In this work we have investigated the development of
context-aware services in a mobile environment and
we have proposed an approach called COMODE to
develop these services according to a model driven
approach. Mobile services are traditional services
delivered via mobile devices, such as mobile phones
or PDA's. Mobile services can also be specifically
tailored to the needs of mobile users. A context-
aware mobile service is adapted to the current
situation of the user. The goal of a context-aware
service is to support the user by providing him with
the right service at the right moment. If the user
context changes, the context-aware service should
self-adapt or be adapted to the new context. A
context-aware service is autonomous and tries to
support the user without too much interaction with a
computing device. Several approaches have been
proposed to answer the challenges of mobile and
context-aware service development. However, most
of these approaches merge context information and
context-aware activities with business logic. We
promote context independence by the MDD concerns
separation. Context models are defined
independently of business logic models and context
aware statements are defined in individual
components developed independently of application
We have proposed a model driven context-aware
approach aiming to support service adaptability. The
main features of our approach are:
• Context modeling allows to provide information
and situation which intervene in the process of
service adaptability.
• Services are unaware of their context and the
context aware mechanisms adapt themselves to
the current environment according to the current
context. Context-dependent behaviors are
extracted into "context services" and weaved with
the base service during execution.
• Using model driven development, context models
are built as independent pieces of application
models and at different abstraction levels then
attached by suitable transformation techniques.
Parameterized transformation techniques allow the
binding of context information to a service at a model
level, and therefore, allows specifying which
behavior should be weaved at execution level.
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies