems, Ubiquitous Health Trust
Protocol (UHTP) is presented. This protocol
combines trust negotiation with the TLS version 1.0
protocol. UHTP establishes a secure session, using
the TLS handshake, between the healthcare
professional’s mobile device and the healthcare
provider’s server. Building on the strengths of the
TLS protocol, a trust negotiation approach is
developed. This approach authenticates the person
receiving the care, the person administering it, the
mobile device used in accessing the health
information, as well as the location where the
healthcare is administered. This ensures that
patients’ EHRs are only disclosed to the authorized
healthcare professionals, on the registered devices
and at the appropriate locations. These are the three
levels of verification performed in this approach as
shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: The Three Levels of Trust Negotiation.
2.1 Authenticating the Healthcare
This level aims to verify the healthcare professional
to the healthcare provider server. In this process both
negotiators are assumed to know the requirements
necessary for requesting/granting access to patients’
EHRs. Therefore, the healthcare provider’s server
will be expecting to receive the username and
password of the healthcare professional when
requesting access to EHR, these are the steps 1 to 4
shown in figure 2. The server must also be
configured to receive and support this request.
Digital credentials are the attributes exchanged
between the client and the server for the purpose of
verification. It encapsulates the credentials being
exchanged; in this case the username and password.
In UHTP, providing the identity of the healthcare
professional is not enough to be granted access to
EHR, access to EHR is only granted after the
completion of the three levels of authentication and
after verifying access control rights applied on the
server. Figure 2 details the process of authenticating
the healthcare professional to the server.
2.2 The Device Authentication
In this level, trust negotiation proceeds into
authenticating the mobile device used by the health-
care professional. The process of authenticating the
device in use runs silently in the background without
the user interference. Authenticating the device in
use requires the exchange of digital credentials
Trust Negotiation- Start
Start TLS Session:
1- Server Client: Finish (encrypted)
Start trust negotiation Level 1- Healthcare Professional Authentication
2- Client Server: ClientHello Begin trust negotiation process
3- Server Client: SeverHello
4- Digital Credentials
4.1 Client
erver: Digital Credentials (Username and Password). Move to
Step 5
4.2 Nothing sent from client:
Server Client: Session expires. End trust Negotiation
UHTP Server Verification:
5- Server: Username check
5.1 Username found then proceeds to Step 6
5.2 Else: Server Client: Unauthorized login; move to Step 7
6- Server: Password check
6.1 Password corresponds to username then proceeds to Step 8
6.2 Else: Server Client: Unauthorized login; move to Step 7
End of Server Verification
7- Server: Unauthorized login
7.1 Server Client: Halt()
7.2 Server Client: move back to Step 3
8- Server: Proceed1(). Start Level 2 of trust Negotiation
End Level 1
Figure 2: Level 1 of Trust Negotiation
related to the device itself this time. The digital
credentials can be in the form of attributes related to
the device. They allow a particular device to be
identified among others. The International Mobile
Equipment Identity (IMIE) number is an example of
a digital credential that can be used to identify one
mobile device from another. IMIE is a unique
number used for identifying mobile devices. The
same requirements used for authenticating the
healthcare professional also apply in authenticating
the device in use. The server must be configured to
request these digital credentials and must know the
list of authorized mobile devices. This will allow the
server to compare between the received digital
credentials and the pre-registered list of digital
credentials stored in the server. Analyzing and
comparing these credentials enables the server to
make a decision of whether or not to authenticate the
device. This process of authentication is given in
figure 3. In Step 3 the client send the device in use’s
digital credentials which are the Mobile IMIE and
the SIM serial numbers to the server for the purpose
of authenticating the device in use.
2.3 The Environment of Access
The environment of access is the location of the
healthcare professional at the time where access to
EHR was originally initiated. Verifying the
environment of access is the last step in the trust
negotiation process which needs to be achieved. The
successful completion of the trust negotiation
approach guarantees that patients’ EHR were trusted
to the appropriate device, at the right place and
received by the authorized person. Yet,
authenticating all these players is not sufficient for
the release of patients’ EHR. There is still a need to
meet the rights and policies enforced on the server
for the purpose of controlling access to EHR.
Therefore, in verifying the environment of access,
we check if a particular healthcare professional is
present at the monitored person’s location. The
assumption is that this healthcare professional is
located at the monitored person’s location
performing a medical examination or other
healthcare activities. Thus, access to the monitored
patient’s EHR is required by this healthcare
professional. To achieve this verification, two
requirements need to be met. First, we need to get
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Trust Negotiation
Start Level 2
evice in use (DU) authentication. Still
within the current TLS session
1- Server Client: Request DU Digital Credentials
2- Digital Credentials
2.1 Client Server: Digital credentials (IMIE and others). Move to Step 3
2.2 (Nothing sent from client)
Server Client: Session expires. End trust Negotiation
UHTP Server Verification:
3- Server: DU Digital Credential check
3.1 Server: CheckCredential(). If it returns “True”; moves to Step 5
3.2 Else: Server Client: Unauthorized login; proceeds to Step 4
End of Server Verification
4- Server: Unauthorized login
4.1 Server Client: Halt()
Server: Proceed 2(). Start Level 3 of trust negotiation.
Figure 3: Level 2 of Trust Negotiation.
Figure 4: Level 3 of Trust Negotiation.
the location where access to EHR has been initiated.
Second, we need to check if the collected location
corresponds to the monitored person’s pre-registered
address on the server. Hence, the monitored person’s
location must be known to the server prior to the
deployment of the remote monitoring system, as
well. This process of verification is achieved
through the use of a “Match Location (ML)”
function illustrated in Figure 4.
The algorithm for level 3 of UHTP trust
negotiation is given in figure 5. For a given location,
the healthcare professional can only access the EHR
of the monitored persons who are monitored at this
particular location. These are the Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4
from the algorithm shown in figure 5. The Match
Location (ML) function, through Steps 4 and 5,
returns true if the location of the healthcare
professional, sent earlier in Step 2, matches or falls
Trust Negotiation- Start- Still within the current TLS session
Proceed2(): Server: Start Level 3
Start trust negotiation level 3- Environment of Access authentication
1- Server Client: Request the environment of access Digital Credentials
2- Digital Credentials
2.1 Client Server: Digital credentials (GPS location). Move to Step 3
2.2 Nothing sent from Client:
Server Client: Session expires. End trust Negotiation
3- Request access to a particular EHR:
3.1 Client Server: request access to the EHR of a particular monitored
person. Move to Step 4
3.2 Nothing sent from Client:
Server Client: Session expires. End trust Negotiation
UHTP Level 3 Server Verification:
4- Match Location function: Server: ML()
4.1 (If True) Server: Move to Step 6.
4.2 (If false) Server: Move to Step 5
5- Server: Unauthorized login
5.1 Server Client: Halt()
6- Server: RBAC().
6.1 (If True) Server: Assign role, permission. Move to Step 8.
6.2 (If false) Server: Move to Step 7
7- Server: Unauthorized login
7.1 Server Client: Unauthorized access (No permission to access
7.2 Server: Move back to Step 3.
8- Server Client: Done()
Figure 5: Trust Negotiation Level 3 Algorithm.
within the allowed range of the pre-registered
location of the monitored person. In case the
verification of the location fails, the ML function
returns false (Step 4.2) and trust negotiation fails.
Verifying the location of the healthcare professional
is made by verifying the GPS longitude and latitude
parameters of the device in use. The longitude and
latitude are the digital credentials exchanged
between the client and the server. If the function ML
returned true, Level 3 of trust negotiation proceeds
into checking RBAC access rights. RBAC defines
the access rights applied on a particular healthcare
professional and the permission assigned to access a
particular EHR. RBAC works by controlling the
healthcare professionals’ access to EHR based on
their roles and the permission attached. As an
example: after identifying a particular healthcare
professional, the server will be able to identify
whether this healthcare professional is a doctor,
nurse or someone else. Therefore, granting access to
a particular EHR will be based on this process of
identification. These are the Steps 6 and 7 shown in
figure 5.
Ubiquitous Health Trust Protocol (UHTP) was
implemented as part of a mobile application which
runs on the Android operating system, as shown in
Figure 6. The application (the App) is modelled in
terms of a client and server architecture wherein a
client requests information from a server. The server
typically responds with the requested information.
Implementing trust negotiation on the server
required the implementation of a server API. This
API acts as a web service. It has the responsibility of
handling incoming messages from the client and
outgoing messages from the server. This is achieved
by using the HTTP request methods. Therefore, the
API re-uses the messages and the methods already
defined in the HTTP protocol, such as the method
HTTPPost. For instance, this method is used to send
the username and password of the healthcare
professional, the mobile IMIE and the SIM serial
numbers as well as the location parameters (the GPS
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
longitude and latitude) to the server. The server API
also has the responsibility of reading and parsing the
client’s message and responding accordingly.
To remotely access the EHR of a particular
monitored person, the healthcare professionals use
the App installed on their Android mobile devices
and enter their usernames and passwords to logon to
the App. Subsequently, the App carries out, in a
transparent manner to the healthcare professional,
the UHTP trust negotiation process; which involves
the three levels of authentication previously
described. It silently performs the authentication
process within a secure session. This guarantees the
encryption of the messages exchanged between the
client and the server. If trust negotiation succeeds
and the healthcare professional has sufficient rights
to access the requested EHR, then access will be
granted. This application was tested to be fully
functional running on an Android mobile device
emulator. It can be installed on a wide range of
mobile devices running Android as an operating
system. It can also operate on wireless connections
and mobile infrastructure. This application has
demonstrated the successful integration of trust
negotiation and the TLS protocol. These
experimental works confirm that by applying the
proposed trust negotiation approach, the expected
analysis results can be achieved. The developed
application is also practical and easy to adopt, as
users are not required to have any additional
knowledge or expertise in the use of the underlying
technologies. The results collected from this
experiment show significant improvements in
overcoming security concerns. The improvements in
the security of the remote monitoring systems are
achieved by providing extra protective features to
the access control and authorization process before
the release of any data over unsecured network.
The approaches proposed in this study ensure that
patients’ EHRs are only disclosed to the authorized
healthcare professional, on the registered device and
at the appropriate locations. They ensure the
confidentiality of information, by securing its
transmission, using Transport Layer Security (TLS)
as the underlying protocol. Building on the strengths
of this protocol, a trust negotiation approach is
developed. This approach authenticates the person
receiving the care, the person administering it, the
mobile device used in accessing the health
information, as well as the location where the
healthcare is administered. However, this study did
not address the security issues arising from the use
of the remote monitoring system on the patient’s
side. Future research needs to take a more holistic
view for elderly health monitoring.
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Asokan, N. & Tarkkala, L. 2005. Issues in initializing
security. In: Signal Processing and Information
Technology, 2005. Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE
International Symposium on, 21-21 Dec. 2005. 460-
Han, R.-F., Wang, H.-X., Wang, Y.-H. & Zuo, K.-L. 2009.
Membership-Based Access Control for Trust
Negotiation in Open Systems. In: Information
Assurance and Security, 2009, IAS '09. Fifth
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Smart Home for elderly monitoring and support. In:
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Seamons, K. 2004. TrustBuilder: Automated Trust
Negotiation in Open Systems. 3rd Annual PKI R&D
Workshop. Gaithersburg- Brigham Young University.
Vawdrey, D. K., Sundelin, T. L., Seamons, K. E. &
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Figure 6: The App’s screen shot.