Challenges and Opportunities
George Feuerlicht
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney
P.O. Box 123, Broadway, NSW, 2007, Australia
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Keywords: e-Business interoperability, SOA, e-Business standards.
Abstract: Starting with EDI in the 1970s numerous efforts have been made to facilitate electronic business
communications. Early attempts based on proprietary document formats and VAN (Value Added Networks)
networks have been superseded by a range of international standards that include ebXML, UBL, BODs,
GS1, RosettaNet and numerous other XML-based specifications. While successful in some industry
domains, overall e-business standardization suffers from complexity of the specifications, difficult
customization and limited extensibility leading to expensive implementation and low adoption rates. A
common feature of such e-business standards is their focus on documents as the key artefacts of business
communications and reliance on document engineering methods for the design of the standard
specifications. In this paper we briefly review the main e-business document standards, and then argue that
the document-centric interoperability model underlying most current e-business standards produces
inflexible specifications that are difficult to evolve and maintain. As an alternative to the document-centric
interoperability model we advocate a service-centric approach based on well-designed domain services.
The vision of seamless electronic communications
between organization dates back to the early days of
networking in 1970s. Replacing paper-based
business communications with electronic documents
that can be transmitted at very low cost and acted on
instantly has been the focus of considerable efforts
initially in supply chain situations and later across
entire industry domains. The economic benefits of
reducing the cost and improving the accuracy of
business to business transactions can be
considerable. For example, a study that investigated
the cost of poor interoperability resulting from a lack
of standardization in the US automotive industry
estimated the loss to be about one billion dollars per
year (Brunnermeier and Martin 2002). In a recent
study of the impact of e-business (electronic
business) interoperability Legner et al. compare the
cost of lack of interoperability across various
application domains, including manufacturing and
healthcare management and identifies a range of
interoperability research issues (Legner and
Lebreton 2007). Notwithstanding extensive
standardization efforts over several decades, e–
business interoperability remains an open problem.
Numerous standardisation bodies including
Open Applications Group. 2010), RosettaNet
(www.rosettanet.org 2007) have produced a plethora
of e-business standards in various stages of
completion. Low quality of standard specification
resulting from poorly controlled standardization
process relying on “design by committee” rather
than on an effective design methodology is a
frequent source of ambiguities and complexity
presenting challenges to organizations adopting such
standards. Furthermore, some researchers argue that
availability of a document standard while being an
essential prerequisite is not sufficient to guarantee e-
business interoperability and advocate service-based
interoperability solutions (Feuerlicht 2005; Legner
and Vogel 2008). In this paper we first discuss the
concept of e-business interoperability (section 2),
and then review e-business standardization efforts
identifying their common characteristics and
limitations (section 3). In section 4 we argue that the
document-centric model that forms the basis of most
Feuerlicht G..
E-BUSINESS INTEROPERABILITY - Challenges and Opportunities.
DOI: 10.5220/0003618601930198
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2011), pages 193-198
ISBN: 978-989-8425-70-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
major e-business standard specifications is
fundamentally flawed and that a new service-centric
approach is needed in order to improve the
effectiveness of e-business solutions. In the
following section (section 5) we describe the
service-centric interoperability model, and in section
6 we present our conclusions.
Interoperability requirements of e-business
applications have been exhaustively documented in
the literature (Bussler 2001), (McAfee, Bettiol et al.
2007). According to Bussler interoperability can be
classified into three levels: 1) technical, 2)
information, and 3) business process levels.
Technical level interoperability addresses technical
issues including communication protocols,
programming language environments, and
technology platforms used by individual business
partners. Information level interoperability concerns
data elements transmitted between partner
organizations and can be further classified into:
syntax, structure, and semantic interoperability.
Syntax refers to formats used to represent data
elements (e.g. delimited document formats, XML,
etc.). Structure and semantics of data elements refers
to organization of data elements into compound
structures and the meaning of individual data
elements, respectively. Business process
interoperability is concerned with collaborative
activities between partner organizations. Bussler
classifies business processes into public and private.
A private process represents a flow of business tasks
within an enterprise, while a public process
represents a flow of interactions between business
partners. Business process interoperability is
concerned with public processes that define external
actions that participants perform. Classification of e-
business interoperability into different types (levels)
is shown in Table 1. Other authors use similar
classifications of e-business interoperability and
there is an agreement about the need to develop
standards for all levels of interoperability to fully
automate e-business interactions.
Wide acceptance of XML as a document
formatting standard and the emergence of standard
protocols for delivering document payloads as XML
formatted messages (REST (www.ics.uci.edu 2002),
and Web Services SOAP (WC3 2007)) provide an
effective interoperability solutions for the
technology and syntax levels.
Table 1: Levels of e-business interoperability.
Business Process collaborative activities
between partner
Semantic meaning of individual data
Structure structure of data elements
Syntax document formats
Technology communication protocols
and technology platforms
Most standardization efforts focus on the
remaining interoperability levels and attempt to
address structure, semantic and business process
heterogeneity by specifying standard XML messages
and business process interactions, either for a
specific industry domain (vertical standards) or
across industry domains (horizontal standards).
Examples of vertical standards include RosettaNet
(www.rosettanet.org 2007), Chemical Industry
CIDX (Chemical Information Technology Center)
(Open Application Group 2010), Healthcare HL7
(Health Level 7) (HL7.ORG 2007), and Travel OTA
(Open Travel Alliance) (OTA 2010). Attempts at
all-encompassing horizontal standardization centre
around the UN/CEFACT (UN/CEFACT 2011) Core
Components Technical Specification (CCTS) and
include ebXML (ebXML 2007), UBL 2.0 (OASIS
2011), OAGIS Business Object Documents (BODs)
(The Open Applications Group. 2010) and The
Global Standard One (GS1) XML (European Article
Number (EAN) and the Uniform Commercial Code
(UCC)). We discuss some of these standards in the
following section.
Over the last three decades e-business solutions have
evolved from relatively simple proprietary point-to-
point systems that rely on documents translation to
highly complex XML-based specifications. EDI
(Electronic Data Interchange) (UN/EDIFACT 2010)
was the first attempt to establish e-business
interoperability standard initially using delimited
plain-text documents mainly for procurement,
logistics and finance domains. Communication
between partner organizations is implemented using
VANs (Value-Added Networks) and EDI adapters
that are used to interface internal systems to the
network. While providing an overall framework by
defining a set of common business messages, EDI
requires that the parties agree on the format and
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
content of business documents, with dominant
partners often imposing their standard on smaller
organizations. This leads to fragmentation of the
specification and to proliferation of diverse EDI
versions that are established over time by dominant
partners or groups. Such standards do not scale well
when a large number of organizations is involved as
each new business relationship requires a new set of
message standards and corresponding translation
software that converts internal proprietary data
formats into trading partner-specific standard
messages. The creation of new business messages or
changes to the existing standard message sets are
complex and time consuming activities, as the
modifications have to be approved by
UN/EDIFACT (United Nations/Electronic Data
Interchange For Administration, Commerce and
Transport) standard committees. More recent
versions of EDI use Internet protocols (i.e. HTTP) as
the transport for XML formatted messages. Despite
its well documented limitations EDI use is still
growing (Kabak and Dogac 2010).
Following these early attempts to standardize e-
business interactions with EDI related specifications,
a wave of vertical (industry domain specific) and
horizontal (cross-industry domain) standards
emerged, some with perplexing inter-relationships
and overlapping specifications. We discuss these
standardization efforts in the following sections.
3.1 Vertical Industry Domain
Vertical standardization efforts are typically driven
by industry-domain consortia that produce XML
message specifications and standard process
definitions for a given industry domain. When
compared to horizontal standards, vertical standards
tend to be more narrowly focused and provide
higher levels of interoperability as many of the
concepts and processes are shared across all
participants. Examples of vertical domain standards
include RosettaNet, OTA, and HL7. RosettaNet is a
consortium of major computer and consumer
electronics, semiconductor manufacturing, tele-
communications and logistics companies.
RosettaNet defines standards at three levels:
technology, vocabulary, and process levels, covering
the entire interoperability spectrum described in
Table 1, and supports multiple messaging standards,
including Web Services. RosettaNet uses the
concept of Partner Interface Processes (PIPs) to
define business processes between trading partners.
PIPs define the interfaces between processes running
in different partner organizations that constitute a
supply chain. PIP definitions include message
structure specification and business process logic
that controls the flow of messages. RosettaNet has
been particularly successful in high-technology
supply chain applications, but so far has not gained
wide acceptance outside the high technology sector.
Another example of a vertical standard is the
Open Travel Alliance specification that defines a
comprehensive set of XML message schemas (over
230 message schemas) as the basis for electronic
communications between partner organizations
within the travel industry. The OTA specification
covers all aspects of travel business, including air
travel, cruises, hotel accommodation, car hire, and
travel insurance, with the scope of the specification
continuously expanding. To implement specific
business functions, for example to book a flight,
OTA uses request (RS) and response (RQ) message
pairs that are typically transmitted between parties as
Web Services SOAP messages. OTA standard
messages are widely adopted by companies that
implement travel applications (e.g. Sabre (Sabre
2007)) and follow strict naming conventions and
design guidelines (OTA 2010). OTA messages are
constructed using common data types that form a
repository of reusable XML Schema components.
OTA specification does not directly address business
process interoperability; composing individual Web
Services into process flows using BPEL (Business
Process Execution Language) (Arkin, Askary et al.
2007) could be used to provide such functionality.
3.2 Horizontal Industry Standards
Vertical standards do not fully address the
requirements of e-business application that span
industry domains. Horizontal e-business standards
are designed to be industry domain neutral and
typically deal with much greater scope of
standardization. Horizontal e-business standard-
ization efforts are led by UN/CEFACT with its Core
Components Technical Specification (CCTS). The
main idea underlying the CCTS specification is the
concept of Core Components - context-free reusable
building blocks that are maintained in a common
repository (Core Component Library) and used to
construct business documents. Core Components are
aggregated into Aggregated Core Components
(ACCs) to represent real-world entities (e.g.
Purchase Order). Core Components that are
specialized (adapted) for a specific business context
(for example, a geopolitical context of the European
Union) are called Business Information Entities
(BIEs). Core Components and other CCTS artefacts
are stored in the Core Component Library (CCL)
and are used across a number of standard
specifications as the basis for defining business
documents. These standards include OASIS
E-BUSINESS INTEROPERABILITY - Challenges and Opportunities
Universal Business Language (UBL) 2.0 (OASIS
2011), Open Applications Group Integration
Specification (OAGIS) Business Object Documents
(BODs) (The Open Applications Group. 2010) and
The Global Standard One (GS1) XML (European
Article Number (EAN) and the Uniform
Commercial Code (UCC)). In some cases the
standards have been re-designed for compliance
with the UN/CEFACT CCTS (e.g. OAGIS BODs).
Although all of these standards are based on CCTS
with the aim to ensure maximum flexibility of the
specification, customization and extensibility
features vary considerably from standard to standard
(Kabak and Dogac 2010). Furthermore, some
standards allow documents to contain embedded
command commands that specify the operation to be
executed on the document. For example, OAGIS
BODs introduce the concept of Nouns (documents)
and Verbs (actions) with verb-noun combinations
specifying the action to be performed on the object,
e.g. CancelOrder. Multiple Nouns can be associated
with a single verb, allowing for the same action to be
performed on multiple documents. GS1 XML
documents contain Commands (Add, Delete,
Refresh) and Transactions that support the execution
of multiple Commands within the scope of a single
A common characteristic of the interoperability
approaches described in the previous section
(section 3) is that they adopt the document-centric
interoperability model characterized by shipping
business documents between partner systems. The
original motivation for the document-centric
approach was the need to overcome technology level
heterogeneity; as documents provide a level of
abstraction that allows business interactions based
on the mutual understanding of data semantics
without the need for compatible technology
platforms (i.e. no direct interoperability between the
partner systems is needed as the receiving partner is
responsible for mapping the documents into
transactions against the target system). As noted in
section 2, standard protocols (i.e. Web Service
SOAP or REST) address technical level
interoperability making this approach unnecessary
The principal limitation of the document-centric
approach is its tendency to use large and complex
documents that often mirror the original paper-based
forms, as message payloads. Messages typically
include all the information needed to perform a
particular business function without any reference to
information already received. While such stateless
interactions reduce the number of messages needed
to implement a particular business function,
improving reliability in failure-prone high latency
network environments, the externalization of
complex data structures introduces high levels of
data coupling (Feuerlicht 2007). The message
payloads form the interface between e-business
applications and introduce interdependencies,
making changes to standard documents difficult to
perform without causing undesirable side-effects
that invalidate existing applications. Design of
standard documents is typically based on Document
Engineering (Glushko and McGrath 2008) or similar
methods that construct documents by identifying and
aggregating common data elements, e.g.
UN/CEFACT CCTS Core Components. Embedding
aggregated Core Component structures into multiple
business documents causes high levels of data
coupling with corresponding impact on applications
when the specification evolves. Embedding complex
data structures formed by aggregation of core
components (ACCs, etc) in business documents is
promoted in Document Engineering literature as a
technique for achieving reuse, but this approach
differs fundamentally from software reuse as it
applies to software engineering (e.g. in the
programming context). It can be argued that the use
of aggregated data structures implicit in the
document-centric approach limits, rather than
enhances reuse.
Service-centric approach provides an alternative
interoperability model by changing the level of
abstraction from document interchange to a
programmatic approach based on well-defined APIs
(Application Service Interfaces). Unlike documents,
procedures (i.e. service operations) typically
implement specific business functions and use
simple data parameters as procedure signatures (i.e.
service interfaces). Service interfaces can be
designed to limit externalization of data and to avoid
creating unnecessary interdependencies between
services. Encapsulating data structures and
externalizing method signatures (i.e. interfaces of
service operation) that constitute a stable contract
between the service provider and the service
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
consumer results in improved stability and ability to
accommodate change. Software engineering
principles can be applied to the design of service
interfaces maximizing cohesion and minimizing
service coupling. This limits the impact of changes
to a small number of services improving the stability
and maintainability of services, (Feuerlicht 2004).
Extensibility is supported by versioning individual
service interfaces rather than the entire specification
as is the case in most document-centric standards
(e.g. OTA).
There are two key requirements for achieving
information-level interoperability for service-centric
e-business applications in a particular domain: 1)
standardization of all data elements (i.e. a domain-
wide vocabulary standard) and 2) standardization of
service interfaces. Without a domain-wide service
interface standard, equivalent services published by
different providers will not be compatible, placing
the burden for resolving the inconsistencies on
service consumers. Such domain-specific service
interfaces are conceptually similar to APIs that are
used extensively in programming environments (e.g.
JDBC, or ODBC for database access). The
abstraction level of standardized, domain-specific
APIs is closely related to business processes in the
particular domain, so that the APIs constitute a
programming environment for developing domain-
specific applications. For example, a travel
application could be implemented using a
specialized set of travel APIs based on the OTA
specification, but with low granularity service
operations that perform airline flight bookings, hotel
reservations, car rentals, and other travel related
transactions. Unlike the current practice of using
OTA based Web Services as a transport mechanism
for OTA messages, this approach relies on a well-
designed domain-specific programming language as
the basis for developing travel applications.
The emergence of SOA (Service-Oriented
Architecture) and related technologies (Web
Services, REST services, etc.) has created an
opportunity to address e-business interoperability
using a new paradigm. So far, most e-business
solutions use Web Services (or REST services)
primarily as a transport layer for the delivery of
standard documents, failing to take full advantage of
the service-oriented approach. Faster and
significantly more reliable network connectivity
available today makes it possible to design lower
granularity services that closely correspond to
atomic business functions. This reduces the problem
of managing complex document standards to a more
manageable task of standardizing service interfaces
(i.e. service APIs) for a given application domain.
Such domain-specific service APIs are conceptually
similar to APIs that are used extensively in
programming environments. The key difference
between document-centric and service-centric
interoperability models is that service APIs can be
designed to minimize interdependencies by
encapsulating message data structures and
externalizing stable service interfaces that constitute
a contract between the service provider and the
service consumer. Regarding domain standardization
as a software project rather than an effort to define
message structures for data interchange enables the
deployment of proven software development
methodologies resulting in a more stable and flexible
specification. As is the case with other complex
software projects, the ability to design standard
specifications from software modules (i.e. services
and service operations) that can evolve
independently enhances the flexibility of the
specification and provides a solid basis for
accommodating future requirements.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the
Grant Agency, Czech Republic - GACR Grant No.
GA406011, P403/11/0574 and of the Research
Centre for Human Centered Technology Design at
the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
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ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business