Xuan Wang and HongChun Shu
Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, Yunnan, China
Keywords: Recommend engine, Searching engine, Knowledge management, Academic degree and postgraduate
Abstract: Now, Knowledge Management System (KMS) has been used in some universities, although, it does help to
improve knowledge sharing and innovation capacity, another problem appeared: a large amount of data is
submitted to KMS everyday, it is difficult to find proper content only by searching engine. Because we are
not adept at accurately defining our needs with appropriate keywords and searching engine is hard to satisfy
the individuality demand. However, Recommender Engine has emerged as a promising alternative to
searching information due to its ability of recommend content to users based on the source of user’s
information, behavior and collection intelligence. This paper gives an overview of the concept of
recommender engine, then introduce an architecture for building recommender engine in academic degree
and postgraduate education KMS. Base on the project research, this paper proposes a new knowledge
discovery architecture, which combines recommender engine with Searching Engine. The issues and
solutions of Recommender Engine have been discussed in this paper and some recommender techniques
also been proposed to show how a Recommend Engine work in academic degree and postgraduate
education KMS.
The development of academic degree and
postgraduate education measures the academic level
and teaching quality of a university. Advanced
education theories, practices and experience should
be applied in the management of postgraduate
education. Now Knowledge Management System
(KMS) has been used in some universities to
improve the knowledge sharing and innovation
capacity. As a result, a large amount of data is
submitted to KMS everyday, such as official
documents, academic papers, scientific research
items, work plans and reports, the information about
enrolment, education, academic degree, employment
and so on. Although, KMS does improve education
management on some level, another problem has
arisen: it is difficult to find proper content only by
searching engine in such huge database. With the
data and content increasing in KMS, finding the just
right information becomes so difficult. 1) The
traditional Searching Engine can just find the
information which we specialize exactly by
keywords, but we can do nothing if we can’t
describe it with appropriate keywords. 2) Most
valuable data and content has just been recorded, but
we need a tool which can make the information we
need appear in our screen automatically. 3) We can’t
use the data and content that is useful and valuable
which was not recorded in the system.
Fortunately, recommender engine can forecast
our interesting information with our behaviors and
then push the information automatically. Because
recommender engine records our behaviors when we
use the system, it can keep the process of using data
in KMS.
We propose a new architecture of KMS which
combines with recommender engine, then analyzes
the composite of the architecture. We also introduce
an example to explain how to use recommender
engine in the academic degree and postgraduate
education KMS.
Wang X. and Shu H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003617004550458
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (KMKSSC-2011), pages 455-458
ISBN: 978-989-8425-54-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Recommender engine is a specific type of
information filtering system technique that attempts
to recommend information items (books, news,
images, web pages, scientific literature such as
research papers etc.) that are likely to be of interest
to the user. In recommender engine users’ interest is
expressed by rating their items. And recommender
engine uses this data to predict the ratings of items
which the users have not considered yet. Finally,
recommender engine uses the predict ratings to
recommend the most interested items for the users.
A typical architecture of recommender engine is
as follows: Firstly, recommender engine collects the
information which needs to compute. These sources
include the users’ features (e.g. age, profession,
position and department), the item features (e.g.
keywords, genres) and the user-item preferences
data (gathered through questionnaires, explicit
ratings, transaction data). Secondly, recommender
engine compares the collected data with similar data
which collected from others and calculates a list of
recommended items for the users. Many techniques
are used to implement the recommender, such as
Demographic-based Recommender, Content-based
Recommender and Collaborative Filtering (CF)
which includes User-based Recommender, Item-
based Recommender and Model-based
Recommender. This technique is the core of
recommender engine, which decides the accurate
and personalized of recommender. As it was
introduced by Amazon firstly, Collaborative
Filtering is widely implemented. Thirdly,
recommender engine pushes recommendation to the
target user, and the content which given to the user
is not considered yet. With the help of recommender
engine, users can get more information than ever.
Figure 1: Overview of recommender engine.
3.1 Collection Intelligence
As we know that a large amount of education
information is added everyday, traditional searching
engine only find what we can specialize by
keywords. So knowledge is just stored in the
database or hard disk. And in traditional knowledge
management, collective intelligence locked in the
data which has generated when people search
content, download documents, and interact with
others is ignored.
Obviously, we need a new architecture to mine
the accumulated knowledge. Recommender engine
has emerged as a promising alternative of searching
engine due to its ability to discover items which
users might not find by themselves. Recommender
engine can use collective intelligence by tracing and
recording users’ behaviors, then predicting items.
Figure 2: Architecture of Recommender engine in KMS.
And the excellent advance of this architecture is
that the collective intelligence is to be recorded in
KMS by recommender engine. As we know,
collective intelligence is an important part of
organizational knowledge, and we can use it to
predict accurate items for special users and discover
more knowledge which we would never find it by
traditional technology.
3.2 Recommender Engine Versus
Searching Engine
Although, traditional searching engine has
advantage in mining knowledge, we shouldn’t
abandon it in KMS. So recommender engine and
searching engine must be used together to provide
searching service. Here, we propose a new
architecture of KMS (Figure 2).
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3 shows that recommender engine has the
same importance of searching engines. Both engines
get data from KMS which has the same architecture
as before. We also see that recommender engine
uses the index of searching engines to increase
systemic efficiently.
3.3 User’s Interested Data Collection
It is believe that the more the recommender engine
understands the users the more accurate it can
recommend. So first of all, we adopt recommender
engine in KMS which collects users’ interesting.
There are two methods to collect the data. The first
is explicit method which collects interesting data by
asking the user directly. Sometimes the user gives
his rating to special items or content. The second is
implicit method which collects interesting data by
tracing user’s activities or behavior. This process is
completed automatically, but the implicit data must
be filtered before used to predict because the
behavior can’t reflect the interesting of users.
However, all the users of the KMS have the duty
to contribute their knowledge to KMS. So we can
make some regulations to require users to submit all
the interesting data to the engines. It can not only
increase the accurate of recommender but also
record the collection intelligence in the KMS.
3.4 Security and Privacy
The problem of security of items is also existent in
the recommender engine. To protect the security of
data, a secure architecture is needed to filter the
recommender information. In addition,
recommender engine knows the interests and
behaviors of the users. Most of these data is privacy
and the engine needs to protect those data.
The techniques used by recommender engine can be
classified based on the information they use.
According to the features of the academic degree
and postgraduate education, this paper pays more
attention to these recommender techniques as
follows: Rule-based Recommender, Non
personalized-based Recommender, Content-based
Recommender and Collaborative Filtering-based
4.1 Non-personalized Recommender
Non-personalized Recommender is simple because it
uses any information of the users to compute the
recommender items. It recommends items just base
on the importance or popularity of items. The
knowledge management can use these techniques to
push new contents, popular contents and important
contents to each user. All the users are categorized
by department, and the users in same department
may have the same interest. So the engine can
recommend items based on the department.
4.2 Content-based Recommender
Methods use the information about item features and
the ratings a user has given to items (Thomas Hess,
2009).When user searches information in KMS, his
or her behavior is recorded by the Recommender
Engine. The engine uses the individual information
to predict items which have the similar attribute to
the ones preferred in the past. The underlying
assumption of the Content-based Recommender is
that those who interest in the past tend to interest the
similar in the future.
4.3 Collaborative Filtering-based
Obviously, both recommender technique discussed
above ignore the contribution from others. And the
collection intelligence is not considered.
Collaborative Filtering-based recommender is used
wildly in most of the e-commerce web sites.
Collaborative filtering is a method of making
automatic predictions about the interests of a user by
collecting taste information from many users. There
are three main techniques can be distinguished: user-
based, item-based, and model-based approaches. But
these approaches can be reduced to two steps:
1. Look for users who share the same rating
patterns with the active user whom the prediction is
2. Use the ratings from those like-minded users
found in step 1 to calculate a prediction for the
active user. The following example of CF explains
how recommender engine works.
If user A likes item A and item B, and user b like
item A and item B, we can discover that user A and
user b have same interest. So if user c likes item c,
we can recommend item c to user A.
In the real recommender engine, all the above
and other approaches are combined together to
provide recommender service. There is an open
source project named Mahout which currently
provides tools for building recommender engine
through the Taste library.
Figure 3: User-based Collaborative Filtering.
The architecture of the academic degree and
postgraduate education KMS has been discussed in
this paper. Recommender engine is important as the
searching engine in this KMS. Both engines are
combined together to provide searching and
discovery service. Recommender Engine will help to
find new contents which user have no idea but
interesting about. Furthermore, an important feature
of recommender engine is that they can record and
use collection intelligence to predict interesting
content to users.
This paper is a precursor to discuss the
application of recommender engine in the academic
degree and postgraduate education KMS. With the
developed of recommender technology, the
recommender’s accuracy, scalability and
performance will be increased. And education
managers will profit by finding new interesting
knowledge to improve their efficiency.
Thomas Hess, Recommender Engines Seminar Paper,
2009: Introducing Apache Mahout Grant Ingersoll.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems